Gareth-Michael Skarka |

Adamant is pleased to announce the forthcoming release of a line of officially-licensed adventures set in Freeport, City of Adventure!
The first, coming this Spring:
96 pages, softcover
Written by Nate Christen
$19.99 in print (with complimentary PDF)
$1.99 in PDF only
Something evil lurks in the waters off Freeport!
A tidal wave and the ravings of a shipwrecked halfling lead your heroes to discover a conspiracy to sink ships headed in and out of Freeport, a black market in stolen cargo, a slaver's hideout, a Great Hunt called by the Captain's Council, and a final showdown against a horrific plan to release an abyss-spawned sea monster from its centuries-old prison!
Peril In Freeport is a Pathfinder adventure release set in one of the most beloved fantasy cities in gaming: Green Ronin's Freeport, City of Adventure, and will be available via the Paizo store (in print and PDF), RPGNow and DriveThruRPG (in PDF only), and at your local games store (in print, email us for a complimentary PDF!).

Gareth-Michael Skarka |

A quick update: I just got off the line with our print partners at Cubicle 7, and this book will be solicited to distributors as a June/July release... but will be printed well before then (April), so we'll have advance copies available for order.
Because of this, on Monday I'll launch a special exclusive-to-Adamant's-website pre-order for this book, which will give customers the PDF and a copy of the book in early April, instead of having to wait until June or July for it to reach stores! I'll announce here in this thread when the pre-order is live.
I know that we've recently had a screw-up with delays on pre-order (WARLORDS OF THE APOCALYPSE, specifically) -- but you don't need to worry about that with PERIL IN FREEPORT. The manuscript is actually already finished, and we've already completed all of the artwork! We waited to announce this one until we were ready. No more delays from us!

Gareth-Michael Skarka |

The PERIL IN FREEPORT adventure is now available for pre-order.
Click here to visit the pre-order page on Adamant's website.
Note that this pre-order is exclusive to our site -- other shops may offer pre-orders as well, but those will be for when the books ship to distribution this summer. Adamant's pre-order will ship directly from the printer in April.
(...and, to directly answer prashant panavalli's question: The adventure is for a party of 6th-8th level characters.)

Gareth-Michael Skarka |

Not to mention Corsair, which I am rabidly awaiting the release of. May can't soon enough!
Well, to be fair, we didn't do a pre-order of CORSAIR. But yes, it was also delayed (which meant that pre-orders through other stores that were waiting on shipment occurred).
We're finally getting back up to speed. I'm really glad to be moving forward again!

Gareth-Michael Skarka |

GMS - Is there a way I can contact you to change the shipping location for my copy of Warlords? My deployment is ending soon, and I'd rather not have the book make an unnecessary side trip to Kuwait.
Sure-- just send me an email at gms@adamantentertainment.com, with the address you'd prefer, and I'll tag it to the order myself.