Lyrax |
A creature that lacks vocal apparatus shouldn't be able to speak. But an animal companion with an intelligence of 3 or higher CAN understand language.
You CAN train your companion in linguistics. This will allow him to understand other languages, though he still can't speak them. Linguistics does not specify that a creature must be able to speak in order to take linguistics (unlike fly, which specifically states you can't take ranks in it without access to flight).
EDIT: I think animal companions who get 3 intelligence automagically get Common as a language (understood only, not spoken). If your animal takes Linguistics, you can broaden that to Sylvan or something.
Veneth Kestrel |
I removed a post and a reply to it. Edition-bashing is passe.
Incidentally, since one of the posts removed was the first post, the question this topic was created for no longer exists. However, part of the first post is still readable in the rollover text for the topic on the main page, and that text contains the 4th ed joke you removed the post for...