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Everyone has heard of these lists for books, movies, locations to visit, etc, so I figured why isnt there one for comics/graphic novels?
If there already is a good one, then my apologies, lol.
Anyway, I'll start off with a few of my favorites ( I think all of what Im listing is DC, but feel free to add other companies as well, obviously):
1. Identity Crisis: Easily the best graphic novel Ive ever read.
2. Kingdom Come
3. Watchmen
4. V for Vendetta
5. Last Will and Testament (for the part where Bruce calls Alfred 'dad'.)

ShinHakkaider |

56) Astro City : Confessions
57) Astro City : Tarnished Angel
58) Daredevil : Born Again
(Easily one of the best Daredevil arcs EVER. I'm some one who believes that you dont really know who you are until you've been broken down to your essence. That means having everything stripped away from you and usually pushed to your breaking point. With this story more so than with Miller's Daredevil/Elektra work in his earlier run, we find out out who Matt Murdock is. And WHY he fights.)
59) Leigon of SuperHeroes : The Great Darkness Saga
(I read this when I was much, much younger in pamphlet form and have made sure to always have a copy of this in my collection. I'm a huge Marvel guy but I remember telling all of my friends that Darkseid was really, REALLY what all cosmic level villains should aspire to. I mean the thing with swapping Daxam to a solar system with a yellow sun in order to have billions of superman level soldiers? D000000d...)
60 & 61) Black Panther : The Client and Enemy of the State
(Listing them together because theyre actually one big story arc although it's not apparent until the middle of the second volume I think. Possibly, aside from the Don McGregor stories in Jungle Action, the BEST run of the character EVER. For one ofthe first times it really places T'Challa on par with Tony Stark and Victor Von Doom in terms of honor, intelligence and ruthlessness.)

Dragonsong |

I'm really very surprised that, in this assembled group, no one has mentioned The Crow, nor The Boys, nor the Fall of Cthulhu run. I know they aren't exactly Marvel/DC, but this is some brilliant stuff. Nightly News? Pax Romana?
While I enjoy Fall of Cthulhu
and Moore's Neonomicon
and Wormwood gentleman corpse
and Crossed
and I have Dawn and Her Horned God tattooed on my back (the retail and trades covers of Cry for Dawn#6)
Not everyone who posts on this forum is over 17 and I tried to keep my list PG-13. It's why I debated about Northlanders and Girls and ultimately didn't add them.
As to the Crow *braces for the fanboi s$%& storm*
Its an almost complete hack of the movie the Wraith with Sherilyn Fenn (pre Twin Peaks) & Charlie Sheen (pre tiger blood winning) and as, IMO, one of the most obvious hacks ever done wouldn't make it on to my top 101 list.
I like it and all but nope.

Freehold DM |

That Old Guy wrote:I'm really very surprised that, in this assembled group, no one has mentioned The Crow, nor The Boys, nor the Fall of Cthulhu run. I know they aren't exactly Marvel/DC, but this is some brilliant stuff. Nightly News? Pax Romana?
While I enjoy Fall of Cthulhu
and Moore's Neonomicon
and Wormwood gentleman corpse
and Crossedand I have Dawn and Her Horned God tattooed on my back (the retail and trades covers of Cry for Dawn#6)
Not everyone who posts on this forum is over 17 and I tried to keep my list PG-13. It's why I debated about Northlanders and Girls and ultimately didn't add them.
As to the Crow *braces for the fanboi s$%& storm*
Its an almost complete hack of the movie the Wraith with Sherilyn Fenn (pre Twin Peaks) & Charlie Sheen (pre tiger blood winning) and as, IMO, one of the most obvious hacks ever done wouldn't make it on to my top 101 list.
I like it and all but nope.
This is stuff you are supposed to read before you die. Let's go with the hopeful idea that you die as we all should- old and wealthy- and so can enjoy something with a bit of cheesecake or excess blood because you are over the age of 18 and therefore are magically capable of handling such "mature themes".

That Old Guy |

I can get the objection, Dragonsong. Makes sense.
Not to argue, but it does throw me off a bit that you see The Crow as a hack of The Wraith. I had never heard of it, so I went looking. This was apparently a B list movie that released in `86... but O'Barr was working on The Crow 5 years prior to that.

Dragonsong |

I can get the objection, Dragonsong. Makes sense.
Not to argue, but it does throw me off a bit that you see The Crow as a hack of The Wraith. I had never heard of it, so I went looking. This was apparently a B list movie that released in `86... but O'Barr was working on The Crow 5 years prior to that.
Edited: There is a lot of hyperbole out there about his starting date but it was not published until 89 so it is seriously ponder-able that he mythologized his creation date.

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

99) Old Man Logan by Millar(Wolverine-Hawkeye set in the future)
I think the definition of a graphic novel has been stretched greatly in this thread. I know some trades capture entire story arcs from a regular run, but ridiculous company wide events like 52? Eh.
Look at the thread title again.