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Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Looks like we're going to the Phillies game instead of gaming. My buddy got 7 tickets to a suite. Should be cool.
So, whose fists will the Phillies be bleeding all over this game?

Looks like it'll be the Cubs manhandling them tonight.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Looks like we're going to the Phillies game instead of gaming. My buddy got 7 tickets to a suite. Should be cool.
I wouldn't exactly use "cool" and "baseball" in the same sentence, but good for you Zombie.
Meh, baseball's ok. I'm mostly talking about the whole up in a suite, with free food and stuff, watching the game with my buddies.
Surely you could run your game in the suite?!

My younger brother said exactly the same thing.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk!!! Happy Saturday!

Today - running around to the shoe store, book store, maybe the grocery store.

Tonight - Phillies baseball game! Free food and booze!

Silver Crusade

Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Looks like we're going to the Phillies game instead of gaming. My buddy got 7 tickets to a suite. Should be cool.
I wouldn't exactly use "cool" and "baseball" in the same sentence, but good for you Zombie.
Meh, baseball's ok. I'm mostly talking about the whole up in a suite, with free food and stuff, watching the game with my buddies.
Surely you could run your game in the suite?!
My younger brother said exactly the same thing.

Great minds, and all that...

Goin to the cherry blossom festival today! Not wearing my yukata though....

Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Making some Chicken and dumplings...yum.
Now it sounds good to me.
LOL These aren't those kind of dumplings...But I have to try chicken and dumplings sometimes. I don't think I've ever had it.
Next time you're down here buddy I'll hook you up.

Has to be those big ass hand made dumplin's. Man, I haven't had those in awhile. Closest I get are the ones at Cracker Barrel. But it doesn't match Grandma's recipe.

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Making some Chicken and dumplings...yum.
Now it sounds good to me.
LOL These aren't those kind of dumplings...But I have to try chicken and dumplings sometimes. I don't think I've ever had it.
Next time you're down here buddy I'll hook you up.
Has to be those big ass hand made dumplin's. Man, I haven't had those in awhile. Closest I get are the ones at Cracker Barrel. But it doesn't match Grandma's recipe.

Well hell drow bro, same goes for you too!

Solnes got enough dumplings for everyone!

The Exchange

And FHDM, Solnes loved your responses.

Moorluck wrote:
And FHDM, Solnes loved your responses.


The Minis Maniac wrote:
Well on average I sleep about 3 days a week lately, so it'll be like investing for future sheep.

> . >

< . <

rubs hands together supervillain style Good... Good...

Moorluck wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Making some Chicken and dumplings...yum.
Now it sounds good to me.
LOL These aren't those kind of dumplings...But I have to try chicken and dumplings sometimes. I don't think I've ever had it.
Next time you're down here buddy I'll hook you up.
Has to be those big ass hand made dumplin's. Man, I haven't had those in awhile. Closest I get are the ones at Cracker Barrel. But it doesn't match Grandma's recipe.

Well hell drow bro, same goes for you too!

Solnes got enough dumplings for everyone!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Moorluck wrote:

Well hell drow bro, same goes for you too!

Solnes got enough dumplings for everyone!

<holds up two fingers> <points at self>


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I gotta get packing for our big night out, and make sure the kids have clean clothes to take to the grands house for the night.

Grown up fun time here we come!

I used to go to cracker barrel every year on the way to otakon... Hopefully we do it again this year.

Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Making some Chicken and dumplings...yum.
Now it sounds good to me.
LOL These aren't those kind of dumplings...But I have to try chicken and dumplings sometimes. I don't think I've ever had it.
Next time you're down here buddy I'll hook you up.
Has to be those big ass hand made dumplin's. Man, I haven't had those in awhile. Closest I get are the ones at Cracker Barrel. But it doesn't match Grandma's recipe.

Moorluck wrote:

I gotta get packing for our big night out, and make sure the kids have clean clothes to take to the grands house for the night.

Grown up fun time here we come!

beats spear against shield

Silver Crusade

Have a great weekend, Solnes and LPM!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just two more hours and we'll be checking into the hotel.

*does happy dance*

Dammit, Zuckerberg used his weather dominator go bring on an early spring! There are no cherry blossoms here!

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Dammit, Zuckerberg used his weather dominator go bring on an early spring! There are no cherry blossoms here!

Probably won't be any cherry blossoms here either. :P

serpent skull game going, everyone survied the big fight, now looting

Freehold DM wrote:
Dammit, Zuckerberg used his weather dominator go bring on an early spring! There are no cherry blossoms here!


Kingmaker and Pulled Pork BBQ? What a combination for Sunday Game Day.

Aberzombie wrote:

Aberzombie's Really Grim Fairy Tales:

The Kind-Hearted Monster

Once upon a time, a gentle and kind-hearted monster lived deep in the Enchanted Woodlands. He often went out of his way to help those who were lost or in danger, never asking for any reward, and never letting himself be seen.

One day, as the monster was walking to his favorite grove, a cry for helped pierced the stillness of the forest. Moving towards the sound, the giant came across a beautiful, young princess lying on the ground and being attacked by a crazed bear. At great risk to himself, the monster fought the bear off, saving the young maid's life.

However, just as the monster was offering to help the girl up, her betrothed prince came along. Seeing what he thought was a monster attacking his beloved, the prince slew the benevolent monster.

Unfortunately, the monster was also enchanted, so that any who slew him would in turn be slain. As the monster's heart ceased beating, the angry bear returned with three of his friends, killed the prince, and ate the princess.

The end.

That's dreadful.

Aberzombie wrote:
And that reminds me: I'm very much looking forward to the Avengers movie. From everything I'm hearing, it's FAWESOME and looks to be a HUGE success.

My 4 yo daughter wants to see it. It has "Angry Man, and the Red Blue Guy."

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And that reminds me: I'm very much looking forward to the Avengers movie. From everything I'm hearing, it's FAWESOME and looks to be a HUGE success.
My 4 yo daughter wants to see it. It has "Angry Man, and the Red Blue Guy."

What no love for Ironman? Sad days.

Naah, he's a wino.


Scarab Sages

Baseball game was awesome!

Not if your wife's a cubs fan.....

good morning FaWtLies

serpent skull was good.

I quote the Paladin while entering a bad guys lair:
(with a buisness-like tone) "hello, for light and justice"

the wormwood mutany has arraived, hurray!
that was the fastest my FBnsLOGS (friendly but not so local Online Gaming Store) ever managed to import a Paizo Product to Germany

Liberty's Edge

F&!+ my life.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
F~!+ my life.

hang in there, Shiny.

when I was 24-25 my life was misarable, I hated my job, was aloine, had almost no friends and loathed myself deeply , I took professional help Nd finally realised that the last part was mostly responsible for the other parts.
It took me yaers to pull through it, it os hard, but it can be done, today
at 36 I am very happy, Personal iand professional.

times will change, you will change, don't give up

Scarab Sages

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Not if your wife's a cubs fan.....

Naah, she could give two shits less about sports. My mother, on the other hand......

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Sunday! Had a blast at the baseball game last night. Those suites are pretty cool, and the food was delicious. One of the suites just down from us got nailed with a foul ball - crazy. But it was nice that the Phillies won.

After the game, we sat shooting the shit at the Oakmont Pub near my buddies house. Didn't get home until almost 2 am.

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So I think the cat wants my attention. I am laying here reading my book, absently scratching his head. And when I stop scratching he bites the corner of my book....... needy freaking animal. Funny thing is he has always been the more aloof "I don't need you human" type animal. All up until the husband left for the field season 2 weeks ago, now it's glued to my side. Weird freaking animal.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Well, Charlie's attempts to bribe his was past security failed when the guard was replaced by a simple, yet impassable barrier. Meanwhile, Scott's lack of sleep didn't stop his wife from pushing him to complete that long-planned, multi-level bird bath (complete with jacuzzi). And, across town, everyone was shocked by the return of.....No, wait! That's my soap opera!

Scarab Sages

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Weird freaking animal.

All you had to do was say "cat". :)


Morning folks (or afternoon, or evening depending on your relative position on the rock)

EMS-Hang in there bro. Things do get better. I'm living proof.

I am flat out stressing with spring chores, and several serious stat blocks to cogitate. I keep trying to find time and it never seems to materialize. I need to clone myself or chain Taig in my basement with a bag of badger chow and a blank notebook to write up some NPCs for me.

Oh, and I took the tip on Hero Lab, Zombeh. I just have to find time to learn it =/

But, for now life looks up! There is the scent of Sunday-morning bacon in the air, and I saw a loaf of rasperry-cheese bubka awaiting the fry treatment. That and some fried chicken embryos and I am getting off to a great start!


Silver Crusade

Mmmm. Chicken embryos...

To be precise, eggs are more accurately compared to a hen menstruation. How's that for appetizing? And yet... delicious...

The Exchange

Damn... 600 posts.

Not even gonna try.

Anything I should know about?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wolfthulhu wrote:

Damn... 600 posts.

Not even gonna try.

Anything I should know about?

Heathy is pregnant

Aberzombie was involved in a sports riot and has court date next month and may face time.
Mairkurion is running for political office.
And to everyones horror Shiney has become a nudist. We are mostly upset because we think this "Nudist colony" is actually some sort of weird religious cult.
But mainly its been an uneventful few days.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
F#*& my life.

Hey Shiney get better. I things start turning your way soon.

The Exchange



Laptop still refusing to let me have access to a proper computer, may wait a bit before fixing it, though - you're not meant to get this restless just because you can't go online without using your ipod (which reminds me that I have to get one of those cords that you use to charge your apple devices straight from the wall socket).

Hope everyone else has a good time!

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We really need to get out like that more often, I never realized how stressed I was until I got a chance to relax.

Nothing like letting it all hang out.

And I do mean ALL.

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