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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

It is now 35 C (95 F) in Phoenix, aka "It's a dry hate."

No, that was not a typo; it's a joke here.


You live in hell.

The northern end of the state has normal seasons, but a lot of 19th century farmers in their great wisdom -- and this was obviously before the advent of AC -- decided to settle the Salt River Valley, so here I am. In hell.

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...Being nude would make the heat more tolerable, if it weren't for the massive sunburning.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Gazebo, Demon Lord of Lawn Structures.



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John Napier 698 wrote:
Gazebo, Demon Lord of Lawn Structures.

Weakness to Fire - Gazebo takes an additional 50% damage from Fire-based attacks. Since he's made of wood.

Fireball: 10d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6, 1, 6) = 35 X 1.5 = 52.

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However, Gazebo is a lot of fun at outdoor parties.

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It looks like Pittsburgh is about to get some rain. Possibly even a storm.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Gazebo, Demon Lord of Lawn Structures.

That would be trampolines.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.

Doesn't she know? All mothers are psychic.

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Mothers are omniescent.

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That, also.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.
Doesn't she know? All mothers are psychic.

She does now!

This is how teenagers end up with flip phones.

The Exchange

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John Napier 698 wrote:
S&S, teaching players to be violent alcoholic sociopaths. :D

I agree.

Do I have an aura of good yet?

The Exchange

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John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.
Doesn't she know? All mothers are psychic.

Do I get that when I become a mom? Cos I don't feel very psychic at the moment.

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Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
S&S, teaching players to be violent alcoholic sociopaths. :D

I agree.

Do I have an aura of good yet?

I don't know. My magic mirror is in the shop for a tune-up. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.
Doesn't she know? All mothers are psychic.
Do I get that when I become a mom? Cos I don't feel very psychic at the moment.

I don't know that either. But I do remember that my mother would give me that look from time to time, when I was young.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.
Doesn't she know? All mothers are psychic.
Do I get that when I become a mom? Cos I don't feel very psychic at the moment.

Yes. It develops during your first pregnancy or during the adoption process for your first child (whichever comes first). It's part of the restructuring your brain does to accommodate the second pair of eyes that grow into the back of your head.

The Exchange

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Sasha Nein wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.
Doesn't she know? All mothers are psychic.
Do I get that when I become a mom? Cos I don't feel very psychic at the moment.
Yes. It develops during your first pregnancy or during the adoption process for your first child (whichever comes first). It's part of the restructuring your brain does to accommodate the second pair of eyes that grow into the back of your head.

Well, I suppose it might be just extending the GM predictions on how players might react, which I have some rudimentary form off, so it's not as if I suddenly gain a totally new ability.

The Exchange

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My brother is going to US for work and will be there for 2 years =(

Who's going to help me kill my Path of Exile bosses =(

Actually we've known for quite some time, but I was hoping we could still Path of Exile on weekends, but all he has is his work laptop which can't run that.

He asked us to call him by whatsaps, but my BF tried the whatsaps call before and it was laggy as fk.

I said just Skype.

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Where at?

The Exchange

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Sasha Nein wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks has learned a very valuable lesson about the futility of trying to hide stuff from her mother.
Doesn't she know? All mothers are psychic.
Do I get that when I become a mom? Cos I don't feel very psychic at the moment.
Yes. It develops during your first pregnancy or during the adoption process for your first child (whichever comes first). It's part of the restructuring your brain does to accommodate the second pair of eyes that grow into the back of your head.
Well, I suppose it might be just extending the GM predictions on how players might react, which I have some rudimentary form off, so it's not as if I suddenly gain a totally new ability.

It's a similar development, just more primitive. There's a few other situations besides parenthood that can trigger full development, but many of those are still in the theoretical phase due to lack of evidence.

I wonder if I can convince Psychonaut HQ this is important enough to deserve a grant...

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Isn't TOZ in Arizona? I think Tequila Sunrise is.

The Exchange

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My brother is not a pathfinder nor does he have any interest in being one. I did have him tested for forcepathfinder sensitivity.

The Exchange

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TOZ is Venture captain of Arizona so stands to reason he'd live there.

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I thought so.

The Exchange

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My brother is also an introvert, and I'd say I'm the yakkier of us two. I'd say Americans are more extroverted then us reserved Asians.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

TOZ and Tequila Sunrise are both in Arizona.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
My brother is also an introvert, and I'd say I'm the yakkier of us two. I'd say Americans are more extroverted then us reserved Asians.

A lot of us are A LOT less talkative in person than we are here on the Internet >_>

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Two hours until the weekend.

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Orthos wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
My brother is also an introvert, and I'd say I'm the yakkier of us two. I'd say Americans are more extroverted then us reserved Asians.
A lot of us are A LOT less talkative in person than we are here on the Internet >_>

If anything I'm more talkative in person.

At least according to my head canon of myself.

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Where in Arizona is your brother going? I'm not sure if I can help him with the culture shock or anything, but I'd be happy to meet him if I can catch him passing through Phoenix. :)

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
TOZ is Venture captain of Arizona so stands to reason he'd live there.

I actually live in my orbital space lair.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
My brother is also an introvert, and I'd say I'm the yakkier of us two. I'd say Americans are more extroverted then us reserved Asians.
A lot of us are A LOT less talkative in person than we are here on the Internet >_>

Really depends on day and mood.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

35 hours of landscaping after five years off and I can report no muscle soreness, I'm not exhausted, and my jeans I didn't need a belt for, I now need a belt for.

I wonder if pulling Tiny T-Rex on sled with a harness uphill through the snow to school all winter had something to do with that.

Grand Lodge

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I'm downright laconic.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

35 hours of landscaping after five years off and I can report no muscle soreness, I'm not exhausted, and my jeans I didn't need a belt for, I now need a belt for.

I wonder if pulling Tiny T-Rex on sled with a harness uphill through the snow to school all winter had something to do with that.

Maybe if you had him pull you on the sled then he wouldn't be Tiny anymore.

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Oh, he's not tiny, little guy is off the height charts for his age.

But, in comparison to a T-Rex he's pretty small.

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Like so many things really.

The Exchange

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My brother said that US side is understaffed so he won't have the time to go out. Werk werk.

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Then the US side has to hire more people. Being shorthanded is no excuse to turn people into droids.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
My brother is also an introvert, and I'd say I'm the yakkier of us two. I'd say Americans are more extroverted then us reserved Asians.

I'm extroverted.

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Its always interesting to me to note how much the whole intro vrs extro thing has taken off when compared to the other Big 5. Not openness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, or agreeableness. I suppose it has to do with some things being less occult and others being somewhat preferred one direction or the other. Saying im an introvert seems a lot less severe of a statement then I'm excessively neurotic or not agreeable in the least.

The Exchange

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Oh - I just found out the blisters on my paws? Hand foot and mouth disease. I'm stuck at home for the week.

And here I thought I got some weird allergy etc.

And I had 2 parties planned =(

I've even been told to stay off food preparation >.<

When I started getting a bubble on my mouth and one on my left paw I started growing suspicious.

I mean if get blisters on my paws because I played too much badminton, yeah I get it, but on my left paw which I didn't even use? I smell a fish.

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Smell a fish? Well lets hope you don't need to see a sturgeon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Oh - I just found out the blisters on my paws? Hand foot and mouth disease. I'm stuck at home for the week.

And here I thought I got some weird allergy etc.

And I had 2 parties planned =(

I've even been told to stay off food preparation >.<

When I started getting a bubble on my mouth and one on my left paw I started growing suspicious.

I mean if get blisters on my paws because I played too much badminton, yeah I get it, but on my left paw which I didn't even use? I smell a fish.


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Black Hole Swarms - PBS Space Time

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Maybe black hole swarms are why aliens can't contact us.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Oh - I just found out the blisters on my paws? Hand foot and mouth disease. I'm stuck at home for the week.

And here I thought I got some weird allergy etc.

And I had 2 parties planned =(

I've even been told to stay off food preparation >.<

When I started getting a bubble on my mouth and one on my left paw I started growing suspicious.

I mean if get blisters on my paws because I played too much badminton, yeah I get it, but on my left paw which I didn't even use? I smell a fish.

*Puts Kitty in a sick-room, with a lot of books, her lap-top and ample kitty snacks*

*Puts up extra hand-sanitizer dispensers*

*Gives BF a cleaning schedule, to ensure sick-room gets wiped down once a day. Also stress the importance of no kissy-kissy on any of kittys lips due to a higher chance of infection*

*Puts on apron, and goes into the kitchen to make some meals for the ravenous Kitty*

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