Clerics favored weapon

Rules Questions

Does the favored weapon of a clerics deity do anything alse but give the cleric proficiency in that weapon. And if it is a favored weapon is a simple weapon then the cleric already has proficiency in that weapon.

Am I wrong? Are there spells that effect the favored weapon? Or ...?

Zalco wrote:

Does the favored weapon of a clerics deity do anything alse but give the cleric proficiency in that weapon. And if it is a favored weapon is a simple weapon then the cleric already has proficiency in that weapon.

Am I wrong? Are there spells that effect the favored weapon? Or ...?

No you are not.

There are some spells however that use the deity's favored weapon for their effects. Spiritual weapon and spiritual ally come to mind.


"Does the favored weapon of a cleric deity do anything else but give the cleric proficiency in the weapon".... NO.

"If it is a Favored weapon is a simple weapon, then the cleric already has proficiency in that weapon" .... Correct.

"Am I wrong? Are there spells that effect the favored weapon?" ... The 2nd level cleric spell Spiritual Weapon, is effect by your favored weapon. There were also some 3.5 latter spells added that were based on your Favored weapon.

" or ..? " Extra = The Favored Weapon, was just a fluff way of giving some cleric the ability to use a martial or exotic weapon, without giving them a extra feat. (Before 3.0, this option did not exist).

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