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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Fun fact!

Because Emily Dickinson wrote in the common meter, you can sing almost all of her poems to the tune of the Gilligan's Island theme song.

♫ Because I could not stop for Death, ♫
♫ He kindly stopped for me. ♫
♫ The carriage held but just ourselves, ♫
♫ And immortality. ♫

And then there's this...

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I never had an AOL account either...

** spoiler omitted **

*YOU* think that's funny. I'm convinced if you traveled to North Sentinel Island (Google's response to, "Where are the most remote indigenous people on Earth?"), you'd find AOL CDs among their possessions.

Are you implying I am more remote than the most remote indigenous folks on Earth?!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Today, I am so over packing my lunch. But I'll still probably do it anyway because the only other option where I'm working is Kwik Trip, and that's not really an option at all (despite what everyone else says).

What, you don't want to have deep fried everything for lunch every day?

Drejk wrote:

I woke up with hurting wrist.

And before the obvious jokes come up *eyes Freehold*, no, it's the left wrist. No idea why does it hurt. Rheumatism?

I'd say a stranger, actually.

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David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Today, I am so over packing my lunch. But I'll still probably do it anyway because the only other option where I'm working is Kwik Trip, and that's not really an option at all (despite what everyone else says).
What, you don't want to have deep fried everything for lunch every day?

A guy asked me last month what gym I work out at, I said "I've never been to a gym!" And he asked "well, how do you keep 8n shape then?" "I do this!" As I pointed at all the pavers surrounding me, so then he says "I met, what else do you do? I do this too but I'm not in shape like you are!" I said "I don't go to Kwik Trip for lunch!".

That was the bridge he wasn't willing to cross.

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captain yesterday wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Today, I am so over packing my lunch. But I'll still probably do it anyway because the only other option where I'm working is Kwik Trip, and that's not really an option at all (despite what everyone else says).
What, you don't want to have deep fried everything for lunch every day?

A guy asked me last month what gym I work out at, I said "I've never been to a gym!" And he asked "well, how do you keep 8n shape then?" "I do this!" As I pointed at all the pavers surrounding me, so then he says "I met, what else do you do? I do this too but I'm not in shape like you are!" I said "I don't go to Kwik Trip for lunch!".

That was the bridge he wasn't willing to cross.

I don't eat fantastic, but I eat a lot better than most of my coworkers. My main problem is that when I get a lot of exercise, I don't put on muscle, I just get scrawnier. As of right now, I'm about fifty pounds down from when I was at my heaviest (back around 2018), and I look kind of like a skeleton covered in a tarp. Any advice for someone in the same line of work (other than avoiding greasy gas station food for lunch)?

I've been better about cooking my own good for lunch and eating like the diabetic I am.

It's incredibly frustrating. You need cheat days like the past few when it's just too damn hot to cook.

But I feel better overall.

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"They were typically backed up by several hundred cavalry, usually mounted on horseback."

Really? Cavalry on horseback? You're pulling my leg.

David M Mallon wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Fun fact!

Because Emily Dickinson wrote in the common meter, you can sing almost all of her poems to the tune of the Gilligan's Island theme song.

♫ Because I could not stop for Death, ♫
♫ He kindly stopped for me. ♫
♫ The carriage held but just ourselves, ♫
♫ And immortality. ♫

And then there's this...

As a trad folk nerd, I was immensely tickled to be introduced to the Dickinson joke by way of “The Yellow Rose of Texas,” and someone actually musical could have tons of fun with a whole bunch of ballad tunes.

With apologies to Limeylongears, who can do the Kinge's Englysshe much better justice than a barbarian from the colonies like me, I will add that for an olde elf wicce lik yours truely, ballades mak me thinke of ye classic "fourteeners," because that for why sholde we haf straunge short quatrains when we can noble, long couplettes?

(For because that there's a lot of early modern drivel written in the wretched things, and pretending the ballad is much different makes folklorists less nervous. ;) )

Also, I recently learned that apparently it’s not weird (music historically) that “The Unquiet Grave” was sung to the tune of “Dives and Lazarus” or “The Star of the County Down,” the latter of which is where I first heard it, so the juxtaposition makes me boggle a bit, personally.

I didn't hear 'Star of the County Down' until relatively recently, though my Dad used to sing 'Dives and Lazarus', so that's where I knew the tune from. It does take on a different character when performed at a faster tempo, so I think it works for both.

I'm sure there are other songs that use the same melody, but I can't bring them to mind. I'll have to ask him...

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David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Today, I am so over packing my lunch. But I'll still probably do it anyway because the only other option where I'm working is Kwik Trip, and that's not really an option at all (despite what everyone else says).
What, you don't want to have deep fried everything for lunch every day?

A guy asked me last month what gym I work out at, I said "I've never been to a gym!" And he asked "well, how do you keep 8n shape then?" "I do this!" As I pointed at all the pavers surrounding me, so then he says "I met, what else do you do? I do this too but I'm not in shape like you are!" I said "I don't go to Kwik Trip for lunch!".

That was the bridge he wasn't willing to cross.

I don't eat fantastic, but I eat a lot better than most of my coworkers. My main problem is that when I get a lot of exercise, I don't put on muscle, I just get scrawnier. As of right now, I'm about fifty pounds down from when I was at my heaviest (back around 2018), and I look kind of like a skeleton covered in a tarp. Any advice for someone in the same line of work (other than avoiding greasy gas station food for lunch)?

I don't eat fantastic either, I just do a lot of repetitive heavy lifting, drink a ton of water and sweat a lot.

For breakfast I'll have a yogurt and banana, and maybe one or two of those Jimmy Dean breakfast biscuit rolls, and then for lunch I either have a sandwich roll made with a spinach wrap, some chicken and ham lunch meat, a very small amount of olive oil mayo and lettuce, or more likely, a PB&J sandwich with white cheddar Cheetos and a mandarin orange. And water, lots of water! I drink at least a gallon a day in this heat.

I need to drink more water myself.

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Speaking of stubborn resistance to change, it's nice when it works to your advantage.

NobodysHome: Even though it would be a lot more work, I think it would be better to split this course in two.
Stakeholders: No.
NobodysHome: I think this course needs a lot more practices.
Manage: No.
NobodysHome: I'm ready to record this demonstration.
Reviewers: No. You have to wait until every last one of us formally signs off on it.

Lots of "No"s are making my Friday better.

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Nobody: "Do I have to actually work to be paid?"

Bosses: "No"


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The appointment to pick up the book was moved two hours later.

In the acquaintance words "I stayed at home all the week, so of course today something popped up that I have to deal with urgently."

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Here's another depressing one for me: Fake Close icons.

I play free-to-play mobile games (Sudoku in particular), and I accept that this means I'll get occasional unskippable 30-second ads for other games; it's the price I pay for being unwilling to shell out for a subscription.

But the ads are now featuring fake Close icons: I watch the ad for the requisite 30 seconds, the Close icon appears, I click it... and I'm taken to the app store for the game.

And it baffles/saddens me: "Well, we know you just watched a 30-second ad for the game and decided you didn't want it, but we're going to take you to the download page for the game anyway, just in case..."

Why does it baffle/sadden me? Because they'd only be doing this if someone actually said, "Oh, well! Since they took me here anyway I might as well download this game I didn't want in the first place!"
It takes extra coding to present first a fake Close icon and then a real one later. So these companies are actively spending a small amount of money to create these fake icons. Which means the fake icons are generating enough income to offset the coding. Which means that someone, somewhere is downloading the game after trying to decline it.


It's the old traffic jam problem all over again: If everyone were to behave in an ideal manner, there would be no traffic jams. But people don't, so we get traffic jams. And fake Close icons.

I think that's actually illegal in EU, or at least it was supposed to be made illegal.

It might be even (technically) illegal in USA, but you would have to check with FTA FTC rules.

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Drejk wrote:

I think that's actually illegal in EU, or at least it was supposed to be made illegal.

It might be even (technically) illegal in USA, but you would have to check with FTA FTC rules.

Oh, I'm sure in the USA it's the standard, "Oh, doing this thing is illegal, but here are the 387 exceptions we put in on behalf of lobbyists..."

You should check out our "Do Not Call Registry" rules some time for such a set. "Nobody can call you...
...unless they're a charity...
...or a political organization...
...or a government organization...
...or you've done business with them within the last xx months...
...or you've done business with one of their subsidiaries within the last xx months...
...or you've done business with one of their associates within the last xx months...

I'm always impressed when I tell someone I'm on the "Do Not Call" list and they DON'T give me an excuse as to why they're allowed to call me anyway.

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Anyway, it's your own fault for picking up phone and playing mobile games, instead of throwing it somewhere and forgetting about...

*goes back to playing one of match three games on Steam that is clearly adapted from mobiles*

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I am back. It is here, it is hardcover indeed, and it is in fine condition. Doesn't smell very much, though, because is isn't actually new.

Ok, I have just found a scratch on the back cover, but it is not terribly visible.

I could use a better phone right now to make some photos. Ah, well, maybe tomorrow.

Speaking of pay to win: Review Of Pay 2 Win game.

Ouch, my feet.

I went by tram one way, to not be late, but I returned on foot. Also, got some unnecessary groceries on my back.

When I was leaving the shop, the security guard scared asking me to stop and turn back. He could start with saying that I dropped 10 złoty bill immediately instead of asking me to open the security gate first.

Barely 8.69 km and I am tired...

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You know you and your friends are getting old when you not only have to plan around everyone's work schedules, but also everyone's after work nap schedules.

Drejk wrote:
I could use a better phone right now to make some photos. Ah, well, maybe tomorrow.

Photos made with my potatophone, not a new phone.


For the price of that rulebook I could get a cheap phone better than my current one. But I don't really need a new phone. Ok, I could use a better camera for making random photos, and better file commander/pdf viewer for reading. But that's it. I am not even listening to music on the phone anyway.

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Down South for Ma & Pa Longears' 50th wedding anniversary. They held a celebratory dance, so I spent all evening playing folk tunes and catching up with the family. It was fun.

It's kind of weird to me being a Californian and trying to put this heat wave in context. Our "weather sense" is skewed by the fact that we start off on the coast at around 73˚F (23˚C) all summer, then as soon as we go past the foothills we get to the East Bay (90˚F or 32˚C all summer) and into the Central Valley (96˚F+ or 36˚C+ all summer). Once you get past the Sierras, you continue through hundreds of miles of desert with the same high heat signature.

So Shiro was driving through Indiana last night, and complaining that it was still 89˚F at 9:00 pm. To us, this is perfectly normal once you're east of the hills; in Davis it was standard to have to stay up until 11:00 pm just to wait until the temperature dropped to 80˚F so you could open the windows.

So... is 93˚F in Indiana and 89˚F at night there unusual? I honestly have no idea. As a Californian, I just think that's how it is in the rest of the country.

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NobodysHome wrote:

So... is 93˚F in Indiana and 89˚F at night there unusual? I honestly have no idea. As a Californian, I just think that's how it is in the rest of the country.

Try to imagine a mobile home that took you from place to place

-every 3-4 days in normal areas

- Just broke down in the east bay for the south this summer

- Was being driven around at 55 miles per hour like the plot of speed in places where the weather changes quickly, like the Adirondacks. (If you don't like the weather? Wait 15 minutes)

Induction is circularity across time
Deduction is circularity across space.

Regular weather chances across time
San Fransisco weather chances across space.

NobodysHome wrote:
So... is 93˚F in Indiana and 89˚F at night there unusual? I honestly have no idea. As a Californian, I just think that's how it is in the rest of the country.

Not sure about Indiana, but those temperatures are pretty normal for midsummer in central Iowa, and the Illinois/Indiana border is only about five hours' drive east of here.

NobodysHome wrote:

It's kind of weird to me being a Californian and trying to put this heat wave in context. Our "weather sense" is skewed by the fact that we start off on the coast at around 73˚F (23˚C) all summer, then as soon as we go past the foothills we get to the East Bay (90˚F or 32˚C all summer) and into the Central Valley (96˚F+ or 36˚C+ all summer). Once you get past the Sierras, you continue through hundreds of miles of desert with the same high heat signature.

So Shiro was driving through Indiana last night, and complaining that it was still 89˚F at 9:00 pm. To us, this is perfectly normal once you're east of the hills; in Davis it was standard to have to stay up until 11:00 pm just to wait until the temperature dropped to 80˚F so you could open the windows.

So... is 93˚F in Indiana and 89˚F at night there unusual? I honestly have no idea. As a Californian, I just think that's how it is in the rest of the country.

It was still at 90 degrees here at 9 pm but we hit 99 degrees yesterday.

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...must not post Texas weather data...
...must not post Texas weather data...
...must not post Texas weather data...


lisamarlene wrote:

...must not post Texas weather data...

...must not post Texas weather data...
...must not post Texas weather data...


You SHOULD. It would make people feel a LOT better if someone other than me posted.

Yesterday: "Darn. It's time for my lunch walk and it's only 63˚F. I'd better put on a sweatshirt."

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NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

...must not post Texas weather data...

...must not post Texas weather data...
...must not post Texas weather data...


You SHOULD. It would make people feel a LOT better if someone other than me posted.

Yesterday: "Darn. It's time for my lunch walk and it's only 63˚F. I'd better put on a sweatshirt."

We get our first 100+ day in May and don't usually see a day under 100 until September, and 100+ days are not gone entirely until October.

For the next week, our highs will be 105-106, and our "lows" will be 81-82 overnight. The "heat wave" y'all are talking about is my life for four months out of every year.

Until my mother-in-law dies, and I can hopefully talk WW into selling the House of Usher and moving someplace nice.

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But, I just booked a campsite up at Cooper Lake State Park to take the kids in a couple of weeks when WW has to fly back to Berkeley for the weekend for an Aikido thing. It will be 5-10 degrees cooler, and we can swim.

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David M Mallon wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So... is 93˚F in Indiana and 89˚F at night there unusual? I honestly have no idea. As a Californian, I just think that's how it is in the rest of the country.
Not sure about Indiana, but those temperatures are pretty normal for midsummer in central Iowa, and the Illinois/Indiana border is only about five hours' drive east of here.

Those temperatures aren't uncommon, but that doesn't mean they aren't unpleasant.

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lisamarlene wrote:
...Until my mother-in-law dies, and I can hopefully talk WW into selling the House of Usher and moving someplace nice...

So... anywhere except Texas, then?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
So... anywhere except Texas, then?

Maybe not Florida either.

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Dancing Wind wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So... anywhere except Texas, then?
Maybe not Florida either.

Oddly enough Florida and Alaska both have mosquito as the state bird.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So... anywhere except Texas, then?
Maybe not Florida either.
Oddly enough Florida and Alaska both have mosquito as the state bird.

As did tourist postcards in Wisconsin when I lived there.

Fairly certain I want to die north of the Mason-Dixon line and east of the Mississippi. And not in New Jersey.

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If you have 1 lasagna, and you put a 2nd lasagna on top of it, you still have 1 lasagna. That's just food math.

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lisamarlene wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So... anywhere except Texas, then?
Maybe not Florida either.
Oddly enough Florida and Alaska both have mosquito as the state bird.

As did tourist postcards in Wisconsin when I lived there.

Fairly certain I want to die north of the Mason-Dixon line and east of the Mississippi. And not in New Jersey.

Mosquitoes can get pretty thick north of the dells, but they aren't so bad from the dells to the south.

captain yesterday wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So... anywhere except Texas, then?
Maybe not Florida either.
Oddly enough Florida and Alaska both have mosquito as the state bird.

As did tourist postcards in Wisconsin when I lived there.

Fairly certain I want to die north of the Mason-Dixon line and east of the Mississippi. And not in New Jersey.

Mosquitoes can get pretty thick north of the dells, but they aren't so bad from the dells to the south.

Oneida county is considerably north of the Dells.

lisamarlene wrote:
Oneida county is considerably north of the Dells.

Where in Oneida County?

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I think it says a lot about my relationship with cars that my preparation steps for the Prius for Impus Minor's upcoming trip are:
(1) Check and replenish the oil.
(2) Check and refill the tires.
(3) Check and replenish the washer fluid.
(4) Check all the other fluids.
(5) Apply a new coat of duct tape to hold the fender together and keep it from flapping in the wind.

I'm not sure yet if I'm going by plane or car but I'm definitely (hopefully) going to New York City for my birthday weekend.

I have the funding I just have to figure out the logistics.

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Back from the Deep South-West, following the big family gathering. I played my first (very informal) football/soccer game for a very great while yesterday, during which accidentally head-butted my uncle in the stomach, which should have resulted in a free kick, at least.

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Fantasy Monster: Knotmane.

Is your wig trying to strangle you when your are not paying attention to it?

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captain yesterday wrote:

I'm not sure yet if I'm going by plane or car but I'm definitely (hopefully) going to New York City for my birthday weekend.

I have the funding I just have to figure out the logistics.

Be sure to tell Freehold you're coming, then manage to not be where he's expecting for the entire stay.

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NobodysHome: OK, kids! I got the Prius all ready for Impus Minor's trip!
Kids: Great, Dad! (run off with car)

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