Help needed spicing up trap and secret door descriptions


I am running a purchased adventure which has a large number of secret doors and traps in it. Unfortunately, while the description of difficulty and damage is complete, the ambiance is lacking.

Last week's adventure session went something like this:
Rogue: I check the door for traps.
GM: (Rolls secretly) There is a trap.
Rogue: I disarm it.
GM: (Rolls secretly) You have disarmed it.

I would like next week's session to go more like:
Rogue: I check for traps.
GM: You notice one of the boards on the door frame is loose and will move when you open the door.
Rogue: I disarm it.
GM: After further examination, you find that you can slide the board upward half an inch, where it locks in place with a satisfying click.

My creativity seems to be at a low ebb. I will be grateful for any help in thinking up interesting triggers and disabling methods.

Similarly for secret doors. Rather than, "You notice a secret door to your right", I want to say "You notice a small discolored stone on the right wall." Pressing it causes the door to swing open.

Any other good triggers will be appreciated.

Rogue: I check for secret doors.
GM: You notice one of the boards on the wall is unusually scuffed, and moves when pushed
Rogue: I push it.
GM: The board moved back half an inch and you hear a solid click as the wall opens to reveal a passage.

Rogue: I check the door for traps.
GM: The door latch is stiff and a small poisoned pin is concealed in a way to prick those who force the latch
Rogue: I disarm it.
GM: You notice the door latch is not connected to the locking mechanism. But pushing the entire door upwards releases the catch and the door swings inwards.

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