PaizoCon question: Newbie / Intro game?

PaizoCon General Discussion

I'm a long time D&D player who has recently become somewhat disenchanted with the direction WoTC has taken the game. On a suggestion, I picked up the Pathfinder core rulebook and I like what I see. I haven't had a chance to play it yet however and am wondering if any newbie/intro events will be held at PaizoCon. I live in the Seattle area so Bellevue is very convenient for me. Thanks in advance!

Just a note... I went directly from 2e AD&D to 4e, missed 3.0-3.5 altogether.


In the past there have been games run by fans focusing on gamers new to the system. Once we get closer to the convention date, we'll be announcing events.

Also, moved thread to the PaizoCon forum. :)

I stayed with my sister last year, and my nephew was intrigued by all my stories. He may be coming this year for the games, but would need something like this to get started. So +1 and pre-thanks for any who run such a game.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I am arriving Thursday and will be attending the Meet and Greet at the Crabpot.

I would be happy to run the intro module Master of the Fallen Fortress on Thursday night prior to the Con. This is relatively short module for new 1st level characters. You will get 1XP for it, but there are no Faction missions as this takes place before your characters joined the Pathfinder Society.

You can create a new character, or run one of the pregens and make your character afterwards. I have one other player who may be interested, so I will reserve a spot for him.

I'm not planning any special intro games, but I am always happy to explain the game to any new player who comes to my tables, regardless of age.

Paizo Employee CEO

I also know that Hyrum and Mark are planning to have an intro to the Pathfinder Society 3 adventure arch which will be for 1st level done sometime this summer, but I forget whether it will be for Paizocon or GenCon.


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Lisa Stevens wrote:

I also know that Hyrum and Mark are planning to have an intro to the Pathfinder Society 3 adventure arch which will be for 1st level done sometime this summer, but I forget whether it will be for Paizocon or GenCon.


That intro arc set to come out at the end of July, right before Gen Con, as it will tie in heavily with some of the new developments in the campaign starting next season.

BUT! There will be a lot of low-level Pathfinder Society games that someone new to the system could easily join. I've found that most players are very helpful in getting newbies up to speed and answering questions. It turns out, almost everyone playing the game was taught by some other generous soul, and most people are happy to pay it forward.

Well the good thing about missing 3rd edition D&D was that with pathfinder is pretty much the same game but simplified it. And I love the world that they built for the game..I like it because it is alot more adult..Great job developers.

Scarab Sages

Trollish wrote:

I'm a long time D&D player who has recently become somewhat disenchanted with the direction WoTC has taken the game. On a suggestion, I picked up the Pathfinder core rulebook and I like what I see. I haven't had a chance to play it yet however and am wondering if any newbie/intro events will be held at PaizoCon. I live in the Seattle area so Bellevue is very convenient for me. Thanks in advance!

Just a note... I went directly from 2e AD&D to 4e, missed 3.0-3.5 altogether.

I'm pretty sure there will be some official Paizo games geared specifically toward newcomers.

That said, however, I've got a super-short (1-2 hour) adventure I once wrote for 3.5, specifically geared toward teaching the rules to people who've never seen them. (Which ironically makes it a lot more dice-heavy than most of what I run).

Anyway, I could easily update it to Pathfinder and run it either Thursday night or Friday morning or something, outside of the other games, if anyone is interested.

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