PFWiki Scribe |

I have seen a few dragons in various Pathfinder products but they are essentially “naked”. Do dragons in Golarion ever use magic items (rings of protection, amulet of natural armor, et cetra) or have special dragon sized armor crafted for them?
Magic items? Yes. Dragon-sized armor? Not that I've seen.

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Dragons in Golarion seem pretty rare.
Dragons not using any of there loot has always been a bug in my craw. I once fully kit a young red dragon in PC gear with full plate armor and appropriate magic items. The story was she was trying to claim her own country with the help of her followers. I had never seen such an irate group of players...

Are |

My dragons certainly use items from their hoard if they are able to use them. Some of them even buy additional items or trade some of their items for others (although they will keep a nice bed of coins to sleep in).
In fact, all of my monsters tend to use whatever treasure they have that will help them. It would be beyond silly if an intelligent creature didn't use that ring of protection when it's lying right there in its treasure pile. Assuming the creature hasn't had trouble figuring out what the ring does, of course.
Since this is specifically about Dragons in the Golarion setting, I don't really have an answer for you, as I can't recall if anything has been said on the subject. It would seem strange if they didn't use an item that they would be able to, though.

Pendagast |

Armor would hamper their flight like it does a persons running.
They as a race, are generally high on the ego charts, and wearing armor would generally mean they are fearful that they may be hurt. Not generally the attitude of most dragons.
Dragons are most often encountered in the lairs, if i was encountered right now i'd be doing my fighting in my underwear.
Most 'people' that hang out at home have lots of stuff, but unless its new to them they don't frequently have it on their person.
Dragons aren't out adventuring, they are lounging about at home.
If they are encountered terrorizing villagers they are just out for a quick meal and probably aren't wearing battle armor either.
Also how the heck would the dragon take it on and off?
Unless he has spells this is unlikely to happen.
How many suits of dragon sized exotic armor are out there, and how many dragons don't think their hide is enough, in order to commission one to begin with?
For those Dragons that do cast spells, there is still arcane armor failure to deal with.
So pretty much those are some pretty good reasons to attribute to the rarity of dragons wearing armor.
As far as things like rings of protection and the like? It's also likely 'beneath them'.
It would have to be truly an amazing magic item for the dragon to consider it anything other than an amusing trinket.

Caineach |

I can't speak to Goloron, but my GM's homebrew campaign the BBEG is a lvl 10 Fighter Great Wyrm White Dragon fully decked out using his triple treasure, which includes a +10 equivalent gargantuan greatsword and +5 Fullplate of Heavy Fortification. I look forward to the chance to finally kill him. Every dragon the players have ever faced since 3.0 came out have had at least elemental resistance items to counter their vulnerability, resistance items to increase saves, and something to increase AC.

Pendagast |

I can't speak to Goloron, but my GM's homebrew campaign the BBEG is a lvl 10 Fighter Great Wyrm White Dragon fully decked out using his triple treasure, which includes a +10 equivalent gargantuan greatsword and +5 Fullplate of Heavy Fortification. I look forward to the chance to finally kill him. Every dragon the players have ever faced since 3.0 came out have had at least elemental resistance items to counter their vulnerability, resistance items to increase saves, and something to increase AC.
how is the dragon going to wield the great sword?

Caineach |

Caineach wrote:I can't speak to Goloron, but my GM's homebrew campaign the BBEG is a lvl 10 Fighter Great Wyrm White Dragon fully decked out using his triple treasure, which includes a +10 equivalent gargantuan greatsword and +5 Fullplate of Heavy Fortification. I look forward to the chance to finally kill him. Every dragon the players have ever faced since 3.0 came out have had at least elemental resistance items to counter their vulnerability, resistance items to increase saves, and something to increase AC.how is the dragon going to wield the great sword?
With his hands. Forgo the 2 claw attacks for a str+1/2 attack with itterative attacks. He may be larger than a standard great wyrm, or it is only collosal instead of gargantuan. I'm guessing he is actually going to be gargantuan. Its still 10 levels before we are going to have this showdown, at least annother year of playing.

punkrockbeau101 |
that kinda ruins dragons, might as well make the bad guy a giant.
Actually, if you look at previous editions of similar role-playing games, there are actually specuLate weapons dragons have used. Usually, it would be something like a tail-mace, or wing-blades. These weapons were normally used to fight creatures of similar strength or stature.

Paladin of Baha-who? |

Dragons should certainly use magic rings, amulets, circlets, bracers, etc. Look at the dragon on this AP cover: Into the Nightmare Rift (AP#65)
She has lots of bling, and a significant part of it is magical.

Gullyble Dwarf - Lvl 7 DM |

If a dragon goes with a weapon doesn't he lose bite, claw, claw, wing, wing, tail all at approximately the same bonus vs iterative with one secondary?
Anyway, back to the OP. In the pre-Pathfinder Paizo AP I ran the dragons in it most definitely used appropriate magical items in their hoard. I have not run a Golarion Scenario/AP with a dragon that had access to items, so I don't know what the Golarion standard is.