Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Woot! I may finally be able to go out and seal my snow terrain boards this weekend so they will be finished.

Dark Archive

Urizen wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:

It is supposed to be in the mid 50's here today. Not sure where winter went this year ... we did not have one at all. Which worries me since we always have some sort of winter in New England. I expect some late snow up here this month.

How is everyone doing on this fine day?

Other than trace snowfall that essentially melted by mid-day, we've only had one three-to-four day weekend in Ohio where we had snow on the ground long enough where I had to get out and shovel. I'm sure hoping that there'll be no nasty late season snowfall surprises as spring is right around the corner. I'm actually thankful that snowfall was quite minimal this year.

I am curious about how that gets handled in city / community budgets since they didn't have to pay for the expenditures on "salting" the roads and the overtime to keep the workers out there to keep the roads in drive-able conditions.

I just need to find some spare change to get started on laying down some mulch and fertilizer for the yard.

Not sure usually those things work as a use it or lose it sort of thing. I am sure it will get spent somewhere by the department since they want to have money allocated for next year since no doubt we will have a much larger snowfall next year.

nathan blackmer wrote:

Oh CJ, and it's been SO WARM out here the last few days. They said maybe 60 on saturday though!

btw, new avatar is dayumn creepy.

Hi Nathan, it's been a while since you posted here, right?

How's Mildred?

Silver Crusade

Aberzombie wrote:
Otherwise, good morning FAWTLY Folk! Hope everyone's doing ok. Looks to be a nice day (weather wise) here in Philly. Hope everyone else is as fortunate.

It's chilly today, but sunny and 80 tomorrow :)

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

The Exchange

nathan blackmer wrote:

Oh CJ, and it's been SO WARM out here the last few days. They said maybe 60 on saturday though!

btw, new avatar is dayumn creepy.

He smiles!!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hi aeglos. Did you ever get your hotel reservation problem for PaizoCon sorted out?

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?


one of several weights is lifted off the zombie's shoulders

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?


one of several weights is lifted off the zombie's shoulders

You put Charlie down? ;)

Scarab Sages

Justin Franklin wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?


one of several weights is lifted off the zombie's shoulders

You put Charlie down? ;)

Naah, just a project here at work which I've sort of/for the most part finished. This year's part of it, anyway.

Scarab Sages

Speaking of Charlie, he was in stealth-ninja mode this morning. Usually, he starts fussing while the wife is in the shower, and I get up to watch over and play with him. Today, I didn't wake up until Sarah was ready, and he was just sitting quietly in his crib.

Almost makes me wonder what he's up to......

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:

Speaking of Charlie, he was in stealth-ninja mode this morning. Usually, he starts fussing while the wife is in the shower, and I get up to watch over and play with him. Today, I didn't wake up until Sarah was ready, and he was just sitting quietly in his crib.

Almost makes me wonder what he's up to......

"Same thing we do every night, Dad, try to take over the world!"

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's been a long time since I've come back to fawtl, but I feel that I have to today because of some things I've seen that certain posters who frequent this part of the board don't seem to realize they do. There are two in particular who I would point out, but their names are going to remain out of this subject for the time being. I don't wish to call them out.

That said, these folks in question are trolls. They're trolls, plain and simple. They see an argument and then troll those who disagree with them. If you argue for a point that they disagree with, instead of telling you that they disagree and giving a reason why they instead jump to sensationalistic bashing of that person, using an ad hominem approach. If not that, then they attempt to pervert the nature of the thread by making it too hard to join into any given discussion on the topic.

In other venues besides Paizo, these folks regularly respond to incendiary topics and then troll those who would try to disagree with the sentiment. Their uncivil tones are disrespectful, hurtful, and are appallingly distasteful. It's amazing to me that they have the audacity to accuse anyone else of being trolls.

This is not a rant, I just want to point out to these folks that they're unwelcoming, unkind, and being hypocrites. While it is in their rights to say such things, it's also in my rights to avoid seeing it. I've blocked them on another venue so I don't have to see their responses any longer.

I would hope, though, that they'd learn. I know they're going to be insulted that I post this, but I do hope they think about what they're saying or what they're doing in the future. I want to like these people, and I want to call them friends but they make it very hard to do so.

So, be butt hurt. Rant on Puffin in your secret club house where you badmouth so many others behind their backs, where you can act like bullies and avoid any real confrontation. Then come back and read what I wrote and then prove me wrong. In fact, I encourage you to do so.

My head hurts.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Hi aeglos. Did you ever get your hotel reservation problem for PaizoCon sorted out?

Hi Tordek,

yes, Hotel is booked (same thing for New York and San Francisco) and we are already planning a lot and are very very excited about visiting your country

Need help remembering an old module name -

A tribe of kobolds take up residence in a large corpse; purple worm or dinosaur. Sound familiar to anyone?

Dark Archive

Me feed Trolls. Trolls like being fed.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Studpuffin wrote:
In other venues besides Paizo, these folks regularly respond to incendiary topics and then troll those who would try to disagree with the sentiment.

With all due respect, my good Puffin, if this is happening in venues besides Paizo, shouldn't it remain in those venues? Irrespective of the conflict or relative fault/correctness of the parties, this isn't the appropriate forum for such a discussion. I would suggest that you save your original post, sit on it for a few hours (possibly even a day) and see how you feel then. I find it unlikely that this conflict is worth so much raw anger on your part, and that there aren't better uses of your talents and time.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Emperor7 wrote:

Need help remembering an old module name -

A tribe of kobolds take up residence in a large corpse; purple worm or dinosaur. Sound familiar to anyone?

Is that the main event of the module? IIRC, there was a Mike Kortes adventure in Dungeon called Final Resting Place, and it included an encounter with some type of humanoid group inhabiting a purple worm corpse.

Hey my FAWLTY peeps. I am looking for some books. Can you all keep an eye out for them? I want the Hardbound version of these books.

All are written by Isaac Asimov

Understanding Physics, Volume I - III
The World of Carbon
The World of Nitrogen
A Choice of Catastropies
Science, Numbers, & I
The universe
Guide to Earth & Space
His Autobiography

I am sure that there are MANY more that I am missing. These are the ones that caught my eye at the library that I was looking at.

Liberty's Edge


I would normally have left it in that other venue, but as I have removed all other forms of communication from these individuals over the past months due to the consistency with which they offend I have no recourse but to put such a post in this place. I'd honestly rather put this where they can see it. In that other venue it just cannot be seen, and therefore this is the place I feel it is best placed. It is within my right to put it here.

Besides, if you're reading anger in my post then you've read it wrong. I'm not angry, not at all in fact. I'm disappointed at worst, but frankly am just bored by the trolling. I've really just shucked fawtl of late because I no longer want to watch the hypocrisy. I consider, or would like to consider, these people friends. I know they're better than this.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Nonetheless, I would strongly encourage you to take down your posts, remove yourself from the situation, and see if it's still worth saying those things in the morning.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
aeglos wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Hi aeglos. Did you ever get your hotel reservation problem for PaizoCon sorted out?

Hi Tordek,

yes, Hotel is booked (same thing for New York and San Francisco) and we are already planning a lot and are very very excited about visiting your country

Excellent. I am looking forward to meeting you in July.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Studpuffin wrote:


I would normally have left it in that other venue, but as I have removed all other forms of communication from these individuals over the past months due to the consistency with which they offend I have no recourse but to put such a post in this place. I'd honestly rather put this where they can see it. In that other venue it just cannot be seen, and therefore this is the place I feel it is best placed. It is within my right to put it here.

Besides, if you're reading anger in my post then you've read it wrong. I'm not angry, not at all in fact. I'm disappointed at worst, but frankly am just bored by the trolling. I've really just shucked fawtl of late because I no longer want to watch the hypocrisy. I consider, or would like to consider, these people friends. I know they're better than this.

You know what?

I agree with you.

I really do. I believe that there are some of us that fit the profile that you have expressed even if they are unwilling to see it themselves. I've said in-so-much to you in previous discourse. There are topics that are discussed that I roll my eyes at. I don't believe that I have to do much persuasion and/or convincing that you and I see eye-to-eye on a lot of the same topics - including the religious and political spheres.

That said, I agree with Sebastian. The way that you've addressed it, while bold, sort of sinks you to an equivocal level that you're calling out upon. I know you're going through some rough times right now in your personal life. I share some of them (and some that have yet to come public to anyone yet, but given the loss of privacy in social networking it's only going to be a matter of time). But the one thing I do worry about is your well-being. A part of me wonders if you may have gotten some angst that have been building up with the energy that may need to be expended as a side effect of certain medications whereas in the past you may have been able to bite your tongue easier.

Sometimes, it's just best to avoid the incendiary topics. I tell that myself as well. No matter how much I may respond in disagreement, I realize that I'm not going to convince anyone to change their mind; they have to do it for themselves if they decide to take that course of action on their own terms. They may come closer to agreement or they may come to a conclusion further from mine. So be it.

I've thought of doing similar tactics to address the issue(s) similar to what you're posting here right now. I was going to lampoon the whole thing by creating a counter-thread entitled LTWaF and dangerously dance to Poe-stylized rhetoric to let people wonder whether I'm being satirical or serious.

I "joked" about it for months, then I let it ebb away. And I was able to let it go. I decided that it wouldn't make it any better and it'd probably create a lot more animosity than I need to deal (or bother to spend time) with. I just filed it away in limbo.

But if anything, I do hope that some folks do look up on this as some sort of a clarion call to re-evaluate their own tactics and/or behavior. Maybe they'll gain some introspection. Maybe they won't. I hope I at least get something out of it for myself.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Nor the Earth in six.

And that's all I have to say on the topic. I won't respond to any thing more on this discussion as it's really not meant to be here.

Peace, my feathered friend.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Hi aeglos. Did you ever get your hotel reservation problem for PaizoCon sorted out?

Hi Tordek,

yes, Hotel is booked (same thing for New York and San Francisco) and we are already planning a lot and are very very excited about visiting your country

Excellent. I am looking forward to meeting you in July.


you come with your wife, right? Is she a gamer? it would be great to find some non-gaming wifes/GF's Sabine could spend some time with, the Con will bore her sooner or later and shopping alone will get boign (and expensive) quickly, too

Liberty's Edge

I don't want to change minds, I'd rather change hearts. Some people are being passive aggressive dicks. I guess they think I'm being an aggressive progressive... or maybe I just have psychic powers.

Btw, I love that term, aggressive progressive. :D

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
aeglos wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Hi aeglos. Did you ever get your hotel reservation problem for PaizoCon sorted out?

Hi Tordek,

yes, Hotel is booked (same thing for New York and San Francisco) and we are already planning a lot and are very very excited about visiting your country

Excellent. I am looking forward to meeting you in July.


you come with your wife, right? Is she a gamer? it would be great to find some non-gaming wifes/GF's Sabine could spend some time with, the Con will bore her sooner or later and shopping alone will get boign (and expensive) quickly, too

Yes, my wife is attending also. Fortunately/Unfortunately? she games also and was planning in playing some sessions although she is not up for 15 hours of gaming every day. From our little bit of convention experience, we find a game/break/game type of schedule works best. Plus we do want to see the rest of Seattle when we are there. So there may be some time to hang out in a non - game atmosphere. Which day do you arrive? We actually arrive the evening of Tuesday 7/3 and we are staying through Monday morning.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Which day do you arrive? We actually arrive the evening of Tuesday 7/3 and we are staying through Monday morning.

we arrive friday afternoon (after 4 days in New York) and stay in the hotel until tuesday morning, monday we want to go whale watching north of Seattle (Anacortes) and on tuesday we will drive to the olympic peninsula

Sebastian wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Need help remembering an old module name -

A tribe of kobolds take up residence in a large corpse; purple worm or dinosaur. Sound familiar to anyone?

Is that the main event of the module? IIRC, there was a Mike Kortes adventure in Dungeon called Final Resting Place, and it included an encounter with some type of humanoid group inhabiting a purple worm corpse.

Turns out it was in Trollpack, a RuneQuest II product. Mixing my games. Trollkins set up residence in a dead dino.


aeglos wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Which day do you arrive? We actually arrive the evening of Tuesday 7/3 and we are staying through Monday morning.
we arrive friday afternoon (after 4 days in New York) and stay in the hotel until tuesday morning, monday we want to go whale watching north of Seattle (Anacortes) and on tuesday we will drive to the olympic peninsula

give me an email when you are in ny, I'd love to hang out but it will probably just be me as my wife is paranoid about meeting ppl from the Internet.

The Exchange

Well that was counterproductive.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Crimson Jester wrote:
Well that was counterproductive.


Dark Archive

What happened CJ?

Scarab Sages

Crimson Jester wrote:
Well that was counterproductive.

True, which is why I shall henceforth pull a water off a duck's back and move on my merry way.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All things considered, today was better day than I expected it to be. Got a lot done at work, which means I'll have more time to focus on my upcoming work trip down to Virginia. I gotta say, as much of a pain in the ass as it can be sometimes, I really love my job. Supporting our Navy makes me feel good.

Scarab Sages

And, there's a good chance I'll be DMing Kingmaker this Sunday.

Scarab Sages

Yet more pointless post count padding. :)

Is it naptime yet?

Does having a high post count give you some sort of cred?

lynora wrote:
Is it naptime yet?

I just woke up. Naptime just ended for me.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Moorluck wrote:
Okay on a scale of one to ten, how wrong is it to smear popcorn butter on your wife's naked bottom? >:)

Negative three, I think. The scale should be "how RIGHT is it". :D

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Argh! RAIN! Enough already La Niña, you heartless b#!++!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Does having a high post count give you some sort of cred?

Only among idiots.


Yowza. Lovely stuff going around.

Someone herd up the dramallamas.


Silver Crusade

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Does having a high post count give you some sort of cred?

More a combination of cred and shame.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Does having a high post count give you some sort of cred?
Only among idiots.

But if the masses are idiots, wouldn't that give you some sort of power, to you know move the masses?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Does having a high post count give you some sort of cred?
Only among idiots.

Hey! I resemble that remark! ~thinks my remark over and then slinks away in shame~

Silver Crusade

I saw my partner off today at the airport for 8 days visiting his family and friends. It will be rough, but I'm looking forward to a few things I've been putting off. Things I plan to do:

1. Visit a game store.
2. Do some writing on [redacted].
3. Cook a fish dinner. (He hates seafood.)
4. Work some OT to get caught up at work.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

But if the masses are idiots, wouldn't that give you some sort of power, to you know move the masses?

Even if that's true...why would you want to?

Liberty's Edge

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Does having a high post count give you some sort of cred?
Only among idiots.
But if the masses are idiots, wouldn't that give you some sort of power, to you know move the masses?

I believe these ladies said it best.

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