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So, a bit of actual Pathfinder-related venting today...

Crimson Throne spoiler (one of the bad guys):
One of my serious issues with Pathfinder is that they have a lot of creatures that depend on basic DR, SR, or energy resistance to survive. Then they have entire classes that get to ignore those resistances forever at just the cost of a feat or two.

Rangers are the top of the list, where the pretty-much-required feats Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot lead to Clustered Shots, and DR is now irrelevant to rangers, even at range. And since they're physical attacks, that's all she wrote.

Alchemists are right up there, too. Their bombs count as energy attacks, so neither SR nor DR apply, and apparently they're "magic" so they affect incorporeals, but they're "not magic, but energy" so they affect golems. They get the best of all worlds, and adding a couple of alchemical discoveries to change energy types means nothing is ever safe.

I complain because the party's about to hit the infamous demilich encounter. A demilich should be a scary-as-heck encounter: Trap the Soul counts as a Conjuration effect, and bypasses both Death Ward and Protection from Evil, so the PCs are actually in danger of getting killed for once in their existence.

...demiliches have no hit points to speak of, and rely on their massive DRs and SRs to survive long enough to do anything. Last time I ran Crimson Throne, there was a Hasted Smiting Paladin that rendered the demilich so much bone kindling in a single round. But at least Smite Evil has a very limited number of uses per day. Today it's going to be another one-rounder, but from a ranger and an alchemist who don't really have to worry about resource use at all. (Alchemists get a LOT of bombs.)

It would be nice to have a scary bad guy be scary at least once in this campaign, y'know?

And yes, I always GM naked. It adds... excitement!

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For whom?

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Limeylongears wrote:
For whom?

Everybody. I'm sure of it.

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Squee! I got a new mug! It's a 3D unicorn mug with a rainbow coming out of its butt! It's so perfect!!! ^.^

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lynora wrote:
Squee! I got a new mug! It's a 3D unicorn mug with a rainbow coming out of its butt! It's so perfect!!! ^.^

That reminds me of squatty potty for some reason.

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I kept hearing about The Loud House series, and finally got around to watching the first episode.
That stuff is funny. I come from a mid-sized family, with four kids, so nothing quite the size of the Loud's (11, ten girls, one boy), but the actions and antics are quite reminiscent of my childhood nonetheless.
I recommend it.

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only 7 today.

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I spent the day in cooley country, so I hadn't noticed.

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What is this cooley country that you speak of? is their fooly involved?

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, a bit of actual Pathfinder-related venting today...

** spoiler omitted **
And yes, I always GM naked. It adds... excitement!

You know, you didn't actually tell me not to read this.

But I didn't see it until we had left the table.

And it's damned funny that the Archer was the first one killed.

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Damn funny, or planned all along.

I'm seriously asking.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
What is this cooley country that you speak of? is their fooly involved?

The southwestern part of the state, where the glaciers forgot to ravage.

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Silly forgetful glaciers.

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To pick up the Whovian thread a moment:

I've always enjoyed Dr. Who. Spent weekends in my teens watching the Baker episodes with my mom. Didn't get back into it until a good friend of mine told me they had refreshed the series.

Eccleston is my favorite -- I loved his rage. He was in for too short a time.

Tennant was excellent, and the writing was awesome. Probably the "definitive" Doctor for the 'second-gen' of the show.

Smith was . . . . Well . . . he was good. I liked many of the story arcs during his tenure, but he didn't truly impress me.

Capaldi is/has been a great Doctor, but I think, as has been implied, that his portrayal suffered from the writing. The emotional hooks just weren't there, as they had been for his predecessors in the series. They had a top-flight Doctor, but they were grasping at mist with the storyline(s). This most recent season was a letdown, for me. Too bad. It could have been more.

John Hurt, War Doctor? Yay!!! That is all. RIP, Mr. Hurt.

And, of course, I should mention some of the Companions:
I will readily grant that these opinions are biased through the lens of my own attraction to the ladies in question, but, hey -- good-lookin' is good-lookin', and I can't apologize for that. :)

Freema Agyeman -- A beautiful woman. No doubt about it. I think her character's introduction to the Doctor was pulled off better than any of the Companions', with the possible exception of Jenna Coleman's.

Billie Piper -- I'm not usually one to find blondes appealing, but she's one of the exceptions. Wow. I was further intrigued by what I took as a portrayal of a certain vulnerability, but was glad to see what an amazing job she did when she was the pivot of the 'Bad Wolf' arc. It was great to see her character come back into the story a few times.

Karen Gillan -- Just lovely. Amy Pond's relationship with Rory always felt the most genuine of the 'Companion-with-significant-other' progressions. It was carried off with a deft touch.

Jenna Coleman -- Sweet buttermilk pancakes, but she is spectacularly gorgeous!! Her passion, optimism, loyalty, and 'never-say-die' characterization helped bring out the best parts of the Smith and Capaldi runs. That she is still out there in a hijacked TARDIS, running from the raven gives me hope that we'll see her again sometime.

And the one that got away ('cause there's always at least one that does, where the lovely ladies are concerned):

Michelle Ryan -- If it had been a season or more, rather than a Christmas special alone, pairing her character with Tennant's Doctor would have probably gotten me to rank Tennant higher than Eccleston. She flawlessly presented a character that was tough, smart, sweet, daring, and saucy enough to spar with a Time Lord of Gallifrey in all the best ways. . . . . Though she probably would have out-Doctored the Doctor, if she had lasted more than one episode . . . .

So, yeah -- enough gushing.

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The only doctor I liked was 9. The others are too British or too silly/nonsensical, especially that bowtie guy. But I have been told that proof of my Americanness? Also, I have an issue with whovians after one of the younger ones deafened me during a scream fest after a possible tennant sighting at a con. Could not hear out of that ear for a while.

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Yeah but if you judge a show by its fandom you are pretty well not going to like anything.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yeah but if you judge a show by its fandom you are pretty well not going to like anything.


Then again Dr who is the one thing I don't like. Not that I hate it, mind. I'm just not into it and don't see the appeal. Then again, I've heard the same thing about mlp.

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Yeah I'm not a MLP person. I can understand that Dr. who is not for everyone I have no problem with that. I tried to get my brother to watch it by all accounts he should of loved it it has everything he likes about shows in it but nope didn't like it.

I think it is kind of a show for people with that romantic mind set.

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I never liked Doctor Who.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I never liked Doctor Who.

GASP!?! NO!!! ~glares~ You are dead to me, heathen!!!

Dark Archive

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Burn him! Burn him at the stake!

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Sterling Archer, P.I. wrote:

Damn funny, or planned all along.

I'm seriously asking.

Do you want to get your soul trapped in a pretty jewel?!?

Because THAT'S how you get your soul trapped in a pretty jewel!

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:

To pick up the Whovian thread a moment:


Isn't that what they read in Whoville?

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Ah, nothing like messing up as a GM to make an epic encounter feel sour:

The Aforementioned Crimson Throne Bad Guy:
So, with all the emphasis on Will saves in Book 5, and the Harrow points granting Will save rerolls, maybe it's excusable that I mistook the Fortitude save for the Trap the Soul ability for a Will save. Maybe it isn't. But changing Fortitude to Will made two of the three full BAB characters die outright (including, as lisamarlene said, the ranger) in the first two rounds of combat. The alchemist used the last of his bombs to seriously damage the demilich, but by then I'd realized my mistake, and the players insisted that I switch it to Fortitude, and down went the alchemist as well.

So what should have been a tense, "Is this a TPK or not?" fight ended up being an, "I can't believe I screwed up the most important save in Book 5" moment.

But the party survived, and I'm sorry but the whole, "Oh, and all the bodies turn to dust so you need to shell out for a bunch of True Resurrections after the fight" don't cut it with me, so we moved on...

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Merghul, a voracious aquatic undead

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lisamarlene wrote:
Sterling Archer, P.I. wrote:

Damn funny, or planned all along.

I'm seriously asking.

Do you want to get your soul trapped in a pretty jewel?!?

Because THAT'S how you get your soul trapped in a pretty jewel!

I know I've played to much skyrim when I read that as PETTY gem at first.

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The Game Hamster wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Sterling Archer, P.I. wrote:

Damn funny, or planned all along.

I'm seriously asking.

Do you want to get your soul trapped in a pretty jewel?!?

Because THAT'S how you get your soul trapped in a pretty jewel!

I know I've played to much skyrim when I read that as PETTY gem at first.

Gems and jewels are petty.

You can't do anything except sell them...
Or use them for a quest.
So says the best game ever.

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That can't possibly be true.

There are new jewels in the wastelands.

Just bottle caps, super mutants, and my Fatman.

Pats Esther reassuringly.

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If the wasteland of the best fallout game ever is giving you bottle caps there are weird shenanigans about.
Kill some moblins for me.
Edit: wrong alias

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I've never managed to get into Dr Who


Or Star Trek

Or Star Wars, really.

I'll see myself out.

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Meh. It seems that the new filling on the root-channeled tooth might be failing. I should get a crown, but it's beyond my current financial capabilities (I could get it but it would use up the money I have saved for the December after I'll end work).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Meh. It seems that the new filling on the root-channeled tooth might be failing. I should get a crown, but it's beyond my current financial capabilities (I could get it but it would use up the money I have saved for the December after I'll end work).

That's not a choice anyone should be forced to make.

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Math Hipsters

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Well, we just tested the Skull & Shackles "Fleet Battle" rules, and hoo boy. Another new ruleset that is completely broken in practice, Paizo? Don't you EVER playtest these?

The 'Epic' Battle, in brief:

The combat started with the enemy having three "fleets" and us having six. So it seemed like an easy win. They sank a few of our ships, we sank a few of theirs, and the turn ended with us at 6 fleets and them at 2.

Then came the morale phase. Our most powerful fleet, after not even being shot at AND after sinking an enemy fleet, failed their morale roll and ran away. Apparently winning is terrifying, so it was down to 5 vs. 2.

Second round. They sank 2 of our fleets. One of their fleets ran away, because... winning. One of our fleets ran away. Down to 2 vs. 1.

They sank one of ours, and we finally sank their last one.

Final tally: Of 9 fleets involved, 5 were sunk and 3 ran away, two of which ran without ever taking damage.

So fleet battles were brutal (we're talking over 40 ships lost in 3 "rounds"), and the morale rules are so punitive that both sides lose fleets just as fast to morale attrition as they to do actual combat.

And this was with my life oracle acting as a loyalty officer and giving our entire group +2 to their morale rolls.

We concluded we will not be using fleet combat rules again. If they're absolutely, 100% necessary to complete the AP we'll just write our own, or massively modify the existing ones.

EDIT: I keep editing because my notes conflict with themselves: They list one fleet as being sunk, and then running away. It couldn't have been both. I thought it was "4 sunk, 4 ran", but I'm not 100% sure, so I left it as what comes first in the notes.

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Just saw a college guy driving his moped, eating from a thing of nachos sitting in his lap.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Just saw a college guy driving his moped, eating from a thing of nachos sitting in his lap.

sometimes I'm proud of my generation.

And then there this.
Still... I've got to admit, this is the most college-age thing I've ever heard about, unless he was also playing Pokemon go, while wearing a headset and recording himself with a selfie stick attached by duck tape to a video camera more expensive than his moped.

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Limeylongears wrote:

I've never managed to get into Dr Who


Or Star Trek

Or Star Wars, really.

I'll see myself out.

BURN HI.. Oh hes already gone. maybe next time.

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I think Seth Mcfarlane does Star Wars and Star Trek better.

Sharoth wrote:
Math Hipsters

opens fire on math hipsters

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Abacus for LIFE!

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captain yesterday wrote:
I think Seth Mcfarlane does Star Wars and Star Trek better.


moves captain yesterday's name up to the top of the list, prepares disguise to adequately pretend to be him, procures Mei cosplay outfit for his wife, allocates resources to increase his children's allowance by 30%, researches pumpkin harvesting

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Abacus for LIFE!

fires upon vidmaster7, misses horribly due to lack of math

Man, I'm tired.

Fine weekend, nothing onerous or shocking or mind-blowing.

Fun with family, but not so overwhelmingly.

But man, I'm tired.

minutes between yawns: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2

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The Farmers almanac has given me hope for winter.

Snowy they say!

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Saw a moped with a sidecar.

I'm sensing a theme with weirdness this week.

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Ah, Amazon, how I hate thee, foul temptress!

But seriously. My crappy phone's battery finally died, so I told NobodysWife, "Meh. I'll check on Amazon. If it's under $20 I'll buy it. Otherwise I'll switch to another phone."

So of course Amazon has my phone's battery at $9.99 with free shipping.

And so my phone survives...

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This looks like a fun week.

I get to get a big f&!$ing spool of rope and use it to suspend a former rocking horse between the two birch trees in our from yard so the kids can turn it into a Nightmare (with glowing eyes of course) and then I get to make a rope harness for the sled, so I can pull Tiny T-Rex to school through the snow.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

This looks like a fun week.

I get to get a big f*!@ing spool of rope and use it to suspend a former rocking horse between the two birch trees in our from yard so the kids can turn it into a Nightmare (with glowing eyes of course) and then I get to make a rope harness for the sled, so I can pull Tiny T-Rex to school through the snow.

waits for captain yesterday to complete onerous manual labor before replacing him

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Aaaand... Impus Major has entered official "teenage boydom" in the sense of, "Unstoppable vacuum cleaner of horror".

As lisamarlene can attest, I bought a HUGE amount of Indian food for Saturday's game, figuring I'd have enough leftovers to enjoy pre-prepared lunches all week. Sure enough, at the end of the day we had 8 tubs of leftovers and plenty of rice.

On Sunday, NobodysWife and I went to Shiro's for our Skull & Shackles game.

We got back home, and the first thing out of Impus Major's mouth was, "Ooooh... I ate so much Indian food today!"

Sure enough, he finished off FOUR full tubs of food. NobodysWife finished off another two for dinner.

So, my stomach's been upset for a couple of days so I haven't had a chance to eat ANY yet (except a couple of momos, which went down... poorly, even if they tasted great), and we're down to two half-tubs of leftovers.

Pesky eating machine!

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My nephews (ages 13 and 15) from out of state visited this summer, we were supposed to have them for a week, so I went out and bought 300 worth of groceries, figuring three times our usual weekly budget last a week.

They ate it all in two days, except the Reese's puffs, the cereal they specifically requested (and we still have).

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