It would be a quiet way to deliver bard song, and it lasts 10 minutes/level. A mid-level bard could get the whole party with it.
Prawn wrote: It would be a quiet way to deliver bard song, and it lasts 10 minutes/level. A mid-level bard could get the whole party with it.
I see no reason not to allow it.
Prawn wrote: It would be a quiet way to deliver bard song, and it lasts 10 minutes/level. A mid-level bard could get the whole party with it.
I'd allow this with ranks in sing or oration. Dance is another way to silently deliver bardic song, though.
Dance is silent, but you have to see the bard. The advantage to message is that it can go around corners, through windows into buildings, etc, 100 ft + 10 ft level away. So a bard could inspire a far off party member while still being quiet.
Prawn wrote: Dance is silent, but you have to see the bard. The advantage to message is that it can go around corners, through windows into buildings, etc, 100 ft + 10 ft level away. So a bard could inspire a far off party member while still being quiet. Yeah, this is a genius idea, and the bard could even be doing other things at the same time since maintaining the bardic performance is a free action. If you had a bard/cleric, he could cast shield other on himself and be healing himself while inspiring at the same time and being invisible and having sanctuary cast on himself too just in case someone does find him.
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