What purchase(s) did you make to commemorate GM's Day?

Gamer Life General Discussion

...and, of course, take advantage of some of the sales?

I got Realms of Crawling Chaos by Goblinoid Games.

Please share your booty!

I bought hexographer & dungeonographer.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So far just a book from Necromancers of the Northwest. Forget the name off the top of my head. Might pick up the Midnight setting 2nd edition PDF if I get a check tomorrow I am suppose to get. Since the sale ends on that book on the 7th.

I went to my uncle's wedding and watched my brother lose a drunken fight with the man of honor. No one was surprised.

Note to little brother: beer does not make you good enough at fighting to take down a marine.

Not quite a standard GM's Day but I got cake and beer.

Yes...yes! Celebrate the Gygaxiousness of it all with new acquisitions!

The Exchange

A lot of Mini's. Some terrain even.

Crimson Jester wrote:
A lot of Mini's. Some terrain even.

Very gut. Tell me more about your minis...

Thanks for the move, guys. My mistake.

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