Venture-Captain & Lodge stuff

Society Scenario Submissions

Liberty's Edge

Ok, looking at writing my first scenario query, and as suggested in the open call, I've read a couple scenarios and played in a couple. I'll probably GM my first one or two in the next few months.

Now with the query, I'm sure I can be suitably vague with the lodge and the venture captain who's giving the pathfinders their assignment.

But I've been doing research and there is no noted lodge directly in the nation I wanted to write my adventure.

Is this an issue? Should creating a new lodge be part of the module?

This may seem like a silly question, and perhaps I need to read more modules to get a general feel of how the lodge and venture captains are presented. If that is the case, I can certainly do the research.

But if there is an easier answer, I'm all ears (or rather eyes since I guess I'll be reading the responses.)

Shadow Lodge

Here's an easy answer for you:

There are quite a few adventures in exotic locations that start in Absalom with a venture captain there sending the players on their way before being red-lined a la Indiana Jones to their destination.

Liberty's Edge

AxeMurder0 wrote:

Here's an easy answer for you:

There are quite a few adventures in exotic locations that start in Absalom with a venture captain there sending the players on their way before being red-lined a la Indiana Jones to their destination.

Ah, ok... so I don't necessarily have to figure out a local venture captain or lodge in one way or another.


Grand Lodge

You should be sure to check out Seekers of Secrets, however. It details a lot of the lodges and Venture-Captains, and is part of the Core Assumption.

Liberty's Edge

K Neil Shackleton wrote:
You should be sure to check out Seekers of Secrets, however. It details a lot of the lodges and Venture-Captains, and is part of the Core Assumption.

I do own that book, and yes, it is one of the resources I looked through. Which is why I was asking the above question. Because this book, and the online Wiki page, didn't indicate a lodge for every nation or region of nations.

But it looks like i have my answer above.

Thanks for all your folks help!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

While showing that you know where to find little details of world canon like this is important, the focus of an open call submission should be first on wowing me with your awesome adventure idea, creative encounter design, and overall writing ability. Changing what venture-captain initiated the mission or what lodge the PCs set out from are both easy changes that can be made upon assignment of the full scenario.

The Exchange

To add to Mark's post

Unless the VC is the crucial linchpin of the adventure, that's just fluff. Focus on what the PCs do, why they do it, what's the challenges they will face, why is your submission unique/different from other scenarios?

Things like links with the current meta-plot, specific details, and elements that embellish the adventure can be changed later. I would so far as to count most combat as part of this fluff.

Try to reduce your idea (for yourself) to the most basic, simplest idea. I mean super basic. "The PCs travel to a remote area to meet a recluse" that's the simplest, most basic thing you can have. Anything you stack on it, is meat and can change.
-The location can be changed
-The reason can be changed
-The "Hirer" can be changed
-The personality of the target can be changed
-The details of the journey can be changed
But your basic assumption remains the same.

I'll admit that, it is difficult to really separate these elements, one gets better at it with time. Those elements you *REALLY* want in there you can then add and put emphasis on.

That said, I am not the man in charge, but I think those are things he looks at.

Just a few random thoughts...

Grand Lodge

JP Chapleau wrote:

To add to Mark's post

Unless the VC is the crucial linchpin of the adventure, that's just fluff. Focus on what the PCs do, why they do it, what's the challenges they will face, why is your submission unique/different from other scenarios?

Things like links with the current meta-plot, specific details, and elements that embellish the adventure can be changed later. I would so far as to count most combat as part of this fluff.

Try to reduce your idea (for yourself) to the most basic, simplest idea. I mean super basic. "The PCs travel to a remote area to meet a recluse" that's the simplest, most basic thing you can have. Anything you stack on it, is meat and can change.
-The location can be changed
-The reason can be changed
-The "Hirer" can be changed
-The personality of the target can be changed
-The details of the journey can be changed
But your basic assumption remains the same.

I'll admit that, it is difficult to really separate these elements, one gets better at it with time. Those elements you *REALLY* want in there you can then add and put emphasis on.

That said, I am not the man in charge, but I think those are things he looks at.

Just a few random thoughts...

As someone who has written for other organized play campaigns, I would go so far as to change the 'can' from all of the above to a 'probably will'. It's truly amazing how much will change within just a few minutes of setting pen to paper or finger to keyboard.

I once had a character whose sole purpose was to deliver the invitation to a party to get them started in a series of mods. Shortly thereafter he informed me that not only was he coming along, but he was a major character.

Keep it fairly simple. Describe the story you want to tell and how you expect to get from point a, through point b, and onto point c.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Moreland wrote:
While showing that you know where to find little details of world canon like this is important, the focus of an open call submission should be first on wowing me with your awesome adventure idea, creative encounter design, and overall writing ability. Changing what venture-captain initiated the mission or what lodge the PCs set out from are both easy changes that can be made upon assignment of the full scenario.

I agree, thanks Mark. I think I have enough to go on to put together a query.

Liberty's Edge

JP Chapleau wrote:

To add to Mark's post

Unless the VC is the crucial linchpin of the adventure, that's just fluff. Focus on what the PCs do, why they do it, what's the challenges they will face, why is your submission unique/different from other scenarios?

Things like links with the current meta-plot, specific details, and elements that embellish the adventure can be changed later. I would so far as to count most combat as part of this fluff.

Try to reduce your idea (for yourself) to the most basic, simplest idea. I mean super basic. "The PCs travel to a remote area to meet a recluse" that's the simplest, most basic thing you can have. Anything you stack on it, is meat and can change.
-The location can be changed
-The reason can be changed
-The "Hirer" can be changed
-The personality of the target can be changed
-The details of the journey can be changed
But your basic assumption remains the same.

I'll admit that, it is difficult to really separate these elements, one gets better at it with time. Those elements you *REALLY* want in there you can then add and put emphasis on.

That said, I am not the man in charge, but I think those are things he looks at.

Just a few random thoughts...

This is definitely good advice. Sometimes narrowing down your list of ideas to a core concept is the most difficult thing about writing a organized play scenario. Obviously, not everything can fit within 4 hours of play.

The Exchange

Andrew Christian wrote:
This is definitely good advice. Sometimes narrowing down your list of ideas to a core concept is the most difficult thing about writing a organized play scenario. Obviously, not everything can fit within 4 hours of play.

I can help if you want.


Liberty's Edge

JP Chapleau wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
This is definitely good advice. Sometimes narrowing down your list of ideas to a core concept is the most difficult thing about writing a organized play scenario. Obviously, not everything can fit within 4 hours of play.

I can help if you want.


I appreciate the offer. Lets see what I can come up with once I sit down and start writing (this weekend seems like the time to do it). If I need your help, and I might, I'll give you a shout.

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