Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Comrade, Buddha says you're a brave man. Add some pork and beef to the menu and you'll be special.

At the top of the list and nekkid chicken wrangling too.

Damn it, why are there no ancient semitic death deities that could be worked into my main death deity's design?

Then again, keeping his design completely original is fine too. And speaking of such, I should check my deity list again...

Anyone got some extra time on their hands this weekend? I kinda hope someone could give some critique / a rating on what I have so far.

When it comes to gods, go for originality. FR truly killed reskinning.

Also, positive waves BP.

Icyshadow wrote:

Egyptian mythology is really weird.

All the more reason to love it, I say!

One of the world creation myths...

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Friday! Also, another notch in my reasons to get the f@&@ out of Philly!

Scarab Sages

Despite not feeling 100% last night I still managed to drag myself to our weekly PF FR game. Once again, my elf wizard managed to be a key player in our victories.

We were sailing back to our sea tower home in the folding boat when we were attacked by an Elasmosaurus. It was sent by some hags we had run afoul of, who also conjured up a storm to make things that much worse.

After a bit of a tussle, the guy steering the boat was grappled and drag into the water by the dino. First I percepted it over the side and finished it off with some magic missiles, thus freeing him to make it back to the surface. Then as the storm nearly caused the boat to flip, I made my way back to the rudder and used my Breadth of Experience feat to make a Profession (sailor) check and prevent us from going over.

Scarab Sages

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Breadth of Experience - one of the best feat ever developed. If you're playing an elf, it's a must have!

Scarab Sages

And, yeah, fifth level and we have a sea tower home - you can blame me for that one. I had developed it at one point as a potential Wayfinder submission, and was dying to use it somewhere. So in my first turn as DM for this campaign, I filled it with a cult of Dagon and let the PCs go to town.

Scarab Sages

It's a pretty cool tower. Maybe I should share it with people.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

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I could create a FB page:

Zombie's Cartography Abbatoir?

Maps, Brains, and Other Things?

Aberzombie's Cartographic Emporium?

Scarab Sages

This weekend it'll be time to transfer my mead back to the primary fermenter so I can add the raspberries and let them soak for two weeks.

Scarab Sages

Holy Crap! In just over two weeks I'll be <redacted>.

Scarab Sages

All right folks! Zombie will no longer be in the house.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:

I could create a FB page:

Zombie's Cartography Abbatoir?

Maps, Brains, and Other Things?

Aberzombie's Cartographic Emporium?

I'd shop there.

Good luck with the job thing BP.

RPG Superstar 2012

Freehold DM wrote:
Also, positive waves BP.


RPG Superstar 2012

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One of my goofier monsters.

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I like it. I don't know where I'll ever use it (maybe Savage Tide again, only campaign I have on the docket that goes into jungle terrain) but I like it.

Aberzombie wrote:
I could create a FB page

No, you should not.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Last day!

People brought me pastries. They know me too well...

After the weather stops being stupid, we celebrate.

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Alright, time to head off to party with my friends.

See ya'll later. Try not to get attacked by entitled players or DMs while I am gone!

Silver Crusade

Doh! I've been sitting around waiting for HR to call me for my exit interview... It is at 10am PACIFIC, not 10am Eastern. Razzum-frazzum West-Coast HR flunkies...

Now I feel silly for sitting here staring at my phone waiting for something to happen.

Morning FaWtL-ies!

It's a regular Fracked-up Friday,... :)

So,... I had a thought last night,...

(Yes, it hurt a little)

-If CHEESE makes everything better,...

-And BACON makes everything better-er,...

-And Everything tastes better-er-er DEEP FRIED,...

Why not choose your favorite food, and do all three?!?!?

My mind threatens to explode at the potential yummyness that should ensue,...

And my heart threatens to explode at the thought of the explosive cholesterol levels,...

But still, what a way to go! :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote:

Morning FaWtL-ies!

It's a regular Fracked-up Friday,... :)

So,... I had a thought last night,...

(Yes, it hurt a little)

-If CHEESE makes everything better,...

-And BACON makes everything better-er,...

-And Everything tastes better-er-er DEEP FRIED,...

Why not choose your favorite food, and do all three?!?!?

My mind threatens to explode at the potential yummyness that should ensue,...

And my heart threatens to explode at the thought of the explosive cholesterol levels,...

But still, what a way to go! :D

Have you been to Scotland? :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
taig wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Also, positive waves BP.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Daily update. I swam for 1050 yards. My weight is up but my waist is down 1-2 inches from 2 weeks ago.

DSXMachina wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

Morning FaWtL-ies!

It's a regular Fracked-up Friday,... :)

So,... I had a thought last night,...

(Yes, it hurt a little)

-If CHEESE makes everything better,...

-And BACON makes everything better-er,...

-And Everything tastes better-er-er DEEP FRIED,...

Why not choose your favorite food, and do all three?!?!?

My mind threatens to explode at the potential yummyness that should ensue,...

And my heart threatens to explode at the thought of the explosive cholesterol levels,...

But still, what a way to go! :D

Have you been to Scotland? :P

Um,... No?

<Rapidly looks up Travelocity,...>

Then you'll want your deep fried mars bars, deep fried pizza and much much more....

Sweeeeeeeet!,... :D

(Potentially deadly, but delicious nonetheless!) ;P

Ragadolf wrote:

Morning FaWtL-ies!

It's a regular Fracked-up Friday,... :)

So,... I had a thought last night,...

(Yes, it hurt a little)

-If CHEESE makes everything better,...

-And BACON makes everything better-er,...

-And Everything tastes better-er-er DEEP FRIED,...

Why not choose your favorite food, and do all three?!?!?

My mind threatens to explode at the potential yummyness that should ensue,...

And my heart threatens to explode at the thought of the explosive cholesterol levels,...

But still, what a way to go! :D

Visit the Iowa State Fair, I'm sure we already have something like that featured.

DSXMachina wrote:
Then you'll want your deep fried mars bars, deep fried pizza and much much more....

Deep fried pizza with chips on it...

I think the office is conspiring to keep the data entry people in tomorrow at any cost. I've never had books come in so rapid-fire as they are today. Every time I get one done, two more show up.

I want Saturday off dangit! Stuff hasn't been coming in this quickly all week. Why suddenly now?

Orthos wrote:

I think the office is conspiring to keep the data entry people in tomorrow at any cost. I've never had books come in so rapid-fire as they are today. Every time I get one done, two more show up.

I want Saturday off dangit! Stuff hasn't been coming in this quickly all week. Why suddenly now?

To save you from your hard-partying lifestyle.

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I don't want to party, I want to sleep!

I feel as if I was five years back in time on that old computer. Except the good things that were taking place five years ago are not here.

Orthos wrote:
I don't want to party, I want to sleep!

There's a difference?!

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I could create a FB page
No, you should not.

That's funny! I could have sworn some winter-lover said something.....:)

Orthos wrote:
I don't want to party, I want to sleep!

It's working!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

I think the office is conspiring to keep the data entry people in tomorrow at any cost. I've never had books come in so rapid-fire as they are today. Every time I get one done, two more show up.

I want Saturday off dangit! Stuff hasn't been coming in this quickly all week. Why suddenly now?

Well, you see, this is an effort by rebels who have travelled back in time to prevent you from becoming our future benevolent overlord. They're attempting to keep you in the office tomorrow, so that you miss out on a fateful meeting with <redacted> that will change the course of your life and eventually leave you as the most powerful man in human history.

DSXMachina wrote:
Then you'll want your deep fried mars bars, deep fried pizza and much much more....

Mind you, to anyone visiting Endinburgh at some point in the future I'd recommend trying the Indian food at the Tippo Sahib restaurant. The stuff I had was bloody great!

Mind you, trying to eat more than one raisin naan bread was a bit silly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Conspiracy Buff wrote:
Orthos wrote:

I think the office is conspiring to keep the data entry people in tomorrow at any cost. I've never had books come in so rapid-fire as they are today. Every time I get one done, two more show up.

I want Saturday off dangit! Stuff hasn't been coming in this quickly all week. Why suddenly now?

Well, you see, this is an effort by rebels who have travelled back in time to prevent you from becoming our future benevolent overlord. They're attempting to keep you in the office tomorrow, so that you miss out on a fateful meeting with <redacted> that will change the course of your life and eventually leave you as the most powerful man in human history.

Well damn. Hope my robotic double is done when I get home, I can just send him in instead.

And just as I'm getting ready to go and buy something green for the weekend it starts to rain. Le sigh.

Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I could create a FB page
No, you should not.
That's funny! I could have sworn some winter-lover said something.....:)

Yes. You heard me tell you to avoid Facebook. It is a blight upon the land, the yellow snow of the internet.

Don't scare me... I was just thinking about getting bread and something to smear on it... And check inventory of newly opened TESCO supermarket venue nearby.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:

I could create a FB page:

Zombie's Cartography Abbatoir?

Maps, Brains, and Other Things?

Aberzombie's Cartographic Emporium?

Hey, I have a treefort, I'm sure you could have an abbatoir. It's also fun to have somewhere to post the geekier things in life and not have them swallowed up by the scrolling feed.

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