Tacticslion |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:I WANT BATS IN THE SUN PICSJust a Mort wrote:Oh NH, when you next see Hi, ask him about a description of me. Say I gave permission(which I am officially doing now). Then you’ll get to know how I look like lol :P And yeah I’d want to see your reaction ;)
It’s quite funny meeting people from online the first time they’ll say, what? I never imagined you’d look like that…
LOL. Knowing Hi, I figure I'm going to see about 38 photos of you in various states of surprise. Hi loves his camera.
He's due back on the 3rd, but we're off to Bats in the Sun 'til the 6th, so we'll probably have a big get-together the weekend of the 12th-13th. I figure Rivoli, Sobo, and slides. Life will be Good.
They will absolutely be posted... but probably on Google Drive this time. Flickr just got acquired, and at least Google is the Evil I Know.
Unless someone knows another free photo-sharing site that isn't named PornHub.
Okay, I'm going to look stupid for this, but... did someone actually name a free photo-sharing site that?
Of course.
*gets dressed, sulking about timing the whole while*

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Okay, I'm going to look stupid for this, but... did someone actually name a free photo-sharing site that?Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:I WANT BATS IN THE SUN PICSJust a Mort wrote:Oh NH, when you next see Hi, ask him about a description of me. Say I gave permission(which I am officially doing now). Then you’ll get to know how I look like lol :P And yeah I’d want to see your reaction ;)
It’s quite funny meeting people from online the first time they’ll say, what? I never imagined you’d look like that…
LOL. Knowing Hi, I figure I'm going to see about 38 photos of you in various states of surprise. Hi loves his camera.
He's due back on the 3rd, but we're off to Bats in the Sun 'til the 6th, so we'll probably have a big get-together the weekend of the 12th-13th. I figure Rivoli, Sobo, and slides. Life will be Good.
They will absolutely be posted... but probably on Google Drive this time. Flickr just got acquired, and at least Google is the Evil I Know.
Unless someone knows another free photo-sharing site that isn't named PornHub.
i see you are prepared for your visit to pornhub.

Ambrosia Slaad |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Vidmaster7 wrote:It is logical, sure, but asking the question itself goes against everything the heroic ideal stand for, does it not?Just a Mort wrote:I don't get heroics. Who's going to be paying for your hospital bills if you get hurt?I think your just far more of a logical creature then I am.
Not necessarily. If you see someone(s) being harmed, or about to be harmed, and you quickly consider the very likely risks of harm to yourself, and then you still act to stop the harm anyway... I'd argue that is the very epitome of a heroic ideal.

Tacticslion |

NobodysHome wrote:Okay, I'm going to look stupid for this, but... did someone actually name a free photo-sharing site that?Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:I WANT BATS IN THE SUN PICSJust a Mort wrote:Oh NH, when you next see Hi, ask him about a description of me. Say I gave permission(which I am officially doing now). Then you’ll get to know how I look like lol :P And yeah I’d want to see your reaction ;)
It’s quite funny meeting people from online the first time they’ll say, what? I never imagined you’d look like that…
LOL. Knowing Hi, I figure I'm going to see about 38 photos of you in various states of surprise. Hi loves his camera.
He's due back on the 3rd, but we're off to Bats in the Sun 'til the 6th, so we'll probably have a big get-together the weekend of the 12th-13th. I figure Rivoli, Sobo, and slides. Life will be Good.
They will absolutely be posted... but probably on Google Drive this time. Flickr just got acquired, and at least Google is the Evil I Know.
Unless someone knows another free photo-sharing site that isn't named PornHub.
I... can neither access the text box to type a comment, nor see the quoted post without "REPLY"ing to someone else's comment. Weird.
EDIT: Fixed itself.
EDIT: no, wait, what? Something weird is going on. Did D6FAWTL finally break the forums?
(Weeeeeiiiiiiird things are happening - basically the last comment I can see normally is Freehold's about "not as much fun."

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We have a standard Grape flavor for things like candy, medicine, etc..., but grapes don't actually taste like that.
Fun (uncertain) "fact" - it seems banana flavored things are not flavored like bananas because they're flavored to imitate a kind of banana that is now extinct.
The site is being weird right now. I'm having this current page (3881) blinking in and out of existence as I navigate around. And the post counter is saying 194,001 of 194,001, even though there's multiple posts on this page already.
Cool! Thanks!

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

gran rey de los mono wrote:We have a standard Grape flavor for things like candy, medicine, etc..., but grapes don't actually taste like that.Fun (uncertain) "fact" - it seems banana flavored things are not flavored like bananas because they're flavored to imitate a kind of banana that is now extinct.
Vanykrye wrote:The site is being weird right now. I'm having this current page (3881) blinking in and out of existence as I navigate around. And the post counter is saying 194,001 of 194,001, even though there's multiple posts on this page already.Cool! Thanks!
did we eat that banana into extinction?

Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:did we eat that banana into extinction?gran rey de los mono wrote:We have a standard Grape flavor for things like candy, medicine, etc..., but grapes don't actually taste like that.Fun (uncertain) "fact" - it seems banana flavored things are not flavored like bananas because they're flavored to imitate a kind of banana that is now extinct.
Vanykrye wrote:The site is being weird right now. I'm having this current page (3881) blinking in and out of existence as I navigate around. And the post counter is saying 194,001 of 194,001, even though there's multiple posts on this page already.Cool! Thanks!
I'm sure it's Britain's fault. All the bad stuff that's ever happened in the world throughout all of history is Britain's fault.

Tacticslion |

FH: actually, it's disease because they're all clones.
Specifically, Panama Disease and "Gros Michel"
(EDIT: Turns out, they're not extinct, but "close enough.")
He's baaaaaaaack...
Also, music sucks now?
EDIT: should be noted, I like music from pretty much every era.

Tacticslion |

gran rey de los mono wrote:Lemons are much more popular than limes, yet limes are less sour. Lemon scented products are everywhere, but no lime scented ones. Lemonade stands are popular summertime projects for children, but have you ever seen a limeade stand? Limes are the Luigi of the fruit world.this is why I love luigi. And limes.
I love Luigi!
I find limes acceptable, in limited quantity, though limeaid really isn't that great, comparatively.
Lime-related products can be awesome, though!

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

FH: actually, it's disease because they're all clones.
Specifically, Panama Disease and "Gros Michel"
(EDIT: Turns out, they're not extinct, but "close enough.")
NobodysHome wrote:He's baaaaaaaack...THIS IS AWESOME~! WOO!
Also, music sucks now?
EDIT: should be noted, I like music from pretty much every era.
blaming my parents homeland, huh?! Bastards!

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kjeldorn wrote:I prefer "50 years of 'Girls, girls, you're both pretty' as the rest of the bar cowers from the catfight that will never come..."Scintillae wrote:I'm basically unofficially calling it "Ms. Scint rambles about the Cold War for three months."At the history bar, the Cold War was colloquially know as "The great dick measuring contest of latter half the 20th century, wonderfully highlighted by the build of bigger, more potent and longer lasting intercontinental ballistic missiles".

![]() |
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About to leave for "work" but:
Wait, I just realized you’re not ImHidingImYourCloset! Hello! Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too! I arrived here two weeks or so ago making a shameless plug for a silly RPG. Now I occasionally pop in and post. Not too much, considering how fast pages fill up here, but when I see topics that interest me.
no, he's clearly Captain yesterday!
You probably remember this. But really, you have no proof! You'll never take me alive! *Jumps out escape window*

Tacticslion |

Reasons NobodysHome Hates the iPhone
#1: The size is not convenient for my pocket, even the 4S
#2: The battery only lasts a couple of days
#3: (And Bonus: NobodysHome's Tirade of the Day) The alarm clock.
So, how can you possibly screw up an alarm clock? Well, let me tell you!
All I want is an alarm that vibrates the phone without sounding a tone. I get up at least an hour earlier than NobodysWife, so I want a simple vibrating phone that wakes me up, but not her. Apparently, this is beyond Apple's capability. In spite of Apple's own support site saying, "Just set Tone to None and select the vibration", if you set Tone to None then the alarm doesn't ring at all. If you set the phone to Mute, then the alarm tone goes at full volume (WTF, Apple? Do you NOT understand "Mute"?!?!?). The best I've accomplished is turning the volume all the way down, so that the tone is minimal. But every other phone I have ever owned has understood the need for a vibrate-only alarm. Why doesn't Apple?
I have more, but I figure 3 at a time will fill my days...
- 1) fair; I've actually slowly been becoming more interested in larger, but I remember that transition was frustrating, too
- 2) HAHAHAHAHAHAH - oh, wait, you were serious? My sweet summer child...- 3) mine has always been able to do what you want? I'm not sure I understand how you can't just do a vibrate alarm clock?
That said:
- my phone is a larger space-taker, but has also brought more utility to a roughly-pocket-size device (either front or back) than anything else I own
- my batteries were always sucky, so I never experienced the shock of "only a few days" - we'd always plug up our old flip phones at night
- my phone allows me to surf the web (eliminating most physical books that aren't game books I'd have to bring, including notebooks), play games, text, talk, take pictures that are actually pretty good, have an easy-access calculator, follow a map, set many multiple alarms throughout the day (easily), and do a whole host of related tasks
There was a transition period, but I really can't go back anymore.
I will refrain from discussing things with Android fanatics, because they seem convinced, and may be correct, but, much like you, they can't beat the price of "free" that I currently enjoy.

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Reasons NobodysHome Hates the iPhone
#1: The size is not convenient for my pocket, even the 4S
#2: The battery only lasts a couple of days
#3: (And Bonus: NobodysHome's Tirade of the Day) The alarm clock.
So, how can you possibly screw up an alarm clock? Well, let me tell you!
All I want is an alarm that vibrates the phone without sounding a tone. I get up at least an hour earlier than NobodysWife, so I want a simple vibrating phone that wakes me up, but not her. Apparently, this is beyond Apple's capability. In spite of Apple's own support site saying, "Just set Tone to None and select the vibration", if you set Tone to None then the alarm doesn't ring at all. If you set the phone to Mute, then the alarm tone goes at full volume (WTF, Apple? Do you NOT understand "Mute"?!?!?). The best I've accomplished is turning the volume all the way down, so that the tone is minimal. But every other phone I have ever owned has understood the need for a vibrate-only alarm. Why doesn't Apple?
I have more, but I figure 3 at a time will fill my days...
- 1) fair; I've actually slowly been becoming more interested in larger, but I remember that transition was frustrating, too
- 2) HAHAHAHAHAHAH - oh, wait, you were serious? My sweet summer child...
- 3) mine has always been able to do what you want? I'm not sure I understand how you can't just do a vibrate alarm clock?That said:
- my phone is a larger space-taker, but has also brought more utility to a roughly-pocket-size device (either front or back) than anything else I own
- my batteries were always sucky, so I never experienced the shock of "only a few days" - we'd always plug up our old flip phones at night
- my phone allows me to surf the web (eliminating most physical books that aren't game books I'd have to bring, including notebooks), play games, text, talk, take pictures that are actually pretty good, have an easy-access calculator, follow a map, set many multiple alarms...
I've had Android, an Android tablet, iPhone through work, and an iPad through work.
Phones: I couldn't stand my iPhone. Love my Pixel XL.
Tablets: Not a big fan of Android tablets, but actually really liked the iPad.
No, I can't explain this at all.

Tacticslion |

So, here's an open question for all you FaWtLers: How many of you still have your wisdom teeth?
As far as I know, I am the only adult among ALL of my acquaintances who still has them. Having your wisdom teeth out is kind of a rite of passage. But Impus Major was just being evaluated for his (he has the space, but they're coming in crooked, so it's "iffy"), and the oral surgeon said about 20% of people have the space for them to come in successfully.
I think that 20% "have the space" is WAY higher than "keep them", so I'm doing an informal count:
Has Wisdom Teeth Past 25 years of ago: 1
Doesn't: 0
Had mine out a few years ago.

Tacticslion |

Freehold DM wrote:*shrug* I'm just venting. We've been battling all week. Parenting is hard. Growing up is hard. There needs to be a flipping manual for this crap....lynora wrote:that must be humbling...I've been micromanaging the kidlet's homework this week to try and get all the make up work from last week done and turned in. Had to sit him down yesterday and tell him that the reason he has no time in his life for anything but homework is all him. Poor organization, not taking advantage of accommodations he's allowed, and not paying attention to what he's doing. Wasn't exactly a popular message. Sigh. Well, at least tonight he got through enough of the work to go to jujitsu. It's his first class in the adult class. He got promoted from the youth class right before he got sick. So hopefully getting out and doing not homework for a couple hours will help.
Of course all of this is made worse because I got away with all that crap when I was his age. Lack of parental supervision meant that I nearly failed a few classes from it. The difference is that unlike the kidlet I could do homework quickly when I bothered to do it at all. He's got all the attitude without the abilities to back it up. Sometimes he's frustrating because he's too much like me and sometimes because he's not. :P
There are lots of them. They are often wrong, especially if they tell you they're the only ones doing it right.

Tacticslion |

NobodysHome wrote:Impus Major was a HUGE SCP fan before the game came out, reading every report, memorizing every creature and its strengths and weaknesses...
Needless to say, he's really really good at the game. "Oh, that SCP #238. Just do this..."
I like Impus Major! Knowledge is power! Rawr!
I once had a character think this to herself, "Once you understand the thing, you know what it's capable of. Then you know how to kill it."
That sounds exceedingly familiar...

![]() |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just a Mort wrote:That sounds exceedingly familiar...NobodysHome wrote:Impus Major was a HUGE SCP fan before the game came out, reading every report, memorizing every creature and its strengths and weaknesses...
Needless to say, he's really really good at the game. "Oh, that SCP #238. Just do this..."
I like Impus Major! Knowledge is power! Rawr!
I once had a character think this to herself, "Once you understand the thing, you know what it's capable of. Then you know how to kill it."
I actually stole it from the guy who wrote the guide for Magus.
Credit where credit's due.

Tacticslion |

gran rey de los mono wrote:Grandma's food wasn't so good because she put love in it, but because of all the fat and sugar she put in it.A little fat and sugar never hurt anyone.
Or not.
There was a documentary on the truth about sugar. Saying sugar is more harmful then fat.
But again grandma had more physical activity then we do.
I'm quite good with fats(as in I'll naturally avoid deep fried stuff like fries), but a piece of cake just gets me =(

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Also, don't know how much I'll be posting over the next several days as things are... busy, now. Thanks!
Speaking of busy...Zelda had 26 hours in at work by the end of Monday. She's only supposed to be putting in 32/week on a regular basis, and can't go over 40 without authorization.
Aiymi left for the office at 7am yesterday, and did not get home until 10pm, after working about 7 hours on Sunday. She was on the road by 6am today, because her first call with a client was scheduled for 7am.
I was the slacker that only put in 10 hours on Monday before my spine appointment.
I got an email this morning from a department head complaining about something getting done too quickly - it wasn't supposed to be done until end of day on Friday..."So either after hours Friday night or any time on Saturday!" I then pointed out that the request she put in said "done today" and nowhere did it mention end of day Friday. So we had to reverse the work, and now wait until we can put in more overtime either after 7pm on Friday night or sometime on Saturday to do the work again. My pay doesn't come out of her budget, so why should she care about ordering additional OT for another department?
I'm really starting to think about emigrating to a western European nation that has sensible thoughts about working hours. I won't do it due to other extenuating circumstances...but if I was younger and had fewer entanglements to consider...yeah...

Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Coworker has been regaling me with tales of all the times he chased someone with a chainsaw because they walked in his sand.
Yes, someone walked in his sand.
Ironically, when a dog does it he has a "aw, it thinks it's people!" type of response.
I think I'll be buying a chainsaw this weekend.

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:I like the ideas presented in Playtest blogpost about spells. Some things I wanted to introduce myself, like heightened spells with increased effects instead of having to learn long chains for various versions of the same spell over and over.Or, you know, power points and augmentation, just sayin’...
I have tons of other systems that use spell points, I want more or less Vancian casting here.

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I want my note 9.
I remember the note 7 debacle, and want to get back in the game. This tiny galaxy 9 isn't doing it for me.
I want revenge.
I prefer Android, but I'd use an iPhone. I'm just limited to budget, couple-years-old smartphones that work with my pay-as-I-go Tracfone service.
I cannot fathom what using a current iteration of Samsung Note would be like. Or unlimited mobile data, for that matter.

Pillbug Toenibbler |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I have yet to find a spell point system that was not broken badly in some way. It has always been an ugly point of contention in games I have been in. Vancian has its problems to be sure - really ugly ones.
{knocks on door} Excuse me sir, do you have a couple minutes to talk about Our Lord and Savior, Psionic Power Points?

Vanykrye |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I have yet to find a spell point system that was not broken badly in some way. It has always been an ugly point of contention in games I have been in. Vancian has its problems to be sure - really ugly ones.{knocks on door} Excuse me sir, do you have a couple minutes to talk about Our Lord and Savior, Psionic Power Points?
I've been staring at this one for 12 minutes trying to decide if it's surrealism, sarcasm, or sincere belief.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:I have yet to find a spell point system that was not broken badly in some way. It has always been an ugly point of contention in games I have been in. Vancian has its problems to be sure - really ugly ones.{knocks on door} Excuse me sir, do you have a couple minutes to talk about Our Lord and Savior, Psionic Power Points?
I remember dark sun and the nonsense that occurred there. Love the setting, but no thanks to spell/psionic points.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:I've been staring at this one for 12 minutes trying to decide if it's surrealism, sarcasm, or sincere belief.Freehold DM wrote:I have yet to find a spell point system that was not broken badly in some way. It has always been an ugly point of contention in games I have been in. Vancian has its problems to be sure - really ugly ones.{knocks on door} Excuse me sir, do you have a couple minutes to talk about Our Lord and Savior, Psionic Power Points?
i died laughing. You are now communicating with my undead body.

Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:I've been staring at this one for 12 minutes trying to decide if it's surrealism, sarcasm, or sincere belief.Freehold DM wrote:I have yet to find a spell point system that was not broken badly in some way. It has always been an ugly point of contention in games I have been in. Vancian has its problems to be sure - really ugly ones.{knocks on door} Excuse me sir, do you have a couple minutes to talk about Our Lord and Savior, Psionic Power Points?
I'm definitely a big fan of Dreamscarred's refined psionics for Pathfinder. I vastly prefer it over Vancian spellcasting, even with the hinted at improvements for PF2E.
I remember dark sun and the nonsense that occurred there. Love the setting, but no thanks to spell/psionic points.
Comparing the ambitious but wonky rules for 2e psionics to Dreamscarred's Pathfinder psionics is just as wrong as your sad devotion to Michael Bay. :)

Freehold DM |

Vanykrye wrote:Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:I've been staring at this one for 12 minutes trying to decide if it's surrealism, sarcasm, or sincere belief.Freehold DM wrote:I have yet to find a spell point system that was not broken badly in some way. It has always been an ugly point of contention in games I have been in. Vancian has its problems to be sure - really ugly ones.{knocks on door} Excuse me sir, do you have a couple minutes to talk about Our Lord and Savior, Psionic Power Points?I'm definitely a big fan of Dreamscarred's refined psionics for Pathfinder. I vastly prefer it over Vancian spellcasting, even with the hinted at improvements for PF2E.
Freehold DM wrote:I remember dark sun and the nonsense that occurred there. Love the setting, but no thanks to spell/psionic points.Comparing the ambitious but wonky rules for 2e psionics to Dreamscarred's Pathfinder psionics is just as wrong as your sad devotion to Michael Bay. :)
i will give them a look out of fairness that we were talking about different things, but I am still quite skeptical.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

As an aside, how many people here are wealth by level adherents?
I think I've posted before that I despise wealth by level because it gives players a feeling of entitlement. "You're not giving me enough money! Waaaaah!"
However, having gone through a couple of campaigns where as players we couldn't even afford +1 weapons by 8th level, I think there's got to be a compromise in there somewhere.
"If you do not provide me with the means to deal with such things as incorporeal creatures or creatures with DR/magic, then please don't put them in your campaign unless you plan to foreshadow them so we have enough spells prepared."
In one game a few weeks ago we had a 7th-level party traveling along a river, so both the prepared casters had a bunch of water-related spells ready (Water Breathing, Slipstream, and the like) and they got attacked by an incorporeal creature.
The *only* thing that saved them was that the bloodrager had chosen Magic Weapon as a spell. No one else had anything more powerful than a couple of Magic Missiles to hurt the thing. (It was an incorporeal outsider, so even channeling or Cure Wounds spells didn't help.)

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I'm sure it's Britain's fault. All the bad stuff that's ever happened in the world throughout all of history is Britain's fault.Tacticslion wrote:did we eat that banana into extinction?gran rey de los mono wrote:We have a standard Grape flavor for things like candy, medicine, etc..., but grapes don't actually taste like that.Fun (uncertain) "fact" - it seems banana flavored things are not flavored like bananas because they're flavored to imitate a kind of banana that is now extinct.
Vanykrye wrote:The site is being weird right now. I'm having this current page (3881) blinking in and out of existence as I navigate around. And the post counter is saying 194,001 of 194,001, even though there's multiple posts on this page already.Cool! Thanks!
Excuse me very much!
If it wasn't for Britain you'd still be British, so there.
Further devastating rebuttals are likely to provoke the attentions of Fritzy's Flaming Bicycle Katyusha, so I'll shut up now.

Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wealth By Level - I use it if I'm starting a campaign at a level other than 1st. I don't really worry about it too much after that, as I tend to be a bit more generous with loot/money than Paizo envisioned. I'm fairly permissive as a DM, and I hand out a fair amount of extra loot, but I've *never* been accused of being a Monty Haul DM. I've got a reputation with my players as being fairly deadly in my encounter design.