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NobodysHome wrote:
As an added "benefit" she's one of those people who idles their car for at least 5 minutes before driving. And it's an old, out-of-tune SUV so I have to close the front windows or risk asphyxiation. I always wonder how long it will take driving practices of the 1950s to finally go extinct.

When people who learned to drive in the 50s (and 60s, and 70s, and 80s) go extinct?

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Society advances one trip to the junkyard at a time

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NobodysHome wrote:
As an added "benefit" she's one of those people who idles their car for at least 5 minutes before driving. And it's an old, out-of-tune SUV so I have to close the front windows or risk asphyxiation. I always wonder how long it will take driving practices of the 1950s to finally go extinct.

mom is still mad I don't do this.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
As an added "benefit" she's one of those people who idles their car for at least 5 minutes before driving. And it's an old, out-of-tune SUV so I have to close the front windows or risk asphyxiation. I always wonder how long it will take driving practices of the 1950s to finally go extinct.

When people who learned to drive in the 50s (and 60s, and 70s, and 80s) go extinct?

Checks birth date. Checks when he learned to drive.


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NobodysHome wrote:
As an added "benefit" she's one of those people who idles their car for at least 5 minutes before driving. And it's an old, out-of-tune SUV so I have to close the front windows or risk asphyxiation. I always wonder how long it will take driving practices of the 1950s to finally go extinct.

When the 'McCarthy was right!' decal rots off the back of my diddly-danged Studebaker!

Sovereign Court

*Ruthlessly crushes Pappy Russ underfoot, then, maliciously destroys his Studebaker.*

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The General (last night): It's supposed to rain tomorrow hopefully that means we get to have you home?

Me: Unfortunately I still have to go in and wrestle with a silt sock in the mud even if it rains.

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My mother arranged to have the winter firewood and hay delivered while I was visiting, because if you buy it in the summer, it's vastly cheaper than if you wait until October. But mostly so I could help. So this week, I'm stacking three cords of wood next to the stables and stacking the last of the old wood in the basement, and next week I get to stack an entire barnload of hay bales.
But this weekend, she's taking us all to her favorite lobster roll place as a thank you.

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Apparently there are another two cords coming. I have no idea where in the blazes it's supposed to get stacked. I'm only halfway through the first three, and I've got it neck-high and I'm already running out of room.

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What is it about broccoli that it's a perfectly innocuous vegetable until it gets overcooked, at which point it emits a stench capable of clearing out a barracks?

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NobodysHome wrote:

What is it about broccoli that it's a perfectly innocuous vegetable until it gets overcooked, at which point it emits a stench capable of clearing out a barracks?

broccoli does that before you waste time and effort attempting to "prepare" it . . . .

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NobodysHome's Irritation of the Day: The Useless U.S. Passport

If you listen to various "scare the tourists" sites, the U.S. passport is one of the most valuable identity documents in the world.


Just try to use it some time.

We just hired a new employee. Her passport isn't sufficient to prove her citizenship -- she needs second and third forms of identification.

I took Impus Minor to get his learner's permit at the California DMV. His passport wasn't sufficient identification. A direct quote: "Don't you have any I.D. at all issued by the state of California?" We had to provide bank and medical records because the passport was insufficient.

And the "Passport I.D. card" is even more hilarious. Printed right on it is, "This is not a valid form of identification." Its purpose is to allow you into Canada or Mexico without having to carry your full passport. But guess what? Post-9/11 you're not allowed back into the U.S. with just the passport card. Our (possibly future) sister-in-law went to Canada to do a photo shoot, used her card, then tried to come home and wasn't allowed back in. She had to go to the U.S. Consulate and, you guessed it, produce some other form of identification.

So if a passport is so useless as identification, why is it so hard to get one?

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On of my work colleagues kindly gave me a small bottle of a Chinese spirit called Baijiu. It tastes odd, but you would too if you were a little ghost who'd been trapped in a glass container for several years.

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Impus Minor has a learning permit. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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OMG. As I've mentioned, many laws that people complain about are the result of actual events.

Sometimes, you read some rules and you sincerely wish that you could some day hear the story behind them:

Test Vehicle Requirements:
2. A working horn designed for the vehicle (The original horn)
4. Drivers and passenger side window must roll down
10. A passenger seat that is permanently attached to the vehicle

Yes. I would dearly love to hear the story behind #10.

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My favorite way to eat broccoli is fresh with ranch dip.

Or cooked and then drenched in cheese sauce.

As far as smell, considering I haven't had much of a sense of smell in 3 years (I can still smell coffee and manure) I'd love to smell a pot of overcooked broccoli.

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Needless to say, Shiro already knew.

Apparently in Michigan when high school kids were driving old rustbuckets they'd take out the passenger seat and put in a lawn chair. He has personally done this.

He doesn't know of anyone who tried to take a driving test with one, but he said it was pretty common in Michigan in the 1970s, so he wouldn't be surprised.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Needless to say, Shiro already knew.

Apparently in Michigan when high school kids were driving old rustbuckets they'd take out the passenger seat and put in a lawn chair. He has personally done this.

He doesn't know of anyone who tried to take a driving test with one, but he said it was pretty common in Michigan in the 1970s, so he wouldn't be surprised.

That was also done in Wisconsin. When I dated the General in high school her brother gave us a ride for our first date in a 70s Chevelle that had makeshift seats.

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captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Needless to say, Shiro already knew.

Apparently in Michigan when high school kids were driving old rustbuckets they'd take out the passenger seat and put in a lawn chair. He has personally done this.

He doesn't know of anyone who tried to take a driving test with one, but he said it was pretty common in Michigan in the 1970s, so he wouldn't be surprised.

That was also done in Wisconsin. When I dated the General in high school her brother gave us a ride for our first date in a 70s Chevelle that had makeshift seats.

I've seen pickups with 5-gallon buckets for seats.

NobodysHome wrote:
Impus Minor has a learning permit. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

As long as it is not a learning permit for an air vehicle, I think I should be safe...

On the other it is one of the Imps.

*considers going back to bed, just in case*

Sovereign Court

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Drejk wrote:
*considers going back to bed, just in case*

In the words of Julius Caesar: "I came, I saw, I went back to bed!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome's Irritation of the Day: The Useless U.S. Passport

If you listen to various "scare the tourists" sites, the U.S. passport is one of the most valuable identity documents in the world.


Just try to use it some time.

We just hired a new employee. Her passport isn't sufficient to prove her citizenship -- she needs second and third forms of identification.

I took Impus Minor to get his learner's permit at the California DMV. His passport wasn't sufficient identification. A direct quote: "Don't you have any I.D. at all issued by the state of California?" We had to provide bank and medical records because the passport was insufficient.

And the "Passport I.D. card" is even more hilarious. Printed right on it is, "This is not a valid form of identification." Its purpose is to allow you into Canada or Mexico without having to carry your full passport. But guess what? Post-9/11 you're not allowed back into the U.S. with just the passport card. Our (possibly future) sister-in-law went to Canada to do a photo shoot, used her card, then tried to come home and wasn't allowed back in. She had to go to the U.S. Consulate and, you guessed it, produce some other form of identification.

So if a passport is so useless as identification, why is it so hard to get one?




Dishonored 2 finished.

Excellent world-building, fine story details, most problems encountered have multiple solutions and/or multiple paths of approach. You can make a number of choices and all the major targets have non-lethal alternative. Ok, though not stellar stealth (have I mentioned that I might be playing too many stealth-base games in the last year or two?) supplemented by an array of suitable powers that add to the multipath options, and sadly terribly subpar melee combat—you are supposed to parry and counter but parrying is terribly reflex based and after going the whole game I can't reliably time it right...

Hacking at enemies kills them instead which is the way toward for bad ending. Once you get time stop and good supply of mana potions and other ways to recover mana it becomes irrelevant because you simply freeze time and then incapacitate enemies however you want. Having the right bonecharms (crafted quadruple quick choke, quadruple recover mana by drinking from taps) helps immensely.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

{The scene: I am loading old carpet into the car, preparatory to taking it down to the dump. A large, blonde woman is walking down the street towards me.}

LBW: 'I thought you were putting dead bodies into that car'
Me: 'No - dead carpet'
LBW: 'Oh. Well, dead bodies are more exciting, aren't they?

I didn't quite know how to reply to that.

Limeylongears wrote:

{The scene: I am loading old carpet into the car, preparatory to taking it down to the dump. A large, blonde woman is walking down the street towards me.}

LBW: 'I thought you were putting dead bodies into that car'
Me: 'No - dead carpet'
LBW: 'Oh. Well, dead bodies are more exciting, aren't they?

I didn't quite know how to reply to that.

In the affirmative.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Jurassic Bard wrote:
Drejk wrote:
*considers going back to bed, just in case*
In the words of Julius Caesar: "I came, I saw, I went back to bed!"

Veni Vidi Zzy ?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Went through a McDonald's drive thru before work tonight. It went like this:

McD: "Welcome to McDonald's. What can I get for you?"
Me: "A 20 piece with honey mustard, please."
McD: "20 piece with honey mustard. What kind of sauce?"
Me: *slight pause* "Honey mustard."
McD: *can practically hear the facepalm* "Right. 20 piece with honey mustard. Anything else?"
Me: "Nope."

And they didn't give me the honey mustard.

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Fantasy Monster: Crimson Bees.

Bees that make honey out of blood and flesh of killed prey. Including people.

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Well, the fact that I hauled and stacked three cords of winter firewood, and have been buying all the groceries and doing most of the cooking for the last two weeks, has mellowed Eve somewhat. At the beach yesterday, I also took her daughter off to explore tidepools for an hour so she could swim by herself.

So yesterday for breakfast she made fried green tomatoes, and this morning she's making beignets. And we haven't had an angry drunken night since last weekend.

Breathing easier.

lisamarlene wrote:

Well, the fact that I hauled and stacked three cords of winter firewood, and have been buying all the groceries and doing most of the cooking for the last two weeks, has mellowed Eve somewhat. At the beach yesterday, I also took her daughter off to explore tidepools for an hour so she could swim by herself.

So yesterday for breakfast she made fried green tomatoes, and this morning she's making beignets. And we haven't had an angry drunken night since last weekend.

Breathing easier.

I'm glad.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I found a 100 złoty underneath the desk...

Spiders paying their share of rent?

Drejk wrote:

I found a 100 złoty underneath the desk...

Spiders paying their share of rent?

That's mine. I dropped it. Please send it to me.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I found a 100 złoty underneath the desk...

Spiders paying their share of rent?

That's mine. I dropped it. Please send it to me.

What would you do with that red bill anyway?

Drejk wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I found a 100 złoty underneath the desk...

Spiders paying their share of rent?

That's mine. I dropped it. Please send it to me.
What would you do with that red bill anyway?

Give it to my Korean friend. I owe her 100 złoty.

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Been a while since I've posted our videos so going to drop a whole bunch at once here. ^^

What happens when society decides the only solution for an extreme problem is an equally-extreme response? A spiral of abuse and mistreatment inevitably follows.


Conspiracies abound, in the real world and the fictional.


With the myriad powers of magic - invisibility, shapeshifting, duplication - how secure can one be in their own privacy and safety? And how far is too far to go in response?


No shortage of misinformation and duplicity to go around in the news - something we know well in the real world as well as the fictional.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I just informed WW that, for my fiftieth birthday in two years, what I really want is to set up a photo shoot on the roof of a steam locomotive in a screen-ready Wonder Woman costume, punching a Nazi in the face, because it would be totally Spocking epic.

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Muckle darmned Nazis, need a good solid thwhackin'.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
I just informed WW that, for my fiftieth birthday in two years, what I really want is to set up a photo shoot on the roof of a steam locomotive in a screen-ready Wonder Woman costume, punching a Nazi in the face, because it would be totally Spocking epic.

You're going to have FIFTY BIRTHDAYS IN TWO YEARS?

Then you should totally have enough presents to share. 'Cause that's gonna be a lot of partying.


Yes, I had to make a funny with syntax.


That photo shoot sounds pretty damned epic. I approve.

Happy-Way-Too-Early Birthday!

Once again, I come in to work and 2nd shift says "I was so bored all day. There was nothing to do!", and yet they barely touched the laundry. So irritated.

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Today is supposed to be THE HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR (cue national freakout). Supposedly it'll get up to 41 degrees Celsius/105.8 Fahrenheit, but not up North it won't.

Limeylongears wrote:
Today is supposed to be THE HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR (cue national freakout). Supposedly it'll get up to 41 degrees Celsius/105.8 Fahrenheit, but not up North it won't.

That is, quite frankly, an insane temperature anywhere in the U.K. Even in the Central Valley here that's considered a "hot" day.

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Today I learned that the German term for a lower back tattoo, aka a "tramp stamp", literally translates as "ass antlers".

lisamarlene wrote:
Today I learned that the German term for a lower back tattoo, aka a "tramp stamp", literally translates as "ass antlers".

I heard that term before, but I didn't know it was from german.

Limeylongears wrote:
Today is supposed to be THE HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR (cue national freakout). Supposedly it'll get up to 41 degrees Celsius/105.8 Fahrenheit, but not up North it won't.

Are you okay?

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One of the keys to understanding other people is empathy: Try to figure out their thinking, their reasoning, and their purpose in doing something. In general, people don't unthinkingly do something out of the ordinary without a purpose in mind.

Strangely-parking lady continues to baffle me. Last night we got back from Shiro's and she's yet again parked across our neighbor's driveway with a car in the driveway (hence more likely to draw a complaint), and this time with spaces both in front of our house and in front of our neighbor's house.

OK, so, she knows that we park the Prius in front of our house, so she was trying to be "nice" and leave us our space... except she backed up so far that the Prius won't fit so she essentially blocked off our space while parking in front of a driveway... an impressive feat. OK. She's a bad parker.

But I'm still baffled by the fact that she's staying at our neighbor's house and yet refuses to use the (almost always) open parking space in front of our neighbor's house.

If you're staying at someone's place and the space in front of their house is open, why would you block their driveway and block their car in instead of parking in the open space?

Still baffled...

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She's from new york city and used to alternate side of the street parking and people that can parallel park? (or think they can...)

BigNorseWolf wrote:

She's from new york city and used to alternate side of the street parking and people that can parallel park? (or think they can...)

If you can parallel park my 14'6" Prius in the 12' she gave us, more power to you!

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NobodysHome wrote:
If you can parallel park my 14'6" Prius in the 12' she gave us, more power to you!

In some districts the crumple zone is a legit space saver...:)

But I think what you have is that your neighborhood has weird parking rules and not everyone that drives is used to the unwritten rules of parking in a crowded neighborhood. I'm from the burbs, so "paying to park" or having places you can't park or even thinking about where to park are oxymorons. She's effectively a stranger in a strange land, even if its from the same state.

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