Spanky the Leprechaun |

I ate a grapefruit in my underwear this morning, and snorted the sugar sprinkled on top accidentally. It was epic! It was full of win!
A normal human with a normal nasal cavity couldn't do that. But I've got the nasal cavity of a platybeladon, man. It's some kinda......shovel toothed mastodon......anyway, it was pretty b%%$*in! My kids are proud. F@*~ing EPIC proud, man.

Spanky the Leprechaun |

Hey! Just because I catch up on "pop culture b#!%*#~* that barely qualifies as news" on the weekend doesn't mean you own the damn story.
Oh, no.
My win is epic, polished to a fine Sheen by two brilliant mammomorphic fertility goddesses from ancient Ur that you couldn't even conceive of handling in your wildest nightmares.
You take your cough medicine. I'll keep burning down national monuments with my ruby eye beams while guzzling casks of Amontillado and snorting half of the Colombian countryside every time I inhale. I won by waking up this morning, fool.