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Second article for Wayfinder sent. Time to consider third article and finish blogpost for this month. I really should write those more often, though.

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My wife found my favorite Flogging Molly T-Shirt:-D

Perhaps after it's washed I'll lend it to the naked Dragon, perhaps.

Silver Crusade

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Am off to see Grateful Dead, should be a blast.

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Friends went to shopping mall so I am taking advantage of being alone at home. *wheeee!*

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Shackled City session was canceled. :(
For very good reason. A player had a family medical emergency. Hopefully everything turns out okay and of course we understand that family comes first.

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Ha! Stupid Super Mutant Master!

The dumb a%$+**~ is lurking at the top of these stairs in Vault 87, so I drop 3 mines at the bottom then shoot the stupid f+#$er in his toe which hilariously crippled his leg, so he limps down the stairs into the mines, then I pick him off with my rail rifle, when he tries to get up:-)

I never got hit and the idiot never got to fire off a shot


greetings and testing...

2d20 ⇒ (13, 11) = 24
1d10 ⇒ 8

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It's been awhile since I dropped in, how is everyone doing? =)

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Not too bad, ta - how are you?

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Doing better, not as sick as I was and have gotten a bit more used to my new eye based limitations, finding certain video games are easier to play amongst other things.

Been playing Path of Exile, Dungeons 2 and War for the Overworld, which are easier as well as fun, once I adjust more I'ma get back to Darksiders 2 and Supreme Commander=).

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lynora wrote:

Shackled City session was canceled. :(

For very good reason. A player had a family medical emergency. Hopefully everything turns out okay and of course we understand that family comes first.

here's hoping everyone is okay

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I rescued the super mutant, got the Geck, got ambushed by those enclave b$+@*es, got to meet Hitler AI, took his nazi "cure" to the Citadel, where my positive karma points to them disposing of it.

After that me and super mutant bro and giant Mega Rampage Zord took out those enclave a#&@#@#s, and capped it all off by capping Autumn dude point blank in the face with my Gauss Rifle then taking a giant radiation bath turning on the water purifier.


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Tiny T-Rex (telling me about his dreams): this dream is gonna get a little weird dad, you might want to pay better attention, I sort of lost you last time.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Tiny T-Rex (telling me about his dreams): this dream is gonna get a little weird dad, you might want to pay better attention, I sort of lost you last time.

I like this kid!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Tiny T-Rex has come up with an imaginary friend to take the heat from his pranks.

"It wasn't me! it was Mr. Nobody!" is his new refrain:-D

Yep. I've started sneaking into your house to mess with stuff. I admit it.

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I got the results of my University entry exam today.

No studies for me this year. I passed, but didn't score high enough.

Sure, I feel a bit down, but there are things to look forward to, like my birthday on July 14th.

Besides, I don't need a University level degree or diploma to publish books, so it's a minor setback.

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Bummer Icy!

Way to see the silver lining tho, chin up :-)

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Sorry to hear that, Icyshadow.

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Damn. I'm sorry icy. I've been there before with respect to the gre and hunter college. PM me if you need to talk.

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June blogpost. This time it is... Surprise-surprise, a new PC races: Therigens. An antropomorphic fey animal race.

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I think I might start writing one race a month. Maybe with such timetable I could manage to get more than one post per month?

I have one new race subrace of another of my races partly done with some ideas for at least a few more articles...

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What are you thinking man you gave Badger opposable thumbs!

Now he's never gonna shut up, its gonna be all "Dude lets play Xbox again!" or "Who wants to thumb wrestle?" or even "Freehold! Dude! we should totally hitchhike to Europe"

Stranger: Do i know you?

Badger: Yeah whatever! pack your bags, we leave at dawn!

Stranger: Can someone call him a Cab!

Badger: No worries dude, i got thumbs now!

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It makes face ripping easier. That's for sure.

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Rawr! wrote:

It makes face ripping easier. That's for sure.

I see that your court operates under the Red Law...

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Therigens were originally intended to be a Small race, but I noticed that I have too many Small races (including another incoming race) so I made them into a Medium-sized one.

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Drejk wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

It makes face ripping easier. That's for sure.

I see that your court operates under the Red Law...


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The race was inspired by a mix of Wind In The Willows, Winnie The Pooh, Inherit The Earth (which I haven't actually played), Happy Tree Friends, and a series of very popular (often bawdy and/or cruel) Polish jokes about community of forest animals.

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Blue Law has an odd connotation here in the states.

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captain yesterday wrote:

What are you thinking man you gave Badger opposable thumbs!

Now he's never gonna shut up, its gonna be all "Dude lets play Xbox again!" or "Who wants to thumb wrestle?" or even "Freehold! Dude! we should totally hitchhike to Europe"

Stranger: Do i know you?

Badger: Yeah whatever! pack your bags, we leave at dawn!

Stranger: Can someone call him a Cab!

Badger: No worries dude, i got thumbs now!

Opposable thumbs, speech, affinity for animals, natural armor...

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I should probably go to sleep...

Tomorrow I will probably write the third submission for Wayfinder. Assuming I'll get right and worthwhile inspiration.

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Sweet! Storm has passed now I get to give the new shoes a good 3 mile round trip walk to the store :-)

Dark Archive

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Morning FaWtL folk! I hope everyone is well and having a good week so far. :) My brother is visiting from San Fran with the in-laws for a week, starting tomorrow, so that should be nice. I also have my little one this weekend, so he'll get to meet his uncle. Huzzah! :)

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Hopefully he's a fun uncle :-)

Edit: I know being a fun uncle is so easy it's almost accomplished by default, however I have a brother that is not a fun uncle, I shall call him the Un-Uncle, hardly does anything just sits on his couch all day or does work around the house kids can't help with, only watches scary disturbing movies that leave nightmares (Zombieland, all Aliens movies, every terminator (actually kids loved those), Predator, Jurassic Park, Star Trek movies (Penny "seriously, how do you make space ship battles so boring"), X-Men) he tells at them for the smallest slight, if there's a way to suck the fun out of being an uncle he'll do it, and his wife is just as bad!

Normally it would be easy to avoid but my parents lived with them so my brother wouldn't lose the farm, luckily the moved out recently so I don't have to deal with Un-Uncle anymore except holidays :-)

Silver Crusade

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LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL folk! I hope everyone is well and having a good week so far. :) My brother is visiting from San Fran with the in-laws for a week, starting tomorrow, so that should be nice. I also have my little one this weekend, so he'll get to meet his uncle. Huzzah! :)

He is one lucky guy, it is going to be 105 today.

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

Hopefully he's a fun uncle :-)

Edit: I know being a fun uncle is so easy it's almost accomplished by default, however I have a brother that is not a fun uncle, I shall call him the Un-Uncle, hardly does anything just sits on his couch all day or does work around the house kids can't help with, only watches scary disturbing movies that leave nightmares (Zombieland, all Aliens movies, every terminator (actually kids loved those), Predator, Jurassic Park, Star Trek movies (Penny "seriously, how do you make space ship battles so boring"), X-Men) he tells at them for the smallest slight, if there's a way to suck the fun out of being an uncle he'll do it, and his wife is just as bad!

Normally it would be easy to avoid but my parents lived with them so my brother wouldn't lose the farm, luckily the moved out recently so I don't have to deal with Un-Uncle anymore except holidays :-)

I love being the fun uncle nothing but couch fort building, cardboard tube fights and then send them on their way....with a pixie stick

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL folk! I hope everyone is well and having a good week so far. :) My brother is visiting from San Fran with the in-laws for a week, starting tomorrow, so that should be nice. I also have my little one this weekend, so he'll get to meet his uncle. Huzzah! :)
He is one lucky guy, it is going to be 105 today.

sends TFY strike paperwork

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Damn Queens of the Stone Age are entirely too hard to find here, every time I look for music I wish I was still in Seattle :-)

Silver Crusade

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Heading over to one of my buddies house this sunday for his b-day, I will be running a Samurai vs Ninja battle royal. 4 on 4, I kinda wish I could play

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Okay, fawtls. Some news.

I am probably overreacting, but I am posting from the dentists office. A tooth has cracked and gone bad in a bad way, and is not able to be saved (read: costs over 3x more to save than to lose). The pain from this tooth has become unbearable and has kept me from answering the phone of late(sorry sharoth). So I have just been injected with 2x anesthesia, and the removal will begin shortly.

Now, maybe I have been watching too much late night tv,but I know things can go wrong from minor procedures. So I want to let everyone here know how much I love them just in case the unthinkable occurs. I'm sure I'll be okay, but still. You are my family and I love you all very much. My life would not be much of one without you guys.

Now. To get that tooth removed. #2(I believe thats the tooth), it has been a pleasure up until now, but i fear we must part ways. Heres looking at you, kid.

Maybe I'll post pics of the rogue tooth after surgery.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Hopefully he's a fun uncle :-)

Edit: I know being a fun uncle is so easy it's almost accomplished by default, however I have a brother that is not a fun uncle, I shall call him the Un-Uncle, hardly does anything just sits on his couch all day or does work around the house kids can't help with, only watches scary disturbing movies that leave nightmares (Zombieland, all Aliens movies, every terminator (actually kids loved those), Predator, Jurassic Park, Star Trek movies (Penny "seriously, how do you make space ship battles so boring"), X-Men) he tells at them for the smallest slight, if there's a way to suck the fun out of being an uncle he'll do it, and his wife is just as bad!

Normally it would be easy to avoid but my parents lived with them so my brother wouldn't lose the farm, luckily the moved out recently so I don't have to deal with Un-Uncle anymore except holidays :-)

hey, those are fun movies that are an important part of my childhood development!

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Freehold DM wrote:

Okay, fawtls. Some news.

I am probably overreacting, but I am posting from the dentists office. A tooth has cracked and gone bad in a bad way, and is not able to be saved (read: costs over 3x more to save than to lose). The pain from this tooth has become unbearable and has kept me from answering the phone of late(sorry sharoth). So I have just been injected with 2x anesthesia, and the removal will begin shortly.

Now, maybe I have been watching too much late night tv,but I know things can go wrong from minor procedures. So I want to let everyone here know how much I love them just in case the unthinkable occurs. I'm sure I'll be okay, but still. You are my family and I love you all very much. My life would not be much of one without you guys.

Now. To get that tooth removed. #2(I believe thats the tooth), it has been a pleasure up until now, but i fear we must part ways. Heres looking at you, kid.

Maybe I'll post pics of the rogue tooth after surgery.

Good luck with your surgery!

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My daughter is a very sensitive 11 year old girl that firmly believes in the goodness of Dinosaurs, believes she is the living embodiment of Merida from Brave, believes in vampires, zombies and werewolves and also grew up believing Aliens wanted to be friends and share dance montages and not use her as a disposable incubator or hunt her for sport:-D

As far as Terminator... every kid is taught that computers and robots will eventually enslave us all, so that one wasn't a shock :-)

And yes they are all good movies (except X-Men 3 that movie is horrible) just not for certain people, know your audience I always say, and the kicker is his wife collects Disney movies, but my brother doesn't like those and he's the boss! :-)

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Damn it Ninja'd again!

Also gotta fix the beginning of the last one, sounds pissed and it's not supposed to... f@&+ing phone!

Fixed it :-)

Good luck Freehold, you're like family to us too, it'll be fine:-)

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Good luck, Freehold!

Stick it underneath your pillow afterwards - maybe the Tooth Fairy will give you Whedon's soul in a little jar in return :P

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Good luck Freehold DM. I hope you feel better soon.

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Aaaand I'm out.

No pain at all after three injections of novacaine!

Good dentist. Worked the tooth out of its housing with great patience, didn't break the tooth or anything. Nice smooth removal. Will post pics later!

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~listens~ What did you say Freehold? You were mumbling.

Silver Crusade

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I got faith in you FH. Send that pic of the rogue tooth to the badger.

New Monster: Freeholds Tooth

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