How do you pronounce Coeurl?

Legacy of Fire

I'm not so much taking a poll, as interesting as that may be, as asking, Is there a correct pronunciation of Coeurl? If van Vogt never gave a pronunciation, was there a consensus of how staff said it in-house?

Guidance here will remove a little pebble that has been wearing in the shoe of mind for some time. Why did I wait so long to ask?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

I'm not so much taking a poll, as interesting as that may be, as asking, Is there a correct pronunciation of Coeurl? If van Vogt never gave a pronunciation, was there a consensus of how staff said it in-house?

Guidance here will remove a little pebble that has been wearing in the shoe of mind for some time. Why did I wait so long to ask?

This is how I approach it:

The 'oe' sounds like the 'eu' the French word neuf. If you know french this makes sense. If not, then try pronouncing like coo-earl but mash it up into one syllable not two.

Heck, your player's won't know if you are pronouncing it right either so no worries! *wink*

Sovereign Court

Coeur (heart) + L

Sounds a bit like curl

Oh wait, you said you didn't want a poll...

Yeah, I appreciate the ideas. Coeur + L makes sense to me, but it is easier to say coeur-rul than coeurl. Also Coe (in Classical Latin=) KOI-url makes sense to me.

I'd been saying "curl" without thinking about it; once I thought about it, my curiosity demanded satisfaction. And if curiosity tries to kill this cat, well, it's tentacle time, baby!

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