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If you don't like my avatar, please wait 2 minutes to 12 business days, it'll change (weather and mood permitting, void in NJ).

captain yesterday wrote:
No idea who that could be.


Katy Perry

captain yesterday wrote:
If you don't like my avatar, please wait 2 minutes to 12 business days, it'll change (weather and mood permitting, void in NJ).

Oh, I don't mind it at all. I just hadn't seen it in a while, and that was the only joke I could come up with (and I ruined it with dyslexia anyway). :)

EDIT: Man, I didn't realize their music would move you that much, Cap!

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Oh, don't look so surprised, you all knew that was going to happen. :-)

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I have enjoyed songs by both Katy Perry and Ke$ha, I prefer Katy Perry by a long shot but both are good singers.

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I happen to actually like Lady Gaga and Nicky Minaj.

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[Deadpan monotone] Oh dear, I do not have enough high speed data (as far as you know) to click on those links. Oh, bummer, that is a terrible predicament, I will just have to watch those later (or never). Darn, I was not looking forward to that, oh well. [/deadpan monotone]

Aranna wrote:
I have enjoyed songs by both Katy Perry and Ke$ha, I prefer Katy Perry by a long shot but both are good singers.

Fine by me, and I generally agree with your assessment between the two! I find limited parts of their repertoire solid.

For example, Katy Perry:
- This is How We Do: kind of blech, with some decent parts.
- Dark Horse: actually, a really great song, and very useful for thinking about game-character motivations, sans rapper edit.

For example, Ke$ha (you're supposed to italicize her name, right? I kinda thought you were...):
- Crazy Kids: pretty good except for the rap/sarcasm-voice inserts
- Tik Tok: WHY DID SHE BECOME FAMOUS OFF THIS; good tune, describing/celebrating terrible people :/

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I happen to actually like Lady Gaga and Nicky Minaj.

Gaga is a very skilled musician, and, despite her love of the macabre and weird, it tends to work.

Minaj... I'm still trying to understand what made her famous. Well, except for this. :D

EDIT: a) you'd like ^this^ link, I think, Cap :D; b) this is... a thing... that showed in front of said video for me. Wow.

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I listen to music, that actual people play, about actual things and problems, not the rich people b!*+@#@! "Oh no I don't have enough shoes or champagne, whatever shall I do" that populates today's pop (s$@$) music :-D

Edit: added smiley face, for levity.

Edit 2: And a Smurf, for smurfyness.

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No, I'm not clicking those, I have a 11 year old daughter, I'll hear it all soon enough, in this instance, ignorance is truly bliss.

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I love Lady Gaga... But I have boycotted Nicky Minaj ever since she was a judge on American Idol and showed just what a horrible person she truly is.

captain yesterday wrote:
No, I'm not clicking those, I have a 11 year old daughter, I'll hear it all soon enough, in this instance, ignorance is truly bliss.

Actually, sir, you are wrong. The two links in the post I referenced will (pretty much guaranteed) be things that no 11 year old girl will ever show you.

Similarly, one of the best thing about One Direction!

I find that this link, and the one above helps immensely when I'm otherwise subjected to Minaj or One Direction music.

(Heck, the link in this post might actually get FHDM to enjoy Avengers... though I don't guarantee it...)


Aranna wrote:
I love Lady Gaga... But I have boycotted Nicky Minaj ever since she was a judge on American Idol and showed just what a horrible person she truly is.

Not actually seen that, so... okay. Sounds bad.

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I listen to video game music and European metal (mostly symphonic/power/progressive metal). There's... really not much of anything on the radio US-side that appeals to me.

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I work in a toy store, there is no way I'm ever clicking on One Direction, ever. :-D

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My roommate went to high school with Madonna. [/random fact]

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Aranna wrote:
I have enjoyed songs by both Katy Perry and Ke$ha, I prefer Katy Perry by a long shot but both are good singers.

Told you she was the chickiest chick on the boards.

EDIT - Want to again say this is not a bad thing.

I like Jack Johnson, as far as if we're talking only pop music is concerned. He's relaxing.

captain yesterday wrote:
I work in a toy store, there is no way I'm ever clicking on One Direction, ever. :-D

Good! Check the link, then, 'cause you won't! :D

(You'll instead be sent to Screen Team.)


thegreenteagamer wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I have enjoyed songs by both Katy Perry and Ke$ha, I prefer Katy Perry by a long shot but both are good singers.

Told you she was the chickiest chick on the boards.

I like Jack Johnson, as far as if we're talking only pop music is concerned. He's relaxing.

Hm. I don't know him. I'll have to look into that.

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You've heard him. He's ubiquitous background music. He also has a few gold or platinum albums, and is self distributed, owning a studio in Hawaii. A few other decent artists are on his label, like Ben Harper, but nothing outstanding.

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Pop...I avoid like the plague heard part of a....I hesitate to use the word "song" apparently about a friends with benefits person and something about friend zone and being a generally unpleasant person...yea thanks I'll go back to slipknot....

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He did the soundtrack for Curious George, the movie with Will Farrell.

Jack Johnson I mean.

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I like Bruce Springsteen when he's doing folksy stuff.

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Damien Jurado is like Jack Johnson, except really sad. Look up the song Ohio, it is literally one of the saddest songs ever. But very good.

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Honestly my general distaste for the state of publicly-played music in the US is one of the main reasons I keep considering getting something like Sirius... but between an MP3 player and now having a smartphone with Jango, I keep coming back to not really needing it.

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Yeah, I used to like Slipknot and other pissed off stuff in high school. Then I grew up, realized life wasn't so bad, and just stopped being so angry all the time. Weed and sex helped with that. I quit weed a couple years ago, but the lingering effects of "dude, what are you so riled up about? Chill," Still linger.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Damien Jurado is like Jack Johnson, except really sad. Look up the song Ohio, it is literally one of the saddest songs ever. But very good.

I will at lunch!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Who said I'm angry? I just can't stand the pop look at me and all my drugs and booze songs woooooo!!!!!!!! :| not amused. I've noticed the angrier the song the more relaxed I get I used to use disturbed to go to sleep.

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I like listening to heavy metal when I clean.

Housework by Fishbone is required listening. :-)

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I didn't say you were angry. I said I stopped after I wasn't.

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havoc xiii wrote:
Who said I'm angry? I just can't stand the pop look at me and all my drugs and booze songs woooooo!!!!!!!! :| not amused. I've noticed the angrier the song the more relaxed I get I used to use disturbed to go to sleep.

when I used to have to take the bus ridiculously early I'd listen to Tool, Metallica, White Zombie, and Soundgarden in the morning to wake me up.

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I listen to whatever comes on slacker. If I feel myself losing touch with modern sensibilities, I put on the top 40, appreciate/favorite what I can, and then move on.

If I'm not slackering, I'm listening to anime radio.

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Incidentally, rock is drug fueled, too. It's heroin and cocaine instead of booze and weed. But, yes, generally the writing is much better and more varied, of that you have no disagreement. I'm tired of seeing rap songs about how much money and b****es a gespecially has. It's so repetitive.

Silver Crusade

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Orthos wrote:
Honestly my general distaste for the state of publicly-played music in the US is one of the main reasons I keep considering getting something like Sirius... but between an MP3 player and now having a smartphone with Jango, I keep coming back to not really needing it.

I have had XM since it came out and have not looked back, if you decide to get it and enjoy it ask about their lifetime membership. They do not promote this option as they like to collect money every month. I dislike recurring bills if they can be avoided.

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I heard a song by sleeping with sirens and thought the lead singer was female....ok technically it was king for a day by piercing the veil....which is the only song I like by them. I was confused.....

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Honestly my general distaste for the state of publicly-played music in the US is one of the main reasons I keep considering getting something like Sirius... but between an MP3 player and now having a smartphone with Jango, I keep coming back to not really needing it.
I have had XM since it came out and have not looked back, if you decide to get it and enjoy it ask about their lifetime membership. They do not promote this option as they like to collect money every month. I dislike recurring bills if they can be avoided.

How much are you typically looking at, both monthly and the longer-term membership?

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I had XM or Sirrius for 6 months then my free membership ended....

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I have ITunes, fueled by the collection of a 39 year old casual music nerd (me!). So, somewhere around 450+ albums with 3,500+ songs.

Silver Crusade

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How much are you typically looking at, both monthly and the longer-term membership?

I believe it was $500 in 2006(They will let you make payments if you wish). After a quick search it looks like it's $549

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Why would anyone pay when Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube are things? Even if you want the premium of all three, they're cheaper than traditional mediums.

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Unless you have an unlimited data plan (which is pretty expensive on its own, in my experience), there's only so much of those you can listen to each month before running out.

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Metro PCS only offers unlimited and they're dirt cheap, and T-Mobile offers unlimited data for the use of music and other media as part of most plans.

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What? I have MetroPCS, and I have a 4 gig limit. Got it in Silicon Valley, too.

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Yeah it's just unlimited talk and text, if I remember correctly.

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Me and my wife have 6 gigs shared and I have yet to go over using slacker and Amazon music.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I have enjoyed songs by both Katy Perry and Ke$ha, I prefer Katy Perry by a long shot but both are good singers.

Told you she was the chickiest chick on the boards.

EDIT - Want to again say this is not a bad thing.

I like Jack Johnson, as far as if we're talking only pop music is concerned. He's relaxing.

This is the second time you commented on how girly I am... And I don't think I really am as girly as a lot of girls. Is it just the comparison or what?

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Why would anyone pay when Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube are things?

Well we didn't have spotify, pandora or youtube way back yonder in aught 6.

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Really, it was just a play on the two artists you chose, and a bad joke. The original was referring to the long hair thread.

Anyway, the Metro plans here are unlimited 3g after limited 4g, and the 3g streams audio just fine, but it sucks on video.

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ninja'd two-fold:
I think it's the way you present yourself on the forums, as a whole.

You show off a more heavily "girly" mien than most other females on the forums as a whole, intentionally or not, which is what he's commenting on.

(I don't think it's meant to be a jibe, just noticeable in-context.)

For example, I'd say you're about as girly, on the forums, as, say, my oldest sister (who is not on the forums and does not do "tech" things... or game-things, for that matter...). She is not really close to the "girliest girl" I've ever known. On the other hand, you present yourself (on-forums) in a more "girly" way than, say, my wife does when she's around the forums... hence, creating a line of comparison for the relatively surprising emphasis for the Paizo forums.

Nothing is wrong, per se, it's just a noticeable difference.

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What he said. You don't present yourself as uber girly, but definitely more than many females on this forum.

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How does Google know things? I was looking at a map of San Francisco, and it had a marker on the Metreon with Dec 21 4:30. I got Star Wars tickets there for that day and time off Fandango, but how does Google know that?

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