Freakazoid |
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Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:To this?Scintillae wrote:has flashbacksUsed the magic of MSPaint and walked kiddo through FOIL after they lost the link to their teacher's video. Simultaneously demonstrated that writing with a mouse makes my handwriting into eldritch scribbles of Far Realm power.
sanity oozes out of ears

The Mind Flayer Mafia |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freakazoid wrote:sanity oozes out of earsFreehold DM wrote:To this?Scintillae wrote:has flashbacksUsed the magic of MSPaint and walked kiddo through FOIL after they lost the link to their teacher's video. Simultaneously demonstrated that writing with a mouse makes my handwriting into eldritch scribbles of Far Realm power.
<collects in wine glass, sips>
Oh yeah, that's the stuff. Just the right balance of dissolved cerebellum to oozing molten neural fluid. The Brainfather will love this vintage.

NobodysHome |

NobodysHome |
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So, in my youth I was a HUGE fan of bad 1950s sci-fi horror movies. In other words. ALL of them!
One of my all-time favorite movie villain lines came from 1951's The Thing From Another World, where the villainous scientist (because ALL 1950s scientists were evil) declared, "We owe it to the brain of our species to stand here and die!"
I loved it because it was SO over-the-top, SO hilarious, and SO badly acted that it had no basis in reality.
And yet today I am watching government leaders and news pundits stare seriously into the camera and declare, "We owe it to the economy of our country to stand here and die."
When reality imitates farce...

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:I'd ship you the Celica, since I'm not using it, but Impus Major would object.So, I finally get offered a job...
...that requires a car, a week or so after my car was wrecked, and I now have no vehicle...
...so I still don't have a job. Talk about bad timing.
maybe he could drive it to TVE and take the bus home?

Drejk |

NobodysHome wrote:maybe he could drive it to TVE and take the bus home?The Vagrant Erudite wrote:I'd ship you the Celica, since I'm not using it, but Impus Major would object.So, I finally get offered a job...
...that requires a car, a week or so after my car was wrecked, and I now have no vehicle...
...so I still don't have a job. Talk about bad timing.
Funny I thought about IM driving the car there too.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm always entertained by people for whom parsing English is not a primary skill.
Impus Major's Counseling Deparment: Please know that DVC is here to help you. See this link for free services including counseling, domestic violence, wi fi, ...
You know, I really don't think of "domestic violence" as a "service", myself...

Drejk |

Ok. Still here. The driver installer crashed terribly during the installation. But after reset it seems to have installed. Or so it shows in the settings.
I installed newest drivers because Warhammer 40k: Gladius - Relic Of War (turn-based 4x?! Yes, please!) was crashing with an error report asking for updated drivers.
After the update... Instead of giving an error, it showed the loading screen and then crashed requiring hard reset instead.
Another game ending in the "waiting indefinitely for a new computer" pile.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So, I love all the articles on Firefox Pocket that pop up and say, "Why is coronavirus so confusing?"
And my guess is that they didn't write, "We have such a fractured government and populace that every single group in this country is rewriting the narrative to suit their viewpoint."
I guess that's too short and not fearmongering enough.

lisamarlene |
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It's Friday, and I DON'T have to spend this weekend writing end-of-year parent-teacher conference reports, because that was LAST weekend.
And I don't have to go through boxes in the garage looking for the yukata that my daughter outgrew forever ago so she can wear it to video her end-of-the-year research project presentation on the history of Japan, because I got fed up with digging for it, cut up a twin sheet into rectangles, and sewed her a new one this week.
And I don't have to fight with my kids about cleaning their room, because after being grounded from doing anything but schoolwork for three days, they finally cleaned it today.
I actually get a freaking weekend!

The Vagrant Erudite |

So has anyone else ever had to do a video interview for a job, after a phone interview, with the exact same questions? I did for the job I recently got but didn't get. Here's the thing - it was a prerecorded interview, NOT a two-sided true interview, so I have to know...
...why bother asking me twice?

NobodysHome |

So has anyone else ever had to do a video interview for a job, after a phone interview, with the exact same questions? I did for the job I recently got but didn't get. Here's the thing - it was a prerecorded interview, NOT a two-sided true interview, so I have to know...
...why bother asking me twice?
Yeah, nope. Got nothing.
Our manager pre-screened our candidates and wanted us to ask some of the same questions, and I objected and we talked it over and figured out if we did different follow-ups or gave different reasons it might be reasonable, but we should try to avoid it.
Two interviews with the EXACT same questions, or even mostly overlap?
No idea.

Nylarthotep |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

All i can offer is a hypothetical of the following:
first person to review the audio interview wants to know your answers to see if it is worth bothering second person to consider your application.
second person is one of those people who feels that they need to see you before hiring you. Maybe you are not 'their type' (hair too long, too many tattoos, whatever it is).
So, in your case, drone #1 reviews your audio answers and says, this guy sounds like he might work. Let me kick it to SVP #2. SVP#2 either likes the questions or is too lazy to make new ones and has you do video interview so he can check you out for whatever are his triggers cause he needs to see you.
Or flip it. SVP#2 made the questions and drone #1 is too lazy to ask his own questions to see if it is worth passing you on to SVP#2.
Or nothing.

Scintillae |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

See? This is why I have been avoiding the internet. I try to catch up with some people online and then I see an american protester with a sign saying 'arbeit macht frei' and I just want to murder that person
sigh Where did I put the learnin' 10' pole? I had to put the cluex4 in storage to observe proper social distancing.

Freehold DM |

And I don't have to go through boxes in the garage looking for the yukata that my daughter outgrew forever ago so she can wear it to video her end-of-the-year research project presentation on the history of Japan, because I got fed up with digging for it, cut up a twin sheet into rectangles, and sewed her a new one this week.
Why didn't I marry you you yukata making machine?!?

![]() |

Woran wrote:See? This is why I have been avoiding the internet. I try to catch up with some people online and then I see an american protester with a sign saying 'arbeit macht frei' and I just want to murder that person... what? Where are you online?
Facebook. Its not the best of places most of the time but fairly easy to keep up with family living abroad.

Freehold DM |

Woran wrote:See? This is why I have been avoiding the internet. I try to catch up with some people online and then I see an american protester with a sign saying 'arbeit macht frei' and I just want to murder that person... what? Where are you online?
reads news today
What...the f#~*?!?
These a@+&+$%s are creating protests of their own?

NobodysHome |

See? This is why I have been avoiding the internet. I try to catch up with some people online and then I see an american protester with a sign saying 'arbeit macht frei' and I just want to murder that person
I think the most interesting part of that is just how amazingly hard it is to get any truth out of it.
AP News debunked a Pittsburg sign, but the immediate response was that the original sign was from Illinois, not Pittsburg, and the Photoshopped Pittsburg sign was just a reaction to the sign going viral.
Aaaand... nobody reliable has checked the Illinois sign yet.
Even worse than the internet alone is the internet with people who cheerfully manipulate the truth for you so you never know what's real and what isn't.

DSXMachina |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:There's DSXMachina as well...NobodysHome wrote:If not for Woran and occasional peek by LordSynos I would be the sole representative of my Continent since the rest stopped showing... (*eyes Limey* or had their compatriots decided that their island is not part of that continent).Vidmaster7 wrote:It's kind of crazy that their is 3 of us all around the Chattanooga area on the forum.Are you kidding? With Rosita no longer posting and lisamarlene having emigrated, I think I may be the only Californian left on here.
And we are 12% of the entire country's population, like it or not. I'd expect more of us to be rattling about...
I really should post more :)

lisamarlene |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm still sulking over being referred to as a "Californian", even if as a former one. Even though I spent over half my life there, it never felt like my home.
Yes, Cap is technically the only Wisconsinite. I left 32 years ago, have only been back once, and hated seeing what my hometown had become. Or maybe always had been, and it was simply the difference between viewing it as a child and as an adult. No desire to go back. Ever.
Not a Floridian. I was so happy when I finally sold my Dad's house and got the real estate agent to ship me the last of his belongings, without actually having to go back there myself.
And even though I'm a naturalized Texan, I don't feel like I belong here, either.
I'm left with the uncomfortable feeling that I don't really know how to belong much of anywhere. It could just be being massively socially awkward and either trying too hard, or burying myself in work and blowing off trying at all. Or maybe I'm just a contrary a******.

NobodysHome |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Speaking of California, we just got an email from the school district, which, summarized in brief, read, "We have no plans to open in July. Governor Newsom left the decision to open early up to each school district, and we don't know that we'll be ready to open in the Fall under the current situation, much less early. So no. Under no circumstances whatsoever will our school district be opening early."
Clear, decisive messaging. It's really all I ask, whether I agree or disagree with the decision, it's been made, and there is no argument.
Can the rest of the country please pay attention?
EDIT: Yeah, yeah. We have a bunch of loons in Southern California who are protesting the closure of the beaches, but everyone knows the sun rots your brain...

Drejk |

Limeylongears wrote:I really should post more :)Drejk wrote:There's DSXMachina as well...NobodysHome wrote:If not for Woran and occasional peek by LordSynos I would be the sole representative of my Continent since the rest stopped showing... (*eyes Limey* or had their compatriots decided that their island is not part of that continent).Vidmaster7 wrote:It's kind of crazy that their is 3 of us all around the Chattanooga area on the forum.Are you kidding? With Rosita no longer posting and lisamarlene having emigrated, I think I may be the only Californian left on here.
And we are 12% of the entire country's population, like it or not. I'd expect more of us to be rattling about...
I am sorry, who are you, again?

captain yesterday |

DSXMachina wrote:I am sorry, who are you, again?Limeylongears wrote:I really should post more :)Drejk wrote:There's DSXMachina as well...NobodysHome wrote:If not for Woran and occasional peek by LordSynos I would be the sole representative of my Continent since the rest stopped showing... (*eyes Limey* or had their compatriots decided that their island is not part of that continent).Vidmaster7 wrote:It's kind of crazy that their is 3 of us all around the Chattanooga area on the forum.Are you kidding? With Rosita no longer posting and lisamarlene having emigrated, I think I may be the only Californian left on here.
And we are 12% of the entire country's population, like it or not. I'd expect more of us to be rattling about...
Postman Pat?

lisamarlene |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm starting a petition to change our official state slogan from "Don't Mess with Texas" to "We ain't Florida, but we're fixin' to beat 'em".
Exhibit: this little news item from Austin. SMH not just for the content, or even the quoted police report stating that the ranger "could have drowned to death", but also for the reporter referring to the man as having become "fully emerged in the water".