Modified Samurai Class (Now with more OPTIONS)

Samurai Discussion: Round 1

Sovereign Court

So a major issue with the samurai class, I've noticed, is that players that want to play a samurai don't necessarily want a mount, mounted archery, banners, or whatever. Also, historically, when samurai were used in larger army combat, it wasn't really possible for every single samurai to have a horse. After all, there have to be some foot soldiers. To this end, I decided to modify the samurai class.

I'm looking for any kind of feedback. Critiquing and discussion of new, relevant ideas are both welcome and appreciated.

Here is an altered special abilities list:

1st - Challenge 1/day, gift of honor, order, resolve
2nd - Order ability
3rd - Weapon expertise
4th - Challenge 2/day, combat style
5th - Improved combat style
6th - Bonus feat
7th - Challenge 3/day
8th - Order ability
9th - Greater resolve
10th - Challenge 4/day
11th - Honorable stand
12th - Bonus feat, demanding challenge
12th - Challenge 5/day
14th - Greater combat style
15th - Order ability
16th - Challenge 6/day
17th - True resolve
18th - Bonus feat
19th - Challenge 7/day
20th - Last stand

Gift of Honor (Ex): A samurai can choose from one of two
gifts granted to him (by lord, master, family, deity, etc.) as
part of his ascension into a warrior. Once the gift granted is
chosen, it cannot be changed.
The first type of gift allows a samurai to gain the service of a
loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. This mount
functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the samurai’s
level as his effective druid level. The creature must be one
that he is capable of riding and that is suitable as a mount. A
Medium samurai can select a camel or a horse. A Small
samurai can select a pony or a wolf, but can also select a
boar or a dog if he is at least 4th level. The GM may approve
other animals as suitable mounts.
A samurai does not take an armor check penalty on Ride
checks while riding his mount. The mount is always
considered combat trained and begins play with Light
Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. A samurai’s mount does
not gain the sharp spells special ability.
A samurai’s bond with his mount is strong, with the pair
learning to anticipate each other’s moods and moves. Should
a samurai’s mount die, the samurai may find another mount
to serve him after 1 week of mourning. The new mount does
not gain the link, evasion, devotion, or improved evasion
special abilities until the next time the samurai gains a level.
The second type of gift allows the samurai to gain a special
weapon or set of weapons known as a Daisho. A samurai who
selects this type of gift begins play with both katana and
wakizashi at no cost. A samurai also has the choice of gaining
a naginata or longbow instead. These weapons are always of
masterwork quality but are not made of any special material.
If a samurai chooses a weapon of his Daisho at 3rd level for
the purposes of the weapon expertise ability, he gains a +1
bonus on attack and damage rolls with that weapon
beginning at 5th level. Every five levels thereafter (10th,
15th, and 20th), this bonus increases by +1. This bonus does
not apply to any weapon not belonging to his Daisho.
Should a weapon of his Daisho become broken, a samurai
suffers a -1 penalty to all attack and damage rolls he makes with
that or any other weapon (these penalties are in addition to
the penalties suffered for wielding a weapon with the broken
condition) until that weapon is repaired. Furthermore, should
a weapon of his Daisho become lost or destroyed, a samurai
instead suffers a -2 penalty on all attack and damage rolls.
This penalty lasts until the samurai replaces that weapon by
purchasing another weapon of the same type costing 200 gp
per samurai level. This weapon is also of masterwork quality
but still no special material and does not gain bonuses on
attack and damage rolls until the samurai spends 8 hours
practicing with it to perfect its usage. These hours need not
be consecutive, but must be in 2 hour intervals after which
a samurai is fatigued for 1 hour for every 2 hours of practice.
Combat Style (Ex): At 4th level, a samurai must select one
of four combat styles to pursue (with the last style having
two sub-styles): mounted archer, mounted charger,
jujutsuka, and kenjutsuka (one sword style or two sword
style). The sumurai’s expertise manifests in the form of
special abilities or bonus feats granted to him at 4th, 5th,
and 14th level.
Mounted Archer: At 4th level, a mounted archer becomes
skilled at firing ranged weapons while mounted. A samurai
gains Mounted Archery as a bonus feat, even if he does not
meet the prerequisites.
Banner: At 5th level, a mounted archer’s banner becomes
a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As
long as the samurai’s banner is clearly visible, all allies
within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws
against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as
part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels
thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must
be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed
by the samurai or his mount to function.
Greater Mounted Archer: At 14th level, a mounted archer’s
skill at firing ranged weapons while mounted becomes even
greater. He no longer suffers any penalty for using ranged
weapons while his mount is taking a double move and the
penalty for attacking with a ranged weapon while his mount
is running is reduced to -2.
Mounted Charger: At 4th level, a samurai learns to make
powerful attacks when his mount charges passed his enemy.
The samurai gains Ride-By Attack as a bonus feat, even if
he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, whenever he
gains the benefits of the Ride-By Attack feat, any katana or
naginata he wields deals double damage.
Banner: At 5th level, a mounted charger’s banner becomes
a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As
long as the samurai’s banner is clearly visible, all allies
within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws
against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as
part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels
thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must
be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed
by the samurai or his mount to function.
Greater Mounted Charger: At 14th level, a mounted
charger gains Spirited Charge as a bonus feat, even if he
does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, when gaining
the benefits of both Ride-By Attack and Spirited Charge,
any katana or naginata he wields deals triple damage.
Kenjutsuka (One Sword Style): At 4th level, a kenjutsuka
of the one sword style gains Power Attack as a bonus feat,
even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Improved One Sword Style: At 5th level, a kenjutsuka of
the one sword style gains Furious Focus as a bonus feat,
even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Greater One Sword Style: At 14th level, a kenjutsuka of
the one sword style gains Dreadful Carnage as a bonus feat,
even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Kenjutsuka (Two Sword Style): At 4th level, a kenjutsuka
of the two sword style gains Two-Weapon Fighting as a
bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Improved Two Sword Style: At 5th level, a kenjutsuka of
the two sword style gains Double Slice as a bonus feat,
even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Greater Two Sword Style: At 14th level, a kenjutsuka of
The two sword style gains Two-Weapon Rend as a bonus
feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Jujutsuka: At 4th level, a jujutsuka gains Improved Grapple
as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Improved Jujutsu: At 5th level, whenever a jujutsuka
successfully grapples an opponent, he may make a trip
attempt as a move action. This trip attempt does not
provoke attacks of opportunity. A samurai who trips his
opponent in this way still maintains a grapple on them even
after they are knocked prone. In addition, so long as he
maintains the grapple, the jujutsuka may make a trip
attempt as an immediate action any time his opponent tries
to stand up from the prone. If successful, they remain
prone. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Greater Jujutsu: At 14th level, as a full-round action, a
jujutsuka may make a grapple check to attempt to pin a
prone opponent they have successfully maintained in a
grapple. If successful, their opponent is considered helpless
and the jujutsuka may make a coup de grace as a swift
action using a light or one-handed weapon.

IMO, you could just say that the bound with the weapon binds the spirit of an ancestor. In that case, just follow the rule of the paladin weapon bond, maybe changing few enhancements, and call it a day.

Also, formatting is your friend ;)

Kaiyanwang wrote:
Also, formatting is your friend ;)


Oh man, whatever formatting you have going on there makes it a pain to read.

Take it or leave it, but I think that your suggestions could benefit from the following change in formatting. If you like, feel free to take it. I didn't change any of the stuff, just made it clearer to read.

Samurai Class:

1st - Challenge 1/day, gift of honor, order, resolve
2nd - Order ability
3rd - Weapon expertise
4th - Challenge 2/day, combat style
5th - Improved combat style
6th - Bonus feat
7th - Challenge 3/day
8th - Order ability
9th - Greater resolve
10th - Challenge 4/day
11th - Honorable stand
12th - Bonus feat, demanding challenge
12th - Challenge 5/day
14th - Greater combat style
15th - Order ability
16th - Challenge 6/day
17th - True resolve
18th - Bonus feat
19th - Challenge 7/day
20th - Last stand

Gift of Honor (Ex): A samurai can choose from one of two gifts granted to him (by lord, master, family, deity, etc.) as part of his ascension into a warrior. Once the gift granted is chosen, it cannot be changed. The first type of gift allows a samurai to gain the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the samurai’s level as his effective druid level. The creature must be one that he is capable of riding and that is suitable as a mount. A Medium samurai can select a camel or a horse. A Small samurai can select a pony or a wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if he is at least 4th level. The GM may approve other animals as suitable mounts. A samurai does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained and begins play with Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. A samurai’s mount does not gain the sharp spells special ability. A samurai’s bond with his mount is strong, with the pair learning to anticipate each other’s moods and moves. Should a samurai’s mount die, the samurai may find another mount to serve him after 1 week of mourning. The new mount does not gain the link, evasion, devotion, or improved evasion special abilities until the next time the samurai gains a level.

The second type of gift allows the samurai to gain a special weapon or set of weapons known as a Daisho. A samurai who selects this type of gift begins play with both katana and wakizashi at no cost. A samurai also has the choice of gaining a naginata or longbow instead. These weapons are always of masterwork quality but are not made of any special material. If a samurai chooses a weapon of his Daisho at 3rd level for the purposes of the weapon expertise ability, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with that weapon beginning at 5th level. Every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th), this bonus increases by +1. This bonus does not apply to any weapon not belonging to his Daisho. Should a weapon of his Daisho become broken, a samurai suffers a -1 penalty to all attack and damage rolls he makes with that or any other weapon (these penalties are in addition to the penalties suffered for wielding a weapon with the broken condition) until that weapon is repaired. Furthermore, should a weapon of his Daisho become lost or destroyed, a samurai instead suffers a -2 penalty on all attack and damage rolls. This penalty lasts until the samurai replaces that weapon by purchasing another weapon of the same type costing 200 gp per samurai level. This weapon is also of masterwork quality but still no special material and does not gain bonuses on attack and damage rolls until the samurai spends 8 hours practicing with it to perfect its usage. These hours need not be consecutive, but must be in 2 hour intervals after which a samurai is fatigued for 1 hour for every 2 hours of practice.

Combat Style (Ex): At 4th level, a samurai must select one of four combat styles to pursue (with the last style having two sub-styles): mounted archer, mounted charger, jujutsuka, and kenjutsuka (one sword style or two sword style). The sumurai’s expertise manifests in the form of special abilities or bonus feats granted to him at 4th, 5th,
and 14th level.
Mounted Archer: At 4th level, a mounted archer becomes skilled at firing ranged weapons while mounted. A samurai gains Mounted Archery as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Banner: At 5th level, a mounted archer’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the samurai’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed
by the samurai or his mount to function.

Greater Mounted Archer: At 14th level, a mounted archer’s skill at firing ranged weapons while mounted becomes even greater. He no longer suffers any penalty for using ranged weapons while his mount is taking a double move and the penalty for attacking with a ranged weapon while his mount is running is reduced to -2.
Mounted Charger: At 4th level, a samurai learns to make powerful attacks when his mount charges passed his enemy. The samurai gains Ride-By Attack as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, whenever he gains the benefits of the Ride-By Attack feat, any katana or naginata he wields deals double damage.

Banner: At 5th level, a mounted charger’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the samurai’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed
by the samurai or his mount to function.

Greater Mounted Charger: At 14th level, a mounted charger gains Spirited Charge as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, when gaining the benefits of both Ride-By Attack and Spirited Charge, any katana or naginata he wields deals triple damage.
Kenjutsuka (One Sword Style): At 4th level, a kenjutsuka of the one sword style gains Power Attack as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Improved One Sword Style: At 5th level, a kenjutsuka of the one sword style gains Furious Focus as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Greater One Sword Style: At 14th level, a kenjutsuka of the one sword style gains Dreadful Carnage as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Kenjutsuka (Two Sword Style): At 4th level, a kenjutsuka of the two sword style gains Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Improved Two Sword Style: At 5th level, a kenjutsuka of the two sword style gains Double Slice as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Greater Two Sword Style: At 14th level, a kenjutsuka of the two sword style gains Two-Weapon Rend as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Jujutsuka: At 4th level, a jujutsuka gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Improved Jujutsu: At 5th level, whenever a jujutsuka successfully grapples an opponent, he may make a trip attempt as a move action. This trip attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A samurai who trips his opponent in this way still maintains a grapple on them even after they are knocked prone. In addition, so long as he maintains the grapple, the jujutsuka may make a trip attempt as an immediate action any time his opponent tries
to stand up from the prone. If successful, they remain prone. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Greater Jujutsu: At 14th level, as a full-round action, a jujutsuka may make a grapple check to attempt to pin a prone opponent they have successfully maintained in a grapple. If successful, their opponent is considered helpless and the jujutsuka may make a coup de grace as a swift action using a light or one-handed weapon.

Sovereign Court

The_Normal_Anomaly wrote:
Kaiyanwang wrote:
Also, formatting is your friend ;)


Oh man, whatever formatting you have going on there makes it a pain to read.

Take it or leave it, but I think that your suggestions could benefit from the following change in formatting. If you like, feel free to take it. I didn't change any of the stuff, just made it clearer to read.

** spoiler omitted **...

Oh hey. Thanks ^____^

Sovereign Court

Actually, I ended up modifying it further.

1st Challenge 1/day, gift of honor, order, resolve
2nd Order ability
3rd Weapon expertise
4th Challenge 2/day, style ability
5th Style ability
6th Style ability
7th Challenge 3/day
8th Order ability
9th Greater resolve
10th Challenge 4/day
11th Honorable stand
12th Style ability, demanding challenge
13th Challenge 5/day
14th Style ability
15th Order ability
16th Challenge 6/day
17th True resolve
18th Style ability
19th Challenge 7/day
20th Last stand

Gift of Honor (Ex): A samurai can choose from one of two gifts granted to him (by lord, master, family, deity, etc.) as part of his ascension into a warrior. Once the gift granted is chosen, it cannot be changed. The first type of gift allows a samurai to gain the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the samurai’s level as his effective druid level. The creature must be one that he is capable of riding and that is suitable as a mount. A Medium samurai can select a camel or a horse. A Small samurai can select a pony or a wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if he is at least 4th level. The GM may approve other animals as suitable mounts. A samurai does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained and begins play with Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. A samurai’s mount does not gain the sharp spells special ability. A samurai’s bond with his mount is strong, with the pair learning to anticipate each other’s moods and moves. Should a samurai’s mount die, the samurai may find another mount to serve him after 1 week of mourning. The new mount does not gain the link, evasion, devotion, or improved evasion special abilities until the next time the samurai gains a level.

The second type of gift allows the samurai to gain a special weapon or set of weapons known as a Daisho. A samurai who selects this type of gift begins play with both katana and wakizashi at no cost. A samurai also has the choice of gaining a naginata or longbow instead. These weapons are always of masterwork quality but are not made of any special material. If a samurai chooses a weapon of his Daisho at 3rd level for the purposes of the weapon expertise ability, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with that weapon beginning at 5th level. Every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th), this bonus increases by +1. This bonus does not apply to any weapon not belonging to his Daisho. Should a weapon of his Daisho become broken, a samurai suffers a -1 penalty to all attack and damage rolls he makes with that or any other weapon (these penalties are in addition to the penalties suffered for wielding a weapon with the broken condition) until that weapon is repaired. Furthermore, should a weapon of his Daisho become lost or destroyed, a samurai instead suffers a -2 penalty on all attack and damage rolls. This penalty lasts until the samurai replaces that weapon by purchasing another weapon of the same type costing 200 gp per samurai level. This weapon is also of masterwork quality but still no special material and does not gain bonuses on attack and damage rolls until the samurai spends 8 hours practicing with it to perfect its usage. These hours need not be consecutive, but must be in 2 hour intervals after which a samurai is fatigued for 1 hour for every 2 hours of practice.

Combat Style (Ex): At 4th level, a samurai must select one of five combat styles to pursue: mounted archer, mounted charger, one sword, two sword, and jujutsu. The sumurai’s expertise manifests in the form of special abilities or bonus feats granted to him at 4th, 5th, 6th, 14th, and 18th level.


Mounted Archer: At 4th level, a samurai becomes skilled at firing ranged weapons while mounted. A samurai gains Mounted Archery as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 5th level, a samurai’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the samurai’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the samurai or his mount to function.

At 6th level, a samurai gains Precise Shot as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 12th level, a samurai gains Improved Precise Shot as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 14th level, the samurai’s banner becomes a rallying call to his allies. All allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion spells and effects. In addition, while his banner is displayed, the samurai can spend a standard action to wave the banner through the air, granting all allies within 60 feet an additional saving throw against any one spell or effect that is targeting them. This save is made at the original DC. Spells and effects that do not allow saving throws are unaffected by this ability. An ally cannot benefit from this ability more than once per day.

At 18th level, a samurai’s skill at firing ranged weapons while mounted becomes even greater. He no longer suffers any penalty for using ranged weapons while his mount is taking a double move and the penalty for attacking with a ranged weapon while his mount is running is reduced to -2.


Mounted Charger: At 4th level, a samurai learns to make powerful attacks when his mount charges passed his enemy. The samurai gains Ride-By Attack as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 5th level, a samurai’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the samurai’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the samurai or his mount to function.

At 6th level, a samurai gains Spirited Charge as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 12th level, whenever a samurai gains the benefits of Ride-By Attack, any katana or naginata he wields deals double damage. This effect stacks with that of Spirited Charge.

At 14th level, the samurai’s banner becomes a rallying call to his allies. All allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion spells and effects. In addition, while his banner is displayed, the samurai can spend a standard action to wave the banner through the air, granting all allies within 60 feet an additional saving throw against any one spell or effect that is targeting them. This save is made at the original DC. Spells and effects that do not allow saving throws are unaffected by this ability. An ally cannot benefit from this ability more than once per day.

At 18th level, whenever a samurai gains the benefits of Ride-By Attack, any katana or naginata he wields deals triple damage. This effect stacks with that of Spirited Charge.


One Sword: At 4th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Power Attack feat.

At 5th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Furious Focus feat.

At 6th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Cleave feat.

At 12th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Great Cleave feat.

At 14th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Dreadful Carnage feat.

At 18th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in two hands, the bonus damage from Power Attack is doubled (+100%) instead of increased by half (+50%).


Two Sword: At 4th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

At 5th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Double Slice feat.

At 6th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

At 12th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

At 14th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Rend feat.

At 18th level, whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he gets a fourth attack with his off-hand weapon, albeit at a –15 penalty.


Jujutsu: At 4th level, a samurai gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 5th level, whenever a samurai successfully grapples an opponent, he may make a trip attempt as a move action. This trip attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

At 6th level, a samurai gains Greater Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 12th level, so long as a samurai maintains a grapple on a prone enemy, the samurai may make a trip attempt any time his enemy attempts to stand up from the prone. Doing so is an immediate action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

At 14th level, as a full-round action, a samurai may make a grapple check to attempt to pin a prone enemy they have successfully maintained in a grapple. If successful, their opponent is considered helpless rather than flat-footed while pinned and cannot make any attempt to stand up from the prone position without first escaping the pin.

At 18th level, a samurai may make a coup de grace against any helpless opponent he has pinned as a swift action.

IMHO, the 18th level ability of the one-sword and two sword school should be fighter only (the former already is).

Sovereign Court

Kaiyanwang wrote:
IMHO, the 18th level ability of the one-sword and two sword school should be fighter only (the former already is).

Yeah, I know. I pulled the wording for it right from the APG. But I was unsure of what else I could do for options.

Tell me if you've got any ideas. Also, I was considering fixing up the funny level order (4th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 14th, and 18th) by just making it all just one Samurai variant. Then I could just have the Diasho class feature replace the Mount class feature and the other abilities replace bonus feats so it would be set up like:


Choosing the Longbow gives you the Mounted Archer abilities:

1st level - A samurai becomes skilled at firing ranged weapons while mounted. A samurai gains Mounted Archery as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

6th level - A samurai gains Precise Shot as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

12th level - A samurai gains Improved Precise Shot as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

18th level - A samurai’s skill at firing ranged weapons while mounted becomes even greater. He no longer suffers any penalty for using ranged weapons while his mount is taking a double move and the penalty for attacking with a ranged weapon while his mount is running is reduced to -2.


Choosing the Naginata gives you the Mounted Charger abilities:

1st level - A samurai learns to make powerful attacks when his mount charges passed his enemy. The samurai gains Ride-By Attack as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

6th level - A samurai gains Spirited Charge as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

12th level - Whenever a samurai gains the benefits of Ride-By Attack, naginata he wields deals double damage. This effect stacks with that of Spirited Charge.

18th level - Whenever a samurai gains the benefits of Ride-By Attack, any naginata he wields deals triple damage. This effect stacks with that of Spirited Charge.


Choosing the Katana & Wakizashi gives you the Two-Sword abilities:

1st level - Whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

6th level - Whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

12th level - Whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

18th level - Whenever a samurai wields a katana in his primary hand and a wakizashi in his off-hand, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Rend feat.


Now, here's another thing. I know it's not really quite as historically practical, save for maybe one particularly well known samurai from history (Sasaki Kojiro), but I think the Nodachi should also be an option for those that want a solely two-handed sword samurai. Thus:

Choosing the Nodachi gives you the One-Sword abilities:

1st level - Whenever a samurai wields a Nodachi or a Katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Power Attack feat.

6th level, whenever a samurai wields a Nodachi or a Katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Furious Focus feat.

12th level - Whenever a samurai wields a Nodachi or a Katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Dreadful Carnage feat.

18th level - Whenever a samurai wields a Nodachi or a Katana in two hands, he is treated as having the Great Cleave feat.


Now, in this case, Jujutsu could become a variant rather than the banner and it could look something like:

5th level - A samurai gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, any unarmed strikes made by the Samurai against a grappled opponent do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

14th level - A samurai gains Greater Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, whenever a samurai successfully grapples an opponent, he may make a trip attempt as a move action. This trip attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


What do you think?

Not with the intention of being negative.. but now it feels it to weak.

Great Cleave or Two Weapon Rend at level 20 is just too late. In this way you make, respectfully, the same mistakje designers did with the woeful Complete Warrior Samurai - a lot of class features arrived too late.

Sovereign Court

Kaiyanwang wrote:

Not with the intention of being negative.. but now it feels it to weak.

Great Cleave or Two Weapon Rend at level 20 is just too late. In this way you make, respectfully, the same mistake designers did with the woeful Complete Warrior Samurai - a lot of class features arrived too late.

Yeah, that's true. But I'm having trouble trying to come up with something to balance it... No other feats really made sense. I figured "Hey, why not throw in some relatively strong feats that would normally have a few extra prereqs for free?" But you're right, it's too little, too late. But at the same time, giving them abilities that are on par with fighters is a bit... broken, to be quite frank. Hmm... I'll have to think of something special to give them like I did with the Mounted Archer and Charger, but this may take some deep thought and time to let it all meld together. Maybe I can draw some more inspiration from the sword styles of the Inner Sea when the World Guide comes out Wednesday.

Sovereign Court

I lied... the Inner Sea World Guide has given me little, if next to nothing. I was expecting for the Aldori Swordlord fighter variant from the Inner Sea Primer to be statted out all the way from level 1 to 20 as well as the Dawnflower Dervish from Qadira and the Rondelero Duelist from Taldor. Provided, good feats were included to make all these variants unique, but they still don't feel like whole classes... so I'm a bit disappointed. But meh.

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