Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Oy gevalt, it's definitely Thursday! Nakedly so!

Yep, a sleeepy thursday. Man I really should prep for tonights game. Especially since I blew off seeing Opeth, one of Swedens' finest exports.

Good day to everyone, I hope it will be a felcitous one.

Good news and bad news.

The good news is that I feel better now.

The bad news is that I possibly caught a flu.

And I wish I didn't have so many late shifts, since I need to pick up the pace on my studies.

Cathching flu is considered feeling better? Not good, not good at all...

I'm eating berries now, and I'm gonna hit the local bar after work with pals.

The day is starting to look brighter, though I gotta focus on studies on Friday.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk. Definitely NOT a happy Thursday. I was finally starting to feel better from a cold I had caught before Halloween. Then last night...BAM! Throat started feeling scratchy, etc, etc.

Stoopid co-worker who came to work sick.

Scarab Sages

Of course, I write this from my work desk.

Scarab Sages

The irony does not escape me.

*hugs the zombie*


Scarab Sages

Otherwise, got two books from Amazon yesterday! WOOT!!!

One is by Brian Lumley - Iced on Aran, the 4th book in his Dreamlands series. Dreamlands as in HPL's Dreamlands. Been meaning to get that book for a long time.

The second book is call High Opp - a previously unpublished Frank Herbert novel! DOUBLE WOOT!!! I probably should have taken the time to include a few more Herbet books I don't own yet, but I wanted to get the order in and didn't want to wait until I got home to double check the books I had there. A while back I was in a used bookstore (sadly now closed) in the mall and picked up few Herbert books, but couldn't remember which ones.

Scarab Sages

DSXMachina wrote:

*hugs the zombie*



Scarab Sages

Gonna try to watch the new Spiderman movie via On Demand tonight.

Scarab Sages

All right folks. Gotta go.

Damn it, why do I have to cheer up when others feel bad? D=

Yay, full day subbing today!

It's math.

I really hope it's 9th grade algebra. I mostly remember that. If it's calc, I reeeeeally hope they've got an altruist in the class who doesn't mind helping.

AZ, sorry.

Icyshadow, put on a big fake smile (I do).

All the best Scintillae.

Just realized that I still need to compile an Ancient Finnish pantheon for one guy on these forums.

I told him I'd have it arranged like over half a year ago, but source material is pretty hard to find at times.

Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

sends more cats to Sharoth's house

I'd go with Mythology,lynora.

~sobbing in the corner, wailing and crying~ No more cats! PLEASE!!! No more cats! ~hugging my knees, sobbing like a little girl~

What's that? MORE cats? Sure. sends more cats

Crimson Jester wrote:

Looks around ~ Blinks

Kicks dust off of chair.


Where the hell you been?!?!?!?

Freehold DM wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Looks around ~ Blinks

Kicks dust off of chair.


Where the hell you been?!?!?!?

CJ has been having some RL troubles lately. He is getting caught up on them, but just like everything, catching up takes a while. I have been VERY proud of how well CJ has been handling things.

Aberzombie wrote:

Good morning FAWTLY Folk. Definitely NOT a happy Thursday. I was finally starting to feel better from a cold I had caught before Halloween. Then last night...BAM! Throat started feeling scratchy, etc, etc.

Stoopid co-worker who came to work sick.

I've been saying it for a long time now: Thursdays baaaad! And not the good kind of bad.


Scintillae wrote:
Yay, full day subbing today!


It's math.


Kingmaker day! >=D

Let's see how the party recovers after accidentally killing the lizardfolk's god.

Customers who hang up on me when I wish them a good day make me want to go, pick up their address and personally beat the s*** out of them.

And sounds like your Kingmaker party isn't as smart (or careful) as mine. Unless that incident you speak of was an accient of some sort or something.

It was the Will-o-Wisp at the Lizardfolk camp in Rivers Run Red, the one they think is the spirit of their ancestor. It attacked them. In the fight, Scint's Oracle got a crit on it with an Eldritch Bolt, turned it to stone, and it shattered in front of the whole tribe.

So yeah, accident, but a merited one. He started the fight. Mostly.

Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Looks around ~ Blinks

Kicks dust off of chair.


Where the hell you been?!?!?!?
CJ has been having some RL troubles lately. He is getting caught up on them, but just like everything, catching up takes a while. I have been VERY proud of how well CJ has been handling things.

Well..that's good to hear!

Orthos wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

So yeah, accident, but a merited one. He started the fight. Mostly.

My PCs handled it a little more directly, being angry over the macguffin. The antagonists were warned to NEVER violate their lands, and then they left.

Oil changed and rear brakes cleaned plus they said my brakes are in good shape. Now I just have to replace my air filters come next paycheck.

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

So yeah, accident, but a merited one. He started the fight. Mostly.

My PCs handled it a little more directly, being angry over the macguffin. The antagonists were warned to NEVER violate their lands, and then they left.

My party was pretty ticked too, but were originally planning to talk it out with them, and negotiate for the kid's release - they'd killed a hydra earlier in the day, and were still carrying around two of its heads, and were going to offer a trade. Vesket seemed pretty okay with the offer at first. Then the Wisp ordered Vesket to kill them, so the Spymistress opened fire on Vesket, and the whole thing exploded into a brawl.

My party actually managed to turn Vesket against the thing.

How it went:
Necromancer: "If this is truly a spirit of your ancestor, why is the floating skull shaped like that of a man and not of a lizard?"

I rolled a Sense Motive check for Vesket just for the hilarious way of solving the situation. The successful roll led to a crit killing the Will-o-Wisp.

However, Vesket didn't let them stay for long. He's playing up the strong and stoic leader, and it can be seen by how how glared at the party despite them helping out.

Hahahah, nice.

The description specifically does say it took the form of a lizardfolk skull - I even managed to dig up a picture of a dragon skull colored green to use for my token in MapTool for him - but that's a hilarious catch. Maybe it slipped up and switched to a human skull shape when it saw human prey? ;)

I might have accidentally overlooked that fact, though that "shift to human form" idea sounds like a good way to cover that.

Also, the Necromancer is a shrewd fellow, so he could have found another way for the chieftain to realize he was being tricked.

Still hilarious. Good on them for catching it and getting Vesket on their side.

Anyway, I imagine my group will fix things up now that it's beaten

and, due to an error on my part last session, Vesket's not as dead as we thought he was, so they might be able to recover from this without too much further conflict.

Of course, when they get back to town, it'll be almost time for Grigori to show up...

Fog? Fog. When did it appear?

Oh, my party already dealed with Grigori a while back.

How it went:
Successful Diplomacy rolls vs his own ones made the crowd hate him.

They then took him to the dungeon, tried to interrogate and then executed him.

Only the Dwarf's player complained, even though his character didn't mind chopping the guy's head off.

My party has given him a LOT of ammunition. Making deals with a Worg then having sudden wolf attacks immediately after his territory is annexed, running off in the second month of the kingdom's existence then starting prep for building an army when they come scurrying back, the Magister's a pyromaniac who talks to his sword, starting a mine in the winter just before a blizzard hits...

On the other hand, the Duchess is a Diplomancer Extraordinaire. So it'll be close.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Fog? Fog. When did it appear?

Careful. It might be the Mist.

Kajehase wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fog? Fog. When did it appear?
Careful. It might be the Mist.

Please don't let it be the Mist. That movie scared the S$$@ out of me. I actually preferred the movie ending to the book, which is rare.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And it gets thicker and thicker...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't go in there!!!!!!


Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fog? Fog. When did it appear?
Careful. It might be the Mist.
Please don't let it be the Mist. That movie scared the S*$@ out of me. I actually preferred the movie ending to the book, which is rare.

Is the movie ending darker?

Icyshadow wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fog? Fog. When did it appear?
Careful. It might be the Mist.
Please don't let it be the Mist. That movie scared the S*$@ out of me. I actually preferred the movie ending to the book, which is rare.
Is the movie ending darker?

According to Wikipedia yes. With King's approval.

Freehold DM wrote:
Don't go in there!!!!!!

~pops out of the mist and yells "BLARG"~

Icyshadow wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fog? Fog. When did it appear?
Careful. It might be the Mist.
Please don't let it be the Mist. That movie scared the S*$@ out of me. I actually preferred the movie ending to the book, which is rare.
Is the movie ending darker?

Good god yes.

Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Don't go in there!!!!!!
~pops out of the mist and yells "BLARG"~

clutches chest, falls over

Hmm... Drejk went quiet...

Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Don't go in there!!!!!!
~pops out of the mist and yells "BLARG"~
clutches chest, falls over

*rushes forward to beat the Dragon to the loot*

Freehold DM wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fog? Fog. When did it appear?
Careful. It might be the Mist.
Please don't let it be the Mist. That movie scared the S*$@ out of me. I actually preferred the movie ending to the book, which is rare.
Is the movie ending darker?
Good god yes.

It seems that Icy has removed some respect points here.

He gets angry when people insist that darker makes things better.

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