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Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

Still, he's also behind on a lot of the required online training and stupid s+~! like that they foist upon us. So I do have that advantage....

Scarab Sages

nekkid online training!!! WOOT!!!

Scarab Sages

Cue the cheesy 70s music!

Scarab Sages

For someone who didn't think he had much to talk about, I sure am posting a good bit.

Scarab Sages

Ooop! Aaaannnd I just received a cue to get moving on some other stuff. Later folks!

Aberzombie wrote:
nekkid online training!!! WOOT!!!

Isn't that the point of training on-line so you can be naked whilst you do it. Of course you get funny looks when it takes place in the office.

My family has four dogs. Three of the dogs - our two Boxer puppies (who are still technically puppies despite being waist-high on me; apparently they won't stop being puppies until age 3) and my sister's corgi/collie mix - are mostly inside dogs, though we'll let them run around outside if the weather is nice and we're not home, rather than caging them up. The fourth dog, a collie/blue heeler mix, is exclusively an outside dog, and lives in the garage when not in the yard. He also has a bad habit of climbing/leaping the fence and getting loose into the neighborhood. A habit that, until recently, we thought he'd finally stopped.

Now he's getting out again, which means we have to keep him in the garage except to let him go out to run around and do his business, and we have to be out there to watch him while he does. Because he's too darn smart for his own good, and only tries to escape if no one's looking. Which means that instead of leaving him outside all day and letting him tend to himself, with the doggie-door on the garage door to let himself in and out as he wants or when/if the weather turns bad, we have to leave him in there all day, close the doggie-door, and babysit him four or five times a day.

He's the oldest of our dogs, and really should know better. So it's kind of annoying to have to rearrange morning routine to spare ten minutes to let him out just because he can't behave... which we know very well he can, because he's been doing just fine for the past six freakin' months.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Awkward flirting is awkward. That is all.

That's why I love it so. It's almost as enjoyable as making out.



Why coffee no make headache go away?

More Coffee?

More Sleep?

Why do I care so much, and have to be so responsible? ;P

hi everyone


So... tired. At least it's a good kind of tired.

Silver Crusade

I'm hungry.

*gets up after nap*


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sounds like we could get a consensus that today should have been a Friday.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Sounds like we could get a consensus that today should have been a Friday.

Agreed Brain no workie.

Today is my Friday. I now have a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow. I tis just a shame that I am so broke. ~sighs and plans on what to do in Skyrim over the weekend~

Chapter 2 of Kingmaker starts tonight!!! SO MANY EVIL THINGS PLANNED

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Heading off to sub for a business class. SO MANY EVIL THINGS PLANNED

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Chili cook-off! Food! Coma!

Scarab Sages

Sorry, that's all you get today. Too much yummy chili has my brain barely able to function.

Scarab Sages

Dude who won first place has done so two years in a row now. Last year I got there late and missed out on his stuff. This year I made sure to get there early.

Scarab Sages

One of my own co-workers in the steam group entered a chili - done with chicken, white beans, and some cream/sour cream.

Aberzombie wrote:
One of my own co-workers in the steam group entered a chili - done with chicken, white beans, and some cream/sour cream.

You added your co-worker to chili? Yuck! Eating acquaintances is gross.

Scarab Sages

Don't knock it until you've tried it.

Aberzombie wrote:
Don't knock it until you've tried it.

With acquaintances I know what they have done and where they have been while eating strangers gives me the benefit of blissful ignorance, at least.

Silver Crusade

This firm that contacted me is jerking me around. They don't seem very professional. Unless they come around a bit, I will be writing them off. I don't need to work for a place like that.

The joy of being actually in position to actually be picky... :(

Not that you don't deserve to be picky. With all the education and job experience you got.

Sovereign Court

Orthos wrote:
Chapter 2 of Kingmaker starts tonight!!! SO MANY EVIL THINGS PLANNED

I pretty much completely rewrote that one myself. Party seemed to like it. :)

Sovereign Court

I am having too much fun in the physics thread.

Jess Door wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Chapter 2 of Kingmaker starts tonight!!! SO MANY EVIL THINGS PLANNED
I pretty much completely rewrote that one myself. Party seemed to like it. :)

There's a short summary of my initial plans in Dudemeister's "Monster Kingdom" thread, which I'm heavily borrowing from. If all goes as planned I should be able to end the session with introducing Hargulka and his retinue.

Alternatively, my players could attempt to challenge Candlemere, which I've stocked with my Lovecraft-lite Dark Song in place of all the Will-o-Wisps. Lots of mind-affecting, sonic, and insanity-based powers. They might be a tad low-level for it though.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
The joy of being actually in position to actually be picky... :(

I definitely appreciate the fact that I am in a position to be picky. I know when I got the job I have now, I was not. It's kind of a novel experience.

I wish all hiring managers assumed their candidates could be picky, though, and treated them with respect and consideration, regardless of that individual's circumstance. It's become very rare, it seems.

*searches the kitchen*

Only noodles and lettuce left.

*looks on clock*

Too late to go to shop.


At least I have tea and sugar.

Hey all, question,
I don't get to haunt the threads as much as the rest of you . ;P

Have they determined the trouble with the '# new posts' function since the last update? Seems mine keeps updating with new posts, but keeps adding them all together on top of old posts. Basically all posts I see since the last update are 'new posts', even if I've read them several times.

What did I miss? ;P

Scarab Sages

Jess Door wrote:
I am having too much fun in the physics thread.


Aberzombie wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
I am having too much fun in the physics thread.


Jess Door wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Chapter 2 of Kingmaker starts tonight!!! SO MANY EVIL THINGS PLANNED
I pretty much completely rewrote that one myself. Party seemed to like it. :)

What did you change? Book 2 is so open, I'd like to see what you do there.

Jess Door wrote:
I am having too much fun in the physics thread.

hammers rusty nails into baseball bat, heads out in search of math-related thread in order to smash it

Ragadolf wrote:

Hey all, question,

I don't get to haunt the threads as much as the rest of you . ;P

Have they determined the trouble with the '# new posts' function since the last update? Seems mine keeps updating with new posts, but keeps adding them all together on top of old posts. Basically all posts I see since the last update are 'new posts', even if I've read them several times.

What did I miss? ;P

Robot Chris says they know about the new post bugs and are fixing. If you want to make the new post tag go away, click on the thread name rather than the new posts link, then scroll through the new posts. If you're like me, that will clear the new posts and you'll never get them again unless YOU post. :(

Trapped by the wiki reading loop. Hyperlinks are worse than...



Ouch my eyes. I think I'll go to sleep now.

Scarab Sages

Whelp, my interview is tomorrow for that competitive promotion. It's just between me and one other guy. He's got more experience and, in all truth, a greater depth of knowledge than I do. I actually expect him to get the promo.

But it never hurts to go for it.

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Chapter 2 of Kingmaker starts tonight!!! SO MANY EVIL THINGS PLANNED
I pretty much completely rewrote that one myself. Party seemed to like it. :)
What did you change? Book 2 is so open, I'd like to see what you do there.

Looks like the changes I made are similar to the ones Orthos is planning.


I used the Monster Kingdom idea to tie all those crazy random encounters together into one central enemy. I also changed the candlemere island a bit to make it more Lovecraftian, as some of my party members enjoy that a lot.

My party was more than 50% half orc, and had already accepted "monster" races into the kingdom, so they had more fun than normal, I think, with the rival "Monster Kingdom" idea.

I even did kingdom rules with the monster kingdom so it grew according to the rules same as the players' kingdom. :)

Guess who had 4 free drinks at work today?

This guy.

Guess who is fairly tipsy / drunk?

This guy. And possibly That Guy.

Silver Crusade

Jess Door wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Chapter 2 of Kingmaker starts tonight!!! SO MANY EVIL THINGS PLANNED
I pretty much completely rewrote that one myself. Party seemed to like it. :)
What did you change? Book 2 is so open, I'd like to see what you do there.

Looks like the changes I made are similar to the ones Orthos is planning.

** spoiler omitted **

so. jealous.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Friday! Hopefully!

Scarab Sages

Damn! Some people just should not be driving on the interstate.

Scarab Sages

Amazing! My wife actually got around two slower vehicles! Will wonders never cease?

Scarab Sages

Got my interview at 10 am today. Mrgh.

Scarab Sages

10 questions. 10 minutes to review them. 50 minutes to answer them.

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