
Gelik Aberwhinge_npc's page

7 posts. Alias of Jörmungandr.


"Don't mind her Mr Halfling, she's just bitter becuase she wants to be a rebel and doesn't have anyone to fight" Gelik says with a slight sneer for Sasha.

"Well Mr Halfling, it could be a prettied story, all the best stories contain fragments of pain and fear, they're our shared heritage as it were" Gelik replies "though for now perhaps it would be easier to hear Mr Rooks tale of his triumphant hunting of a dragon"

"Don't think I don't see you there Mr Halfling" Gelik announces when he spies the smirk on the halflings face "perhaps you'd like to join the conversation and tell us a story of your travels, though perhaps you'll need to censor the story somewhat, you look a little worse for ware and we wouldn't want to frighten the easily cowed"

"Oh, you know, a story of misunderstandings and a desire to see new horizons, probably the story of half the passengers aboard" Gelik replies expansively "What about your own story Mr Caramadge?"

"Ah, Mr. Caramadge isn't it? How're you my gnomish compatriot?" Gelik cries out in a loud theatrical voice obviously trying to draw his fellow gnome into the conversation hes having with the sailors.

"...and that gentlemen is how I, Gelik Aberwhinge, managed to dissuade the enormous green beast from attacking the town ever again" Gelik finishes.

Testing, testing, I'm an npc :)