Lady Andasin as an Oracle

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So nearly done with Edge of Anarchy and re-reading through Seven Days. I'm thinking oracle, with the wasting curse. Good/bad idea?

Lazaro wrote:
So nearly done with Edge of Anarchy and re-reading through Seven Days. I'm thinking oracle, with the wasting curse. Good/bad idea?

Not a bad idea at all

Dark Archive

Sounds cool. If/when I get around to converting, I'm looking at including each of the APG classes at least once. Shadowcount Sial was looking to be my go at an Oracle. We'll see.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm sure I forgot some things, but here goes:

Lady Andaisin CR 9
Female human oracle 10
NE Medium humanoid
Init –1; Senses Perception +4
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 23
(+8 armor, +3 deflection, –1 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 98 (10d8+50)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +8
Defensive Abilities armor of bones +6; immune to
nauseated and sickened condition
Spd 30 ft.; air walk
Melee +2 vicious scythe +11/+6 (2d4+3/×4 plus 2d6)
Special Attacks death’s touch 8/day (1d6+5,
plus 3 bleed), bleeding wounds
Spells Known (CL 10th; concentration +15)
5th (4/day)—greater command (DC 20),
mass inflict light wounds (DC 22),
slay living (DC 22)
4th (6/day)—air walk, divine power,
fear (DC 21), greater magic weapon,
inflict critical wounds (DC 21)
3rd (7/day)—animate dead,
blindness/deafness (DC 20),
contagion (DC 20), magic vestment,
inflict serious wounds (DC 20)
2nd (7/day)—bear’s
endurance, cure moderate
wounds, death knell (DC 19),
inflict moderate wounds (DC 19),
false life, status
1st (8/day)—cause fear (DC 18),
cure light wounds, doom (DC 18),
inflict light wounds (DC 18),
obscuring mist, sanctuary (DC 16),
shield of faith
0 (at will)—9, bleed (DC 17), detect magic,
detect poison, guidance, light, mending,
purify food and drink, read magic,
Mystery bones
Base Statistics AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9; hp 78;
Fort +5; Melee +1 vicious scythe +9/+4 (2d4+2/×4 plus
2d6); Con 14
Str 12 , Dex 8, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 13 , Cha 21
Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 17
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Craft Wondrous Item, Martial Weapon
Proficiency (scythe), Spell Focus (necromancy), Weapon
Focus (scythe)
Skills Knowledge (religion) +13, Spellcraft +18
Languages Common
SQ oracle’s curse (wasting),revelations
Combat Gear potion of barkskin +4; Other
Gear +1 vicious scythe, cloak of resistance +2 ,
headband of alluring charisma +2, onyx unholy symbol
of Urgathoa worth 200 gp

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If anything, with proper warning, she looks even nastier than her normal write-up even adapting her as a PF cleric. I should have thought of that when I was working on 7 days...

Though you are tapped out for feats, you forgot the feat "Extend Spell", she normally uses several extended buffs when alerted to the PC's presence, and she cast extended status on Rolth, Davaulus and a priest every day. 10 hour duration means she has to expend 3 more spells later in the day to renew the effect, or risk having no warning if the PCs invade at night. This is of course assuming your PCs can avoid alerting the entire temple to their presence.
When I ran 7 days, the pc's managed to pull off cleansing the temple without raising the alarm, it was that status spell that gave her the time needed to buff. Depending on your party mix, un-buffed she would be a pretty underwhelming encounter.
There are a lot of ways you could work around it though, including using the money gained from not having a +1 breastplate to give her extra scrolls of status, or trading in one of her item crafting feats for extend.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Updating her meant losing her domains, and the free weapon focus her domain granted. So I sat forever wondering what feat to cut from her stat block. Finally decided to go with cutting extend and keeping the weapon focus. Sure having the extended status and shield of faith was nice, but I wanted her to hit more in combat (when not using melee touches to bleed out my players >insert evil laughter<). The idea of this woman slicing away at my pc's was too entertaining a thought.

And I guess if I wanted I could have even dumped it for vital strike, really scary, but she gets that in the end ;)


Love the Daughter of Urgathoa in the Inner Sea World Guide. Would hate to be on the receiving end of a vital striked great claw :O

*For more spell love I REALLY suggest using the alternate human favored class option for the orcale (not used here). Getting additional spells known is always nice :D

The update also meant losing some of her prepared spells, but in the end I think she turned out nice.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Scythes are pretty nasty weapons. One of the reasons I kept her out of combat was because of the make up of my group...though it goes both ways in that combat, As seen in the group obituary here.
Even with the extended spells she didn't do all that well, until the second stage.
Something else I might recommend if you haven't run 7 days yet is this

Switch domains on some of the priests to the Magic Domain...Hand of the Acolyte was extremely effective for 3 particular priests on the catwalks in area G8 of the temple. My group hated that.

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