Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Silver Crusade

It was especially entertaining because I was nekkid...

Scarab Sages


[Neighbor stuff]

Thanks for the suggestions

We've been neighbors for almost 13 years. While 84, this guy looks in his mid-seventies. Heck, his mom died a couple of years back at 108! He's really private. He likes us as neighbors because we respected him, and our kids did as well. His rep with other neighbors with kids was not good. Whenever he something breaks around his house I try to fix it for him, or point him in the right direction. I take care of his snow. Been doing that stuff for him since we moved in. Still, IMO what he's doing is beyond all that, but we can tell he's enjoying making my daughter a classic princess. He doesn't have any kids of his own, so I guess we kind of filled that void for him.

He loves Dancing with the Stars. Maybe we can get him to come over to watch that with us. Maybe I can at least figure out if he shelled out any money for materials. Not sure if he would be insulted by a reimbursement.

I see what you did there.

Urizen wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
So I just opened the cavern set from Dwarvenforge. OMG this stuff is beautiful, completely blew my mind. But as a side note I order 2 Cavernous passage sets and cavernous room sets, you really only need the 1 passage set. For your average size gaming table it's more than enough.
When I place an order for something, I prefer the passage not to be cavernous.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
lynora wrote:
Yeah, I have to admit, I didn't pay much less way back when. Take out the tanning and the limo and adjust for inflation and...yeah, actually for prom that's not so bad....there are things about being a girl that just cost more money. But there aren't that many times in life when you get a chance to dress up like a princess. :)
I need to do something special for the 84 yr old neighbor that's making her the gown, mostly out of leftover materials from his dress shop. He'd charge a customer about $2k for that gown. Bless that guy. 84 and still works 6 days a week, and doing something like that for us. Occasionally fixing stuff around his house for him doesn't seem enough.

My mom is a geriatric nurse. She loves working with the older folks - their stories, learning what they've learned over their lives has always fascinated her. When I was a kid she'd "drag" us along and have us read to the parapalegic young lady in one room, or play the piano and sing with the lonely old patient that nobody visits. I resented it as a selfish little teenager, but looking back, I think my mom was right, I only hope my teenage resentment didn't come through and instead I helped make someone's day a little better.

Help around the house is so great and appreciated, I'm sure, but a suggestion might be inviting him over for an evening of board games and snacks or an outside bbq where he can sit back, socialize, enjoy some good food, and have an audience for stories or gain new stories to tell. :)

I am not the only one! My mother, who has alternated between geriatric and psychiatric nursing, did the same thing when she was at nursing homes or the like! She usually brought me in to play the piano.

One old lady was so into the music, and afterward produced a large manila envelope. I looked inside, and it was full of sheet music that she had written in her younger years. I played one of her compositions on her birthday. I still have it....


I had an aunt pass away a couple of years ago, that studied piano at Juliard. Never heard her play. :(

Freehold DM wrote:
I see what you did there.
Urizen wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
So I just opened the cavern set from Dwarvenforge. OMG this stuff is beautiful, completely blew my mind. But as a side note I order 2 Cavernous passage sets and cavernous room sets, you really only need the 1 passage set. For your average size gaming table it's more than enough.
When I place an order for something, I prefer the passage not to be cavernous.

He also rewrote Silver and Gold to Hookers and Blow

Hookers and blow, hookers and blow,
Ev'ryone wishes for hookers and blow
How do you measure it's worth?
Just by the pleasure they give here on earth.

Hookers and blow, hookers and blow,
Mean so much more when I see
Hookers and blow decorations
On ev'ry park bench and tree.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
aeglos wrote:

we did see the Avengers tonight, great film, I had fun, neither me nor sAbine had seen any of the single superhero movies or ever read any of the comics so it was all new teretory.

(i knew Nick Fury from old x-men cartoons and even here in germany we know thatnhe hulk and captain america exists, the others where completly unknown to me.

who was the guy after the end credits that gave the camera a sideway smile?

From what I have heard it is Thanos.

CH, lol. I think I would have preferred some of those nursing home volunteer experiences. I got dragged along once. Once. Actually I wasn 't really dragged. I was happy to go. But when we were there this one lady who was not so entirely there grabbed onto my arm and started talking to me as if she knew me, kept calling me Hannah. I tried to be polite and nod and smile at the right points even though she was freaking me out. We were in the part of Michigan where my family comes from so for all I knew she was my grandparents distant cousin. All of my family looks alike. I was totally used to great-aunts and uncles telling me how much I looked like [insert name of deceased relative here]. But then she starts getting more and more agitated and I started to get scared, especially when she tried to drag me away out of the common area. It took two aides to get her to let go of me by which time I was crying and had bruises on my arm from where she grabbed me. I was about ten at the time. After that my mom decided that we could find other ways to volunteer that didn't involve crazy people trying to kidnap her children. :)

Aaaagh! The dishes's escaping the kitchen!!!! other words the chores get really backed up during exam week. :)

Sharoth wrote:
aeglos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
aeglos, spoilers dude! (The answer to your last question, I mean.)
uhm, sorry

~flogs aeglos~ Bad aeglos! Bad, bad aeglos! Very, very bad aeglos! ~flogs him some more~

** spoiler omitted **

How dare he watch that movie!

Scarab Sages


Urizen wrote:

I did read that they're going to push for another installment of The Incredible Hulk ...

... to be directed by Joss Whedon.

<hears the butthurt all the way from Brooklyn>



Hey Zombie good news. *IF* we go on this trip in the fall we will also being hitting up Philadelphia.

The Exchange

Jess Door wrote:

I made (what was left of) the party flee.

A glorious GMing moment.

Yeah, funny how half a dozen effectively invisible monsters throwing Shadow Conjuration (more than doubling the number of effectively invisible targets) and Prismatic Spray can do that.


Sovereign Court

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Jess Door wrote:

I made (what was left of) the party flee.

A glorious GMing moment.

Yeah, funny how half a dozen effectively invisible monsters throwing Shadow Conjuration (more than doubling the number of effectively invisible targets) and Prismatic Spray can do that.


Hey, you could see them. :)

31 days and I'll have left my soon-to-be old job (or sooner) if customers do not stop p-ssing me off. Two days later I will be in Wyoming tending to the last of my Lee's will. You'll be fishing with the grand parents in no time.

Hang in there bro.

My father is having the medical tubes removed this week or next. the hospital is taking him off blood thinners via blood transfusion. Truck and car carrier has been rented.

I have three different beverages on the computer desk with me as I speak, ere, write.

WWE is on very shortly and their are dished to do.

Have a safe night FAWLTy-land.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hang in there BP, we're thinking of you brother.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

1000+ posts later and I'm all caught up. Hope by this time some of the FAWTL troubles have passed and things are better. If not then...

~~~~ Positive Waves ~~~~

I'm sorry to hear this BP. Keeping you in my thoughts.

It's not an exit from life's responsibilities, but it's a beautiful exit none the less. I can't until we Wyoming. Gonna snap a lot of photographs.

The Exchange

So just posting to say Hey and I am still around. These weird assed hours are driving me nuts.

Hang in there BP, it will get better.

I for one would love to see a new Hulk film since I liked the last one and felt it deserved a better sequel.



Not sure if aberzombie saw the last post so I will repeat it. Talked with the husband *if* the fall NYC trip is a go we will be spending a few days in philly. So if that happens I would love to have a meetup.

Scarab Sages

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Hey Zombie good news. *IF* we go on this trip in the fall we will also being hitting up Philadelphia.

Huzzah! If I'm in town, we can do a meet up. I know I've got a trip to San Diego sometime in either August or September, but other than that, I should be around.

Scarab Sages

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Not sure if aberzombie saw the last post so I will repeat it. Talked with the husband *if* the fall NYC trip is a go we will be spending a few days in philly. So if that happens I would love to have a meetup.

Sorry about the delayed response, I've been taking a break from the computer the last two nights to read the new Stephen King Dark Tower book. I finally saw that post this morning. Huzzah!

Scarab Sages

Also, good morning to all you FAWTLY Folk! Happy Tuesday!

Rather craptastic weather here in Philly at the moment - chilly and raining.

BP - positive waves!!!

Scarab Sages

Almost at work. Later folks!

Aberzombie wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Hey Zombie good news. *IF* we go on this trip in the fall we will also being hitting up Philadelphia.
Huzzah! If I'm in town, we can do a meet up. I know I've got a trip to San Diego sometime in either August or September, but other than that, I should be around.

Definitely won't be August, Alex has a big seabird conference in France. Maybe the end of September beginning of October. We will have to wait and see.

Scarab Sages

Huzzah! I should definitely be hear then. When my trip happens, it's gonna be in August or early September.

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
Hang in there BP, we're thinking of you brother.


Positive thoughts your way.

Liberty's Edge

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Hey Zombie good news. *IF* we go on this trip in the fall we will also being hitting up Philadelphia.
Huzzah! If I'm in town, we can do a meet up. I know I've got a trip to San Diego sometime in either August or September, but other than that, I should be around.
Definitely won't be August, Alex has a big seabird conference in France. Maybe the end of September beginning of October. We will have to wait and see.

Keep me in the loop too. I'd love to hang out with you AND the zombie.

(I still can't believe I haven't hung out with the zombie yet and I'm only an hour away... Must be my brain's self-preservation kicking in.)

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Hang in there BP, we're thinking of you brother.


Positive thoughts your way.

+2. Good luck BP.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:


Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Hey Zombie good news. *IF* we go on this trip in the fall we will also being hitting up Philadelphia.
Huzzah! If I'm in town, we can do a meet up. I know I've got a trip to San Diego sometime in either August or September, but other than that, I should be around.
Definitely won't be August, Alex has a big seabird conference in France. Maybe the end of September beginning of October. We will have to wait and see.

Keep me in the loop too. I'd love to hang out with you AND the zombie.

(I still can't believe I haven't hung out with the zombie yet and I'm only an hour away... Must be my brain's self-preservation kicking in.)

Will do, when I know something concrete I will let you know.

Saw a pic of my daughter in the dress my neighbor is making for her. Wow. She does look like a princess. Now I have to hire a Royal Guard.

Pics will be on FB Friday night, probably reddit as well for the FB challenged.

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Hey Zombie good news. *IF* we go on this trip in the fall we will also being hitting up Philadelphia.
Huzzah! If I'm in town, we can do a meet up. I know I've got a trip to San Diego sometime in either August or September, but other than that, I should be around.
Definitely won't be August, Alex has a big seabird conference in France. Maybe the end of September beginning of October. We will have to wait and see.

Keep me in the loop too. I'd love to hang out with you AND the zombie.

(I still can't believe I haven't hung out with the zombie yet and I'm only an hour away... Must be my brain's self-preservation kicking in.)

Hm. Maybe I should get in on this trip to Philly, if only to destroy this plane of reality by coming into physical contact with my exact polar opposite, Ashe Ravenheart. I'm sure the explosion will be quite colorful as the rift forms, allowing Great Cthulhu to walk upon the earth once more, his tentacles wreaking havoc.

Emperor7 wrote:

Saw a pic of my daughter in the dress my neighbor is making for her. Wow. She does look like a princess. Now I have to hire a Royal Guard.

Pics will be on FB Friday night, probably reddit as well for the FB challenged.

Need a legbreaker to make sure she doesn't get any excess attention?

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Okay. You CANNOT tell me he doesn't look evil in this pic.

Freehold DM wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Okay. You CANNOT tell me he doesn't look evil in this pic.

Nope just tired and not paying attention :P

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Okay. You CANNOT tell me he doesn't look evil in this pic.
Nope just tired and not paying attention :P

That's how it starts!!!!

BP: I'm sorry to hear your news, but I'm glad you'll be getting away to somewhere restorative.

Freehold DM wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Saw a pic of my daughter in the dress my neighbor is making for her. Wow. She does look like a princess. Now I have to hire a Royal Guard.

Pics will be on FB Friday night, probably reddit as well for the FB challenged.

Need a legbreaker to make sure she doesn't get any excess attention?

With her temperment, she'll be doing the leg breaking. She better be ready to.

Emperor7 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Saw a pic of my daughter in the dress my neighbor is making for her. Wow. She does look like a princess. Now I have to hire a Royal Guard.

Pics will be on FB Friday night, probably reddit as well for the FB challenged.

Need a legbreaker to make sure she doesn't get any excess attention?
With her temperment, she'll be doing the leg breaking. She better be ready to.


I hope she has a great time.

Final grades are all in and I am both happy and relieved. :)

Gratz lynora!

Lynora, I know you don't log into your FB account much anymore, but I have to link this because I know you'll mathgeekgasm over it.

Scarab Sages

I have gained a reputation in the office as the person most willing to deal with the "mouse problem we occasionally have. A young lady in a nearby cubicle called me over to empty one of the traps she has set. It's a dirty job, but I guess someone's got to do it.

Thank the gods for soap and hand sanitizer, though.

Dark Archive

Did she pay you in brains?

lynora wrote:

Final grades are all in and I am both happy and relieved. :)


EDIT: Uh oh, my woohoo's nekkid?

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