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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Day two of the English Sidesword Open, in which another hour and a half of Spanish swordplay failed to make the previous day's class very much clearer, I took a very good class on C16th Anglo-Italian mercenary, fencing master and suspected spy Vicente Saviolo, then got my thighs tenderised in the sword & rotella (big, round, domed shield) tournament. Didn't win anything, but still had a good time despite the bruises.

Am now having a beer and playing in my regular Sunday night Pathfinder game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
If it helps, based exclusively off of what I've heard, you've have my vote hands down over everything else there.

The winner was an excellent pavlova made by an almost 90 year old lady who has taken 1st place three other times in the past decade, so I cannot find fault with the decision.

But the second and third-place desserts were cloyingly sweet, and not very good. And the other desserts I thought were so good did not place, either. This is clearly a case of (a) Miss Mary wins as long as she's still cooking, and (b) all other finalists need to play to the audience, and this audience likes goopy and overdone.
Already planning for next year.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"Wait, if I dress up like Iron Man for Halloween, would that make me a zombie?" - Tiny T-Rex.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Monster: Kyklopokynos.

6 people marked this as a favorite.


So father called. Apparently he feels fine while he recovers from peacemaker implantation...

Fine enough to smoke... I might be mistaken but he sounded a bit like he had a drink or two as well... Ugh.

And of course he found some more pseudoscientific B$ on YouTube, this times some Russian guy who supposedly made antigravity device...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:


So father called. Apparently he feels fine while he recovers from peacemaker implantation...

Fine enough to smoke... I might be mistaken but he sounded a bit like he had a drink or two as well... Ugh.

And of course he found some more pseudoscientific B$ on YouTube, this times some Russian guy who supposedly made antigravity device...

What?! YouTube SCIENCE can NEVER be wrong!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
"Wait, if I dress up like Iron Man for Halloween, would that make me a zombie?" - Tiny T-Rex.

I would rather you lose and keep your dignity than you stoop to the level of such unrefined palates.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Water Boy wrote:
Drejk wrote:


So father called. Apparently he feels fine while he recovers from peacemaker implantation...

Fine enough to smoke... I might be mistaken but he sounded a bit like he had a drink or two as well... Ugh.

And of course he found some more pseudoscientific B$ on YouTube, this times some Russian guy who supposedly made antigravity device...

What?! YouTube SCIENCE can NEVER be wrong!

Inside that casing, Fawful is being having something for to you to be showing!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, this is flippin' ace

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I had an interview the other day. The guy asked "Can you perform under pressure?" I said "No, but I do a pretty good Bohemian Rhapsody."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My friend told me he has a bladder infection. I said "Sounds like urine trouble."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I recently saw a movie about a man who made everything symmetrical late in the day. It was called "The Evening".

1 person marked this as a favorite.

More snow coming today.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
More snow coming today.

We're going to get rain out of this one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
"Wait, if I dress up like Iron Man for Halloween, would that make me a zombie?" - Tiny T-Rex.
I would rather you lose and keep your dignity than you stoop to the level of such unrefined palates.

I'm certain there's a deeper meaning here now. At first I thought it was simply replying to the wrong thing, but I'm now convinced otherwise.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Monster: Kyklopokynos.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
More snow coming today.
We're going to get rain out of this one.

I hate you both.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Monster: Kyklopokynos.

I like this monster, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I'm really liking this. But I miss the original app. It apparently no longer works with my phone.

If you find a good dice rolling app that works on iOS, please share. I lost my preferred app when the developer left it unsupported for so long that it won't work with the latest iOS versions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Shattered Star

Iron Gods
Reign of Winter
Hell's Rebels
Mummy's Mask
Wrath of the Righteous
War for the Crown..

Which would you run?

Still looking for more feedback. :-)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

AT&T Update:

As I mentioned, last week their behavior was execrable, marking the street as closed for the entire week only to show up for two half-days of work, and not even finishing.

So yep, on Saturday Mr. Sharpee came along and marked the street as closed to parking for another week so they could finish the work they didn't show up to do last week.

Nope, AT&T. No dice.

If you'd honestly shown up, worked hard, and not managed to finish because the project ended up being more difficult/complicated than you'd anticipated, or even if your workers had been lazy bums, I'd say, "Sure. Another week is reasonable."

But if you DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO SHOW UP, and the work doesn't get done because of THAT, then you have no sympathy, you're an <expletive>, and I'm writing the city to complain about you and try to get your permit revoked for 3 months.

'Cause it would cost you a lot of money and inconvenience you about the same amount you've inconvenienced us...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Shattered Star

Iron Gods
Reign of Winter
Hell's Rebels
Mummy's Mask
Wrath of the Righteous
War for the Crown..

Which would you run?

Still looking for more feedback. :-)

Since none of them are perfect, and almost any of them require some amount of tailoring to fit your group of players, I would go based on atmosphere. They are, as I am sure you know, very different.

I had been out of gaming for several years until Skull and Shackles came along. It is far from a perfect AP, but PIRATES was enough to get me back in the fold and play again with my long time group.

Wrath of the Righteous has its problems, but it just has that epic feel to it that some of the others do not. I ran this one. Yes, it has problems, but if you let combats flow at the pace of plot instead of strict HP totals, and you use scorpionmd's upgraded monsters as your starting point, it can be a very fun situation. I must have misrun the labyrinth because the OP ranger got them out of there with minimal difficulty. Did I mod things? absolutely. Still one of my favorite stories. We have more callbacks at the table to this game than any other AP we have run.

If "time/space" travel to 1910s Russia is not your thing, then Winter is not going to be a good fit. Part of why my group has avoided.

If you have trouble with expedition to the barrier peaks, then Iron Gods will be hard to swallow. Again, part of why my group has avoided.

We have Mummy's Mask or Tyrant's Grasp queued up after Return of the Runelords because we like fighting deadites and we have a DM who loves to run them.

But we are also a group that has players that pick character concepts based on a cool mini that they painted last month.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:
But we are also a group that has players that pick character concepts based on a cool mini that they painted last month.

So happy I'm not the only one who does that. (Though I don't paint, I do find cool minis and base my PCs on them.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We use pawns, but same concept, it's why I get a lot of pawn sets (every AP except Tyrant's Grasp).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I start work at 6 PM which means I'll get off work at about 4-5 AM.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's a long night's work...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Andostre wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I'm really liking this. But I miss the original app. It apparently no longer works with my phone.
If you find a good dice rolling app that works on iOS, please share. I lost my preferred app when the developer left it unsupported for so long that it won't work with the latest iOS versions.

I am on android and I am using Alt Dice. Hope it works for you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Shattered Star

Iron Gods
Reign of Winter
Hell's Rebels
Mummy's Mask
Wrath of the Righteous
War for the Crown..

Which would you run?

Still looking for more feedback. :-)

The only two I'm familiar with are Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous. I don't have anything further to add for WotR that hasn't already been said. As a player I'm halfway through it, and having lots of fun.

I've both run and am playing in Kingmaker. It's a solid AP! There's a few problems, but they are overcome with a little foreknowledge:
- The most common complaint is that while there's a story stretching across all six books that makes sense, the way the AP is written the BBEG comes completely out of nowhere from the PC's perspective. It's a jarring disconnect come Book 6. Take extra effort to start dropping hints about the main villain around Book 3 or so.

- The Exploration mechanic can be fun, but be wary that it doesn't go on too long for your group. Some people just get tired of it because it seems like a series of random encounters, and some people get tired of it because it doesn't make in-game sense for The King and his Treasurer and his Grand Diplomat and his Executioner to be on the frontier looking for any owlbear nests or whatever when they should be back in the capital doing some urban planning and making sure the kingdom is ready for another invasion from Pitax.

- The 5-minute workday comes into play. Each hex takes anywhere from 8 hours to 3 days to fully explore. At best, the PCs will get a scripted encounter and a random event in one day, but that's unlikely. It's almost always one encounter per day, max. Once the PCs realize this, they'll use all their one-a-day abilities and high level spells right away, trivializing most encounters. You'll need to be ready to step up the challenge of the encounters. Whether that's a stat boost, adding more monsters, or making the encounters more tactical is up to you.

- There's a sidebar in Book 1 talking about the Kingdom Building mechanic that's spot on. Some groups love it, some groups hate; be ready to drop it if your party feels like it's just accounting and not Kingdom Building. The AP is designed so that the PCs' actual kingdom stats have little to do with the way the story plays out. That's both a strength and a weakness. It's a strength because you can easily drop the mechanic whenever you want without making really any changes to your campaign. It's a weakness because there's really no way that your kingdom management affects the campaign.

- Also, the Kingdom Building from Ultimate Campaign is the same as the one from this AP with a few of the bugs fixed. The system on the SRD is the one from Ultimate Campaign.

But this is a good AP! Lots of fan support in the forum dedicated to it if that's your thing. I recommend it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I'm really liking this. But I miss the original app. It apparently no longer works with my phone.
If you find a good dice rolling app that works on iOS, please share. I lost my preferred app when the developer left it unsupported for so long that it won't work with the latest iOS versions.
I am on android and I am using Alt Dice. Hope it works for you!

Not on iOS, but thanks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I guess I should have said more votes welcome, or something like that.

I'm actually intimately familiar with all the APs except Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

At any rate, we're getting about 4-6 inches of snow instead of an inch.

So should be a long night at work.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

AT&T Update:

As I mentioned, last week their behavior was execrable, marking the street as closed for the entire week only to show up for two half-days of work, and not even finishing.

So yep, on Saturday Mr. Sharpee came along and marked the street as closed to parking for another week so they could finish the work they didn't show up to do last week.

Nope, AT&T. No dice.

If you'd honestly shown up, worked hard, and not managed to finish because the project ended up being more difficult/complicated than you'd anticipated, or even if your workers had been lazy bums, I'd say, "Sure. Another week is reasonable."

But if you DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO SHOW UP, and the work doesn't get done because of THAT, then you have no sympathy, you're an <expletive>, and I'm writing the city to complain about you and try to get your permit revoked for 3 months.

'Cause it would cost you a lot of money and inconvenience you about the same amount you've inconvenienced us...

One of the (not so glorious) reasons why I'd like to win a bazzillion $ at lotter would be me then hiring a band of lawyers and sue the hell out of anyone who unjustly inconveniences or harms regular people to bring the fear of lawsuit into their hearts that they would feel that offering subpar quality of services and goods offered costs them more than actually doing their damn job.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

AT&T Update:

As I mentioned, last week their behavior was execrable, marking the street as closed for the entire week only to show up for two half-days of work, and not even finishing.

So yep, on Saturday Mr. Sharpee came along and marked the street as closed to parking for another week so they could finish the work they didn't show up to do last week.

Nope, AT&T. No dice.

If you'd honestly shown up, worked hard, and not managed to finish because the project ended up being more difficult/complicated than you'd anticipated, or even if your workers had been lazy bums, I'd say, "Sure. Another week is reasonable."

But if you DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO SHOW UP, and the work doesn't get done because of THAT, then you have no sympathy, you're an <expletive>, and I'm writing the city to complain about you and try to get your permit revoked for 3 months.

'Cause it would cost you a lot of money and inconvenience you about the same amount you've inconvenienced us...

One of the (not so glorious) reasons why I'd like to win a bazzillion $ at lotter would be me then hiring a band of lawyers and sue the hell out of anyone who unjustly inconveniences or harms regular people to bring the fear of lawsuit into their hearts that they would feel that offering subpar quality of services and goods offered costs them more than actually doing their damn job.

I suspect that if you started a Kickstarter with, "We'll sue companies that treat you like dirt," then you'd BE a bazillionaire. :-P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
But we are also a group that has players that pick character concepts based on a cool mini that they painted last month.

So happy I'm not the only one who does that. (Though I don't paint, I do find cool minis and base my PCs on them.)

90% of my character concepts are based on a cool pic I found on Pintrest or DeviantArt, which is basically the online/NWN version of this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
But we are also a group that has players that pick character concepts based on a cool mini that they painted last month.

So happy I'm not the only one who does that. (Though I don't paint, I do find cool minis and base my PCs on them.)

90% of my character concepts are based on a cool pic I found on Pintrest or DeviantArt, which is basically the online/NWN version of this.

do you make stories for characters you see?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

At any rate, we're getting about 4-6 inches of snow instead of an inch.

So should be a long night at work.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
But we are also a group that has players that pick character concepts based on a cool mini that they painted last month.

So happy I'm not the only one who does that. (Though I don't paint, I do find cool minis and base my PCs on them.)

90% of my character concepts are based on a cool pic I found on Pintrest or DeviantArt, which is basically the online/NWN version of this.
do you make stories for characters you see?

It usually goes something like this:

1. See cool pic online, save to characters folder.
2. Some time later, want to make a new character. Go to character folder and look through pics for ideas, or for pics that match the very loose concept I have (usually just one or two partial concepts of race, class, patron deity, place of origin, etc.).
3. Make any minor edits to picture I need to fit quirks of concept.
4. Flesh out basic backstory and start playing (if character is a standard race) or write up application (if character is an exotic race and intended for NWN play).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Of all the things wrong with current U.S. education, this one incenses me the most: Off-schedule homework, especially on breaks and holidays.

Impus Major's college just had a 4-day weekend for President's Day(s).

Too bad! He got an email from his psychology professor over the weekend that he had an assignment that's due tonight.

So... what part of "the school is closed, you don't get to assign things just because you have access to the kids' emails" does this teacher not understand?

Soooooo infuriating!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Does his school have the majority of their assignments turned in via an online system, like Scint's does? If yes, that might be why - with the assumption that the kids can turn assignments in at any time, the teachers may feel free to set their due dates without regard for the school being open or not.

EDIT: And I just saw that it's college, not high school. I just thought that was a default - college, at least in my (admittedly rather limited) experience, never gave a damn about whether or not there was a class that day, if that's when the professor wants it turned in then that's when it's due. And this was even in the time before online turn-in became a commonplace thing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Does his school have the majority of their assignments turned in via an online system, like Scint's does? If yes, that might be why - with the assumption that the kids can turn assignments in at any time, the teachers may feel free to set their due dates without regard for the school being open or not.

EDIT: And I just saw that it's college, not high school. I just thought that was a default - college, at least in my (admittedly rather limited) experience, never gave a damn about whether or not there was a class that day, if that's when the professor wants it turned in then that's when it's due. And this was even in the time before online turn-in became a commonplace thing.

That flabbergasts me. I built my entire schedule around knowing my homework would be due in class. Little places like U.C. Berkeley. I was a college teacher/professor from 1991-2000, and not once did we ask students to turn something in outside of class time. We respected:

(1) Holidays
(2) Dead week
(3) Class days

It's mind-boggling to force students to turn stuff in "whenever", and especially assigning it during a school break and expecting it turned in during that same break is appalling to me. "Oh, I know it's Spring Break, but that means you're going to have plenty of time, so please write a 5-page essay on this reading I want you to do." (An *almost* actual event from Impus Major's high school days -- she assigned it at the end of class on the Friday before break, so it wasn't technically assigned during break, but it was due on the Wednesday of Spring Break.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
But we are also a group that has players that pick character concepts based on a cool mini that they painted last month.

So happy I'm not the only one who does that. (Though I don't paint, I do find cool minis and base my PCs on them.)

90% of my character concepts are based on a cool pic I found on Pintrest or DeviantArt, which is basically the online/NWN version of this.
do you make stories for characters you see?

It usually goes something like this:

1. See cool pic online, save to characters folder.
2. Some time later, want to make a new character. Go to character folder and look through pics for ideas, or for pics that match the very loose concept I have (usually just one or two partial concepts of race, class, patron deity, place of origin, etc.).
3. Make any minor edits to picture I need to fit quirks of concept.
4. Flesh out basic backstory and start playing (if character is a standard race) or write up application (if character is an exotic race and intended for NWN play).


1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Does his school have the majority of their assignments turned in via an online system, like Scint's does? If yes, that might be why - with the assumption that the kids can turn assignments in at any time, the teachers may feel free to set their due dates without regard for the school being open or not.

EDIT: And I just saw that it's college, not high school. I just thought that was a default - college, at least in my (admittedly rather limited) experience, never gave a damn about whether or not there was a class that day, if that's when the professor wants it turned in then that's when it's due. And this was even in the time before online turn-in became a commonplace thing.

That flabbergasts me. I built my entire schedule around knowing my homework would be due in class. Little places like U.C. Berkeley. I was a college teacher/professor from 1991-2000, and not once did we ask students to turn something in outside of class time. We respected:

(1) Holidays
(2) Dead week
(3) Class days

It's mind-boggling to force students to turn stuff in "whenever", and especially assigning it during a school break and expecting it turned in during that same break is appalling to me. "Oh, I know it's Spring Break, but that means you're going to have plenty of time, so please write a 5-page essay on this reading I want you to do." (An *almost* actual event from Impus Major's high school days -- she assigned it at the end of class on the Friday before break, so it wasn't technically assigned during break, but it was due on the Wednesday of Spring Break.)

brings back memories of the great debate about year round school in NY. It never came to pass, but things like this were suggested.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A man goes to his boss one morning and says "I need to leave early today. I'm going to be a father." His boss, surprised, says "Of course! In fact, you can go ahead and leave now if you like. Best of luck!" The man smiles and leaves. Later that night, the boss calls the man. He asks "Hey, how did it go? Is it a boy or a girl?" The man says "It went fantastic!! And I don't know the gender yet. We'll find out in about 9 months."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How was the Roman Empire cut in half? With a pair of Caesers.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Where did the bird go when it felt sick? To the ducktor, of course!

What was wrong with it? It had a crippling quack addiction.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have a photographic memory. Unfortunately, I don't have any film.

(Or, for the more modern generation, I don't have an SD card.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What did Shakespeare say when he was thinking about getting a cat? Tabby, or not tabby. That is the question.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What kind of cereal do FBI agents eat? Background Chex.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Accordion to recent research, 95% of people don't notice when you replace a word with an instrument.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What do you call a monkey in a minefield? A baBOOM!

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