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Eh everyone deals with that stuff differently. My Dad died of liver cancer about oh 3 year ago now. (Drinking all his life)
My update on whats been going on with me:
My grandma and grandpa both got in a car accident last November and it eventually took them both. for perspective my grandpa basically raised me for the first 13 years of my life.

On the plus side I am an uncle now. Sister baby is doing really well, and she's adorable.

Oh and my doctor says my blood sugar is way to high and I am on a diet now.

So its been a pretty crazy time for me right now.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Well this hasn't been a great night so far. Got in the car to come to work, it wouldn't start. Had to call a tow truck for a jump, pay $70. Hopefully it starts in the morning (I let it run for about 20 minutes after I got to work), so I can take it to get tested. With my luck that means I'll need to buy a new battery. No idea why it was low on charge. I hadn't left any lights on or anything. Then I finally get to work and check the schedule for the week. I was supposed to be taking some vacation time next weekend, I put in for it over 6 weeks ago, but find that not only do I not get the time off, but they have screwed with my normal schedule. Which means that I won't get to go with my parents on our annual trip for Dad's birthday, but that all my other plans for the week are screwed.


Acks. That really s*cks >< I feel sorry for you. Anyone to complain to?

*Gets dressed*

Sure. I could complain to the manager or the assistant manager, but since they're the ones who f*#%ed me in the first place, it's unlikely to help.

You should still mention it they might have just forgotten.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Well this hasn't been a great night so far. Got in the car to come to work, it wouldn't start. Had to call a tow truck for a jump, pay $70. Hopefully it starts in the morning (I let it run for about 20 minutes after I got to work), so I can take it to get tested. With my luck that means I'll need to buy a new battery. No idea why it was low on charge. I hadn't left any lights on or anything. Then I finally get to work and check the schedule for the week. I was supposed to be taking some vacation time next weekend, I put in for it over 6 weeks ago, but find that not only do I not get the time off, but they have screwed with my normal schedule. Which means that I won't get to go with my parents on our annual trip for Dad's birthday, but that all my other plans for the week are screwed.


Acks. That really s*cks >< I feel sorry for you. Anyone to complain to?

*Gets dressed*

Sure. I could complain to the manager or the assistant manager, but since they're the ones who f*#%ed me in the first place, it's unlikely to help.
You should still mention it they might have just forgotten.

As it so happens, I sent a rather lengthy text to the assistant manager this morning detailing my anger. The response I got was basically "Oh yeah, we forgot you asked for those days off, but you wouldn't have gotten them anyways because there's an event that weekend. You shouldn't have even bothered asking, really, because it's marked on the blackout dates calendar we posted."

They posted the blackout dates about a week after I submitted my request.

And my car didn't start this morning, so after a jump from a coworker I went and spent $80 putting a new battery in it. Yay.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I bought a new rifle and took it to the range, but it wouldn't fire. Now I need to read the Trouble Shooting section of the manual.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Well this hasn't been a great night so far. Got in the car to come to work, it wouldn't start. Had to call a tow truck for a jump, pay $70. Hopefully it starts in the morning (I let it run for about 20 minutes after I got to work), so I can take it to get tested. With my luck that means I'll need to buy a new battery. No idea why it was low on charge. I hadn't left any lights on or anything. Then I finally get to work and check the schedule for the week. I was supposed to be taking some vacation time next weekend, I put in for it over 6 weeks ago, but find that not only do I not get the time off, but they have screwed with my normal schedule. Which means that I won't get to go with my parents on our annual trip for Dad's birthday, but that all my other plans for the week are screwed.


Acks. That really s*cks >< I feel sorry for you. Anyone to complain to?

*Gets dressed*

Sure. I could complain to the manager or the assistant manager, but since they're the ones who f*#%ed me in the first place, it's unlikely to help.
You should still mention it they might have just forgotten.

As it so happens, I sent a rather lengthy text to the assistant manager this morning detailing my anger. The response I got was basically "Oh yeah, we forgot you asked for those days off, but you wouldn't have gotten them anyways because there's an event that weekend. You shouldn't have even bothered asking, really, because it's marked on the blackout dates calendar we posted."

They posted the blackout dates about a week after I submitted my request.

Time to put some applications in IMO.

At a parole hearing:
Parole Officer:"So, why should we let you out early?"
Inmate: "Well, bec-"
Parole Officer: *interrupting* "What was that?"
Inmate: "I think that I have-"
Parole Officer: *interrupting* "Speak up, man!"
Inmate: *exasperated* "Look, can I please just finish my sentence?"
Parole Officer: "Sure. Parole denied."

gran rey de los mono wrote:
And my car didn't start this morning, so after a jump from a coworker I went and spent $80 putting a new battery in it. Yay.

That sucks, gran. Sorry to hear that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I bought a new rifle and took it to the range, but it wouldn't fire. Now I need to read the Trouble Shooting section of the manual.

So I didn't think this one was a joke at first but I think I got it. and I think the one above it isn't but I'm not 100%

gran rey de los mono wrote:

At a parole hearing:

Parole Officer:"So, why should we let you out early?"
Inmate: "Well, bec-"
Parole Officer: *interrupting* "What was that?"
Inmate: "I think that I have-"
Parole Officer: *interrupting* "Speak up, man!"
Inmate: *exasperated* "Look, can I please just finish my sentence?"
Parole Officer: "Sure. Parole denied."

I'm actually not sure about this one, It could be an actual copy of a conversation at one of those from what I hear they tend to be jerks.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I bought a new rifle and took it to the range, but it wouldn't fire. Now I need to read the Trouble Shooting section of the manual.
So I didn't think this one was a joke at first but I think I got it. and I think the one above it isn't but I'm not 100%

One of those was probably a joke.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I bought a new rifle and took it to the range, but it wouldn't fire. Now I need to read the Trouble Shooting section of the manual.
So I didn't think this one was a joke at first but I think I got it. and I think the one above it isn't but I'm not 100%
One of those was probably a joke.

As long as one of them wasn't I think I have a pretty good idea which is which.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I bought a new rifle and took it to the range, but it wouldn't fire. Now I need to read the Trouble Shooting section of the manual.
So I didn't think this one was a joke at first but I think I got it. and I think the one above it isn't but I'm not 100%
One of those was probably a joke.
As long as one of them wasn't I think I have a pretty good idea which is which.

Unless I was lying.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I bought a new rifle and took it to the range, but it wouldn't fire. Now I need to read the Trouble Shooting section of the manual.
So I didn't think this one was a joke at first but I think I got it. and I think the one above it isn't but I'm not 100%
One of those was probably a joke.
As long as one of them wasn't I think I have a pretty good idea which is which.
Unless I was lying.

That is a good point.

I also found out today that my brother has diverticulitis. Our Dad had it and eventually had part of his large intestine removed. But the medicine they gave my brother to clear out the infection also killed off the good bacteria in his gut. So now he's dealing with that.

I imagine that would slow down his digestive process greatly what do they do to help him get better from that?

Not really sure. Probably have him eat foods that are easy to digest and wait for it to recover. Or possibly a fecal transplant.

Well their is two words that I never expected to see together.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Well their is two words that I never expected to see together.

*there are

6 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Well their is two words that I never expected to see together.
*there are

Prove it. TBH I'm extremely tired of that s@~$.

The Exchange

Vidmaster7 wrote:

Eh everyone deals with that stuff differently. My Dad died of liver cancer about oh 3 year ago now. (Drinking all his life)

My update on whats been going on with me:
My grandma and grandpa both got in a car accident last November and it eventually took them both. for perspective my grandpa basically raised me for the first 13 years of my life.

On the plus side I am an uncle now. Sister baby is doing really well, and she's adorable.

Oh and my doctor says my blood sugar is way to high and I am on a diet now.

So its been a pretty crazy time for me right now.

Sorry about your grandparents. My sympathies for your loss.

The Exchange

Well so my search for more fibre continues…I tried Lotus Root but it’s more calorific(106 calories for 5.1 g of fibre) then broccoli or cauliflower. I am not so keen on broccoli as it contains 31% of Vitamin A for RDI, which means if I were to eat too much of it (hint, you’re supposed to take 25g of fibre per day), so you’d need about 485g of broccoli, which would add up to 150% vitamin A for RDI. I think I may need to go for Cauliflowers instead since they have no vitamin A so at least I won’t overdose. But 900g of Cauliflower sounds like a LOT to eat. Even if I AM a vegetable eating monster.

Now I could go around eating Asian pears(4.4 g fibre per pop), but they aren't very cheap either...

Also, VIdmaster7 – want me to look through your diet? I’ve been doing experiments on myself since last November.

The Exchange

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Not really sure. Probably have him eat foods that are easy to digest and wait for it to recover. Or possibly a fecal transplant.

Does Yakult or Vitagen work?

Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Not really sure. Probably have him eat foods that are easy to digest and wait for it to recover. Or possibly a fecal transplant.
Does Yakult or Vitagen work?

I have no idea.

What would you rather see: 1 horse-sized duck, or 10 duck-sized horses?

The Exchange

The other way to get to it is to consume lotus root raw, but again there’s a risk of parasites.

1 Horse sized duck because I think its delicious. 10 duck sized horses aren't going to be very useful...

Hi, everyone.

Just a Mort wrote:

The other way to get to it is to consume lotus root raw, but again there’s a risk of parasites.

1 Horse sized duck because I think its delicious. 10 duck sized horses aren't going to be very useful...

Useful? I'm pretty sure they would make a great attraction at a petting zoo.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone.

Hi, Dr. Nick!

Sorry, gran. I happen to be sober right now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

G'mornin', John!
G'mornin', FaWtL!

The nine straight hours of ballet rehearsals and performances were a little much, but in the end, the kids did a great job and were so happy. And it only happens once a year, unless they happen to get cast in the Nutcracker next winter (they have to audition for that one).

I'm happy because it's faculty appreciation week at my school, and our Parents Association take it VERY seriously... breakfast tacos tomorrow, chair massages Wednesday, and a big lunch on Friday.

Scarab Sages

Vanykrye wrote:

Yes, I'm sure I am. Sorry for the times you are currently living through, Sharoth.

Saw Endgame twice (decent dinner and then the movie with Aiymi on Friday, then saw it again with Zelda on Saturday afternoon and a fantastic dinner afterwards).

Since Beltane is May 1st, and Zelda is an openly practicing Pagan and is a local event coordinator for the Pagan community, I was helping her get ready for her Beltane ritual she scheduled for this afternoon for the area Pagans.

Unfortunately, after we got the large, heavy, wooden post that we got for her Maypole up on the roof rack of her car, she clocked herself in the head on it - walked right into it - and gave herself a mild concussion.

I got all the Beltane ritual supplies out to the location and we lined up someone else to lead it for her, and then I got her to the ER as a precaution. Head CT scan was clean, but she has all the classic symptoms of a mild concussion. She's going to be fine, but concussions really suck.

Personally I've had seven of them. I wish one on very few people.

I've had five concussions. All of them when I was young. Not fun.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi, LM!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Morning every-FaWtL! Hope everyone is well today, had a good weekend, and has a great day ahead. For anyone who hasn't, I things improve as the week goes on, I'll be wishing ye all well.

I've had a couple of concussions, the last one while working on my car when the hood slammed my head into the battery terminals.

That was about 16 years ago.

Scarab Sages

I could use a nap

The Exchange

I'm living on mango sugar rush at the moment so my energy levels are normal for now. What happened was I popped over at my aunts place to deliver apples, saw two overripe mangoes in the fridge, failed a will save and promptly ate one up.(The mango had like a big eat me sign on top of it, or at least it seemed to me that way).

5 grapes also ended up as part of the collateral damage.

I don’t know ‘bout y’all, but I’m ‘bout ready to sleep.

Hope you’re all doing well!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Both of my concussions were *really* stupid.

1) Late for work, loading baby, toddler, diaper bag, and all my stuff into the car. Turn around and stand quickly to put last bag into the car, and whack my temple on the corner of the open car door. Fall over. Toddler in carseat starts screaming at mommy lying in gravel driveway with bleeding head wound. Baby starts screaming, too.
Still had to go to work and teach all day while hurting and dizzy, because no substitutes at that school.
Good times.

2) Trying to get 18"w, 4"d metal saute pan down from highest shelf in kitchen to make adobo for dinner. Standing on spindly 3' high stool. Tug pan free. I fall off stool. Head hits floor. Pan hits head. Bleeding head wound. Dogs come in and start prodding me with their noses. Thought: "So this is how I died, trying to make dinner, bleeding on my kitchen floor, eventually eaten by my collies."
Bonus: housemate walks in, says, "Why didn't you just ask for help?"
Housemate is one inch shorter than I am.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've had one or two concussions, which is not surprising, seeing as one of my hobbies involves other people swinging heavy metal objects at my head. I also enjoy swordfighting.

And we used to do maypole dancing at primary school, just before dressing up as horned badgers and immolating war captives in a giant wicker crow.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Since I don’t know how you are doing (FaWtL is still just a blank screen for some reason, even if the rest of the forums are loading fine) I’ll tell you how I am!


But this weekend rocked it! Saw my brother in law and his wife; my wife and I stayed with them for two nights while the boys stayed with my parents! We saw Ant Man & Wasp, Captain Marvel, and End Game!

End Game is not my favorite Marvel film. It is not the “best” Marvel film (though End Game’s existence kiiiiiinda makes that a meaningless distinction). It is the “ultimate” Marvel film. There are cultural and social and filmmaking genius touches all throughout the film. It truly does draw together 11 years and 22 films. It also manages to do so in a way that both feels earned, and reasonable, at least for the world as it has built itself up to be.

As of the film in the game, I feel that the Marvel franchise ceases to be a franchise of individual films, and becomes a series. Rather, it feels like all of the marvel films to date are part of a single chapter, and asking which film is the best is more a kin to asking, “which page of such and such a chapter is the best?”

The brilliance of the filmmakers in both understanding their audience, or, rather, I should say the various different audiences that follow the series, to different extent, and the way that most of those audiences will interact with their film, is genuinely excellent filmmaking. There are no ads to moments within the comic books that do not require you to have ever heard or understood or read or even be associated with any of the comics. But if you are, you Almost cannot miss them because of how well framed and done they are. That said, End Game absolutely requires you to have seen all twenty-two films to get the greatest impact from it (except maybe that Hulk film). If you’ve seen none of the others, it’s still quite the spectacle film. If you’ve seen only some of the others, that’s okay - especially Ant Man, Iron Man 2, Captain Marvel, and Thor 1 can be skipped - you get most of IM2 from other films, while Thor, AM and CM are just introducing their characters (though they are pretty fun). Technically, if you’re up on everyone, you don’t even need anything prior to the first Avengers, though I’d recommend all 22 for the greatest impact. And, yes, I apologize, but that includes Thor 2. I’m sorry. It just... it just does.

The nuances of storytelling they place in the film to cram an impossible amount into three hours is shocking, and more is revealed upon reflection. I don’t know when I’ll have the opportunity, but I will need to see the film again - multiple times, if possible - to appreciate it all.

I will say, there are multiple “things” (moments, call-backs, shots, events, etc.) which, were they in a different movie, would be “the” thing you walk away talking about. “You remember when X happened?!” This movie has far, far too many of those. By the end, I’d forgotten several of what would have undoubtedly been my favorite moments in other films - because of all the other fantastic moments in this film, they were simply too much to retain!

I loved the film, and it does, quite successfully, draw the end of an era to a close. I don’t think we will ever witness a feat like it again in our lifetime.

It was good.

And then we picked up the boys and came home. School daaaayyyyy!

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If I'm remembering right...let's see...

One in junior high...tripped over my Slave I toy while getting on to the couch, and put my head through the wall.

One was from my uncle (mom's youngest brother) - we were playing catch and the sun was going down. We should have stopped about 5 minutes earlier as the light was dropping. I put my glove up and then watched the ball all the way into my eye socket. He was in the Cubs' minor league system for three years. He didn't throw as soft to my cousin and I as other adults typically would.

High School Football.

High School Football.

High School Football.

High School Football.

Climbed a ladder that had been set for a shorter individual and I clocked my head on a steel railing that was part of an overhead cable management tray. Whole thing was bolted into concrete. It really wasn't going anywhere.

Oh: you do not, broadly speaking, need to watch End Game to justify pretty much any of the Marvel films (except maybe Thor 2; that one needs some justification). End Game, in the other hand, pretty much needs the other films. I mean, “obviously,” I suppose, but it requires them in a way that is more significant than most other films - even most other Marvel ensemble films.

Just in case that wasn’t clear.

As I can’t edit (FaWtL/my phone interacting, I’m guessing) I want to clarify that the review, above, is spoiler-free. A bit late, but basically, you don’t have to worry about specific spoilers!

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Limeylongears wrote:
I've had one or two concussions, which is not surprising, seeing as one of my hobbies involves other people swinging heavy metal objects at my head. I also enjoy swordfighting.

I'm not sure how, but somehow I never got one during all of my years of martial arts training.



Eight. Dammit. Heavy aluminum nunchuku to the base of the skull. I went to catch the swinging chuk in my armpit and instead caught the chain, so the tip of the nunchuku then swung up and tagged me in the vision center. The whole world suddenly and violently tilted/rotated about 30 degrees to the left, and then I fell down.

Interestingly enough, after 3 years of high-intensity full-contact training (Tae Kwon Do), somewhere around 5 years of low-intensity training (Aikido), 17 years of bicycle commuting, and 25 years of backpacking, I have ended up with -0- concussions.

I guess I just have a thick skull.

The Exchange

Don't think I've ever gotten one before either.

I have yet to have a concussion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

"So this is how I died, trying to make dinner, bleeding on my kitchen floor, eventually eaten by my collies."

Bonus: housemate walks in, says, "Why didn't you just ask for help?"
Housemate is one inch shorter than I am.

this was totally not my reaction to this quote

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

"So this is how I died, trying to make dinner, bleeding on my kitchen floor, eventually eaten by my collies."

Bonus: housemate walks in, says, "Why didn't you just ask for help?"
Housemate is one inch shorter than I am.
this was totally not my reaction to this quote

First thing that went through my mind was from American Gods.

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