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Marvel Movie Timeline #13: Avengers: Age of Ultron:

About halfway through the movie I commented to Impus Minor, "I'm really enjoying the character development, but it isn't enough to get me past this unbelievably stupid plot."
"That's what everybody says about this movie!"

According to Impus Minor, I'm in the "Dark Ages" of the Marvel cinematic universe, where coherency, common sense, or even a consistent plot was discarded for, "Wouldn't it be cool if we could show this?"

I watched the pitch meeting, and I think it's sad that his biggest complaints aren't nearly the dumbest parts of the movie.

I think giving it a solid miss would be the wisest course of action. There's great character development, but you have to suffer through the plot to see it.

EDIT: I don't think watching it nekkid would've helped.

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I think the most realistic and understandable thing about the movie is "Ultron woke up to sapience and the first thing he encountered was 5-10 minutes of The Internet, and immediately he decided humanity needed destroying".

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Yeah, but the part where Iron Man and the Hulk fight, plus the scene where Vision casually picks up Thor's hammer and hands it him were all awesome.

Plus how everyone gives Cap crap for swearing the entire movie and Captain America's line at the end about if you die then "walk it off" were also pretty good (my first boss landscaping was always telling people to "walk it off" or "rub a little dirt in it" whenever someone got hurt, but not in a dismissive way, he wasn't doing it to be an a%$!%+%).

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Yeah those are definitely good moments. "Language!" "Did Cap just say 'language'?" and "Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep" are still lines that get quoted constantly in our gaming groups, both PF PnP and in NWN.

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New episode of Crit & Crit from yesterday! Forgot to link it here.

Apologies for my wretched singing, post-COVID has absolutely wrecked my breathing and voice and this was recorded only a month or so after we caught it.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Eve was talking smack again about prepping for Dallas winter storms v. Maine winter storms, so I let her know that I exchanged the empty propane bottle and picked up a bottle of schnapps for the cocoa.

Like I don't know how to prep.

Seriously, though. Dallas folks hear we might get an inch of snow, and suddenly the grocery store shelves are as bare as during the first month of the pandemic. Good freaking grief.

We're on the northern side of this thing rolling through and one would have thought that it was the apocalypse or something... we went from moderately decent stock levels don't get me started on that to half-bare shelves.

We LIVE IN freakin' NORTHERN ILLINOIS. This is **winter** folks! FFS! One would seriously think that the End of times or something was coming... eesh.

Oh wow, so many people in Portillinois!

....a place...


I can't eat at anymore!!!!

sips tea

God, people caused such a fuss when Portillo's opened here in town. Lines a literal mile long. People waiting hours for food. Just complete b$~!###+.

Now, whenever I go past (which isn't super often, but occasionally and almost always during peak dinner hours) there's basically no-one there. And I still refuse to eat there. The Chik-fil-a is still stupid busy, though.

The Peoria Portillo's is still really busy. And Chik-fil-a boggles my mind.

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I don't like Chik Fil A, they are too reliant on pepper for seasoning.

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Ultron is a mixed bag. Whedon's involvement made it worse in this case, because in addition to him being a gigantic prick he was completely burned out and couldn't think straight.

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What I learned from YouTube this week.

The recipe for a good pumpkin pie and beef stew haven't changed since at least 1775.

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(1) I've never eaten at a Portillo's, as the closest one is 401 miles away.

(2) I've never eaten at a Chik Fil A.

(3) The local "equivalent" to Portillo's might be In-n-Out Burger, but no one in the family, nor do any of my kids' friends, understand it. Why wait in line for 60+ minutes for an absolutely mediocre burger when there are so many good burger places in the area with no lines?
I've never had an In-n-Out burger or fries that I considered any better than a McDonald's burger and fries. So we just don't understand the fuss.

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NobodysHome wrote:

(1) I've never eaten at a Portillo's, as the closest one is 401 miles away.

(2) I've never eaten at a Chik Fil A.

(3) The local "equivalent" to Portillo's might be In-n-Out Burger, but no one in the family, nor do any of my kids' friends, understand it. Why wait in line for 60+ minutes for an absolutely mediocre burger when there are so many good burger places in the area with no lines?
I've never had an In-n-Out burger or fries that I considered any better than a McDonald's burger and fries. So we just don't understand the fuss.

In-n-Out is a good comparison in terms of hype.

Portillo's at least has decent food for the style (Italian beef, sausages, pizza, burgers, etc).

Chik-Fil-A is literally a mediocre at best chicken breast, a buttered bun, and a single slice of McDonald's quality dill pickle. I do not understand how their drive-thru is constantly packed. When one of those opens you can see lines of cars for a mile in multiple directions.

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1) Chik-Fil-A is ALWAYS busy. As though it were a patriotic duty, or something, in these parts. I like the food, but skip it because of the line.

2) I went to In-N-Out once when I visited my friendgirl in LA. She said it was a "must" for a visitor. And I concur with NH -- what's the fuss all about?

7 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't like Chik Fil A, they are too reliant on pepper for seasoning.

Raising Cane's is so much tastier than Chik-fil-a, plus it doesn't have the evil political stance.

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Hello, everyone.

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lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't like Chik Fil A, they are too reliant on pepper for seasoning.
Raising Cane's is so much tastier than Chik-fil-a, plus it doesn't have the evil political stance.

CFA isn't worth going to before you factor in the corporate stances. Just on the merits of the food alone it's a hard pass.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

1) Chik-Fil-A is ALWAYS busy. As though it were a patriotic duty, or something, in these parts. I like the food, but skip it because of the line.

2) I went to In-N-Out once when I visited my friendgirl in LA. She said it was a "must" for a visitor. And I concur with NH -- what's the fuss all about?

There's so much that's leaps and bounds better for food in Georgia. I will give the South a lot of crap about a lot of things, but the food (aside from grits) is not one of them.

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Hmmm. My Chrome behaves weirdly and doesn't let me log into Facebook nor Paizo.

I managed to log into Paizo on Opera, but Facebook gives a negative response either way.

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Hello John

Grand Lodge

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Orthos wrote:
Yeah those are definitely good moments. "Language!" "Did Cap just say 'language'?" and "Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep" are still lines that get quoted constantly in our gaming groups, both PF PnP and in NWN.

Age of Ultron gets a pass from me for the after party. Perfect encapsulation of what Marvel is.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
1) Chik-Fil-A is ALWAYS busy. As though it were a patriotic duty, or something, in these parts. I like the food, but skip it because of the line.

To some degree it is a "patriotic", or more accurately sociopolitical, thing. For reasons not to be discussed in this thread but a lot of people already likely know. I've been around people more than a few times back when I lived in AZ and TN who specifically chose to go to CFA on the regular to "support" them for their politics.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't like Chik Fil A, they are too reliant on pepper for seasoning.
Raising Cane's is so much tastier than Chik-fil-a, plus it doesn't have the evil political stance.

Zaxby's was my counter-option of choice when I lived in TN, and likewise was better food and less galling to give money to.

Cane's is an option now that I've moved, one Scint and I get on the semi-regular.

Grand Lodge

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I don't go to Chik-Fil-A anymore. Loved their breakfast biscuits but I'm not supporting that anymore. Really need to try the knock-off recipes sometime. Popeyes and McDonalds have added similar chicken sandwiches, so that helps.

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Same. That and they cook almost all their meat marinated in pickle juice, and Scint hates pickles, so it's always been off the menu for her.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't like Chik Fil A, they are too reliant on pepper for seasoning.
Raising Cane's is so much tastier than Chik-fil-a, plus it doesn't have the evil political stance.

Zaxby's was my counter-option of choice when I lived in TN, and likewise was better food and less galling to give money to.

Cane's is an option now that I've moved, one Scint and I get on the semi-regular.

I treat myself on Red Cross donation days. After I've been in the chair for a couple of hours with needles in me, chicken and sauce are my reward.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Why don't any fast food places give me a try?

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We are close to an inch of snow now, our yard still looks like late March back home in the Northwoods, but we're having fun. It just happened to be WW's only scheduled day off this week from the USPS, he just happened to still have the "sled" (actually a metal slide from a dismantled play structure) that he found on the curb when he was a kid, and the golf course in our neighborhood doesn't mind folks using the sloped part of the fairways as sledding hills so long as you stay off the important parts of the green.

Shadow Lodge

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The Dreaded Lutefisk wrote:
Why don't any fast food places give me a try?

Ye gods, where is Vomit Guy when you need him?

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Drejk wrote:

Hmmm. My Chrome behaves weirdly and doesn't let me log into Facebook nor Paizo.

I managed to log into Paizo on Opera, but Facebook gives a negative response either way.

It seems to be some sort of deeper issue with NoScript extension for Chrome - once I disabled the NoScript on Chrome (instead of allowing the specific websites) I managed to log in into Facebook and Paizo.

I am not sure why I can't log into facebook on Opera, though... Are its in-built antiscript features incompatible with facebook?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Orthos wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't like Chik Fil A, they are too reliant on pepper for seasoning.
Raising Cane's is so much tastier than Chik-fil-a, plus it doesn't have the evil political stance.

Zaxby's was my counter-option of choice when I lived in TN, and likewise was better food and less galling to give money to.

Cane's is an option now that I've moved, one Scint and I get on the semi-regular.

I treat myself on Red Cross donation days. After I've been in the chair for a couple of hours with needles in me, chicken and sauce are my reward.

I need to find a place out here to donate to. I still get notifications from the blood bank back in TN, but haven't found one out here due to "I don't go outside much because of the plague".

Also apparently the closest Zaxby's is all the way in Kansas City. Not a drive I'm taking any time soon.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

What I did with my snow day, part two: taxes are DONE and filed, baby!

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Oh hey Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is free on Epic Games. Think I'll enjoy this one a bit more than the original since it's "sidescrolling action platformer a-la Donkey Kong Country" rather than "3D collectathon platformer a-la Banjo-Kazooie" and the former is very much more my jam than the latter. I was a SNES kid, not an N64 one.

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Appears the closest Zaxby's to me is in Indy.

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Vanykrye wrote:
Appears the closest Zaxby's to me is in Indy.

That sounds really uncomfortable for Dr. Jones.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
*snip* for length

Oh wow, so many people in Portillinois!

....a place...


I can't eat at anymore!!!!

sips tea

Don't cry, Freehold. Portillo's is a horribly overpriced and over-rated sandwich chain that treats their workers like garbage, has two or three 'child' franchise chains that have done the same, and are a pale comparison to an actual *decent* beef an' sandwich type of place.

Later comments talked about Chick Fillet -- Due to their stated stance on particular issues and their inability to openly disclose their ingredients, they and a few other locations are on my permanent Do Not Buy list, and if it was a choice of eating there or missing a meal I have enough reserves to get me through some fasting....

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The Dreaded Lutefisk wrote:
Why don't any fast food places give me a try?

I bet they would if you were the Breaded Lutefisk, especially the Scots (you'd have to be deep fried, of course)

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Freakazoid wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Appears the closest Zaxby's to me is in Indy.
That sounds really uncomfortable for Dr. Jones.

He's used to it by now.

Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Eve was talking smack again about prepping for Dallas winter storms v. Maine winter storms, so I let her know that I exchanged the empty propane bottle and picked up a bottle of schnapps for the cocoa.

Like I don't know how to prep.

Seriously, though. Dallas folks hear we might get an inch of snow, and suddenly the grocery store shelves are as bare as during the first month of the pandemic. Good freaking grief.

We're on the northern side of this thing rolling through and one would have thought that it was the apocalypse or something... we went from moderately decent stock levels don't get me started on that to half-bare shelves.

We LIVE IN freakin' NORTHERN ILLINOIS. This is **winter** folks! FFS! One would seriously think that the End of times or something was coming... eesh.

One of the great things about living in an eternally drought-parched area is that if you need to make a big shopping trip and you see rain in the forecast you can wait until day 3 of the rain: The shelves will be full and the stores will be empty because nobody wants to go out in the "big storm".

In the Central Valley we had an occasional storm that hit a rate of 1" an hour, which is really a downpour. 1" in a day is an unusually wet day in the area I live.

When I lived in L.A., I always thought the fear of the rain was crazy. Then, the first time it rained, I saw the problem. The streets do not drain, at all. And the months of dry weather leaves an oily sheen on the roads that gets incredibly slick in the rain. Driving in rain in Southern California is no joke.

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Stayed at the hotel today since it was still snowing and blowing. Got up tonight and decided to try and go home since I don't work tonight or tomorrow. Took me 30 minutes to dig out of the parking space and clear the snow/ice off my car. 30 minutes to drive home (usually takes 15ish). Then 45 minutes to clear my driveway (for a given definition of "clear", in this case meaning "I can get the car into the garage"). A lot of annoyance and pain, but I am at last sitting on my couch. So, worth it.

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About to go home. Good night, everyone.

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"Does a trench gun work in a lobby?" *kablam* "I'm gonna take that as a yes."

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Started watching a playthrough of Pokemon Arceus. The village is called Jubilife. All I can think is "That sounds like a herbal supplement MLM".

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David M Mallon wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Holy s++$, this thread is still going...
~screams like a little girl~ Don't sneak up on me like that!
You're still around? I'd thought you'd succumbed to the cat allergies years ago. And either way, considering I'm officially middle-aged now, I was sure you'd be too elderly to remember me...

Speak up! I can't hear very good! You young whipper snappers! Who are you again?

edit - I shall call you soon(ish).

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Vanykrye wrote:

I've had a bad day. It's not going to get better for some time. I'm probably going to be offline a bit.

** spoiler omitted **

~curse words~ DAMN!!! I am so sorry to hear that. It does suck big time. And it is never easy loosing a loved one.

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lisamarlene wrote:

I'm having a rough day.

It's the anniversary of my dad's death. The thirteenth to be precise. We'd been out late at an inauguration party celebrating President Obama, and I had maybe three hours of sleep before I got the phone call that he'd been lost at sea. And last month was the fifteenth anniversary of our eldest son's death. So this winter has been hard. I almost posted an old photo of the two of them together on FB this morning, and didn't, because I still can't look at my son's pictures.

And I ran the numbers for the month after getting notice about WW's pay from the school district, and after taxes, well, unemployment was better. And no more advance child tax credit benefits. Things are going to suck for a while yet.

I can't take many more days like this.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully life improves sooner than later.

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Limeylongears wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Can anyone explain to me why I'm watching cricket?
Because you think you could do a better job than our national team, and you would be absolutely right.


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Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Remind them of the withdraw action, if it's available in the ruleset (it is in PF1, not sure about PF2 or 5E).
#1: How are you holding up? I'm glad to see you back online, but I'm still concerned. Because I'm a mother hen by nature.

Tomorrow is the visitation and funeral. I've had detached objectivity for the last week.

Mom had put half down on a new furnace. It's getting installed Monday morning. Meeting with lawyers that afternoon.

She had no will and had done no other estate/funeral planning. I'm...dealing...

But tomorrow is going to be rough.

Ugh! That was my mom. And she KNEW better. Sorry for what you are going through.

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This exists!

Will I ever be able to afford them? Not likely! But I'm super-happy they exist, nonetheless!

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For lisamarlnene from an earlier, tougher time, if she feels like it:
Sharoth wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

I'm having a rough day.

It's the anniversary of my dad's death. The thirteenth to be precise. We'd been out late at an inauguration party celebrating President Obama, and I had maybe three hours of sleep before I got the phone call that he'd been lost at sea. And last month was the fifteenth anniversary of our eldest son's death. So this winter has been hard. I almost posted an old photo of the two of them together on FB this morning, and didn't, because I still can't look at my son's pictures.

And I ran the numbers for the month after getting notice about WW's pay from the school district, and after taxes, well, unemployment was better. And no more advance child tax credit benefits. Things are going to suck for a while yet.

I can't take many more days like this.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully life improves sooner than later.

Oh, wow. Huuuuuuuuuuugs.

I'll say, as a former teacher, the pay literally was lower than the cost of expenses for me to continue teaching even without going on unemployment. This is what turned me into a stay-at-home: it was simply more financially viable for me to stay at home and take care of the kids than it was for me to pay for them to stay with professionals while traveling to work. So I really and truly understand on that front.

But hugs and prayers for you. Because that's a lot of pressure and difficulty. Love y'all big time.

lisamarlene wrote:
What I did with my snow day, part two: taxes are DONE and filed, baby!

Huzzah! Great job!

Vanykrye wrote:
Orthos! We missed you. Or at least I did.

Should have been on the Discord, DaWtL!

... or not, but still! :D

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Vanykrye wrote:

Today is my first day back at work. I'm still not up to dealing with our clients in a constructive manner. I'm finding it nearly impossible to deal with their petty and stupid behavior in a diplomatic manner. I'm not great at that to begin with (surprising, I know), but right now I'm handling it by not verbally talking to them.

Mom's estate is going to be in probate for several months. My aunt is grieving by trying to go through the house and "laying claim" to random knickknacks that she had given to Mom. My uncle keeps telling her to back off, but it's just how she's trying to get through it herself.

I went through Mom's email on Monday. For every one email that was important enough to keep on the first pass I deleted 35.

This reminds me. I need to clean out my email better. Even after very "strong" (from my opinion) purges, I've got thousands and anyone who has to go through them after my death is going to have a really bad time. Alas.

More than that, I'm glad to see you around, my friend. e-Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

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