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8 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
- wife met in college; check

Same as CY: I met GothBard in high school.

I thought I'd told the story before, but we were both performing in the high school talent show, and when I spotted her sitting all alone and looking miserable I excused myself from my friends, clambered over the chairs to her, plopped down, and started talking to her.

Yep. Haven't changed much.

We didn't start *dating* until I was in college, but she was still in high school.

Thirded in that my fiancee was in high school when we met, I was in college at the time.

That was a fun conversation.

"Graduation this weekend."
"What are you gonna do now?"
"Well, I've got college in the fall..."
"'re...not graduating college?"
"High school."

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NobodysHome wrote:

Conversations You Really Shouldn't Hear Outside Your House:

Loud Man on Cell Phone: So, I'm calling because I have a proposition for you, but it's pretty sketchy. But I think we can get away with it. So here's what I'm thinking...

Ah, yes! A public street! The perfect place to talk loudly about your nefarious plans!

Yet more proof that human stupidity solves far more crimes than human ingenuity.

I have lost count of the shady dealings I have seen go on in public. Hiding in plain sight is a thing that seems to work quite well.

Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Conversations You Really Shouldn't Hear Outside Your House:

Loud Man on Cell Phone: So, I'm calling because I have a proposition for you, but it's pretty sketchy. But I think we can get away with it. So here's what I'm thinking...

Ah, yes! A public street! The perfect place to talk loudly about your nefarious plans!

Yet more proof that human stupidity solves far more crimes than human ingenuity.

I have lost count of the shady dealings I have seen go on in public. Hiding in plain sight is a thing that seems to work quite well.

Yes, just look at [REDACTED] that motherf+*!ing [redacted][redacted][redacted]! And she's not even the President!

If you must know (and you should):
Elaine Chao

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I think we found the most uptight neighborhood to work in Sun Prairie.

Except for one guy who was super cheerful and relaxed.

captain yesterday wrote:

I think we found the most uptight neighborhood to work in Sun Prairie.

Except for one guy who was super cheerful and relaxed.

I still can't believe you dared to let a little dirt end up on his grass. How is his grass ever going to recover from that? What's next? You're going to let water fall on it too?!?!

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It's not just him, our client was texting the boss all day about all sorts of nonsense.

"One guy is sweeping up the road and other guy took off in his truck god only knows where and only a small portion of the rock is installed!" "Excellent! It sounds like they're moving forward!".

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I think we found the most uptight neighborhood to work in Sun Prairie.

Except for one guy who was super cheerful and relaxed.

I still can't believe you dared to let a little dirt end up on his grass. How is his grass ever going to recover from that? What's next? You're going to let water fall on it too?!?!

The super nice and cheerful guy, he got a free load of dirt in his driveway (so we wouldn't have to haul it fifteen miles and he needed it to ramp to his new shed).

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Lady at the north side materials yard (to co-worker): Why aren't you wearing a company shirt?

Co-worker: It's a short week so we're having casual Friday today instead

Lady (noticing I'm wearing a company shirt): What's his deal then?

Co-worker: Oh, him, he's acting casual.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We had a couple of guys get a truck "stuck" because they didn't realize it had four wheel drive.

They were going to try to pull it out with a skid loader and chain and then pull out the trailer.

We stopped them before they could do any real damage.

I had to go to a gym to pick up a friend today. While I was waiting, I decided to hop on a treadmill for a few minutes. People sure do stare at you when you do that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Today's the day the USA,
Did become the USA.
U! S! A!

Before it was the USE (Unhappy Slaves of England),
But now it is the USA,
U! S! A!

Beneath the tree of Liberty,
That growshe from shee to shining shee,
George Washington laughs: 'Ha ho hee'
Because he did defeat George Three,
He could have done it with a pea,
Instead of the Continental Army,
The army of the USA,
U! S! A!

While Richard Nixon flaps his wings and opes his mighty beak,
Grover Cleveland sits on a hedgehog and emits a squeak,
And Uncle Sam's grey goatee beard is well maintained and sleek,
As magnificent as the snow upon Mt. Rushmore's noble peaks,
Mt. Rushmore in the USA,
U! S! A!

So take the Bill of Rights and keep it safe inside your pocket,
It fits Freedom the way a two-pin plug fits its accompanying socket,
And if you have a glaring red rocket,
You should probably see a docket
A doctor in the USA!
U! S! A!
U! S! A!!!!

♫ Woah, babe, Han ewe sea ♫
♫ Why the Don's surly right? ♫
♫ Butt sew loudly she failed ♫
♫ Hat the flashlight's fast dreaming. ♫

Scarab Sages

Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking as a Californian, I've never understood the appeal of the beaches here.

Mainly because there's an arctic current that runs along our coast so the water is rarely over 60°F.

Now HAWAII has beaches, because the water is closer to 78°F so it's actually pleasant to swim and you don't freeze to death coming out of the water.

But, "Spend a day in the merciless sun, having your skin abraded by dry sand, while the salt in your swimsuit slowly dries to a sharp and painful crust," has never been my cup of tea...

Have a good old go at the North Sea - that'll give you something special to complain about. Drejk and Kjeldorn could also tell you tales about the Baltic, I imagine...

Ah, the north sea. Its maybe? 53F at the moment? It wont get much higher then that.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Of course glabal warming is a scam, because we had temperatures below freezing in the north part of the country during the night.

captain yesterday wrote:

We had a couple of guys get a truck "stuck" because they didn't realize it had four wheel drive.

They were going to try to pull it out with a skid loader and chain and then pull out the trailer.

We stopped them before they could do any real damage.

when did I start working for you?

Liberty's Edge

Constitution L. Z.Yesterday III wrote:


Today's the day the USA,
Did become the USA.
U! S! A!

Before it was the USE (Unhappy Slaves of England),
But now it is the USA,
U! S! A!

Beneath the tree of Liberty,
That growshe from shee to shining shee,
George Washington laughs: 'Ha ho hee'
Because he did defeat George Three,
He could have done it with a pea,
Instead of the Continental Army,
The army of the USA,
U! S! A!

While Richard Nixon flaps his wings and opes his mighty beak,
Grover Cleveland sits on a hedgehog and emits a squeak,
And Uncle Sam's grey goatee beard is well maintained and sleek,
As magnificent as the snow upon Mt. Rushmore's noble peaks,
Mt. Rushmore in the USA,
U! S! A!

So take the Bill of Rights and keep it safe inside your pocket,
It fits Freedom the way a two-pin plug fits its accompanying socket,
And if you have a glaring red rocket,
You should probably see a docket
A doctor in the USA!
U! S! A!
U! S! A!!!!

Ahhh, America.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

We had a couple of guys get a truck "stuck" because they didn't realize it had four wheel drive.

They were going to try to pull it out with a skid loader and chain and then pull out the trailer.

We stopped them before they could do any real damage.

when did I start working for you?

You're The Dental Student* or 50s Prison Jesus B?

You look nothing like your pictures in person.

*He likes to remind everyone as much as possible that he's only doing this to get through dental school, but then last summer he insisted he wasn't coming back for another summer, yet here he is. He also thinks he knows more than he actually does and thinks he's more important than he actually is, so I like to remind him he isn't either of those things, which REALLY pisses him off.

Dark Archive

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Morning every-FaWtL. Hope everyone is doing well today, and taking care of themselves. It's a tough auld slog out there some days, so I'll be keeping ye all in my prayers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

FOUR DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!

The General wants to see some movie called Midsummer or something, basically a horror movie about a~@~%~~s getting murdered by Shakespeare, I guess.

All I know is it's rated R which means NO KIDS which means we get to sit in the back and fool around during the gory or scary parts, just like in high school.

We saw Face/Off four times but I couldn't tell you what it's about, a buddy travel movie with Nicolas Cage, Christian Slater and John Travolta, I think...

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

On the brighter side, I had time to do an Attack on Titan marathon and finished off Season 3 last night. It had its down moments, but for the most part I'm always happy with, "OK, let's answer all the questions from Seasons 1 and 2, but then bring up a new story arc for the protagonists to have to deal with."

I really get sick and tired of any series (manga, anime, TV, or what-have-you) where the writers are so desperate to keep the main villain alive that they go out of their way to force miraculous escape after miraculous escape just so they don't have to come up with a new villain.

I was going to spoiler a few examples, but you know what I'm talking about.
"This man is irrevocably evil, has killed dozens/hundreds/my girlfriend/my kid, and is bound to kill more if I let him get away."
"Good job defeating him, then! Let's have a 5-minute dialog before finishing him off!"
"Sounds like a plan!"
<Stupidity ensues>
"Oh, gosh! Who could have conceived that THAT would have happened, and that we wouldn't have had the presence of mind to finish off the bad guy right when it started to prevent his miraculous escape?"

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

he needs a smack.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

he needs a smack.

He needs his own visit to the ER.

Doc: {looking at x-ray} "Yep, that's a Nerf gun shoved up his ass all right."

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't use a Nerf gun, they're too sturdy, not nearly enough breakage for the application.

What you want is a cheap knockoff, that'll insure they'll remember the lesson for years to come.

Of course, if you really want to scar them you gotta get Kathy Bates.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Did that NERF gun have a trigger guard by chance? I hope so. It's much more painful when the finger gets caught in the trigger guard...and then you can drag them around the room and out the door by the NERF gun...and they'll try their hardest to keep up with you, crawling as fast as they can, while you walk them out...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

The General wants to see some movie called Midsummer or something, basically a horror movie about a%!+#&#s getting murdered by Shakespeare, I guess.

All I know is it's rated R which means NO KIDS which means we get to sit in the back and fool around during the gory or scary parts, just like in high school.

We saw Face/Off four times but I couldn't tell you what it's about, a buddy travel movie with Nicolas Cage, Christian Slater and John Travolta, I think...

Midsommar. People take a trip to Sweden and end up being part of the festivities for a *cough* "pagan" *cough* murder cult.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

he needs a smack.

He needs his own visit to the ER.

Doc: {looking at x-ray} "Yep, that's a Nerf gun shoved up his ass all right."

I think you should just unleash the full hell and fury of GothBard on him. Yes, we all know that NH could kick the little turd's hindquarters into the next area code, but when he's pissed off, he just gets polite and quiet and Flanders-y. GothBard is scarier.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I am home again at last.

Thank you to all those who sent well-wishes, prayers, good vibes, internet hugs, and other messages of support and consolation over the past few weeks.

The trip went well in pretty much all ways that it could have and there were no major incidents to the contrary. The funeral and associated services were beautiful (if overly crowded for my own comfort, but hey, it's not my service) and the burial site is as good as it can be in its incomplete state. (Military cemeteries are busy as hells; my grandmother was just one of about nine people we saw in the process of being buried, marked, and having a tombstone made and installed on the day we went to visit.)

The coincidentally-overlapping family reunion was fun for what it was, a trip to the Moody Gardens and the beach at Galveston were both entertaining if exhausting, and I got to see a lot of cousins I haven't had the chance to interact with since I got into college since I don't do Facebook, and all their many, many respective offspring.

And of course there was tons and tons of excellent food.

All that said though, I am more than happy to be back home in the nice, cool bedroom with my consistent non-phone-hotspot-tethered internet and an actual bed and accompaniments rather than living out of the RV, which is nice for what it is and I could imagine making a persistent life out of living in one but it would need a lot of adjusting for me personally.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

he needs a smack.

He needs his own visit to the ER.

Doc: {looking at x-ray} "Yep, that's a Nerf gun shoved up his ass all right."

Amby! Bad! Lube first!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

The General wants to see some movie called Midsummer or something, basically a horror movie about a%!+#&#s getting murdered by Shakespeare, I guess.

All I know is it's rated R which means NO KIDS which means we get to sit in the back and fool around during the gory or scary parts, just like in high school.

We saw Face/Off four times but I couldn't tell you what it's about, a buddy travel movie with Nicolas Cage, Christian Slater and John Travolta, I think...

Midsommar. People take a trip to Sweden and end up being part of the festivities for a *cough* "pagan" *cough* murder cult.

I cant hear the word pagan without thinking of Dragnet.

Orthos wrote:

I am home again at last.

Thank you to all those who sent well-wishes, prayers, good vibes, internet hugs, and other messages of support and consolation over the past few weeks.

The trip went well in pretty much all ways that it could have and there were no major incidents to the contrary. The funeral and associated services were beautiful (if overly crowded for my own comfort, but hey, it's not my service) and the burial site is as good as it can be in its incomplete state. (Military cemeteries are busy as hells; my grandmother was just one of about nine people we saw in the process of being buried, marked, and having a tombstone made and installed on the day we went to visit.)

The coincidentally-overlapping family reunion was fun for what it was, a trip to the Moody Gardens and the beach at Galveston were both entertaining if exhausting, and I got to see a lot of cousins I haven't had the chance to interact with since I got into college since I don't do Facebook, and all their many, many respective offspring.

And of course there was tons and tons of excellent food.

All that said though, I am more than happy to be back home in the nice, cool bedroom with my consistent non-phone-hotspot-tethered internet and an actual bed and accompaniments rather than living out of the RV, which is nice for what it is and I could imagine making a persistent life out of living in one but it would need a lot of adjusting for me personally.

glad you are home safe.

I vote for tiny homes before RVs.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

he needs a smack.

He needs his own visit to the ER.

Doc: {looking at x-ray} "Yep, that's a Nerf gun shoved up his ass all right."

Amby! Bad! Lube first!


Krazy Glue is a lube, right?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Once again, Amby gets ALL the cookies today.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

he needs a smack.

He needs his own visit to the ER.

Doc: {looking at x-ray} "Yep, that's a Nerf gun shoved up his ass all right."

Amby! Bad! Lube first!


Krazy Glue is a lube, right?

you know what, at least it's better than this:

Intern: {looking at x-ray} What's that next to the Nerf gun?

Doc:{squints} that a bottle of Boy Butter?

Intern: {low whistle} That stuff ain't cheap. At least someone cared enough to use the good stuff.

Doc: Yup, still some good people in this world.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I am disturbingly close to dropping the ban hammer on one of Impus Major's friends, and of course that involves the usual, "So, if I do it, they're just going to meet up elsewhere, so why not keep him here so I can keep an eye on him?"

But this is the guy who last year pointed a Nerf gun directly at Impus Major's eye from around 12" away, then when told to stop pulled the trigger anyway, causing a near-ER visit.

Last night he had his hands on a Nerf gun again, and this time when GothBard walked into the house he pointed it point blank at her face and refused to lower it when she told him to.

Since kicking his *** is not one of my legal options, I'm telling his parents I'm not above filing assault charges (he just turned 18) if that's what it takes to get my point across.

Some people are just a**hats.

he needs a smack.

He needs his own visit to the ER.

Doc: {looking at x-ray} "Yep, that's a Nerf gun shoved up his ass all right."

Amby! Bad! Lube first!


Krazy Glue is a lube, right?

you know what, at least it's better than this:

Intern: {looking at x-ray} What's that next to the Nerf gun?

Doc:{squints} that a bottle of Boy Butter?

Intern: {low whistle} That stuff ain't cheap. At least someone cared enough to use the good stuff.

Doc: Yup, still some good people in this world.

That is exactly what I imagined after you grumbled at Amby.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got s~*$ bombed by a gull today :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


Gonna save it for work. I'm going to have soooooooooooo much content to stick on playlists when I go back next Monday, from being away for two weeks and barely checking Youtube and Netflix and everything else I usually spend all day on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"A heart to heart!? What is that!" - Chief Hopper.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
I got s+&@ bombed by a gull today :(

That's worse than my day. I applaud you, in that weird schadenfreude kind of way.

(Also, "schadenfreude" always sounds like the next VW SUV to me. "The next big thing from Volkswagen...The Schadenfreude. Seats seven, but only if you really like seeing at least three others suffer.")

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
"A heart to heart!? What is that!" - Chief Hopper.

Stranger Things would be a more entertaining show if Hellboy was Chief of the Hawkins PD.

Woran wrote:
I got s%*@ bombed by a gull today :(

that's good luck, or a sign that you are about to undertake a journey.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Woran wrote:
I got s+&@ bombed by a gull today :(

That's worse than my day. I applaud you, in that weird schadenfreude kind of way.

(Also, "schadenfreude" always sounds like the next VW SUV to me. "The next big thing from Volkswagen...The Schadenfreude. Seats seven, but only if you really like seeing at least three others suffer.")

I died laughing.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Woran wrote:
I got s+&@ bombed by a gull today :(

That's worse than my day. I applaud you, in that weird schadenfreude kind of way.

(Also, "schadenfreude" always sounds like the next VW SUV to me. "The next big thing from Volkswagen...The Schadenfreude. Seats seven, but only if you really like seeing at least three others suffer.")

I died laughing.

So, it's like riding in a car with my brothers.

Guess who got to ride in the hatchback.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I have to wait until the bbq is over and i get the kids to bed.

lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I have to wait until the bbq is over and i get the kids to bed.

I never finished season 1.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I have to wait until the bbq is over and i get the kids to bed.
I never finished season 1.

You should, it gets better the further you get into the season.

Scarab Sages

So much to do today. So little time.

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