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Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

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*waits for the explosion when GothBard blows up Freehold*

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In my state, "smoker" is a condition that puts you high up on the list. And any blood/circulatory related symptoms/syndromes also move you up.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In Wisconsin you just need a BMI over 25, which is pretty much half the population.

I think Freehold, CrystalSeas, and CY *all* managed to hit it on the nose: He is a former smoker, he used to be obese, and he used to drink to excess. He's done a remarkable job of cleaning himself up since he became a father. But he *used* to be all those things.

So with Freehold's statement of, "If you once had these conditions," he sure as heck checks ALL those checkboxes.

EDIT: In terms of us, I'm not a person who tries to "game" the system. Even with the work done on my house, I *first* approached the city over the work I did on my garage ("We will never approve work to improve a garage interior, even if it meets all local code requirements, because you might take advantage of it to turn it into a rental unit") *and* the work done on my bathroom ("Our COVID regulations are strict enough that no 4-man company can meet them, so no, you can't use your contractor of choice to do the work").

So I'm not going to exaggerate to try to get an early vaccine. I've filled out the forms, I'll be notified when it's my turn, and I'll go ahead and wait.

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Tirade of the Day #2 (And this one'll hit Vanykrye and Woran right where it hurts): Idiot file-sharing.

I've already complained about Slack, where people post on international channels, "Hey, @channel! I'm driving to the Brazil office today! Anyone want to carpool?"

Well, we also have a global file sharing system where you can share directories with interested parties.

And yep, you guessed it: Today I'm being spammed by dozens of notifications of people adding me to file shares in areas I've never worked in and with people I've never worked with. Why? Because adding our 2800-person division to a file share is easier than determining who actually needs access, so I suddenly have to sort through a list of nearly 100 shared directories to find my stuff.

Because oversharing is our way.

Can't you "unshare" those files so you only see what you need?

CrystalSeas wrote:
Can't you "unshare" those files so you only see what you need?

You can "favorite" your own, but the default filter is "all folders", so it involves manually favoriting all your own folders, then selecting your own filter every time you navigate to the shared folders.

Not a great solution.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Roght now in Texas, I qualify as a Teacher and WW Dr. Darling qualifies as >50.
But we got our first shots before that under the "high risk worker" exception (and he was my +1).

Are there any eBay regular sellers on here? Can I ask an Am I The As!hole type question?

Money is a bit tight right now; I don't expect to get paid for pet-walking/-checking job for about a week, and survival check doesn't mail out until the 26th.

So I spotted something on eBay that was a decent deal but would likely sell in the next day or so. I messaged the seller yesterday and very politely asked if he'd sell it for 5% off his asking price. No response, which is fine. I got surprise paid early (today), so when I got home I figured I'd just buy it at regular price... and I'm blocked from buying it. I tried to message the seller to apologize for trying to haggle, and I'm blocked from that too.

I've got a decades+ old account with a history of quick payments, zero non-payments & cancellations, and spotless feedback; the obvious stuff seems to be ruled out.

Did I break some etiquette rule or come off as a cheap ass for politely asking for a small discount? Be honest with me, please.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Tirade of the Day #2 (And this one'll hit Vanykrye and Woran right where it hurts): Idiot file-sharing.

I dont even dare read the rest.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Are there any eBay regular sellers on here? Can I ask an Am I The As!hole type question?** spoiler omitted **

I buy and sell on eBay and Etsy frequently. You are definitely not the a******, they are. At least to most sellers. Some will even invite you to make an offer or give you a private discount if you favorite it and don't come back for a day or two. This guy is just weird.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Are there any eBay regular sellers on here? Can I ask an Am I The As!hole type question?** spoiler omitted **


in my experience, the world has changed. Noone asks for discounts anymore, and it has a not entirely undeserved reputation for trying to hoodwink someone. That said what this guy did IS NOT how you go about resolving this kind of conflict. I don't think you are in the wrong here, but asking for a discount on ebay is a great way to not get the item, if you know what I mean.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Aiymi and I just received our first dose. About to leave the clinic now.


Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Tirade of the Day #2 (And this one'll hit Vanykrye and Woran right where it hurts): Idiot file-sharing.

I've already complained about Slack, where people post on international channels, "Hey, @channel! I'm driving to the Brazil office today! Anyone want to carpool?"

Well, we also have a global file sharing system where you can share directories with interested parties.

And yep, you guessed it: Today I'm being spammed by dozens of notifications of people adding me to file shares in areas I've never worked in and with people I've never worked with. Why? Because adding our 2800-person division to a file share is easier than determining who actually needs access, so I suddenly have to sort through a list of nearly 100 shared directories to find my stuff.

Because oversharing is our way.


Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Tirade of the Day #2 (And this one'll hit Vanykrye and Woran right where it hurts): Idiot file-sharing.

I've already complained about Slack, where people post on international channels, "Hey, @channel! I'm driving to the Brazil office today! Anyone want to carpool?"

Well, we also have a global file sharing system where you can share directories with interested parties.

And yep, you guessed it: Today I'm being spammed by dozens of notifications of people adding me to file shares in areas I've never worked in and with people I've never worked with. Why? Because adding our 2800-person division to a file share is easier than determining who actually needs access, so I suddenly have to sort through a list of nearly 100 shared directories to find my stuff.

Because oversharing is our way.


I agree with everything in that sentiment other than not strong enough language. I bet if you swear in Dutch the mods won't notice...

I figure GothBard and I won't see a dose until late June or early July. Because, as in all things for our lifetimes, Gen X comes last.

Lucky you. I don't expect there to be any chance of me getting my shot until... Autumn at best. Next year more likely.

Anyway, today I learned I might have been exposed to people who might or might not be infected at that time but it was over three weeks ago (so longer than the expected quarantine time for people without symptoms anyway).

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Well, Head Contractor finally contacted me and will be stopping by in the next couple of days, so it'll be time to show him all the missteps General Contractor took (and there were many) and to "negotiate" the final price.

And while GothBard and General Contractor both think I'm "borrowing trouble" by worrying about the final bill, it's hard not to consider that our "6-week project" ballooned to 11 weeks, and General Contractor spent a good deal of time bragging about how he was charging HC for commute time and so forth, so I suspect HC took a bath on this one and I'd expect him to try to make up at least some of his losses.

On the other hand, I'm on pretty solid legal ground, as it were: We have the original cost estimate in writing, and it was a "fixed cost" bid rather than a "time and materials" bid so the only thing he can ding me for are add-ons, and most of those are pretty minor and I'm being pretty darned generous in my personal estimate (for example, $100 to add an extra outlet when the wall and the box were already open, so it was an 8-minute job).

But, I'm definitely a "hope for the best, plan for the worst" personality type, so there's the whole, "If he asks for more than $x, I'm going to say, 'No,' and tell him to go ahead and sue me, and then I'll have to take a day off for a court date, and..."

Anyhoo, time will tell.

lisamarlene wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Are there any eBay regular sellers on here? Can I ask an Am I The As!hole type question?** spoiler omitted **
I buy and sell on eBay and Etsy frequently. You are definitely not the a******, they are. At least to most sellers. Some will even invite you to make an offer or give you a private discount if you favorite it and don't come back for a day or two. This guy is just weird.
Freehold DM wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

OK, thanks. For this last year, I've spent so little time interacting with humans in person that I feel like I've regressed back to pre-kindergarten levels of socialization.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow... looking at my post history it looks like I haven't mentioned Valheim yet.

It showed up in my "recommended" queue a month or two ago, I suggested it to the group, and they ignored it.

GothBard's co-worker recommended it to her, she suggested it to the group, and they ignored it.

We *finally* decided to give it a shot...
...and it's Minecraft... with Vikings!!!!

How addictive is it?
(1) Shiro bought a new computer just to act as a dedicated server for our Valheim world.
(2) Hi emerged from a years-long hiatus to join us every single day to play it.
(3) The Fake Russian has started trying to spend his appallingly-rare free time with us on the server.
(4) GothBard wanted a, "No video games 'til 7:00 pm" break so she could relax and detox after the workday. Once Valheim appeared, she didn't mind starting as early as 6:00 pm.

Apparently it's a smash hit, but it really is just a reskinned Minecraft rip-off. I expect them to get sued into oblivion soon, unless Minecraft is old enough to have entered the public domain.

But yeah, for us old-timers it's all kinds of fun.

I've been crushing everything in Wreckfest, if you like racing games it's definitely one of the better ones.

I tried playing Batman Arkham Knight but after playing Spider-man for a year it just felt clumsy and awkward.

So I played Spider-man Miles Morales as I haven't played it yet, it's pretty fun, seems a bit harder than the first one, but that might be because I haven't played either one in several months. The acting in the cut scenes is terrible, and there are so many cut scenes, but the game play is super fun and swinging around is always a lot of fun, plus Miles Morales has a more casual demeanor.

I'll probably dust off Fallout 76 tomorrow and see if it still sucks.

Or I'll give Control a try.

captain yesterday wrote:

I've been crushing everything in Wreckfest, if you like racing games it's definitely one of the better ones.

I tried playing Batman Arkham Knight but after playing Spider-man for a year it just felt clumsy and awkward.

So I played Spider-man Miles Morales as I haven't played it yet, it's pretty fun, seems a bit harder than the first one, but that might be because I haven't played either one in several months. The acting in the cut scenes is terrible, and there are so many cut scenes, but the game play is super fun and swinging around is always a lot of fun, plus Miles Morales has a more casual demeanor.

I'll probably dust off Fallout 76 tomorrow and see if it still sucks.

Or I'll give Control a try.

I prefer burnout.

About to go home. Good night, everyone

I'm just waiting for the PS 5 to ship so I can start playing Cyberpunk and join in all the complaining.

NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... looking at my post history it looks like I haven't mentioned Valheim yet.

It showed up in my "recommended" queue a month or two ago, I suggested it to the group, and they ignored it.

GothBard's co-worker recommended it to her, she suggested it to the group, and they ignored it.

We *finally* decided to give it a shot...
...and it's Minecraft... with Vikings!!!!

How addictive is it?
(1) Shiro bought a new computer just to act as a dedicated server for our Valheim world.
(2) Hi emerged from a years-long hiatus to join us every single day to play it.
(3) The Fake Russian has started trying to spend his appallingly-rare free time with us on the server.
(4) GothBard wanted a, "No video games 'til 7:00 pm" break so she could relax and detox after the workday. Once Valheim appeared, she didn't mind starting as early as 6:00 pm.

Apparently it's a smash hit, but it really is just a reskinned Minecraft rip-off. I expect them to get sued into oblivion soon, unless Minecraft is old enough to have entered the public domain.

But yeah, for us old-timers it's all kinds of fun.

I've been seeing a lot of people stream that one. it's popular but hasn't puled me in yet.

I have pared down my video game "streaming" (I don't actually watch them live, just videos they put up on youtube later) to pretty much just 3 channels. And then, I usually only watch if it is Among Us or Clue. Even then, I often won't watch the whole thing in one sitting. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, whenever I can't think of anything else to do.

Or Codewords. That can be fun sometimes.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
I have pared down my video game "streaming" (I don't actually watch them live, just videos they put up on youtube later) to pretty much just 3 channels. And then, I usually only watch if it is Among Us or Clue. Even then, I often won't watch the whole thing in one sitting. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, whenever I can't think of anything else to do.

Well I'm the opposite. Now that I stream I am always networking too. My among us streams are fun. I play with a few other streamers. good times.

I think my dislike for watching live streams is much the same as why I don't like going to a theater to watch a movie.
1) It's on their schedule, not mine.
2) You have to sit through commercials/ad reads/whatever instead of skipping them.
3) You can't pause if you need to pee or get more snacks.
4) You can't rewind if you want to see/hear something again.

Now, theaters also have the added disadvantage of having other people around who might disrupt your viewing. And with streaming you risk getting bored if the content just isn't very good. The streamers I watch usually only put the best rounds (either due to gameplay or conversations) on youtube, so you're more likely to enjoy those. I have seen some videos where they just uploaded an entire 3 or 4 hour session, and some of the rounds are pretty friggin' dull.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

I think my dislike for watching live streams is much the same as why I don't like going to a theater to watch a movie.

1) It's on their schedule, not mine.
2) You have to sit through commercials/ad reads/whatever instead of skipping them.
3) You can't pause if you need to pee or get more snacks.
4) You can't rewind if you want to see/hear something again.

Now, theaters also have the added disadvantage of having other people around who might disrupt your viewing. And with streaming you risk getting bored if the content just isn't very good. The streamers I watch usually only put the best rounds (either due to gameplay or conversations) on youtube, so you're more likely to enjoy those. I have seen some videos where they just uploaded an entire 3 or 4 hour session, and some of the rounds are pretty friggin' dull.

I think a lot of people like streaming for the viewer interaction.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

See, I have no interest in the interaction. I wouldn't participate in chat, and I've seen clips of some streamers who have so much crap all over their screen that you can't really see what they're doing. I wouldn't watch those. I get annoyed by the streamer stopping what they're saying/doing to say thanks to a bunch of people, or some pop-up that takes over a quarter of the screen whenever someone donates or subscribes. Some of them have sound effects, too. It's just annoying and makes me turn it off.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
See, I have no interest in the interaction. I wouldn't participate in chat, and I've seen clips of some streamers who have so much crap all over their screen that you can't really see what they're doing. I wouldn't watch those. I get annoyed by the streamer stopping what they're saying/doing to say thanks to a bunch of people, or some pop-up that takes over a quarter of the screen whenever someone donates or subscribes. Some of them have sound effects, too. It's just annoying and makes me turn it off.

And I thought I was the old man. Basically your against the social aspect of it. yeah probably stick with youtube videos makes more sense for you.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
See, I have no interest in the interaction. I wouldn't participate in chat, and I've seen clips of some streamers who have so much crap all over their screen that you can't really see what they're doing. I wouldn't watch those. I get annoyed by the streamer stopping what they're saying/doing to say thanks to a bunch of people, or some pop-up that takes over a quarter of the screen whenever someone donates or subscribes. Some of them have sound effects, too. It's just annoying and makes me turn it off.
And I thought I was the old man. Basically your against the social aspect of it. yeah probably stick with youtube videos makes more sense for you.

I'm not against the social aspect of it. I'm not interested in it, and don't like it interfering with being able to see/hear the game. Which is why I'm watching in the first place. Yes, the streamer can make the experience more fun, but if the game doesn't interest me, then I ain't watching.

captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the PS 5 to ship so I can start playing Cyberpunk and join in all the complaining.

By the time you get to play it, they might repair the most glaring bugs anyway...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the PS 5 to ship so I can start playing Cyberpunk and join in all the complaining.

I got a PS 5 for my son. Best trade ever!

*checks the Valheim*

It blinked on Steam Shop to me when I was searching for something. Looks ok, but I don't really have the spare gaming budget for it for now.

I was right!

Just a few short hours ago, I checked the Illinois "Where's My Refund?" tool to see if it had an estimate for when I would, well, get my refund. It still said "We are processing your return, check back later". Well, I just got my daily email from my bank, and it shows the refund as pending. So, once again, the refund checker tool is completely useless.

But at least I'm getting my refund. Finally. It's been, what, 6 weeks since I filed? Maybe 5?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just waiting for the PS 5 to ship so I can start playing Cyberpunk and join in all the complaining.
I got a PS 5 for my son. Best trade ever!

Fortunately it didn't come to that, I just had to go to Walmart. Which is still better than having to get it at Bestbuy.


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

All of them! Be the most you that you can be!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

You should chop the episodes up; re-edit them into a new single overarching storyline and new characterizations that will appeal to your marketing demographic; and tie everything up in ambitious all-encompassing but polysemous legalistic contracts for licensing, distribution rights, and merchandising.

(Feeling evil this morning.)

Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

Bubblegum Crisis.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

You should chop the episodes up; re-edit them into a new single overarching storyline and new characterizations that will appeal to your target demographic; and tie everything up in ambitious all-encompassing but polysemous legalistic contracts for licensing, distribution rights, and merchandising.

(Feeling evil this morning.)

Woo! Robotech!

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

Bubblegum Crisis.

Only in the summer is Bubblegum Crisis to be watched.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

You should chop the episodes up; re-edit them into a new single overarching storyline and new characterizations that will appeal to your target demographic; and tie everything up in ambitious all-encompassing but polysemous legalistic contracts for licensing, distribution rights, and merchandising.

(Feeling evil this morning.)

Woo! Robotech!

calls a certain phone number

Yes, hello, how are you? Me and my friends would like to rent a room...several of them actually. Its good. We will pay cash.

Do you have a large meeting room or anything like that? No? Well thats okay.

How are you on juice machines? Closed due to covid? Well, well muddle through.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

You should chop the episodes up; re-edit them into a new single overarching storyline and new characterizations that will appeal to your marketing demographic; and tie everything up in ambitious all-encompassing but polysemous legalistic contracts for licensing, distribution rights, and merchandising.

(Feeling evil this morning.)

Bad Slaad.


note- please queue to 1:11

sprays amby with bottle filled with water and the essence of whatever is the opposite of peppermint

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

Bubblegum Crisis.
Only in the summer is Bubblegum Crisis to be watched.

Vampire Hunter D.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Which means I need to watch a new anime that I own from my Premium collection- the shows I watch annually to keep myself...well, myself.

Should it be Macross 7, Macross Frontier, or Genesis Climber Mospeada?

YOU get to decide!

Bubblegum Crisis.
Only in the summer is Bubblegum Crisis to be watched.
Vampire Hunter D.

That is a movie, I need to watch a series.

Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
...(Feeling evil this morning.)

Bad Slaad.


note- please queue to 1:11

sprays amby with bottle filled with water and the essence of whatever is the opposite of peppermint

I love peppermint, but I really dislike spearmint. No, it doesn't make sense to me either, but taste buds dislike what they dislike. Starlight mints made from spearmint are evil.

I like wintergreen/wintermint, but I can take it or leave it.

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