Pre-Evolved Eidolons: Could It Help Out With Some Headaches?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I got to thinking about some of the issues I've seen or heard about regarding eidolons, and at least some of them have to do with the complexities of the class and with the difficulty in quickly picking the points apart to make sure everything is in the right place.

So what occurred to me is, without the class actually being changed, what if some product had a set of "pre-evolved" eidolons, i.e. eidolons that are legal within the normal point system, but instead of the player building the eidolon, its progression is just mapped out on a table like an animal companion or familiar.

I'm wondering if this might do a few things. One, it would make it easier for less experienced players to pick up a summoner and play it. It would make it easier for a GM to get a benchmark for what eidolons should be able to do, and finally, it might even be possible to sanction the "pre-evolved" eidolons for organized play so its easier for everyone to know what's going on with how the creature is built.

One of the things I'm thinking is that if you have a few progressions as examples, at least one for each base form, you still have "legal" eidolons but without some of the pain of the point buy structure.

I'm just wondering of anyone thinks this might be a good thing. Paizo may not wish to visit the idea, but it can't hurt to see if people are interested in such a thing.

I would see it as a option.. only concern I can think of is there are so many different combo's, it would be difficult to really do it feasably. Actually, The Summoners Handbook ( has a lot of ideas on summoner and eidolon builds.

Additionally, heres an item thats very good.( 8hf4&source=search)

Theres some specific character concepts on summoner and eidolon builds.

Hope this helps.

I keep coming across threads like this about how broken or difficult the eidolon is , but really I don't see how anyone who has read the rules more than once can harp on this issue.
I will admit as a player who just gave a cursory look of the class before I started playing it, that there are a few subtly rules to keep track of.Once I actually did the home work on the background rules it really isn't that hard to figure out.
It may be nice to have pre-evolved eidolons , but then they become animal companions or standard summoned monsters.
Since this is a new class there will be problems as crafty players learn to squeeze every advantage they can from the eidolon.
I would also second the summoners hand book as one ( if not the only ) most useful bits of info on this class.

Yes, the summoner's handbook has a few good builds like the nom-beast [/plug for own build].

Sorry about the 2nd link.. it died.. I can't remember the book name now but someone put out a pdf on 3 different types of summoner/eidolon builds. Like Melee summoner, mounted and ranged. Very good resource for idea's on builds. Once I remember the name of it, I will post it.

Grand Lodge

Basically, you want this? :)

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