DM Kludde |


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Agreed ... so far we are level 4 and 6 so either should be fine. I don't have anything available between 2 and 6 at the moment, so my options are more limited.

DM Kludde |

While you're here, have a look at the maps & handouts (linked above). There's the usual request to put up your initiative and upload your avatar, as well as enter your PFS details in the table. This game has some special rules, which I've already put up as handouts.

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I only have one, and have been fighting the urge to drop out until I get the others.

DM Kludde |

I've PM-ed the other players, they should be with us shortly

DM Kludde |

We've got an APL of five right now. Looks like we don't have a sixth player: both the original player and the reserve declined. We can start as soon as you're ready.

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I have to update the profile as he last played face-to-face, but good to go with Ahn ... Level 5 - Oracle 1/Paladin of Holy Light 4.

DM Kludde |

Sorry for the delay in the start. I'm travelling and I cannot set up the first post right now. Apologies!

DM Kludde |

A blast of cold wind—the biting chill of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords— rushes into the tent, ruffling scattered papers but not Marcos Farabellus. The Pathfinder Society’s Master of Swords stares intently at a map of the western Worldwound, eyeing wooden playing pieces placed at strategic locations.
“Quite a party we’ve started up here. Did you know they’re calling all this ruckus the Army of the Open Road?” Farabellus asks, never raising his eyes from the map laid out before him. “Well, now it looks like this army is finally ready to move on Jormurdun, the lost Sky Citadel of the dwarves.”
“In case you hadn’t heard, I’ve been appointed warmaster of this growing army of ours. The Decemvirate has politely asked me to knock on Jormurdun’s door and see who answers. The problem is, the walk there is going to take weeks and we know there’re some unwelcome residents already in the region.” Farabellus points to a group of crimson-stained wooden tokens at the north-western edge of the Worldwound that stand opposed to the tokens of the Society’s forces. “It looks like the Society’s latest adversaries, that deceitful cur Tancred Desimire and the two-faced former Venture-Captain Thurl, have assembled an expedition of their own—and positioned it right in our path.”
Slamming his fist down in a sudden movement that cracks the table, Farabellus sends wooden pieces flying about the tent’s interior. “I’m done with these two meddlers. The demonologist and the traitor are to be brought to justice. But first, we must reach Jormurdun before they do. To that end, I need your assistance in rallying our armies and getting us to the entrance of the Sky Citadel. All our senior agents are out in the field tracking Tancred and Thurl, so I’m promoting you to act as field commanders for the battles ahead. Our allies are waiting to meet with us. Any questions?”
The Society has put together a massive host to march on the lost dwarven Sky Citadel of Jormurdun. Earning the nickname “the Army of the Open Road,” this force is composed of Society agents and allies from across the Inner Sea.
Standing beside the Society are the crusaders of Mendev, consisting of mounted cavalry and trained battle priests. The dwarves of the Five Kingdoms Mountains have committed their siege weapons and hearty infantry after long negotiations with the Society. Both of these forces stand as the most loyal and largest non-Society factions in the Army of the Open Road.
Marcos Farabellus was appointed warmaster of the army by unanimous decision. His role is to lead the greater efforts of the army in reaching Jormurdun, but he remains far from the frontline fighting to ensure his safety and direct the efforts of top agents in tracking Thurl and Tancred Desimire. Because of this, Farabellus has been searching for prestigious agents to act in his stead as the army meets the demonic forces of the Worldwound.
Soldiers from the frontlines report that Tancred Desimireandformerventure-captainThurlhavecommitted a force of fanatical cultists and demons to oppose the Army of the Open Road. Scouts have returned with descriptions of demonic horrors stitched together by Thurl, ready to be unleashed as the Society closes on Jormurdun.
Farabellus brings the group to a much larger tent amidst the Society’s encampment. Within stand rows of benches and a massive wooden table adorned with token-strewn maps like those in Farabellus’s tent. Dozens of people already mill about, moving to sit as Farabellus enters. The Master of Swords pays little heed to the other attendants as he gestures for the adventurers to take a seat at one of the front-row benches.
Friends and allies, I thank you all for coming to this most important of war councils. Our forces stand ready to march out from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and into the treacherous terrain of the Worldwound, in search of Jormurdun. Know that this journey will not be easy, as dangerous enemies rest in our path.”
Warmaster Farabellus moves so all in attendance can see the map in the center of the chamber. Pointing at a group of tokens inscribed with demonic runes situated due east of the Society’s encampment, he continues. “Our first mission is to move out from this encampment and secure the region south of the Wolfcrags, where we know Jormurdun to be located. To ensure we are not flanked, we’ll need to destroy any enemy formations within the region around Silvershore, an abandoned town that the fiends are using as a base of operations.”
Knocking over demon-marked tokens with a wave of his arm, Farabellus haphazardly shoves the various tokens of the Society’s army into the region previously indicated. “With this region obtained, we’ll be well positioned to engage whatever Tancred and Thurl have waiting for us in the Wolfcrags. We’ll use the region around Silvershore as a forward command post and move north towards Jormurdun.”
“To ensure our success, I’m appointing my best agents as field commanders for the engagements to come. They’ll be leading our specialist units in crushing enemy resistance. They’ve not yet had a chance to select what units they’ll be leading directly, but I leave the decision in their hands. Please assist them by answering any questions you have about your formations and capabilities.”
With a nod, Farabellus looks over the assembled room, “This is it, everyone. This is the day we find Jormurdun and make Tancred and Thurl pay for their many treacheries.”
Each of you get to pick an army to lead into battle. Take a look at the sidebar on slide 4 (all the way to the right) to see what special armies you can select based on the boons you have (for any of your characters. Any PC can select a Five Kings Mountain, Mendevian, or Society army.

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K: Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
"I can work with either the Enforcers or the Cavalry -- My natural skills lean towards the Enforcers, but I've resolved a tough issue with a member of the Mendevian Crusaders in the past. Does anyone else have any particular preferences?"
The tengu is a bit bemused by the idea of leading an army in all of this, but is giving it the true seriousness and gravity it requires. Besides, if he pulls it off well enough, he could really promote the Exchange's market share for the next quarter...

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I have been a crusader in the past, irony has it I will lead against the Abyss once more. I sure hope this was what the doctor ment when he said "join the society, it'll be good for you". I shall lead the Iomedean warpriests into battle. They probably know me, and I probably know some of their parents.
Says the old lady dressed in a full plate with a creaky voice, using her tower shield as a walker. A scared-looking dodo occasionally pops up from her backpack, as if to check the people around him are stil there. Naggy smiles, revealing rows of razor-sharp black teeth. She scans the room with a look in her eye that could kill a lesser man.
Let's see if I can repay what they did to my mother this time.
Just noticed I still need to update some of my stats, will do so later.

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"I would like to work with the Medevian Warpriests Crusaders ... "
Dvalin has a Medevian Commendation from The Wardstone Patrol #5-02
... Ack ... that is what I get for walking away from my computer before posting ...
So I guess that leaves me with the Cavalry?

DM Kludde |

I've got the following armies selected (you can still change your mind)
Karasuma - Enforcers
Naggy - Warpriests
Dvalin - Cavalry
I'd like to call out that you do not need to have the chronicle on your character. As long as any of your characters has gained the right chronicle, you can select the extra armies

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Can we lead a unit if we don't have the skills of that unit ... for instance Ahn does not have siege weapon skills ... can he lead the five kings siege masters, or is that a bad idea?

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No one in the campaign has siege weapon skills, from my understanding, as they are a restricted skill. My suggestion? If you want them, take them, that way we'll have a nice rounded force.

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That's what I was thinking, it would provide some ranged combat ...
The gnome will lead the dwarven siege masters!

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None of my characters have been through those scenarios yet, so no unique armies here.
Sifvery decides to take command of the Society's Field Agents, who are her kindred spirits.

DM Kludde |

Silvery takes up the lead of a troupe of eager Pathfinder, all young boys and girls ready to test their mettle against the demon horde. The gruff-looking dwarves of the first siege regiment eye their pint-sized leader with some surprise, but accept his leadership.
As soon as the proper command structures have been put in place, the army marches out.
The lakeside settlement of Silvershore was once a thriving, shing town. Silvershore had the lucrative privilege of supplying a massive, floating pleasure palace known as the House of Reflections that floated near the middle of the lake. Many believe that the House of Reflections has become haunted and extremely dangerous. Scouts report that Silvershore is now fortified and serves as an outpost for demons.
By capturing Silvershore, the Society will not only eliminate an enemy stronghold but also secure a defensible forward camp. It can use this camp for its march on Jormurdun through passes in the Wolfcrags to the north. Cultists and murderers loyal to Tancred Desimire teem throughout the area.
You (should) have all filled out your character's init on the handout (along with your character details). Could you also:
(1) add your army initiative (which is 1d20+army speed + charisma modifier)
(2) roll that initiative for this engagement

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Cavalry Init: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 - 1 = 12

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If it's d20's: 1d20 + 1 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 5 = 19
If it's d10's: 1d10 + 1 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 5 = 13
"Form up! Form Up!"
If we're going to be within 100' of each other I can life link with anyone to basically give +5 fast healing (at Ahn's expense).

DM Kludde |

The pathfinders are clearly leading the more disciplined armies, and get the jump on the cultists.
init, Karasuma’s Enforcers: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
init, Naggy: 8 - 1 = 7
init, Sifvery: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
init, Dvalin: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
init, Ahn: 7 + 1 + 5 = 13
1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
You can take actions for each of the listed phases (see slide 2). Please describe all action you want to take in your post.

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"We're going to do an end-around the enemy's northern flank. If they come to us, bail us out, otherwise, we catch them in pincers and crush them. Sound good? Moving out!"
Karasuma's Enforcers Action Summary:
Movement Phase: Move 2 Hexes 'northeast'
Tactics Phase: Full Defense
Ranged Phase: No Contact
Melee Phase: No Contact
Special: Resting unless contact occurs.

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Round 1 HP 27/27; ACR 5; DV 18+1; OM +8/+2+1; Morale 1+1
Movement: Full move, 3 hexes NNE
Tactics: Cavalry Expert
Melee: Standard
Special: Mount
"Northern flank ... got it."
"Crusaders ... mount up!"

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Aye Karasu! Sounds like a plan! Warprieests! Move ouut!
Naggy adheres the plan, moving her fellow crusaders to the brunt of the attack, hoping to last long enough for the flanking maneuver to close.
Round 1 HP 27/27; ACR 5; DV 24; OM +2; Morale +4
Movement Phase: Move 1 Hex 'northeast'
Tactics Phase: Full defense
Melee Phase: Cautious
Special: Iomedean Church in session!

DM Kludde |

Just to be clear: resting to recover hp is something you do in place of moving. 'Special' is not a combat phase.
The armies move into position, waiting for the cultists to strike...

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"OK, Pathfinders! Our mission is to get behind some of these troops and disrupt their supply lines. Let's move!"
Movement Phase: Move 2 Hexes 'northeast'
Tactics Phase: Full Defense
Ranged Phase: No Contact
Melee Phase: No Contact
Special: n/a

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HP 27; ACR 5; DV 16; OM +8 Ranged (Standard, Withdraw); Speed 1; MOrale +3; Consumption 11
Movement Phase: Move into range What the size of a hex?
Tactics Phase: Standard
Ranged Phase: Fire! ranged: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Right under house of reflections, or closer one if range is an issue
Melee Phase: No Contact

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I don't think we have Battletech Artillery here, but I could be mistaken? Be AWESOME if we could hit hexes like that, it would make our jobs so much easier, right?

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I'm shooting at the dudes in that hex... but don't see how big a hex is to know range
Ah, but given the names of towns and such on the map, it must be a pretty great distance ...Guess the siege engines move a hex.

DM Kludde |

If your army has ranged, it means you can make a single attack before you engage in melee - you'd have to be in the same hex
Hexes are indeed quite big: your army speed is the distance your army can march in a day!
Scout report that the cultist armies are on the move, forming two big divisions north and south of silvershore!

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Karasuma's Enforcers Action Summary, Day 2
Movement Phase: Move 2 Hexes 'east' (se, ne)
Tactics Phase: Full Defense
Ranged Phase: No Contact
Melee Phase: No Contact
Special: n/a

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On the second day, Naggy leads the priests of Iomedae to the southeast, preparing to take the initiative, hoping to delay the southern cultist's advance to the north.
Let them come. They will break like water on rocks. Heed no fear, for the very might of the gods is within us! Never stop dusting, for a dusty house is the bane of a healthy mind!!
Round 2 HP 27/27; ACR 5; DV 24; OM +2; Morale +4
Movement Phase: Move 1 Hex 'southeast'
Tactics Phase: Full defense
Melee Phase: Cautious
Special: Making sure the religious fanatics are sufficiently pissed off for battle.

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Round 2 HP 27/27; ACR 5; DV 18+1; OM +8/+2+1; Morale 1+1
Movement: 3 hexes NE
Tactics: Cavalry Expert
Melee: Standard
Special: Mount

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Yes ... I moved NE 3 and remain on the flank. I would have been a little closer; however, that hex was occupied and my army is fairly fast, so I swung out further north. I should be in position to engage next round if needed.

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[ooc]Yes, Ahn moved full speed one hex forward... So DM Kludde, you're saying my siege weapon army will need to enter a hex with baddies and engage in melee combat each round? (After firing siege weapons)[ /ooc]

DM Kludde |

They'll have to march up to the enemy, fire big fat ballista bolts into them, then crush their skulls. Rinse, repeat. How will you move your army?