Munkir |

I have a Barbarian 4lvl my idea was to make him do as much damage as i could get him to do for his lvl and i am Satisfied with what he is dealing i could up his power more but i would rather find something more useful to put my effort into i was planing on diping 2 or 3 lvls into a druid for the spells and not for the Wildshape stuff i just want to be able to heal and cast if thats even possible?
I would like to stick with druid but if anyone has any other ideas im open to suggestions though keep in mind i would like to be able to roplay it off the way i have set it up
He is an insane half-orc Barbarian useing the Half-orc Axe (double weapon) he has the lesser fiend totem rage power and the lesser Elemental rage power (Fire is his Element)
The Axe has a spirt in it (or so he thinks) named boe and he so far has skills that are granted by Boe i have not picked a class for the spirt. (this is where the multiclassing comes into play) many of my friends say to stick with a simple Barbarian and let the party do the healing and checks but i cant seem to stop wishing i could offer a little more not only in game but role playing wise as well.
So far i have planed on taking Druid class with Fire Domain then 2nd lvl invest into heal stuff buy a wand of cure light wounds and etc.
after awhile if im not Satisfied with it i can put 1 lvl in cliric or wizerd

OgeXam RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Talk to your DM about letting boe becoming and intelegent item. Make it like the legacy items. So as you level it gets more powerful.
Then stay barbarian and have the item pick up cure light, lead blades, etc.
So instead of your guy thinking the item is doing it, it really will be. Do not let the other players know it is intelegent. So when you charge and cast lead blades at the same time and they go "How are you doing it". You can just say, "I great, I god of war! arrrrrhhhhh" Then the DM says, "yep its legal, and he is just a barbarian"

Pendagast |

Fits crazy half orc barbarian better, and witches get heals and hexes.
True you have a familiar, but the half-orc might thinkt he spells come from his axe and doesn't really understand why fluffy keeps following him around.
You could also go into eldritch knight if you wanted.
The other option is Oracle (also fits crazy half orc) and take the haunted curse. This leaves you the option to go into rage prophet.
We have a rage prophet in our group and it has been amazing successful and doing what you are describing.

OgeXam RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Might help if I read the title better, you want it for pathfinder society.
No go on the intelgent item then.
I would say add cleric and pick up Travel and Fire domains.
Get the +10 movement and start looking all fire like. if you are neutral then pick up channel negative energy for your low level creature sweeper. Or go postive energy to heal the party and tell them they should thank Boe for healing.

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I would say add cleric and pick up Travel and Fire domains.
Get the +10 movement and start looking all fire like. if you are neutral then pick up channel negative energy for your low level creature sweeper. Or go postive energy to heal the party and tell them they should thank Boe for healing.
Another option would be to go Oracle of Battle. Your barbarian benefit counters the lame penalty and if you take 5 levels of oracle you become immune to fatigue (figure that into your raging). You would get access to enlarge person, the healing spell you desire, and another couple of1st and 2nd level spells (think divine favor, shield of faith, or protection from evil in style). You could also take mysteries like war sight, weapon mastery or battlefield clarity.
Alternatively you could go for Oracle of flame, hype up those fire abilities from being a barbarian, and pick mysteries like cinder dance for a 10' movement increase and heat aura for a little defensive ability.
Cleric is good, but I think in some cases, including tying in barbarian levels, Oracle can be better.

Munkir |

Ideas are really good and i would like to thank you for replying so quickly. I never thought of a witch or Oracle but the ideas sounds good. I was planing on taken the domain spells for the druid not the animal companion.
looks like i have a hard decision to make.
Would Oracle of flame hype up my Elemental Rage power?
I love the idea of uping his speed to its already 40 but i love me some movement.
I am trying to buy an Advanced Guide but i hear they are backorderd so idk much about the Advanced Classes

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Ideas are really good and i would like to thank you for replying so quickly. I never thought of a witch or Oracle but the ideas sounds good. I was planing on taken the domain spells for the druid not the animal companion.
looks like i have a hard decision to make.
Would Oracle of flame hype up my Elemental Rage power?
I love the idea of uping his speed to its already 40 but i love me some movement.
I am trying to buy an Advanced Guide but i hear they are backorderd so idk much about the Advanced Classes
You can read about Oracles here.
One thing I didn't ask/mention. If your charisma isn't very high, don't go Oracle (since it's your casting stat). If you were to go Oracle of flame though, I would think about the following.
Take the lame curse. Sure it's a -10 movement penalty, but hey, at level 5 you gain immunity to fatigue which is just too good to pass up for your Barbarian. Now normally I would only go for four levels of the class (since at 5 you lose another BAB), but that fatigue bonus is just too good to pass up. Now, if you take the cinder dance mystery you not only gain an extra feat, but you regain that 10 feet of movement and again go back up to a movement speed of 40'. You would gain Burning Hands (5d4 damage at level 5) and resist energy as bonus spells, both of which nicely tie into your idea of the fire elemental rage power. You would also get one other mystery with 5 levels which could be one of a number of good choices that could easily tie back into your spirit background.
Just a thought. Problem is that most people dump CHA, so there's a good chance that if you're already level 4, you're not going to be able to pull this one off.

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stick with a simple Barbarian and let the party do the healing and checks
This is good advice. ESPECIALLY if you're new and don't understand the game very well yet. Adding more classes won't make you happy that you can do a little of everything. Adding more classes will just make you upset that you do a lot of things badly at high levels.

Munkir |

Munkir wrote:This is good advice. ESPECIALLY if you're new and don't understand the game very well yet. Adding more classes won't make you happy that you can do a little of everything. Adding more classes will just make you upset that you do a lot of things badly at high levels.stick with a simple Barbarian and let the party do the healing and checks
I have to pull out the core a lot but i have an semi-ok understanding of the game or at least i think i do.
I thought i would but in the end i just can't help but want kill something and then cast spells after the fight is done.

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Something like a level in ranger might do you well. You get a level behind on your rage and other barbarian abilities but you don't give up any BAB, get a nice boost to 2 saves (although puts your will save further behind) favored enemy (+2 to hit and damage vs a particular type of monster, for FPS I recommend Human or Undead) and the ability to cast Cure Light Wounds from a wand. You also get access to several other good wand spells such as Long Strider and Lead Blades. Of course you can't use the wands while raging but in combat you've got plenty of smashing to do anyway.

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Demoyn wrote:Munkir wrote:This is good advice. ESPECIALLY if you're new and don't understand the game very well yet. Adding more classes won't make you happy that you can do a little of everything. Adding more classes will just make you upset that you do a lot of things badly at high levels.stick with a simple Barbarian and let the party do the healing and checks
I have to pull out the core a lot but i have an semi-ok understanding of the game or at least i think i do.
I thought i would but in the end i just can't help but want kill something and then cast spells after the fight is done.
Then you should probably start a new character that does what you're looking for instead of messing with the one you have. I can promise you that you'll regret multiclassing a barbarian without planning it out from level 1.

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Then you should probably start a new character that does what you're looking for instead of messing with the one you have. I can promise you that you'll regret multiclassing a barbarian without planning it out from level 1.
Agreed. Multi-classing takes a fair amount of prep work to pull off well. I must say though that a two level dip into fighter doesn't require a ton of futzing and man it opens up the options for a Pathfinder Society barbarian.

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If you don't mind the inquiry, what are his attributes? What you're naturally good at determines much of how you can multiclass effectively.
If you've got a decent wisdom, I'd suggest the Battle mystery Oracle, then prestiging into Rage Prophet.
If you have a decent charisma, taking a single level dip into Bard then prestiging into Dragon Disciple is another fun idea.

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If you don't mind the inquiry, what are his attributes? What you're naturally good at determines much of how you can multiclass effectively.
If you've got a decent wisdom, I'd suggest the Battle mystery Oracle, then prestiging into Rage Prophet.
If you have a decent charisma, taking a single level dip into Bard then prestiging into Dragon Disciple is another fun idea.
Just a note--Oracles don't use Wisdom for anything. They use charisma.

Eos |

Take the lame curse. Sure it's a -10 movement penalty, but hey, at level 5 you gain immunity to fatigue which is just too good to pass up for your Barbarian. Now normally I would only go for four levels of the class (since at 5 you lose another BAB), but that fatigue bonus is just too good to pass up. Now, if you take the cinder dance mystery you not only gain an extra feat, but you regain that 10 feet of movement and again go back up to a movement speed of 40'. Y
Cinder Dance (Ex): Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 5th level, you receive Nimble Moves as a bonus feat. At 10th level, you receive Acrobatic Steps as a bonus feat. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats. Oracles with the lame oracle curse cannot select this revelation.

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My primary character is a Bar5/Cleric1. Started with no thoughts of multi-classing. No stats below 10 in initial build. My general play area seems to have a lack of healer types, so I decided to bump Wis at 4th level to 11 and then became a cleric of Gorum with strength & destruction domains at 5th level. I will say that a self-healing barbarian is a nice thing to have! Plays anywhere with any party combinations.

Munkir |

My primary character is a Bar5/Cleric1. Started with no thoughts of multi-classing. No stats below 10 in initial build. My general play area seems to have a lack of healer types, so I decided to bump Wis at 4th level to 11 and then became a cleric of Gorum with strength & destruction domains at 5th level. I will say that a self-healing barbarian is a nice thing to have! Plays anywhere with any party combinations.
Thats what i keep coming up with in the end.
Barbarians are good at dealing damage but after battle you seem to need a lot of healing that the party just does not want to give up so easily and buying Cure light wounds over and over is a lot of pencil work. Dont get me wrong the party heals regularly but i would feel more comfortable if i had a little healing myself.

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Something like a level in ranger might do you well... and the ability to cast Cure Light Wounds from a wand. You also get access to several other good wand spells such as Long Strider and Lead Blades.
Wanting to make sure this is correct, if anyone will erify for me. I've done exactly this, but didnt think I could actually use the wands, as the first 3 levels of ranger dont actually provide you with spells.
Also, if this does work, this is the route I suggest. The boost to Ref helps alot, assuming you dont have alot of Dex, and it gives you access to alot of skills you wouldnt otherwise have. Plus, you casting CLW from a wand is just as good of healing as it is from the Cleric level.

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Thats what i keep coming up with in the end.
Barbarians are good at dealing damage but after battle you seem to need a lot of healing that the party just does not want to give up so easily and buying Cure light wounds over and over is a lot of pencil work. Dont get me wrong the party heals regularly but i would feel more comfortable if i had a little healing myself.
It may be "pencil work" but it is hands down the absolute best way to regain health after a fight. Every single one of my characters has a cure light wounds wand to hand over to the cleric (or use himself) for a little zappity-zap after the fight's over. I suggest the same to every other player in my local group - bring your own wand for your own healing. There is virtually no better way to spend 2 PA.

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Wanting to make sure this is correct, if anyone will erify for me. I've done exactly this, but didnt think I could actually use the wands, as the first 3 levels of ranger dont actually provide you with spells.
This is a pretty common misconception. You're mixing up Spell Completion items (common for scrolls) with Spell Trigger items (which include wands). You need the spell on your list and you must be able to cast it in order to use a spell completion item (meaning a Ranger couldn't use a scroll of CLW until levels 4 or 5) but you simply need the spell on your list to use a Spell Trigger item.
Spell Trigger: Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it's even simpler. No gestures or spell finishing is needed, just a special knowledge of spellcasting that an appropriate character would know, and a single word that must be spoken. Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. This is the case even for a character who can't actually cast spells, such as a 3rd-level paladin. The user must still determine what spell is stored in the item before she can activate it. Activating a spell trigger item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Activation: Wands use the spell trigger activation method, so casting a spell from a wand is usually a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
Also, if this does work, this is the route I suggest. The boost to Ref helps alot, assuming you dont have alot of Dex, and it gives you access to alot of skills you wouldnt otherwise have. Plus, you casting CLW from a wand is just as good of healing as it is from the Cleric level.
Barbarian/Rangers are a fun combo, especially now that Rangers get some nice 2-hander feats.

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Well, this is good news for me.
I agree about the feats being handy, even though thats not the route I went. I just class dipped for the skills and Favored Enemy bonus, and apparently the ability to use the wand.
Stealth is actually pretty darn useful for a Barbarian to have, imo, lol.
Plus, more Knowledges are always a good thing.

Munkir |

Munkir wrote:It may be "pencil work" but it is hands down the absolute best way to regain health after a fight. Every single one of my characters has a cure light wounds wand to hand over to the cleric (or use himself) for a little zappity-zap after the fight's over. I suggest the same to every other player in my local group - bring your own wand for your own healing. There is virtually no better way to spend 2 PA.Thats what i keep coming up with in the end.
Barbarians are good at dealing damage but after battle you seem to need a lot of healing that the party just does not want to give up so easily and buying Cure light wounds over and over is a lot of pencil work. Dont get me wrong the party heals regularly but i would feel more comfortable if i had a little healing myself.
I do the same i plan on investing in wands for all my characters, unfortunately i was saven for Mith armor to up my AC a bit and keep my 40 movement but now that i have it the wand is next on my list
Also Pencil work is not always a bad thing its one of the reasons why i stoped playing DnD 4E i enjoy looking down at my paper and seeing what all there tangible than a computer screen or etc i just have a lot of marks on my paper where i have purchased and used so many of them. My point is i did not mean to offend anyone with the term pencil work nor did i want anyone to feel like it was not worth the effort to write stuff down.

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MisterSlanky wrote:Munkir wrote:It may be "pencil work" but it is hands down the absolute best way to regain health after a fight. Every single one of my characters has a cure light wounds wand to hand over to the cleric (or use himself) for a little zappity-zap after the fight's over. I suggest the same to every other player in my local group - bring your own wand for your own healing. There is virtually no better way to spend 2 PA.Thats what i keep coming up with in the end.
Barbarians are good at dealing damage but after battle you seem to need a lot of healing that the party just does not want to give up so easily and buying Cure light wounds over and over is a lot of pencil work. Dont get me wrong the party heals regularly but i would feel more comfortable if i had a little healing myself.
I do the same i plan on investing in wands for all my characters, unfortunately i was saven for Mith armor to up my AC a bit and keep my 40 movement but now that i have it the wand is next on my list
Also Pencil work is not always a bad thing its one of the reasons why i stoped playing DnD 4E i enjoy looking down at my paper and seeing what all there tangible than a computer screen or etc i just have a lot of marks on my paper where i have purchased and used so many of them. My point is i did not mean to offend anyone with the term pencil work nor did i want anyone to feel like it was not worth the effort to write stuff down.
I think Misty Slanky mentioned this above, but you can actually spend 2PA to get a wand of CLW for free...no gold required.

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I think Misty Slanky mentioned this above, but you can actually spend 2PA to get a wand of CLW for free...no gold required.
Yup. Remember you can spend 2PA on any one item worth up to 750 gp. This covers scrolls and potions up to third level and wands of 1st. You don't need to spend a single coin of gold to pick those up. Also in case there was any confusion, remember the difference between "Current" Prestige and "Total" prestige. The latter is required to be able to buy equipment of a specific value, the former can be spent on all sorts of stuff from healing to equipment.