Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Silver Crusade

Apparently that word got defiltered. How long until somebody abuses it?

(The word, not the body part.)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Celestial Healer wrote:

Apparently that word got defiltered. How long until somebody abuses it?

(The word, not the body part.)

I'm sure Urizen's already abused both.

The Exchange


Sovereign Court

Mysterious Cultist wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Urizen wrote:

*peeks outside* *looks at ground*


*picks up box* *shuts door*

Gratz! I just got my Inner Sea Guide last night. I may have to get the pdf too. ::ruminates::
subscribe... subscribe...

hehe. Maybe I should. I end up buying most eventually.


I for one, approve heartily of Paizo's subscription method.


As so I!

Any body ever heard of The Magic Ring (1825) by Baron Motte de la Fouque? Dang, I need another week of Spring break so I can get it and read it.

Scarab Sages

Urizen wrote:

*peeks outside* *looks at ground*


*picks up box* *shuts door*

** trying to picture Urizen squeeling like a little girl **

Brain Bleach on standby...

Should anyone be interested a play-by-post possibility for those really wacky characters that you might not get a chance to play in the normal run of things. We're trying to decide if there's enough interest to get this rolling now. Only need one or two players though there's room for as many as want to play.

It's a rules super light game based in the same world as Realms of Agartha (check the pbp board, possibly the archives, I can look up the link if anyone cares), though it's not necessary to have read or even be remotely familiar with that thread. I'll gladly fill you in on the basics. Basically the action would be taking place in a school for magical youngsters. Think a mashup of Hogwarts and the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Existing characters include weredragon triplets and a good-aligned demon. Power level starts in the mid to upper teens. This is really the beauty of rules almost free, it actually supports that without making you want to tear out hair trying to keep track of all the details. Cause sometimes its fun to play superheroes. :)
We do use dice rolls, but sparingly, and if you have a concept that isn't easily supported by existing rules we can help you cobble together something that works since really all you need is a basic idea that lets you know what to roll for attacks, saves, damage, etc. The focus is more on the shared storytelling aspect of the game. Anyhoo, if anyone is interested just let me know and we can get a discussion thread going. If not then we may just hold off until some of the previous regulars acquire more free time. Thanks for reading this excessively long description anyways. :)

Returning you to your regularly scheduled thread now....

Scarab Sages

Gary Teter wrote:

Ow! My toe!

The kidlet is giving me that look. The 'where is my dinner, mommy' look. I guess that means I have to go cook.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
lynora wrote:
The kidlet is giving me that look. The 'where is my dinner, mommy' look. I guess that means I have to go cook.

Jude is giving me the I look really cute sound asleep look.

Justin Franklin wrote:
lynora wrote:
The kidlet is giving me that look. The 'where is my dinner, mommy' look. I guess that means I have to go cook.
Jude is giving me the I look really cute sound asleep look.

Ooh, that is a powerful look. :)

Jess Door wrote:

Mysterious Cultist wrote:

Jess Door wrote:

Urizen wrote:

*peeks outside* *looks at ground*


*picks up box* *shuts door*

Gratz! I just got my Inner Sea Guide last night. I may have to get the pdf too. ::ruminates::

subscribe... subscribe...

hehe. Maybe I should. I end up buying most eventually.

Think of it this way Jess, you get the PDF for free.

What does fawtl mean?

Caught in the Crossfire wrote:
What does fawtl mean?

Is it time for me to post my Satchmo quote again?

Who is Ronnie James Dio?

Liberty's Edge


Thought you'd like this.

Studpuffin wrote:


Thought you'd like this.

Who is this GENIUS? I love him/her!

Liberty's Edge

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:


Thought you'd like this.

Who is this GENIUS? I love him/her!

Got it here.

Edit: Freehold should really check out the link too. I swear it has nothing to do with Joss Whedon...

I think I have a title for a future book.

Annoying Your Way to Universal Belovedness: A Guide for the Devilishly Clever and the Cantankerously Adorable.

Am I obligated to post in every FaWtL thread, since I posted in the last one?

Mulban wrote:
Am I obligated to post in every FaWtL thread, since I posted in the last one?

It all comes down to this: Do you want to keep your Awesome Status? Only you can answer that question.

PIE in the oven.


Dark Archive

Must resist urge to buy more minis...... I just found out I am 3 minis away from having every dragon mini produced by DDM..... Must resist....

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Must resist urge to buy more minis...... I just found out I am 3 minis away from having every dragon mini produced by DDM..... Must resist....

Who are you kidding? Not one of us are fooled. Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching! Purchased.


And I repeat, PIE, MFs!

Dark Archive

I have $300 of minis in the mail. I'm going to at least wait til they get here :P.



(1 jerky treat + 1 good squeeze braunschweiger)/2 = 2 happy dogs

Scarab Sages

I'm gonna steal a silver stallion,
with not a mark upon his silky hide
Teach him he can trust me like a brother,
one day we'll saddle up and ride

And we're gonna ride, we're gonna ride
Ride like the one eyed jack of diamonds with the devil close behind
We're gonna ride

I'm gonna find me a reckless woman,
razor blades and dice in her eyes
Just a touch of sadness in her fingers,
thunder and lightening in her thighs

And we're gonna ride, we're gonna ride
Ride like the one eyed jack of diamonds with the devil close behind
We're gonna ride

I'm gonna chase the sky forever,
with the woman and the stallion and the wind
The sun is gonna burn into a cinder,
before we ever pass this way again

And we're gonna ride, we're gonna ride
Ride like the one eyed jack of diamonds with the devil close behind
We're gonna ride

Scarab Sages

Finished reading through The Haunting of Harrowstone last night. Really cool adventure. I also liked the source article on Ravengro. Overall, I think Carrion Crown is going to be another kick ass AP!

Scarab Sages

And....finally caught up on stuff I've been meaning to pre-order:

Rule of Fear
Undead Revisited
Dungeons of Golarion
PF Companion: Goblins of Golarion
PF Tales: Master of Devils

Just a few things to keep give me my new PF stuff fix.


Morning FAWTLiers!

I have extra bit of time thanks to a nursing scheduling problem, so a short day for the Pan Troglodytus Grognardicus. Time to peruse the Interwebz!


Wow. Twas quiet last night, it seems.

The bike has officially been baptised. Rode in today in a pounding rainstorm, and I have to say after making a few small adjustments, the seat is now much more comfortable and I can make full use of the pursuit handlebars. I'll have full stats on the bike in both OGL and GU format in a few days.

Caught in the Crossfire wrote:
Who is Ronnie James Dio?



Silver Crusade

Morning all. What did I miss?

I want to smash the computer network at the department of jobs and family services. Two days I was unable to gain access to an open computer because I did not make it before the rush and would have to wait. To fulfill requirements in order to be seen & evaluated to receive grant money from the state for continuing education (and thus get a break from the weekly job search requirements), one of the things I had to do was to take a self-assessment test to determine my personality type to see what jobs would be suitable for me (that I might be overlooking). They have this program called Jasper that was reputed to take two hours and was suggested by the individual who ran the seminar in the same bldg.

I couldn't find it, so I took a short nifty little program called Brain that took me all of five minutes with twenty questions to determine whether I'm left/right brained (I'm out of my mind, actually!). I was left brained with a 50/50% audio-visual perception, which came to no surprise. Printed it out and placed the results in my folder. I then asked someone where this Jasper career self-assessment survey.

Derp derp derp. Hurr hurr hurr. No one knows what I'm talking about. I point it out to them .... ON THEIR SHEET THAT THEY PASSED OUT TO US. Light bulb dimmed all around. Asked this lady the advisor from the seminar claimed that was their computer guru and she replied, "I'm not sure ... but did you take the Brain self-assessment test?" "Yeah." "Printed it out?" "Done." "You can go with that as a substitute as one of the requirements to fulfill as it is in the same section as one of the options." "That's great .... but I really wanted to take that career assessment exam to help me reveal to myself what other job fields I should be considering." *blank stare*

I made this hour round trip drive ... FOR FIVE MINUTES!?!?!?!! I could have just done the Briggs Meyers test at home and flippin' told them I was an INTP.


Urizen wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

*sigh* I feel your rage. I really wanted to do very bad things to the local Career Opportunities center last year. Especially after they cut off my unemployment because I tried to work at a temp job instead of sitting home and collecting a check. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I friggin' HATE bureaucrats.

This land cannot be truly great when the labor of so many people is wasted and the laws of the land are contravened by big business so that they can have access to economic slaves. Rawr!

Keep 'em dumb; keep 'em cheap; keep 'em plentiful.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...
*sigh* I feel your rage. I really wanted to do very bad things to the local Career Opportunities center last year. Especially after they cut off my unemployment because I tried to work at a temp job instead of sitting home and collecting a check. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I friggin' HATE bureaucrats.

When you did the census, right? Yeah. I did the math and sadly, I'd make more money sitting on my ass and I specifically recalled your circumstance.

Keep in mind, I'm going to refrain from pointing out the incompetency of their system if they take it personal and thus power trip and deny me any chance of a grant.

So much for government efficiency. @##%#!@% bureaucracy.

Urizen wrote:
So much for government efficiency.

Yeah 'government efficiency' is an oxymoron. Like' military intellegence' .

Urizen wrote:
@##%#!@% bureaucracy.

Whoah! You are sounding more Libertarian every day!

Spoiler to avoid violating FAWTL rules:

Truly, I don't want to do away with government, or have a corporate slave state, but honestly, can I have just ONE ..I mean ONE ..positive interaction with a municipal, state or federal bureaucrat? Maybe I'd look kinder on the system if I had any hope that the trillions of dollars being poured into it were bring spent, if not wisely, than in a reasonably non-wasteful manner?

Sovereign Court

Urizen wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

INTPs, unite!


Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?

Well, the captain finally revealed to his daughter Vicki that her true mother was actually Julie McCoy, the captain's longtime co-worker. Meanwhile, Burl was distraught to have lost his entire month's pay in a late night poker game with a suspected mob boss. And, in another part of the ship, Dr. Bricker finally learned the secret of how Isaac managed to seemingly be in multiple locations at once......No, wait! That's my soap opera!

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Whoah! You are sounding more Libertarian every day!

Spoiler to avoid violating FAWTL rules: ** spoiler omitted **

it's not so much my frustration lies on big vs small government, but wasteful vs efficient government. There are things that the government should stay the hell out of, but there are also things that the government should keep their hands in because I don't trust (by experience) the unscrupulous capitalists at the top tier living in luxury at the expense of slave wage labor. There are things that I've observed in the banking sector that I have questioned that is done for the profit margin by taking advantage of the gullibility of the average uninformed individual(s) who fully do not comprehend what they got themselves into nor did the person who pitched it to them fully understood it either -- aside from the fatter commission margin they'll receive as a result.

I had suggested at one time that commissions should not only be based on sales, but also on the basis of whether or not the risk was warranted for the customer to continually keep with payments versus defaulting. But that would require scruples; sales was going to have none of that.

Besides, the bank do make a lot of their money on those who aren't perfect payers. Waive a delinquency and/or a late charge here and there and the customer will think you're doing them a favor & thank you profusely for it, but what they fail to realize is that they're still being suffocated by the piling interest per diem being collected for each day further that payment hasn't been made timely. What was waived was gravy and would end up costing the bank more by spending the man hours tying up someone to argue with the customer by saying "no, we are unable to do this for you." After you get past the front line customer service, that is.

Okay, I'm done. :)

Jess Door wrote:
Urizen wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

INTPs, unite!


Of course!

Although, I wonder what I would be like if I were an E vs an I.

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
So much for government efficiency.

Yeah 'government efficiency' is an oxymoron. Like' military intellegence' .

Urizen wrote:
@##%#!@% bureaucracy.

Whoah! You are sounding more Libertarian every day!

Spoiler to avoid violating FAWTL rules: ** spoiler omitted **

Government Motto: If it ain't broke, fix it until it is!

Urizen wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Whoah! You are sounding more Libertarian every day!

Spoiler to avoid violating FAWTL rules: ** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Alas, the complexity and lack of scruples you deride also invades the governmental side of things. I fully believe that the megacorps and the government are in bed fully. I don't want NO government, I want efficient government, written laws you don't need a JD to decipher and a tax code that only folks who can afford a tax lawyer can get around. I don't trust corporations, I am a big monopoly buster booster. But, I also consider the federal government such a monopoly, and we need to open up their contracts to the mil/ind. complex and their purchases/disbursements to some sort of ombundsman scrutiny. Otherwise the pols and their corporate cronies will continue to laugh all the way to the bank. And don't tell me we can vote them out. That only changes the top scrim of scum. The losers go to work on K Street as lobbyists until they can get reeelected. We need some serious changes or we are fooked.
Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Urizen wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

INTPs, unite!


Of course!

Although, I wonder what I would be like if I were an E vs an I.

We shall rule the world!

(As soon as we can get those ESTJ's to shut up...)

Urizen wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Whoah! You are sounding more Libertarian every day!

Spoiler to avoid violating FAWTL rules: ** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

I used to work at a bank myself. I can corroborate a lot of this. Also, I am building a statue of you out of onyx to stand outside of banks I do not particularly care for in order to intimidate those who benefit from this practice.


...waitaminute..that doesn't sound right

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