OOC - Gullinbursti's Serpents Skull

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Hi guys, since we look like we'll be starting in the near future I thought I should start an actual ooc channel for us to talk in. Normally at this point I'd say link you character sheets but it appears that paizo has solved that issue for me the bastards :)

Just going to test the dice roller...

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

3d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3, 6) + 4 = 14

2d4 + 3d8 - 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + (5, 1, 5) - 3 = 12

Male Half-Orc Druid 1 560 xp

Fugg checkin in.

I'll wait until this evening, about 5-6hrs away for me, until I add the IC channel just so people have a chance to finish their characters and double check my brand of crazy so they know whats going on :)

I may jump this gun though and begin early but that'd only because I'm very fired up for this at the moment :)

Oh and this will be the definite starting positions for the game :)

The Beach

Testing, testing, I'm an npc :)

Male Half-Elf HP 7/7, AC-12/T-12/FF-10, F+0/R+2/W+3, Init+2, Per+2

Just posting to flag the thread. Looking forward to starting!

Male Half-Orc Druid 1 560 xp

I'm all ready as far as crunch goes, gotta wait to get home before I can do the full background, but the gist of it will be that Fugg was a dumb half-Orc in an Orc tribe and they left him in the wilderness where Fugg gained the respect of the wild and was granted his Druidic powers. Now he fights any whom he believes defiled the wilderness.

Bashhorn my rhino is not on the map.

Dark Archive

Ah, see I knew I forgot something, I'll add BH to the map in a few minutes and repost it :)

I also like Lydran's new avatar picy, looks very spiffy :)

Oh, also figured out how to change my original avatars names to something otehr then my real name (I think it was set to my real name thanks to some .pdf purchasing) so now Jormungandr is the GMs name rather then Gullinbursti :)

Damn I'm using way too many smileys ;)

Dark Archive

New and improved map that includes a Rhino named Bashhorn

Beach Awakening

Oh and for orientation of the map, e19 would be north :)

Dark Archive

Oh, I know I'm posting way too much but I blame my enthusiasm, but I thought it might be good to add an example post so that we can all post on the same page...

Barric Ironbrow blinked wearily as he stumbled to his feet, the glare from the ocean and white beach sand causing him to squint as he looked around. He grunted as he noticed the monstrous sea beasts attacking his shipmates but decided that grabbing his kit from the pile on the sand to his left would be better then charging heedlessly into the fray.

Moving as quickly as he could he dashed across the sands and leaned down grabbing his axe from the pile before turning to glare at the foul monsters of the deep.

ooc actions:
Since Barric doesn't have many options when unarmed he'll stand this turn and move to f8 and collect his axe

Dark Archive

Second example...

Barric, his arm stinging from the swipe he'd just taken from the sea scorpion stepped forward into the reach of the beasts claws hoping it didn't think to sting him before he cracked its carapace.

ooc action:
Since the damn sea scorpion attacked me last turn I'm going to stay where I am and try to hack the thing apart with my axe.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 181d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Alright so I hit the AC 14 bastard with my 18, and I hacked it for 7dmg going right over its 4hp :D booyah I'm a rockin' dwarf hacking machine

Swing downwards with all the force he could muster Barric drove the edge of his axe down through the carapace of the beast and directly into what passed for its brain. The beast thrashed for a moment as Barric worked his axe loose and grinned as he turned to face the remaining beasties.

Male Half-Elf HP 7/7, AC-12/T-12/FF-10, F+0/R+2/W+3, Init+2, Per+2

Nice writing, sir! I think I'm a bit envious.

I was wondering if our characters would have any time on board the ship the ship before the adventure starts, since it seems like we're on a beach in the first encounter. I'm kind of curious about some of the other passengers listed in the player's guide. In particular, Lydran would have tried to converse with Ieana (a fellow scholar) about the Sargavan ruins she's visiting and about the history of Sargava and the Mwangi expanse (and maybe tried to flirt a little). He'd be intrigued by the exotic nature if Ishirou, and would have made at least a few attempts to converse with him about his homeland, and he would have tried to find out why Jask Derindi was imprisoned. If he couldn't find out from any of the crew (or if his offense seemed interesting enough) he would have tried to speak politely with Jask once or twice, but would not press the matter on account of the captain's insistence of his isolation.

Dark Archive

I'm a fan of launching a game in media res but I'm also happy to begin the game with some roleplay so I'll do a bit of a write up and throw that open to get things rolling for a day or two :)

Dark Archive

Oh, also just though I should ask, who has read the AP? I'm not fussed because secrets are for characters not players, at least that's the school of thought I follow on the matter but I'm just curious. Hopefully at least a couple of you so I can nudge you if we begin wandering too far afield (not that that's a bad thing either, I've run Werewolf the Forsaken games that have ended up being almost post-apocalyptic survivalist type games thanks to the players actions and just rolling with 'em. Heh, loved that game, the major changes to the setting started with a player deciding he didn't want to stay in prison overnight for starting a bar fight :D ).

Male Half-Elf HP 7/7, AC-12/T-12/FF-10, F+0/R+2/W+3, Init+2, Per+2

I haven't read the AP word for word, but I've browsed it. I'm familiar with the basic plot it follows and a few of the major NPCs, but I'm doing my best to simply act as my character would, without making use of OOC knowledge, but honestly the first thing I usually read when I get a new AP is all of the flavor that comes right after the actual adventures, so you can expect me to be fairly familiar with, for example, the religion of Gozreh or the ecology of a certain type of creature.

Dark Archive

Heh, just mucking around to make a location picture...

The Jenivere

Ignore the german flag, my photoshop skills are still lacking :P

Dark Archive

Alrighty,IC Thread is up now, time to get some roleplaying in before the ship goes astray :)

Dark Archive

Also if I make any mistakes on describing the areas of the ship blame my quick internet research combined with ideas coming from Hollywood influences. As any of the players feel free to either describe what you're doing aboard the ship at the moment or feel free to appriach any of the NPCs and begin chatting them up :)

Male Half-Orc Druid 1 560 xp

I read the players guide like 6 months ago when I tried to get into a PBP but didn't make the cut so I'm completely blind going in.

Dark Archive

I was just making some notes about the characters and I noticed the following...

Fugg still has a spare trait, also could I grab a preferred deity for him please :) (I understand if you haven't been able to have a look at the player's guide traits yet though)

Asmodeus would be upset about how his name is spelled by Lydran :P

Could I please grab a preferred deity for Aldon Rook :)

Male Half-Orc Druid 1 560 xp
Jörmungandr wrote:

I was just making some notes about the characters and I noticed the following...

Fugg still has a spare trait, also could I grab a preferred deity for him please :) (I understand if you haven't been able to have a look at the player's guide traits yet though)

Asmodeus would be upset about how his name is spelled by Lydran :P

Could I please grab a preferred deity for Aldon Rook :)

Yeah that trait spot is open for when I get a chance to review te players guide.

As for deity I would have to go with Gozreh

Dark Archive

Not a problem :)

Dark Archive

I wish as a PbP GM that the avatars would be updated after every AP was released with avatars of all the NPCs included in the product (the ones that have artwork that is) since I can't make my own avatars.

Dark Archive

Yay :)

Just noticed the first IC post :)

Male Halfling Rogue 1

I also wish there were a bit more choice in the avatars. Try finding a halfling that doesn't look like, well, Lem.

As to the AP, I know there are snake people involved, that it doesn't take place at sea, and that one of the module has a lot more authors than originally advertised, which seems like a bad sign for that particular installment. Off to the IC thread!

Dark Archive

Fun fact, doing some quick reading before describing Bashhorn in the hold of the ship, a group of rhinos are either called a herd or, and this is the part I like, a crash.

"Oh, look a stampeding crash of rhinoceros are coming to trample us to death" is not only something fun to write but also correct English.


Also I kid you not but rhinoceros, rhinoceri, rhinoceroses, or rhinoceroi can be the plural as in "One rhinoceros, two rhinoceroses etc."

I'm here, On EST, I work 10-630 est, thats normally when I post, I'll check it in the evenings before i go to bed around midnight

Dark Archive

Not a problem, speed will wane, I'm just very eager at the moment because the players and atmosphere on these forums are much more to my liking then some I've encountered in my time as a PbP Rper :)

Dark Archive

Oh also just so people know, I have no problems with what dikordant did as Fugg. If as a player you'd liek to make a skill roll to do something you don't need to clear it with me, just chuck the dice and remember to keep it congruent with the story.

I might frown if it was something like...

"Hey Sasha, I know we're fairly neutral to one another but would you like to make some babies?"
OOC: rolled over fifteen.
Sasha and Leo the Studly go and make some babies while a bard provides the soundtrack.

though now I do want to hear some seventies porn soundtracks recorded on a mandolin, harp and lute.

Dark Archive

Oh, and I'm probably going to pass out in a few minutes, feel free to interact among one another and ignore those NPCs while I'm sleeping :)

Male Half-Elf HP 7/7, AC-12/T-12/FF-10, F+0/R+2/W+3, Init+2, Per+2

Sorry it took me so long to get to the IC thread! My key broke in the lock last night, so I had to crash at a friend's place and was without internet for the evening.

Dark Archive

Heh, I just got up so its all good :)

Dark Archive

So guys, being new to the paizo message-boards, what do you think of my style of writing as a GM? Do I need to write some more hefty descriptions, should the NPCs be a bit more eloquent, basically is there anything you think I should improve on so far? :)

Male Half-Elf HP 7/7, AC-12/T-12/FF-10, F+0/R+2/W+3, Init+2, Per+2

It seems fine to me so far. I think the writing style and sentence length really depend on which NPC you're portraying. I think you've done a good job so far of portraying the gnome as talkative and outgoing and Ishirous as withdrawn and a little blunt. I usually try to pepper my posts with a little descriptive action, but I've been trying to reign it in lately, because I worry that my posts are getting a little pedantic. My one piece of advice would be to just post as Jormugandr, and state clearly which NPC is speaking. Creating a seperate alias for each NPC is cool, but it's going to rapidly crowd your profile, and I think it can detract from the flow of the game at times. I mean I LOVE roleplaying, but I did something similar for my 1st PbP, and my players realized that we'd gone on for 3 pages of the thread without actually starting the adventure. Also, posting as Jormungandr allows you to supply the responses of multiple NPCs in a single post, which can help to speed up the pace of play (and trust me, this is generally a good thing in PbP games).

Dark Archive

Heh, I'll give that a go then, I was mainly doing it to gain access to the portraits anyway as short hand over describing the characters since I'm lazy :P

Pity there aren't more avatars available for the current APs though.

Dark Archive

Oh, also feel free to bring Fugg back up on the deck, I mainly was looking to give him a chance to do some roleplay while we were waiting for others to check in, now that the whole party is here I just wanted you to know I'm not trying to force your character aside or anything :)

Dark Archive

Wow, I think next time I'll keep all that info to a single post, took me three just to get the beginning rolls sorted :)

Male Half-Orc Druid 1 560 xp

Sorry I had a full day today, just now getting a chance to post. I appreciate the chance to RP, and would have had I had time.

do you want us to post in order, or should I go ahead and jump in with my action now?

Dark Archive

Hm, what do you guys think, how should we handle initiative, mechanically or first in first served to keep things moving at a fair clip?

Dark Archive

Hm, actually thinking about it it'd probably be best if people just posted what they intend, do their rolls and then once a round I'll do the big combat update as it were, describe whats happened to the enemies or whats happening to you guys and then we'll do the next round. It'd be slightly more narrative then a pure tabletop game but would still give you guys your own rolls and such.

It worked fairly effectively during my first AP so hopefully it will here too :)

Let me know what you think, or throw some additional options up if you have some ideas/opinions.

Dark Archive

Oh, and if I wasn't clear enough earlier, I mean that everyone can do their post in any order and I'll have it play out as close to mechanically possible during an "overview" round writeup. Something like your ooc spoiler action descriptions being...

Fugg does his actions and attacks one and misses

Aldon gets up and heads for the gear pile

Hern gets up and heads for the pile of gear too

Lydran stands and casts burning hands cooking a sea scorp

Garrick stands and moves to attack one of the sea scorps but misses

And then I'd write up an overview of the previous round that describes the results of all the actions and the reactions of the enemies when needed :)

Hopefully that wouldn't be so narrative that we aren't playing Pathfinder but would make it easier to manage in the PbP medium.

Oh and for timing, basically once I've gotten say 3/4 of the party's actions for the turn I'll wait a few hours and then do the round cap with anyone who hasn't been able to respond doing what their character would most logically do (I'll even try to base these actions on player tendencies once we've gotten a few combats under our belt.

I know it probably sounds fairly weird but it should work out fairly easily.

Dark Archive

I'll stick an example up in half a second :)

Aerys awoke, her head thumping from a combination of last nights meal, exposure to the elements and a lack of alcoholic beverages resting in her stomach. Seeing the orange colored chitinous horror she backed up a few steps before bolting for the pile of gear hoping to find a sword or dagger in easy reach.

ooc actions:
Since I can't fight with the damn thing with my bare hands I'm going to head for the pile of gear and try to collect my sword

Dark Archive

Something like that I thought would make the game much more enjoyable to both read and hide the mechanics so that people not involved in the mechanics can read the thread without all the distracting ooc guff mucking up their reading :P

Male Half-Orc Druid 1 560 xp

didn't know if you wanted me to roll for Bash or not so I did just to be safe, I won't in the future if you want to.

Dark Archive

No its fine for you to roll bash, hes a part of your character :)

Male Half-Orc Druid 1 560 xp

aded bashhorn to my profile, haven't picked his feat yet, I was wondering if I gave him power attack since his gore attack does 1.5 x strength does that mean he would get 3 damage per -1 like weilding a two handed weapon or just the 2 per -1?

also added trait boarded in the Mwangi Exspanse

sorry for the delay, looks like most of you post after i go to bed ><, I'd like to continue playing, but if i'm going to slow things down to much, you can grab someone else. I don't mind having Jörmungandr post for me if things need to be sped along.

Dark Archive

Don't drop yet :)

I'm very eager at the moment so I know I'm posting like crazy but I'll no doubt slow down over the course of a week until I'm post two or three times a day.

@Fugg: I'll say his horn is being wielded 2-handed for now but I may change that once I've done some further reading.

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