Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think the price was the difference there.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah. Now put some clothes on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The difference there was cloths

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've only been on shift for 52 minutes, yet it feels like 6 hours. Gonna be a llllllooooonnnnnnnggggggg night.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well if you can prove the time distortion that's a lot of over time at least.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Pshh. Like anyone here could understand the math. They'd probably burn me for being a witch if I tried to explain it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

Well, there is always a chance the price went into durability. Check again in 5 years.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.
Well, there is always a chance the price went into durability. Check again in 5 years.

Maybe, but they specifically claim to be brighter and longer ranged than the cheaper ones.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Feros wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Also, I'm not entirely sure that's a real groundhog.
Please tell me it was a guy in a groundhog suit who bit off the mayor's ear.
That would be hilarious! :D

No, that's why they have the guy in the suit, because the Jimmy bit off part of the mayor's ear but then had developed a taste for it and kept trying to bite off people's ears even through a muzzle and had to be retired.

As soon as they stopped letting him bite people's ears his prognostications have gone in the toilet.


Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.

MrT is still at the hospital. MRI didnt happen yesterday (hospital is a bit gummed up due to covid)

He's on a light heart monitor, so that means he can now go to the bathroom himself, as the heart monitor he has now is portable. This pleases him.

So when he first got in they confirmed, yes, he had a heart attack, and his heart is damaged. But to dotter and place a stent, usually you have to be admitted within 6 to 12 hours. He was waaaaaaaaaaaaay past that.

I hope he can get an MRI today. It could be that he still gets surgery, if they deem it helpfull for his heart. But we're playing the waiting game.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

MrT is still at the hospital. MRI didnt happen yesterday (hospital is a bit gummed up due to covid)

He's on a light heart monitor, so that means he can now go to the bathroom himself, as the heart monitor he has now is portable. This pleases him.

So when he first got in they confirmed, yes, he had a heart attack, and his heart is damaged. But to dotter and place a stent, usually you have to be admitted within 6 to 12 hours. He was waaaaaaaaaaaaay past that.

I hope he can get an MRI today. It could be that he still gets surgery, if they deem it helpfull for his heart. But we're playing the waiting game.

Ugh. Those of us in the U.S. know that game all too well. "Just another hour or two" is code for, "You're going to be here overnight and there's nothing you can do about it."

Crossing my fingers that it's something as mild as possible.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes, when it comes to car parts the extra money is spent on durability.

I actually had almost this exact conversation with our mechanic at work and was confirmed by Tiny.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

Something that I think should be in ALL cars: Audi/Mercedes/BMW have been working on, and have put into production, laser (not LED, but actual laser) headlights with sensors that keep the lasers from emitting at oncoming vehicles and even pedestrians. You can still see them, but they aren't blinded by it. Complicated and expensive, but I think the payoff in both visibility and safety is worth it.

Except they're not legal in the US.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

Something that I think should be in ALL cars: Audi/Mercedes/BMW have been working on, and have put into production, laser (not LED, but actual laser) headlights with sensors that keep the lasers from emitting at oncoming vehicles and even pedestrians. You can still see them, but they aren't blinded by it. Complicated and expensive, but I think the payoff in both visibility and safety is worth it.

Except they're not legal in the US.

I thought you wanted lasers that would cut people in half.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

Something that I think should be in ALL cars: Audi/Mercedes/BMW have been working on, and have put into production, laser (not LED, but actual laser) headlights with sensors that keep the lasers from emitting at oncoming vehicles and even pedestrians. You can still see them, but they aren't blinded by it. Complicated and expensive, but I think the payoff in both visibility and safety is worth it.

Except they're not legal in the US.

I thought you wanted lasers that would cut people in half.

That's for a different application. Sssshhh!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.

Punched? Wha?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.
Punched? Wha?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.
Punched? Wha?

Oh, weird. In WW's family, they lick thei thumb, press the thumb to the palm of their other hand, whack the palm with the other fist, say, "cock-eye padiddle," and then they can claim a kiss from anyone in the car.

Punching is simpler.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.
Punched? Wha?

Oh, weird. In WW's family, they lick thei thumb, press the thumb to the palm of their other hand, whack the palm with the other fist, say, "cock-eye padiddle," and then they can claim a kiss from anyone in the car.

Punching is simpler.

On family trips?!?!?! What are they? From Arkansas?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.
Punched? Wha?

Oh, weird. In WW's family, they lick thei thumb, press the thumb to the palm of their other hand, whack the palm with the other fist, say, "cock-eye padiddle," and then they can claim a kiss from anyone in the car.

Punching is simpler.

On family trips?!?!?! What are they? From Arkansas?

I do not understand the words coming out of your mouth.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.
Punched? Wha?

Oh, weird. In WW's family, they lick thei thumb, press the thumb to the palm of their other hand, whack the palm with the other fist, say, "cock-eye padiddle," and then they can claim a kiss from anyone in the car.

Punching is simpler.

Wait... kissing is an option? Howcome I always got punched? Even by my boyfriend?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Oh, weird. In WW's family, they lick thei thumb, press the thumb to the palm of their other hand, whack the palm with the other fist, say, "cock-eye padiddle," and then they can claim a kiss from anyone in the car.
On family trips?!?!?! What are they? From Arkansas?
I do not understand the words coming out of your mouth.

You kiss your brothers? Because on our trips it was our parents in the front, then the three brothers in the back. Not exactly a place I'd actively want to get a kiss from any of them. (I know many parents who kiss their kids; I never knew a kid who liked it, much less would ask for it.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

Something that I think should be in ALL cars: Audi/Mercedes/BMW have been working on, and have put into production, laser (not LED, but actual laser) headlights with sensors that keep the lasers from emitting at oncoming vehicles and even pedestrians. You can still see them, but they aren't blinded by it. Complicated and expensive, but I think the payoff in both visibility and safety is worth it.

Except they're not legal in the US.

I'd happily settle for new cars coming with working turn signals.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Long family trips are supposed to involve alphabet games/songs, punchies for specific types of vehicles and (for my kids) electronics to avoid motion sickness. Re: Padiddle, to quote Lucile Bluth "I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.
Punched? Wha?


5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Oh, weird. In WW's family, they lick thei thumb, press the thumb to the palm of their other hand, whack the palm with the other fist, say, "cock-eye padiddle," and then they can claim a kiss from anyone in the car.
On family trips?!?!?! What are they? From Arkansas?
I do not understand the words coming out of your mouth.
You kiss your brothers? Because on our trips it was our parents in the front, then the three brothers in the back. Not exactly a place I'd actively want to get a kiss from any of them. (I know many parents who kiss their kids; I never knew a kid who liked it, much less would ask for it.)

Now I have a title for a book Bloodbath in the Cadillac.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Imperator Ambriosa wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

Something that I think should be in ALL cars: Audi/Mercedes/BMW have been working on, and have put into production, laser (not LED, but actual laser) headlights with sensors that keep the lasers from emitting at oncoming vehicles and even pedestrians. You can still see them, but they aren't blinded by it. Complicated and expensive, but I think the payoff in both visibility and safety is worth it.

Except they're not legal in the US.

I'd happily settle for new cars coming with working turn signals.

I'm sorry, those will cost extra.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

Something that I think should be in ALL cars: Audi/Mercedes/BMW have been working on, and have put into production, laser (not LED, but actual laser) headlights with sensors that keep the lasers from emitting at oncoming vehicles and even pedestrians. You can still see them, but they aren't blinded by it. Complicated and expensive, but I think the payoff in both visibility and safety is worth it.

Except they're not legal in the US.

I thought you wanted lasers that would cut people in half.

Instal weapon-grade lasers in place of car lights and demand their legalisation as an expression of 2nd amendment...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
One of the headlights in my car burned out the other day. This morning I bought a replacement bulb. Normally, I would just buy the cheapest one, but since the next level up was only about $2.50 more, I thought I would try it. So I have one new, mid-grade bulb, and one el-cheapo bulb (that is at least 2 or 3 years old, but no more than 4), and I can't tell a damned bit of difference between them.

As a fellow driver, that's a Good Thing.

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:
(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights

I agree with Drejk; it's likely the $2.50 went to better-quality parts. Let's hope.

Something that I think should be in ALL cars: Audi/Mercedes/BMW have been working on, and have put into production, laser (not LED, but actual laser) headlights with sensors that keep the lasers from emitting at oncoming vehicles and even pedestrians. You can still see them, but they aren't blinded by it. Complicated and expensive, but I think the payoff in both visibility and safety is worth it.

Except they're not legal in the US.

I thought you wanted lasers that would cut people in half.
Instal weapon-grade lasers in place of car lights and demand their legalisation as an expression of 2nd amendment...

Don't get me started on that particular subject.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whoopee, Car Wars (or Freeway Fighter?) is going to be REAL!!!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

In order of annoyingness/danger to other drivers, we have:

(1) No lights
(2) Overly-bright halogen lights that blind you (how I hate those)
(3) One light out
(4) Mismatched lights
And as a passenger, there's the annoyance of getting punched in instance 3.
Punched? Wha?

Oh, weird. In WW's family, they lick thei thumb, press the thumb to the palm of their other hand, whack the palm with the other fist, say, "cock-eye padiddle," and then they can claim a kiss from anyone in the car.

Punching is simpler.

On family trips?!?!?! What are they? From Arkansas?

Texans are weird, man.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Naming new mech for Mr. T. Its a Zeus, so let's hope it carries the power of the Greek gods to his healing process.

If they had an Apollo I would have done that instead, but this is Apollo's dad, so...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mech wise I was always partial to the RDF Excalibur.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Mech wise I was always partial to the RDF Excalibur.

i love macross 7! Fire Bomber was the first CD I ever purchased!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Whoopee, Car Wars (or Freeway Fighter?) is going to be REAL!!!

RC Pro Am was one of my favorite car racing games. It was nonsensical violent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Mech wise I was always partial to the RDF Excalibur.
i love macross 7! Fire Bomber was the first CD I ever purchased!

Since he specified the "RDF Excalibur", I assume he means the Destroid Tomahawk/Excalibur from SDF Macross / Robotech Generation 1. What was used by FASA as the Warhammer in Battletech.

This one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Whoopee, Car Wars (or Freeway Fighter?) is going to be REAL!!!
RC Pro Am was one of my favorite car racing games. It was nonsensical violent.

I used to like playing that, too. My main complaint was that neither my family or any of my friends owned a copy, so if we wanted to play it, we had to go to the shitty pizza place that also rented movies and games and hope it was available. And that we had the $3 or whatever it was to rent it for a day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Backing up a bit, regarding padiddles:

I can remember my Mom saying that when she and Dad were in high school, the rules for padiddles was that if the guy saw it and called it first, he got to kiss the girl he was with. If the girl called it first, she got to slap the guy she was with.

Of course, the best car game is Punch Buggy/Slug Bug.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have no idea where this padiddles you are talking about is.

I have bad memories of punch buggy. Almost lost an eye to a manic acquaintance who had no desire to pull her punches.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And regarding headlights:

I am soooooo glad that the trend of green or blue headlights went away. I don't know if they actually helped the driver of the car actually see any better (like they claimed), but I do know that they made my eyes hurt badly. Especially the blue ones. More recently, I have noticed a trend that I hope dies quickly. That some cars will, when you turn on your turn signal, turn off the headlight on that side. I know it is to help oncoming traffic see your turn signal better, but it also means that you are purposefully reducing visibility in the direction you are planning to turn. Which just seems stupid. Especially since some cars actually turn the headlights in the same direction as you turn your steering wheel in order to increase visibility in the direction of the turn.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

I have no idea where this padiddles you are talking about is.

I have bad memories of punch buggy. Almost lost an eye to a manic acquaintance who had no desire to pull her punches.

A padiddle is simply a car with one headlight out.

And punch buggy, as with all games, depends on the other players. Some people take things too far, others too personally. But, honestly, who the f&!@ aims for the face in punch buggy? You're supposed to hit the bicep.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I accidentally dropped a LEGO in the spaghetti tonight, and my wife ate it. She's gonna shit a brick tomorrow.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My kid was in a Zoom class today, and the teacher asked "Does anyone have any questions?" My kid pushed the "Raise Hand" button, and teacher called on him. My little genius said "Oh, sorry. I was just stretching."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You know what really gets my goat? El Chupacabra.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Me: *wakes up*
Nurse: "You should know, you've been in a coma for a year."
Me: "Really? Wow. Oh well, I can't wait to see Coldplay in concert!"
Nurse: *standing 6 feet away* "There's something else you should know."
Me: "What?"
Nurse: "Coldplay sucks."

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Still no MRI for MrT.
If they cant plan him in for friday, he is allowed to go home to wait for an MRI apointment.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

Still no MRI for MrT.

If they cant plan him in for friday, he is allowed to go home to wait for an MRI apointment.

You're sure you didn't accidentally end up in the U.S. healthcare system?

Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sure. Its due to covid. MrT his condition is not dire. So any patient who can not wait, has to go first. Also, covid means they can not take him to another hospital to get checked out, which would normally happen in a case like this.

If a patient with covid needs an MRI, it means that the whole MRI machine and room has to be disinfected, thoroughly. Which causes extra delays.

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