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Off to urgent care as the kidlet hurt his wrist at jujitsu. Probably not broken, but we want to be sure and it's super swollen.

Edit: yeah, no, definitely not naked for this

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NobodysHome wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Mussels and chips/fries is a bit of classic; maybe only if you're Belgian, though.

Our local French bistro does it -- NobodysWife and Impus Major swear by 'em; apparently they're really good.

But as lisamarlene indicated, I don't eat shellfish.
I don't like the texture, and whatever it is that most people in the world find "delicious" is a very strong "rotten ocean" taste for me.

I'm sure I've mentioned that years ago, NobodysWife shared "the best crab she'd ever tasted" with me. The best I could do was to declare it, "Not excessively unpleasant."

So yeah, I don't eat shellfish, so people who actually like the little buggers can have more.

Having worked in a small restaurant for 6 years here in Pittsburgh, I can articulate my distaste of shellfish. I've had to "clean" untold boxes of shrimp. The memory of the smell is never forgotten.

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I didn't mind deveining shrimp.

I even had a song partially stolen from The Simpsons.

"The knife goes in, the guts come out, that's what shanking shrimp is all about"

I wanna say I did 3 boxes a week.

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lynora wrote:

Off to urgent care as the kidlet hurt his wrist at jujitsu. Probably not broken, but we want to be sure and it's super swollen.

Edit: yeah, no, definitely not naked for this

Best to be certain about stuff like that - it's a nasty part to snap...

Silver Crusade

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*leaves this in plain sight*

Silver Crusade

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lynora wrote:

Off to urgent care as the kidlet hurt his wrist at jujitsu. Probably not broken, but we want to be sure and it's super swollen.

Edit: yeah, no, definitely not naked for this

*offers hugs*

*hugs lynora*

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Going to be off-line for a while. Windows wants to install updates.

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And, I'm back. Less than 15 minutes. Not bad, as far as updates go.

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:


My first contact with Muse.



I might run a Starfinder game in that stylistics.

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Rysky wrote:
*leaves this in plain sight*

Meh. Not looking to be isometric turn-based gem like real Fallouts/Wasteland...

These days I am scratching my Fallout itch with Wastelands 2.

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A shirt for Drejk and Sharoth!

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Drejk wrote:
Rysky wrote:
*leaves this in plain sight*

Meh. Not looking to be isometric turn-based gem like real Fallouts/Wasteland...

These days I am scratching my Fallout itch with Wastelands 2.

I use Abraxo Cleaner.

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Nice, though they could use a choice of colors. Not to mention that I suspect shipping would cost more than multiple of those...

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Drejk wrote:
Nice, though they could use a choice of colors. Not to mention that I suspect shipping would cost more than multiple of those...

Shipping (at least in the U.S.) is 5 dollars for the entire order.

We get at least six shirts every time.

If you go here, you can separate by color instead, if you scroll down and look to your right you'll see the color palette

They also allow you to submit your own designs.

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Also, one for Limey

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This week work must've kicked the General's ass, cause she gave up and went to bed.

Looks like it's up to me to do stories tonight.

Yes, it is late, but I'm not fighting the kids on a Friday.

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Well after a lot of waiting we are finally done. Thankfully the kidlet's wrist is not broken, just sprained. He has a brace to wear and has been restricted from any sportsing for a week. So not nearly as bad as it could have been.

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Looking Back On The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, as I age, I am becoming more and more convinced that old men do not get "crotchety", they simply lose patience with attempts to be tactful and speak their unfiltered minds.

Nursing Home Staff Member: OK, Mr. NobodysHome! Eat your tasty, tasty bran muffin, and then we'll wheel you out into the garden for some fresh air and sunshine!
Old Man NobodysHome: No! Your bran muffins taste like crap! I'd rather go hungry and then take an Ex-Lax later if I need to. It would be a lot less unpleasant. And why on Earth do you think, given my entire life history and the pallor of my skin, that I would want to go out into the direct sunlight?
NHSM: Oh, look who's being cranky! Well, if you're a good boy, maybe you can play Bingo tonight! Now eat your bran muffin!
OMNH: What? You mean Bingo in the Bingo Hall with all the chain smokers threatening to end my life 10 years early? No thanks! I'm running a Roll20 game for the kids tonight...
NHSM: But the bran muffin!
OMNH: Hurls bran muffin out the window
NHSM: (Thinks to herself) "What a crotchety unpleasant old man! No wonder his family never visits him!"

Older Man Freehold You shoulda tried to give him this chocolate cupcake. It's better than a bran muffin! I'm old, so you'll have to hold him down while I shove it down his throat. By the by, unrelated question, when is his wife coming to visit?

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NobodysHome wrote:
Speaking of bad behavior, I would apparently be doomed to "Librarian Prison" if it weren't for Freehold valiantly volunteering to take my place. ("Librarians? Whips? Chains? Where do I sign up?"

Yes, we usually call that the Freehold wing.

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*hugs kidlet, if he is into that sort of thing*

Don't feel bad. I dislocated my knee twice. And look how awesome I am now!

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lisamarlene wrote:

Thanks, but my birthday was actually a week ago. (Hence the worry about the oven being repaired, and the creation and demolition of the Boston Cream Pie.)

(I finally got my Wonder Woman motorcycle jacket from Think Geek! It was my present from Whingey Wizzard and the kids. And it is the best thing ever.)
The party tomorrow is my husband's party (his birthday is Talk Like a Pirate Day, so we generally have a Pirate cosplay hootenanny with lots of food, which Nobody's Home won't eat anyway because it always contains shellfish).

yarr, tell him te enjoy the olde mysterious chocolate cake that be totally not delivered by me henchmaties and be likewise not festooned in box jellyfish tentacles. Yarr.

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The Handmaid's Tale is pretty f#++ed up.

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Just flagged another Spambot. :)

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Captian Yesterday isn't a spam bot though...

click here if you are a robot who didn't get the joke:
in case you didn't get it, this was misunderstanding for the sake of humor.

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Oh, I know. The Muscle-brained college kids are at it again. NO! WE'RE NOT INTERESTED IN WATCHING YOUR (AMATEUR) UNIVERSITY SOCCER GAMES. NOW GET LOST.

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And, I just got another. I almost forgot how fun this is.

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Two blondes were looking forward to having a fun weekend at the Magic Kingdom. As they drove down the interstate, they saw a sign that read "Disneyland Left". They started crying, turned around, and drove home.

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What time does Sean Connery arrive at Wimbledon? Tennish.

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Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honeycombs.

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I was cold the other day, so I went and stood in the corner for a bit. After all, it's always around 90 degrees there.

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How do you drown an entire submarine full of blondes? Knock on the door.

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What do you call a series of rabbits walking backwards? A receding hareline.

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If any of you know a good fish pun, let minnow.

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I can't afford to take a vacation, so I'm just going to drink until I forget where I am.

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Is a sleepwalking nun a Roamin' Catholic?

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Happy delayed birthday to Lisamarlene, husband and Vid!

I don't know why but I had assumed Vid was older,it is probably the avatar or maybe that he is more a veteran gamer than I am.

And NH, I am now officially upset: nobody says that shellfish have a rotten sea taste in my presence! It insults my Galician pride! Maybe you haven't tried really good shellfish (or maybe you just don't like it, which is fine... No! It isn't!)

P.S. I actually loathed shellfish as a child, so I can understand it. But Marinera Clams are just too good not to like them! And seafood paella!

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I also hate shellfish, except shrimp.

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Some neighbor's cat is hunting birds, in MY garden!

That's my shtick!!

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captain yesterday wrote:
I also hate shellfish, except shrimp.

Shrimp counts as shellfish? I always thought shellfish were only molluscs, not also crustaceans...

Anyway, shrimp are almost tasteless. You should come to Galicia and have real seafood xD

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I'll come to Galicia, but definitely not for seafood unless you drown it in something so I can't taste it.

Or cover it in cheese.

I have a general dislike of fish, except Salmon, I absolutely HATE salmon.

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Kileanna wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I also hate shellfish, except shrimp.

Shrimp counts as shellfish? I always thought shellfish were only molluscs, not also crustaceans...

Anyway, shrimp are almost tasteless. You should come to Galicia and have real seafood xD

In the Midwest if it has a shell it's considered shellfish.

I'm not saying its right. :-)

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Shellfish include mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

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Shrimp are crustaceans not molluscs.
A mollusc has a shell and one muscular tongue-foot, such as snails, muscles, oysters, or clams, whereas crabs, lobsters and shrimp are all crustaceans, which have a shell all over the body, and eight walking appendages.
Edit: you do learn something knew every day, apparently barnacles are crustaceans. I thought they were molluscs.

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I'm kind of weird in that when I travel I'm more interested in the sights and friends then I am the cuisine, mostly because I have almost no sense of taste or smell.

I blame it on living on a pig farm for three years when I was 10-13.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I'll come to Galicia, but definitely not for seafood unless you drown it in something so I can't taste it.

Or cover it in cheese.

I have a general dislike of fish, except Salmon, I absolutely HATE salmon.


No sushi or takoyaki for you?

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I should've said fried or drowned in cheese, also I shouldn't have been so unreasonable, I have a standing policy of trying everything with an open mind at least once.

Consider my previous post retracted, and my apologies to Kileanna, that was rude of me.

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I used to like the Powerpuff Girls, but I much prefer the PowerPunk Girls.

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Have you ever wondered what Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" would be like if it were performed by three ladies on traditional Japanese instruments? You don't have to wonder any more!

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