Is Bloodsworn Retribution Overpowered?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion


I only recently discovered this spell. I'm really not sure if this is balanced.

Say Belkar the ranger (rangers are best class for this spell. Oracles, paladins and clerics get divine favor/power already)
takes 25 points of damage and swears to defeat the evil lich.

That's +5 to any check, attack etc not just against said lich, but anything relating to finding and killing him. Everything. The spell doesn't even have a duration.

I know 25 points of health seems alot but considering pally's can swift heal and ranger's can dump dex (if twf) between good con scores, favored class bonues and belts of physical perfection is it really a good enough sacrifice for such a powerful spell?

Where is the spell located? I can't find it in the APG or GMG.


PFSRD. From the dwarves book

The damage you take can't be healed until the oath is fulfilled (or you willingly end it). I think that's worth getting some bonuses.

To help discussion:

Dwarves of Golarion wrote:

Bloodsworn Retribution
School necromancy; Level cleric/oracle 6, paladin 4, ranger 4 (Dranngvit)
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (your blood)
Range personal
Target you
Duration special (see text)

When you cast this spell, you cut yourself and swear an oath of retribution on your own blood. You decide how much damage you want to take from this attack, up to 25 points. This damage cannot be healed for as long as the spell is in effect. Anytime you perform an attack, save, or check that is directly related to the oath and brings you closer to the fulfillment of that oath, you gain a morale bonus to that roll equal to the number of hit points of damage you took from the oath divided by 5. The GM is the final arbiter over whether or not an action qualifies for this bonus. When you fulfill the oath (or choose to forsake it), the spell ends, and the lost hit points can be healed as normal.

For example, a notorious bandit leader killed Stigur’s brother, and Stigur wants to avenge his brother’s death. Stigur casts this spell and sacrifices 20 hit points. Thereafter Stigur gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls against the bandit leader’s minions, saves against spells from said minions, Intimidate checks to coerce an informant to tell him where the bandit leader is camped, and so on.

The only reason, IMHO, it would be overpowered is if your DM allowed you to willingly forsake it today (so you could take care of this necessary side quest with your full complement of HPs), but recast the spell tomorrow when you're back on track.

Otherwise, it seems like the bonuses are relatively normal for spells at that level. It's only going to be useful in certain situations (subject to your DM's discretion). The penalties, however, apply across the board. Plus it adds a nice bit of fluff to your character and your world.

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