Missing Trust Points?

Carrion Crown

The Exchange

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I am confused. For some reason I am only coming up with 8 trust points that can earned. There are a million ways to loose them, but few ways to gain them. And cannot seem to figure out how the player could possibly get 31 points. What am I missing?

You are correct, that mechanic is flawed. Look around, this is, I think, the third topic about Trust points and it is indeed impossible to reach 36 Points (and nigh impossible 31) and we're still waiting for an official input on this problem.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Lord Refa wrote:
I am confused. For some reason I am only coming up with 8 trust points that can earned. There are a million ways to loose them, but few ways to gain them. And cannot seem to figure out how the player could possibly get 31 points. What am I missing?

Places to earn trust points include:


Talking the initial mob out of the fight: +1 (page 12)
Giving a moving speech at the burial: +1 (page 12)
Stopping Gibs without killing him: +2 (page 22)
Befriending the kids: +1 (page 23)
Saving the town hall from the fire: +3 (page 25)
Directing crowd in fire to safety/saving at least one victim from the fire: +1 (page 25)
Letting the moneylenders know that they have an ioun stone for sale: +4 (page 62)

So that implies a maximum score of +13, which still isn't enough to get you to 36. What happened? A simple math error compounded by a miscommunication—the trust mechanic was added to the adventure late during development as a way to track PC success in befriending the town. As a result, I just didn't put enough trust awards into the adventure, unfortunately. A simple solution would be to simply double all of the trust awards in the adventure (with the exception of the ioun stone one).

A better solution would be this one: Another element that was intended to be put into the adventure but got left out was the suggestion that GMs award trust points to the PCs whenever they do something above and beyond what's in the adventure to help the town. Providing healing for free to townsfolk, befrending people by making townsfolk helpful via Diplomacy, and being generous with money are all great ways to earn trust point awards of +1 here and there.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

That all said... while it's unfortunate we didn't double check our math on this one... not being able to reach the highest trust level doesn't prevent the PCs from successfully completing the adventure.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I like that there is room for the GM to hand out Trust Points at his discretion. The PCs will inevitably do a few things outside the scope of what is written.

i've added other scenarios and encounters that have caused the players to gain trust (IE buying everyone in the tavern several rounds).

At the same time I've unknowingly to the players given them a way not to lose trust points each day. When they return to town they need to present what they have found. Bringing items from harrowstone helps in whatever roll they choose (Bluff or Diplomacy). If they make the rolls they lose nothing. If they fail, they loose a trust point.

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deinol wrote:
I like that there is room for the GM to hand out Trust Points at his discretion. The PCs will inevitably do a few things outside the scope of what is written.

If they don't I'm more than happy to see them not gain the maximum as well.

Dark Archive

Pre Easter bump

Lord Refa wrote:
I am confused. For some reason I am only coming up with 8 trust points that can earned. There are a million ways to loose them, but few ways to gain them. And cannot seem to figure out how the player could possibly get 31 points. What am I missing?

I have started a thread for GM's with suggestions on dealing with the trust deficit and fleshing out some side plots for Ravengro


deinol wrote:
I like that there is room for the GM to hand out Trust Points at his discretion. The PCs will inevitably do a few things outside the scope of what is written.

This is especially true if you elect to run with the slow advancement rate and to liberally insert additional encounters and challenges into the adventure path.

Grand Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:

A better solution would be this one: Another element that was intended to be put into the adventure but got left out was the suggestion that GMs award trust points to the PCs whenever they do something above and beyond what's in the adventure to help the town. Providing healing for free to townsfolk, befrending people by making townsfolk helpful via Diplomacy, and being generous with money are all great ways to earn trust point awards of +1 here and there.

Yep - I am surprised it needed to be spelled out though. This should be a normal part of any GM experience - tweaking as you go with your own modifiers that aren't specifically spelled out in the book.

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The bard in our group gained extra trust points because he is working with Councilwoman Faravan on a land purchase. He is building contacts in the grainary and the brewery, and posted employment notices. He is also performing in the Outward Inn as Sarianna's performance schedule allows. By showing that he is planning on setting down roots in town a lot of folks have opened up to him.
Our Paladin, who is a smith, secured a job working at the forge with Jorfa. The professor's funeral was Pharast 16 (random), so Planting Week officially begins this Fireday and she needs extra help. He spends his days repairing farm equipment, working with Jorfa and her assistants. Another trust building opportunity...
If you view Ravengro as a living, breathing town then the PC's actions may provide realistic opportunities to grow trust. Award them as you see fit while working within the intention of the system provided.

Liberty's Edge

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While our group has been working on their investigations and keeps hitting dead ends, one of the characters has decided that in any downtime he has he is going to start trying to do some of the little jobs and errands posted on the notice boards around town. The group doesn't have the trust to have the villagers be friendly, nor the talking skills to fake it to help get them that way, so this seemed like a great plan to make the villagers think of him as someone a bit more friendly, even if its not exactly using 'heroic' skills.

Silver Crusade

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I was also puzzled by this, but saw where folks can earn trust by "respecting the townsfolk" and so have been awarding trust for good roleplaying convincing the Sheriff to trust them, etc. Also the party Ragner was determined to gain entry to the temple of Pharasma's records, and so has been having nightly "Pray-offs" with Father Grimburrow to see who can kneel in devotion the longest. (I have them both make fortitude saves vs. excessive prayer.) I've been awarding him a trust point for each evening. It is also a great way to break up the party in preparation for some zombie shenannigans.


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