Deep 6 FaWtL

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New most obnoxious type of customer I hate most.

The guy that makes an order from the website to pick up at the store FROM INSIDE THE STORE. And then, if that's not obnoxious enough, he stands at the service desk, twiddles on his phone, AND DOES IT AGAIN. And the kicker, IT'S TEN F&~#ING MINUTES UNTIL WE CLOSE WHEN HE STARTS IT.

I am so knocking a bunch of invasive saplings in the woods down tomorrow. Oh! That pissed me off.


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At least he didn't say "It must be free if it doesn't ring up with a price."

F#%% those people. Haven't heard THAT joke a million times already.

I haven't even worked in retail for years now and those f!%*ers still boil my blood.

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I don't work the register. :-)

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I don't even like to hear it when I'm standing at the register behind someone. I will speak up on behalf of the person at the counter like "Oh, he hasn't heard THAT already fifty times today, I'm sure. You're just the apex of wit, aren't you?" because I know they're thinking it and not allowed to say it.

True story - when I was 16 or so, and McDonalds had their 29 cent hamburger Wednesdays, I was in line with a $5 bill waiting to gorge myself to the extreme. The woman in front of me was complaining to the guy at the register. "I asked for no pickles, and look at this, I see pickles..." blah blah blah blah. I took out two quarters, slammed it on the counter, and told her "They don't care about your order, lady. They make minimum wage. They just want to get this day over with without hearing some upper crust b@@~! complain about how she didn't get her 29 cent hamburger perfectly. Here's your money back. Now will you shut the f!!+ up and get out of line, I'm hungry, and there's a line of people behind me who are too!"

I did NOT used to be a nice guy!

...but I DID get extra hamburgers in my bag that day.

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I worked at Subway. A couple came in ordered subs, ate most of them. Then the girlfriend came over and demanded her money back because she "ordered pickles on her subs, but got Cucumbers instead!" I said (with a huge smile) "no. First, pickles ARE cucumbers. Secondly, we don't have cucumbers that aren't pickles. But I can give you some of these Olestra chips for free*"

* I forget the name of them but they were marketed as diet chips, and gave you mad shits.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

PaizoCon ain't even started and I'm already tired. On the up side, I got to play an adventure I hadn't run yet.

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Hey, TOZ. I just bought a chicken alfredo MRE. Any advice regarding what it's going to do to me?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Horrible things. Gas and constipation.

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Twitchy nose the raccoon is on the shed staring at us. The dog doesn't see him. He's literally sniffing all around the shed while the raccoon watches us.

Beagles. They see with their nose and that's all.

Edit: stupid phone, can't spell shed right.

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Okay then, some "fashion" photographs doesn't look stupid.

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Silver Crusade

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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

Anyone else ever notice that Pachelbel was kind of the original one hit wonder? I mean, seriously, how many repeats of Canon in D is Pandora going to churn out for me? Did the man write anything else?

I once sang a lovely Magnificat by Pachelbel.

But yes - one of a significant number of classical one hit wonders.

Silver Crusade

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
By pretty much any other matric, San Francisco has better public transit than my native San Jose, but San Jose has the most comfortable seats by far. Sitting in one right now, and they are nice. They have fabric cushions, while San Francisco has plastic. Then again, they must be hell to clean, and I bet the homeless population wreaks havoc with them. Which would probably be exactly why San Francisco uses plastic.

Public transportation seats should always be something you can hose down. Fabric is just wrong.

I once sat down on the LA subway, and the upholstered seat was wet.

I now refuse to sit on public transit unless the seats are plastic or vinyl.

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My kids love standing up on the bus. The call it Bus Surfing. So I haven't sat down on a bus in forever. :-)

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Thunderstorms rolling in!

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This belonged in the Funny Kids thread, but I thought I'd share here too.

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Day two of new maintenance guy trying to seal off the Don Bluth like shed.

We'll see if he has success where everyone else has failed.

I doubt it. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
My kids love standing up on the bus. The call it Bus Surfing. So I haven't sat down on a bus in forever. :-)

It's only bus surfing if you don't hold on to any poles or handles. The bumpier the ride, the radder the dude.

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That will get your ass kicked in new york. Hold on to the damn pole.

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Or hang on to the little straps and let everybody admire your armpits.

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Freehold DM wrote:
That will get your ass kicked in new york. Hold on to the damn pole.

We don't mind that in the Bay Area. What you don't do is honk your horn in traffic. That's something New Yorkers do that I don't get. It's like, any time you're in traffic you have to honk at everyone because you can't move or something. In San Francisco, the only time you hear honking is when a collision almost happens, someone wants to get someone's attention for social purposes, or someone is about to get into a roadside shouting match or a fistfight. Outside that, honking is something of a provocation. Our gridlock traffic is actually pretty quiet.

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We got hit by a sudden thunderstorm as I went to pick Pea Bear up, got at least an inch of rain in about twenty minutes. No big deal, except someone (yo!) left the kitchen window wide open. I was planning on mopping the floor this weekend anyhow, but it would've been nice to decide when on my own.

A direct hit through the window too, there's rain spatter on the other side of the kitchen, which is fourteen feet away.

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There are some crazy f&@*ed up awesome traits in Blood of the Elements. Especially for the elemental planes. I gotta see if they're PFS legal, especially Airship Captain.

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captain yesterday wrote:

We got hit by a sudden thunderstorm as I went to pick Pea Bear up, got at least an inch of rain in about twenty minutes. No big deal, except someone (yo!) left the kitchen window wide open. I was planning on mopping the floor this weekend anyhow, but it would've been nice to decide when on my own.

A direct hit through the window too, there's rain spatter on the other side of the kitchen, which is fourteen feet away.

See, this is why you can never convince native Bay Areans that what they get falling from the sky is only remotely possibly related to what everyone else in the world calls "rain".

In the Bay Area, 1" in a day is a "heavy rain", and 2" in a day is an "unheard-of downpour".

I still remember driving through Sacramento when the rain rate hit 4"/hour and in a 5-lane freeway you could not see from the right lane to the left lane due to the density of water falling from the sky.

I turned to NobodysWife and said, "Now THIS is actual rain!"

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And yes I already have an alias for a crazy airship captain.

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Yeah, when it rains, it pours. :-D

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I'm still trying to compute leaving your house with a wide open window.

Not because of potential weather hazards - that's like inviting burglars!

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
That will get your ass kicked in new york. Hold on to the damn pole.
We don't mind that in the Bay Area. What you don't do is honk your horn in traffic. That's something New Yorkers do that I don't get. It's like, any time you're in traffic you have to honk at everyone because you can't move or something. In San Francisco, the only time you hear honking is when a collision almost happens, someone wants to get someone's attention for social purposes, or someone is about to get into a roadside shouting match or a fistfight. Outside that, honking is something of a provocation. Our gridlock traffic is actually pretty quiet.

Yeah, honking for traffic doesn't happen in Florida, mostly...once in a while you see an idiot northerner on vacation, and everyone else is like "What do they think, the four to five dozen cars in front of you all just happened to not be paying attention, all at the same time and that their honks will somehow magically get the traffic to move forward? Idiot."

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We have a dog, and trustworthy neighbors. :-) and a neighborhood lousy with college students and hipsters, there isn't much crime at all. Besides all our stuff is either outdated or has value only to us. :-)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I'm still trying to compute leaving your house with a wide open window.

Not because of potential weather hazards - that's like inviting burglars!

I have a friend who had his house broken into twice in two years, so he just stopped bothering to lock the doors, figuring it was cheaper not to have to replace them.

He hasn't been robbed since.

When I'm in the house, the front door is always unlocked. If I'm out for only a little while, the back door stays unlocked. It's only when we're out overnight or when the kids are home alone that the house gets locked down, and that's usually the kids (paranoid little buggers).

Of course, we live in Albany. We're not exactly rife with door-to-door burglars, and when ONE house gets robbed on a block, the entire neighborhood is up in arms for the next 3-4 YEARS...

EDIT: LOL. Yeah, in reply to CY's post, the *one* time we were robbed they kicked down the front door when I was a grad student and my wife was a receptionist. Scouring the entire house, they ended up stealing... a roll of stamps, a bowl of change, and our credit card numbers. Then of course they tried to spend $500 at Frederick's of Hollywood, the card company called us, we said, "No!", and even that got locked down.

Not too traumatic of an experience, all in all. We were FAR more concerned for the cats than for our stuff, and they were smart enough to hide.

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I also forgot to do the lock thingy that keeps it from opening all the way.

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We also don't lock our car doors, I already never keep a full tank of gas for reasons, but we also don't have anything of value in it. And as I tell the General "I'd rather they didn't have to break a window to find that out" as far as I know, our car hasn't been broken into. :-)

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Naughty burglars!

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I've never been robbed, but it doesn't mean I'm willing to get into bad habits that encourage it. I've also not had a car accident in almost 20 years, but I still use my seatbelt. Wisdom is wisdom, regardless of the circumstances. Locking the door and closing the windows and stuff takes like five minutes; calling the cops and dealing with the headache of even a minor break-in takes a lot more.

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I have been mugged several times over the years. My house has never been broken into. I don't know what I would do in that circumstance, especially if I am at home when it happens, I would probably frenzy.

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Because I don't work the register for the last few years they haven't been able to evaluate myself and a select few other people, because everything is based on sales or credit card sign ups product insurance plans, which all happens at the register or service desk.

It's been pretty sweet.

Until now. They now judge us by how many holes (on the shelf) we fill every night. But I figured out which holes are the most important and I fill those holes. Then let the newbs worry about the rest.

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captain yesterday wrote:
They now judge us by how many holes we fill every night. But I figured out which holes are the most important and I fill those holes.


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You're not my hole filling supervisor!!!

... I mean, I hope not, that would be awkward!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Because I don't work the register for the last few years they haven't been able to evaluate myself and a select few other people, because everything is based on sales or credit card sign ups product insurance plans, which all happens at the register or service desk.

It's been pretty sweet.

Until now. They now judge us by how many holes (on the shelf) we fill every night. But I figured out which holes are the most important and I fill those holes. Then let the newbs worry about the rest.

Nice work if you can get it. Haw haw!

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Dirty Old Victorian Longears wrote:
Nice work if you can get it. Haw haw!

With that avatar, my brain immediately decided this alias has Dr. Bombay's voice from Bewitched.

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Amby's Brain wrote:
Dirty Old Victorian Longears wrote:
Nice work if you can get it. Haw haw!
With that avatar, my brain immediately decided this alias has Dr. Bombay's voice from Bewitched.

Precisely correct

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Freehold DM wrote:
I have been mugged several times over the years. My house has never been broken into. I don't know what I would do in that circumstance, especially if I am at home when it happens, I would probably frenzy.

I'd peak their eyes out, but one word comes to mind.


if not, baseball bat, tire iron, or a good nine iron will do in a pinch.

Oh hey everybody, I'm back.

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Anything can be weaponized. All it takes is a will to live. And horses.

And welcome back!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Twitchy nose the raccoon is on the shed staring at us. The dog doesn't see him. He's literally sniffing all around the shed while the raccoon watches us.

Beagles. They see with their nose and that's all.

Beagdevil or Darebeagle? Ben Affleck or Charlie Cox?

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As a gun owner I can say guns don't stop burglary unless you are home when it happens. And after the last thieves stole my guns I just keep one pistol and it doesn't leave my side... Unless I have to cross state lines and then I have to leave it home and hope it doesn't get stolen.

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Aranna wrote:
As a gun owner I can say guns don't stop burglary unless you are home when it happens. And after the last thieves stole my guns I just keep one pistol and it doesn't leave my side... Unless I have to cross state lines and then I have to leave it home and hope it doesn't get stolen.

I'm sorry you were robbed, Aranna.

Silver Crusade

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Thankfully, I have never been robbed mugged etc...However should someone attempt to break in when I'm home well it will not be pretty for the assailant

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Every time I think I should pick up a firearm, I realize I have no use for it. And that I'd be more likely to use it on myself than anyone else. Best to leave the option completely unavailable.

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Hey there TOZ. I hope that you and the wife are having a great weekend!

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I wonder if they're going to the banquet tonight. Maybe if we scrape together a fiver of FaWtL Bucks (Which has a picture of Freehold wearing a top hat and monocle on the front) he'll give us the first scoop on the book reveals.

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