Round 5 exit poll

RPG Superstar™ 2011 General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Sam has a pretty commanding lead at this point.

Standback wrote:

Let me express, on Sam's behalf, that he is quite sure there will be no lasting damage from the extremely mild aneurysm he suffered on reading your original post.

Well, he's probably not paying any attention to the exit polls anyway. Right, guys?


Heh, Sam should be proud of himself if he wins this contest for more than one reason - main one being, that avatar he's sporting has some really bad vibes associated with it. =]

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

I also voted for Sam. However, I'm really afraid of all of the changes that James is going to make to it. His feedback thread made it seem like 1/2 the mod would be gutted for various reasons that I didn't really agree with.

We'll see how it turns out!

(and +1 to the idea of changing the name to "The Black Mirror")

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka primemover003

I voted Jerall Toi's Isgeri Blood and Orphan Tears. I've loved Isger as an adventuring area since I picked up the original campaign setting and even more now that we got the Inner Sea World Guide.

While I'm usually down with all things planar, I enjoyed last years Shadow Plane adventure more. I love Faustian deals, but the mirror bad guy has been done too much IMO.

Ironically last year I had a short run campaign set bouncing between Isger and the Plane of Shadow, so talk about tapping into my wants for material by the contestants!

--It's a hard Vrock life for us...

I voted for Jerall's Isgeri Blood and Orphan Tears.

Mark Moreland wrote:
Ernest Mueller wrote:
(though perhaps being more and more bound by "Golarion canon" in terms of what's appropriate where, what's been in PFS before, etc. is somewhat to blame)
As for the increasing number of Golarion canon elements and previously published adventures, those are things our writers have to contend with all the time, whether they came to us through RPG Superstar or have been writing for Paizo since the days of Dragon and Dungeon.

Yeah, but that's what causes game lines to degenerate IMO.

I don't want to hear that I'm not getting cool adventures because they're not super-canon enough. And that's what a lot of the critiques in this round were. "Oh there's more goblins than kobolds there, so using kobolds is WRONG." "That element exists in Golarion but usually in this other country so having it there is WRONG."

Paizo is great because the adventures come first. If you put the rules, or even the setting, over adventures, you're going to end up with watered down adventures, and then you become WotC.

And that seems to me like what may be going on here - encyclopedic knowledge of Golarion is all well and good, but that skill set may or may not be conjoined to great adventure writing, and I want the latter. It's not like everyone doesn't change the game world to suit their campaign anyway.

As an amusing aside, posting from the perspective of a (very advanced) succubus with friends in high places in the demonic military, the commanders whom I know expect their cannons (if they're using them) to have a minimum basic level of consistent performance. That way they know it's the fault of the crews operating them if somehow a cavalry charge gets through to capture the guns.
Hmm, there's scope for something poetic here, I feel, about valleys of death and cannons to the left of them, cannons to the right...
Okay, that's this aside done. ;)

Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7

I voted for the rescue of the poor poor orphans :)

Star Voter Season 6

Sean McGowan's Among the Gears of Madness.

Jerall Toi's Isgeri Blood and Orphan Tears

Liberty's Edge


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