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5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The spell burning gaze takes a standard action to cast, yet the spells description states that you may direct your burning gaze against a single creature as a standard action. Does this mean that you cannot direct your gaze during the round it is cast?
I know that when you cast a spell that allows you to make attacks as a standard action (such as chill touch), you can make the attack the round you cast it. However brining gaze is a somewhat different type of spell (fort save rather than attack).
So how would this work?

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The spell burning gaze takes a standard action to cast, yet the spells description states that you may direct your burning gaze against a single creature as a standard action. Does this mean that you cannot direct your gaze during the round it is cast?
I know that when you cast a spell that allows you to make attacks as a standard action (such as chill touch), you can make the attack the round you cast it. However brining gaze is a somewhat different type of spell (fort save rather than attack).
So how would this work?
BUMP, please give me some help here.

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Basicly, you cast the spell, and it gives you a new attack option for the duration. The spell is affecting you, you then must use it. Chill touch is something you hit your opponet with, its just odd in that you can use it multiple times.
That doesnt really answer my question of whether it can be used on the same round it is cast.

Windquake |

Thanatos95 wrote:Basicly, you cast the spell, and it gives you a new attack option for the duration. The spell is affecting you, you then must use it. Chill touch is something you hit your opponet with, its just odd in that you can use it multiple times.That doesnt really answer my question of whether it can be used on the same round it is cast.
No you can't. The Standard Action for casting takes up your "attack" slot. So you can move and cast the spell. The following round you can start your Burning Gaze.

sidewaysmonkey |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hmm.... I actually cast it on my hawk familiar, then let him take the standard action to attack with it on the same round. On subsequent rounds he circles the battlefield safely out of range, while torching those who would do me harm. His assistance frees me up to do other things... Like cast more spells!

Joex The Pale |

For a low level spell, I think it's not a bad one, and becomes down right good if you let your familiar use it instead. Uses a Fort save as the initial damage save, so good to use on those pesky Arcane casters and rogues, Ref save for ongoing damage, still good for the mages, not so much for the rogues. Why do you think it's horrible? :/

threemilechild |

Elemental Touch is another round/level spell that you can't use in the first casting round. (Chill Touch is different since it actually targets someone else, not you.)
Burning Gaze isn't so hot (sorry) because of the fort negates/reflex negates aspect, combined with it being a very slow application of fire damage, while requiring actions. Also, if you do manage to make your targets take damage, you can destroy their items/treasure. You're generally better off casting Scorching Ray.
ETA: One of my characters has been considering taking it, but she also uses Snapdragon Fireworks. I think there may be some utility in it once she has metamagic -- basically, that the damage is just a way to slap on some inconvenient effect like Stunning, although it's unfortunate the save DCs will remain low.

Joex The Pale |

The sorcerer in my group found a third party version that reduced damage to 1 point/level, fort for 1/2, but added 1 rnd/lvl blindness, which the same save negated. Oh and the action was reduced from standard to free action. He kind of snuck this past me, but it hasn't seemed to be too over powered so far. Do these changes bring the spell up to par or break it? .

Starbuck_II |

Here's a link to the above mentioned third party spell.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/tricky-owlbear-publishing--- 3rd-party-spells/burning-gaze
A better version, or a broken one? Opinions?
Your link didn't work for me: I had to go there from main area;
This spell causes the caster’s eyes to glow dull red and allows the caster to make a single gaze attack, as a swift action. The target of this gaze attack automatically suffers 1 hit point of fire damage per Level of the caster and must make a successful Will save or be blinded for one round + 1 round per 3 caster levels. Blindness inflicted by a successful gaze attack can last beyond the duration of this spell
I think the 3rd party version is powerful, but not broken.