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Naked monsters speed up production.
Gary Teter wrote: They grow so fast! You're about to learn just how fast... ;)
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gary Teter wrote: How on earth did this thread get to 42,000 posts already? They grow so fast! And before you know it, they're all grown up and giving birth to threads of their own.
*wipes tear*
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Aberzombie wrote: Aberzombie's Really Grim Fairy Tales:
The Princess, the Prince, and the Curse
Once upon a time, a beautiful princess was cursed by an evil witch. The princess fell into a deep sleep and began wasting away. The king's wize men and advisors knew that if the curse was not soon broken, the princess would die.
One wise old scholar told the king that only true love's kiss could break the curse. So, the king called upon a valiant and noble prince from a neighboring kingdom, someone whom he knew loved his daughter more than life itself.
The prince came. The princess had been laid out on a dais, awaiting her true love's lips. As the prince approached, he tripped on a step, fell flat on his face, and shattered his teeth and jaw. With the kiss unable to be delivered, the princess soon died.
Despairing over his clumsy fall, the prince hung himself from a nearby tree.
The fathers of both youngsters each blamed the other for what happened. A devastating war tore the kingdom's apart. During the final battle, a dragon swooped down and devoured both armies, then burned each kingdom.
The end.
You've just given me an idea.
Gary Teter wrote: How on earth did this thread get to 42,000 posts already? They grow so fast! Oh, it's nothing compared to the old days. <cough,wheeze>
Darth Knight wrote: Sebastian wrote:
Seriously, WTF?
There are no daisies in this thread either. I hate you all. Here, have a daisy. I gave him a daisy a day.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote: Someone says something already. Get it over with. You complete me.
Gary Teter wrote: How on earth did this thread get to 42,000 posts already? They grow so fast! Because...
BTW, Solnes asked that I ask you guys not to post anything on her wall about the planned move, as she is FB friends with the owners stooge.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote: Taig, you're in?!. That's awesome! Nah, that should be 'Taig, you're it!' And 'it' being fawesome!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Emperor7 wrote: @AZ - I hope I didn't get you into trouble with an in-law by suggesting brain food. My mother always told me to eat all of my brain food. Just seemed natural that it would include brain cake for Charlie. Hehe. F++~ it dude! No harm, no foul. My mom-in-law knows how weird I am and accepts it.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just saw the news! Congrats, dude! FAWESOME!!!!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Taig Fawtlham. Isn't that his name?
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Taig Fawtlham. Isn't that his name? With that kind of name, he needs a monocle, a pocket watch, and razor sharp claws.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Urizen wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Taig Fawtlham. Isn't that his name? With that kind of name, he needs a monocle, a pocket watch, and razor sharp claws. And a Teddy Roosevelt mustache.
PMG told me he regularly dresses as Teddy Roosevelt. Is Taig a distant relation, you think? Like Paris and Moorluck?
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Urizen wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Taig Fawtlham. Isn't that his name? With that kind of name, he needs a monocle, a pocket watch, and razor sharp claws. And a Teddy Roosevelt mustache. Oops! Yes! Amby for the save!
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: PMG told me he regularly dresses as Teddy Roosevelt. Is Taig a distant relation, you think? Like Paris and Moorluck? They're like the Wilbury clan.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Urizen wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Taig Fawtlham. Isn't that his name? With that kind of name, he needs a monocle, a pocket watch, and razor sharp claws. And a Wilford Brimley mustache. FIFY
3 people marked this as a favorite.
...will rip your face off!
Also, good morning to all my fine friends here in FAWTLYland! Charlie had a great birthday, I think. Some of you have already seen pics and video. More to come.
And thanks for Charlie's birthdy wishes!
3 people marked this as a favorite.
That poor, innocent cake......
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Urizen wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Taig Fawtlham. Isn't that his name? With that kind of name, he needs a monocle, a pocket watch, and razor sharp claws. And a Teddy Roosevelt mustache. I can't believe both of you forgot the top hat.
I don't even know you people anymore. ;)
Aberzombie wrote: That poor, innocent cake...... Ain't that the funniest thing to watch? :D
Aberzombie wrote: Also, good morning to all my fine friends here in FAWTLYland! Charlie had a great birthday, I think. Some of you have already seen pics and video. More to come.
And thanks for Charlie's birthdy wishes!
Other greats sharing Charlie's b-day:
Sir Christopher Lee
Mairkurion's Brother-in-Law, Father of his Nephews, with whom he played Burnt Offerings on Sunday
Some Fat French Bastard, name of Marty de Graw or something like that.
I don't know why I put Sir Christopher Lee. It was Alan Rickman. Me no feely good.
I thought the fight with the Frenchman went well, but from the way I feel this morning, at some point he must have sat on me.
Happy belated birthday to Charlie!
taig wrote: Happy belated birthday to Charlie! +1
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Heh-heh. Was it just me, or did Zombie Mama say, "Dude, let me show you something?"
And since I think I missed saying it before what with too many tests and the flu all at the same time, good luck to the Moores with the relocation plans. The process of moving always sucks, but you're definitely going about it the right way, taking several months to plan things out. :)
taig wrote: Happy belated birthday to Charlie! +2!
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote: And in other news...
...I got engaged over the weekend. Shocking, right?
This is a strictly Paizo-only announcement for now, since we're not going to tell her family for another few weeks at least, but still...
Gratz Shiny! I am glad that she accepted.
11 people marked this as a favorite.
Well, Kellen's IEP meeting went wonderfully! He called this meeting himself to tell us that he is ready to transition himself full time in a mainstream classroom! I am so damn proud of him! ♥
Solnes wrote: Well, Kellen's IEP meeting went wonderfully! He called this meeting himself to tell us that he is ready to transition himself full time in a mainstream classroom! I am so damn proud of him! ♥ Good job Kellen. :)
taig wrote: Happy belated birthday to Charlie! +3
Aberzombie wrote: Emperor7 wrote: @AZ - I hope I didn't get you into trouble with an in-law by suggesting brain food. My mother always told me to eat all of my brain food. Just seemed natural that it would include brain cake for Charlie. Hehe. F$*& it dude! No harm, no foul. My mom-in-law knows how weird I am and accepts it.
The living, with their limited imaginations and social mores. *sigh* ;P
Darth Knight wrote: taig wrote: Happy belated birthday to Charlie! +3 +4!
Solnes wrote: Darth Knight wrote: taig wrote: Happy belated birthday to Charlie! +3 +4! +5!
Solnes wrote: Well, Kellen's IEP meeting went wonderfully! He called this meeting himself to tell us that he is ready to transition himself full time in a mainstream classroom! I am so damn proud of him! ♥ Gratz!
Karen loves her Kindle Fire and I am enjoying my new game system (My Kindle Fire). Now if I could only figure out how to upload files (the Core rulebook and the Bestiary) and find a good PDA program for it.
I'm pretty sure that the uploading files thing is covered in the FAQ, accessible from the kindle store on amazon. I don't remember it being terribly difficult. I have a regular kindle not a fire, but I can't imagine they made it much harder to do.
lynora wrote: I'm pretty sure that the uploading files thing is covered in the FAQ, accessible from the kindle store on amazon. I don't remember it being terribly difficult. I have a regular kindle not a fire, but I can't imagine they made it much harder to do. Thanks lynora. I need to get a standard USB to mini-USB cord to help with the file transfer. But I will check the FAQ over at the Kindle site.