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Just a Mort wrote:You could add a bit of beef to the broccoli for a tasty dish and some extra iron.Could work. It's also pretty good for vitamin C, but I don't think you can overdose vitamin C that easily. 90g gives 4% daily iron intake so that'd still be a lot required. But it's low in calories and quite portable.
And we just proved the bean experiment. My colleagues passed me a bowl of Red bean soup. I took it all, it was delicious and just now I went to the restroom. See what I mean? Beans never fail to disappoint when I'm trying to pass motion.
Maybe when I get to my BFs house because my mom has a rule of no bringing beef into the house. Also I don't like eating beef much because I feel its environmentally unfriendly. That's part of the reason I'm trying to shift to plant proteins. Because I'm freaking consuming double of daily recommendation so that's a lot of animals killed adding up =(
*sighs and gets dressed*

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The reason why I feel beef is environmentally unfriendly is due to its high feed conversion ratio compared to other meats. As in you could have more meat from other animals compared to cows for the same amount of feed. And all that greenhouse gasses as well.
I like beef, I really do, but again I'm an eat anything type of cat, so I could probably swop out animal proteins without too many issues.

Limeylongears |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I would love to get my hands on an old 40's or early 50's military motorcycle, something like a Zündapp KS 750 with no sidecar or maybe a Indian 841...
But the chances of one of those in a working condition, outside of private collections or museums, within anything near affordability is slim to none.
One of my friends has decided to buy a non-functional 1969s Soviet military motorbike, restore it to working condition, then ride it aaall the way across Europe from Poland to the UK. The best of British luck to him...
I have seen the John Carter of Mars RPG, yes - the hardback's around £40, which is a fair wad, so I'll want to look it over before buying it, but the PDF's £15. Still, nice to see someone bring one out!

Sharoth |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's all that chemo. The only thing you can do is to see if she's getting enough iron, folate and B-12. Did they test if the low platelet count was due to any of these?
I agree that the chemotherapy is the most likely suspect. I will try to make sure that she gets those.

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Just a Mort wrote:It's all that chemo. The only thing you can do is to see if she's getting enough iron, folate and B-12. Did they test if the low platelet count was due to any of these?I agree that the chemotherapy is the most likely suspect. I will try to make sure that she gets those.
Use supplements if you have to - the problem with chemo is that it kills your appetite. Just when your body needs those nutrients most.

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Kjeldorn wrote:Sit dont. I promise this wont hurt.Woran wrote:Used tie rips to tie my collegue to his chair.
Because he said I wouldnt do it.Huh...
So...*Digs through his stuff for 'bondage 101', some rope, a gag-ball and some lube*
"You clearly wouldn't dare…"
It wouldn't hurt Woran =P
Kjeldorn...I'm not so sure ^^

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just a Mort wrote:Lest this become Mort's Mom Bashing, I will be the first to admit that my own mom has come out with some grade-A blithering idiocy from time to time. You should have heard the arguments in our house over the history of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers grape boycotts, or Nestle, Nike, et. al., child labor, and wage equity. My mom's problem is that (up until my last, wonderful stepdad, who was a fine and worthy human being) she mostly dated ignorant bigots and believed whatever they told her to believe. Not really good at thinking for herself, until she decided she was entirely done with men, and a couple of horses was good enough for her from here on out.More of my moms irritational beliefs:
Black is an inauspicious colour so you can't wear black.
You shouldnt drink cold milk or eat cold fruits.
The Caucasians can drink cold milk because they eat beef.
...where's the scientific proof in all that?
Also I have yet to see a cut fruit stall not serve their fruit cold in our 29 degree weather. Not cold fruit doesn't keep, period. You'd rather I risk a stomach ache by leaving cut fruit out in the heat? What the hell, mom?
your mom was pro child labor and anti wage equity?

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Woran wrote:Kjeldorn wrote:Sit dont. I promise this wont hurt.Woran wrote:Used tie rips to tie my collegue to his chair.
Because he said I wouldnt do it.Huh...
So...*Digs through his stuff for 'bondage 101', some rope, a gag-ball and some lube*
"You clearly wouldn't dare…"
It wouldn't hurt Woran =P
Kjeldorn...I'm not so sure ^^
I think he'd be disappointed if it didnt...

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gods, I just need to vent.
NobodysHome: Hey, tech writer! Where can I find documentation on this? Customers will need to know!
Tech Writer: You're right! It's missing! Please file a doc bug!
(one month passes)
Writing Team: Can you please elaborate on this?
(NH, wondering how you elaborate on, "This content is missing," does his best)
Tech Writer: I don't understand! Why are you recommending adding this content? Weren't we told not to include it? Why are you causing trouble?
(NH ponders sending obscenity-laden tirade to tech writer. If you didn't want me to file a bug in the first place, WTF did you ask me to?)

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We have VOIP phones where you log in with your personal numer. If you dont log in, the phone works fine, you just can call outside numbers.
Lady calls she cant be reached. I see by her number she's nog logged in. I tell her to. She claims she never had to do that before.
Lady, its been like this for six years. You have to log in on your phone every morning. Just own up to forgetting to do it this morning.

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Just a Mort wrote:Got my free train ticket for 20 squatsThat's it.
I am doing my centuries again.
What is a century?

NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sometimes being Lawful is its own reward.
The construction company that caused me such stress has started moving their work into Albany. As far as I know, they still don't have permission to work here. So I went ahead and reported them to the city's public works manager, who's already pretty peeved with them.
Should be entertaining!

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Aren't the Hounds of Tindalos the ones that police time? I may be misremembering.
True, those do too, but so do Bythos Aeons.
The bythos are guardians of time and planar travel—indeed, to bythos, the act of aging is nothing more than a highly specialized method of travel. Although bythos themselves have no additional method of traveling through time, they scour the multiverse, hunting for creatures that do have the ability to time-travel and may have abused this ability.

Vanykrye |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

LordSynos wrote:Aren't the Hounds of Tindalos the ones that police time? I may be misremembering.True, those do too, but so do Bythos Aeons.
Bythos aeon wrote:The bythos are guardians of time and planar travel—indeed, to bythos, the act of aging is nothing more than a highly specialized method of travel. Although bythos themselves have no additional method of traveling through time, they scour the multiverse, hunting for creatures that do have the ability to time-travel and may have abused this ability.
*May have* abused this ability. Keep that in mind. "You *might* have eaten a chocolate bar. You are therefore guilty and must be executed."
Completely related in an unrelated, seasonal way:
"You *probably* bought something on the internet and *probably* didn't pay tax on it, therefore you owe the State of Illinois $44 use tax on your tax-free internet purchases that we have absolutely zero proof you even made."

Kjeldorn |
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For COMPANIONSHIP. The horses were just for companionship. Sheesh.
And good companionship they usually give...I do love my horsey nuzzles and kisses.
Though if we're goin to follow this 'below the belt' line of thought, Its a bit depressing that I've probably gotten more attention from mares in heat, then from females of my own species.…
I'm something of a pitiful and lonely sad sack…(which doesn't exactly come across as particularly attractive or fascinating to the opposite sex).
Kjeldorn wrote:Sit down. I promise this wont hurt.Woran wrote:Used tie rips to tie my collegue to his chair.
Because he said I wouldnt do it.Huh...
So...*Digs through his stuff for 'bondage 101', some rope, a gag-ball and some lube*
"You clearly wouldn't dare…"
*Translated from gag-speak*
"Can I do you (bondage-wise) afterwards Mistress Woran?..."
*Gives Woran big wet puppy-eyes*
Just a Mort wrote:I think he'd be disappointed if it didnt...Woran wrote:Kjeldorn wrote:Sit dont. I promise this wont hurt.Woran wrote:Used tie rips to tie my collegue to his chair.
Because he said I wouldnt do it.Huh...
So...*Digs through his stuff for 'bondage 101', some rope, a gag-ball and some lube*
"You clearly wouldn't dare…"
It wouldn't hurt Woran =P
Kjeldorn...I'm not so sure ^^
I kind of have a fairly low pain-threshold, even given the fact that I have a rather rough and tumble job were bruises and scrapes are a daily occurrence.
Heck some of my colleagues have commented on my perceived wimpiness onoccasions.
Though when pain and pleasure meet...well that's quite another matter ^^
If my recording is correct, today is day 666 of my sobriety.
Seems like an appropriate day to fall to temptation if there ever was one! :-P
Aren't the Hounds of Tindalos the ones that police time? I may be misremembering.
Yea, I remember something about them being attracted to (or rather hunting) people who have crossed or peered into time...
Well, Mom's surgery has been postponed at least a week. Her platelet count was too low. It was 72k and they want it over 100k.
Hope she gets ready for her surgery soon.
Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:What is a century?Just a Mort wrote:Got my free train ticket for 20 squatsThat's it.
I am doing my centuries again.
when I was young and beautiful, I used to do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 trunk raises, and 100 squats a day, along with a large number of leg raises(I was working to 100 but that was VERY painful). This was on top of my martial arts exercises every day.
I don't think I can do EVERYTHING, but I think I can work my way into a semblance of shape.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just a Mort wrote:LordSynos wrote:Aren't the Hounds of Tindalos the ones that police time? I may be misremembering.True, those do too, but so do Bythos Aeons.
Bythos aeon wrote:The bythos are guardians of time and planar travel—indeed, to bythos, the act of aging is nothing more than a highly specialized method of travel. Although bythos themselves have no additional method of traveling through time, they scour the multiverse, hunting for creatures that do have the ability to time-travel and may have abused this ability.
*May have* abused this ability. Keep that in mind. "You *might* have eaten a chocolate bar. You are therefore guilty and must be executed."
Completely related in an unrelated, seasonal way:
"You *probably* bought something on the internet and *probably* didn't pay tax on it, therefore you owe the State of Illinois $44 use tax on your tax-free internet purchases that we have absolutely zero proof you even made."
if you, of all people, didnt buy something on the internet, then I will eat my hat.

lisamarlene |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Just a Mort wrote:Lest this become Mort's Mom Bashing, I will be the first to admit that my own mom has come out with some grade-A blithering idiocy from time to time. You should have heard the arguments in our house over the history of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers grape boycotts, or Nestle, Nike, et. al., child labor, and wage equity. My mom's problem is that (up until my last, wonderful stepdad, who was a fine and worthy human being) she mostly dated ignorant bigots and believed whatever they told her to believe. Not really good at thinking for herself, until she decided she was entirely done with men, and a couple of horses was good enough for her from here on out.More of my moms irritational beliefs:
Black is an inauspicious colour so you can't wear black.
You shouldnt drink cold milk or eat cold fruits.
The Caucasians can drink cold milk because they eat beef.
...where's the scientific proof in all that?
Also I have yet to see a cut fruit stall not serve their fruit cold in our 29 degree weather. Not cold fruit doesn't keep, period. You'd rather I risk a stomach ache by leaving cut fruit out in the heat? What the hell, mom?
your mom was pro child labor and anti wage equity?
"If you try to force the companies to pay those kids on the same scale they pay U.S. workers, most of them will lose their jobs, and their families probably need that money. Would you want them to go hungry?"
I'm not going to go any further into it because politics, flaming bikes, etc. It was not a happy conversation.
Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:if you, of all people, didnt buy something on the internet, then I will eat my hat.Just a Mort wrote:LordSynos wrote:Aren't the Hounds of Tindalos the ones that police time? I may be misremembering.True, those do too, but so do Bythos Aeons.
Bythos aeon wrote:The bythos are guardians of time and planar travel—indeed, to bythos, the act of aging is nothing more than a highly specialized method of travel. Although bythos themselves have no additional method of traveling through time, they scour the multiverse, hunting for creatures that do have the ability to time-travel and may have abused this ability.
*May have* abused this ability. Keep that in mind. "You *might* have eaten a chocolate bar. You are therefore guilty and must be executed."
Completely related in an unrelated, seasonal way:
"You *probably* bought something on the internet and *probably* didn't pay tax on it, therefore you owe the State of Illinois $44 use tax on your tax-free internet purchases that we have absolutely zero proof you even made."
That's not relevant. Sure, you're completely right, but it's not relevant.
It's in the Illinois State Income Tax forms. It's kind of like the standard deduction versus itemizing on the federal form. They *assume* you've made purchases on the internet and the site did not collect sales tax, or it was located in a state with lower sales tax rates than Illinois and demand you pay the difference. So they figure a certain percentage of your income went to online shopping, then they take a percentage of that. Now, if you want, you can "itemize" that use tax. If you can produce every receipt from every internet purchase you made and show sales tax was paid, you can recalculate how much you should owe in the state's internet use tax. Of course, if you just produce one or two receipts for a given year, it's likely to throw a flag for auditing. That's everybody's goal in life, right there.
See, my problems are multitude. First, it doesn't matter who you are, if you live in the state of Illinois they literally make an assumption of your spending habits and tax you based on those assumptions, regardless of facts.
Secondly, providing facts to countermand their assumption falls on you (as normal in this republic), but if you honestly did a grand total of zero purchases on a website then you have no way to prove you didn't do it. Those people do exist. Like my mother-in-law. She's terrified of online purchasing ("I don't want them having my credit card!") and refuses to buy anything online. If she lived in Illinois she'd be taxed on purchases she never made. Even if you only made one internet based purchase for the year, and you paid sales tax on it, and that tax rate was at least equal to Illinois' rate, they very well may audit you to comb through your bank accounts to see if you're lying about how many purchases you made.
There is literally no justification for this. It's virtual highway banditry.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:lisamarlene wrote:Just a Mort wrote:Lest this become Mort's Mom Bashing, I will be the first to admit that my own mom has come out with some grade-A blithering idiocy from time to time. You should have heard the arguments in our house over the history of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers grape boycotts, or Nestle, Nike, et. al., child labor, and wage equity. My mom's problem is that (up until my last, wonderful stepdad, who was a fine and worthy human being) she mostly dated ignorant bigots and believed whatever they told her to believe. Not really good at thinking for herself, until she decided she was entirely done with men, and a couple of horses was good enough for her from here on out.More of my moms irritational beliefs:
Black is an inauspicious colour so you can't wear black.
You shouldnt drink cold milk or eat cold fruits.
The Caucasians can drink cold milk because they eat beef.
...where's the scientific proof in all that?
Also I have yet to see a cut fruit stall not serve their fruit cold in our 29 degree weather. Not cold fruit doesn't keep, period. You'd rather I risk a stomach ache by leaving cut fruit out in the heat? What the hell, mom?
your mom was pro child labor and anti wage equity?
"If you try to force the companies to pay those kids on the same scale they pay U.S. workers, most of them will lose their jobs, and their families probably need that money. Would you want them to go hungry?"
I'm not going to go any further into it because politics, flaming bikes, etc. It was not a happy conversation.
I have heard those arguements before.

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Woran wrote:Kjeldorn wrote:Sit down. I promise this wont hurt.Woran wrote:Used tie rips to tie my collegue to his chair.
Because he said I wouldnt do it.Huh...
So...*Digs through his stuff for 'bondage 101', some rope, a gag-ball and some lube*
"You clearly wouldn't dare…"
*Translated from gag-speak*
"Can I do you (bondage-wise) afterwards Mistress Woran?..."
*Gives Woran big wet puppy-eyes*
Hush. Its impolite to speak with your mouth full. Looks like I have to teach you some manners.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Vanykrye wrote:if you, of all people, didnt buy something on the internet, then I will eat my hat.Just a Mort wrote:LordSynos wrote:Aren't the Hounds of Tindalos the ones that police time? I may be misremembering.True, those do too, but so do Bythos Aeons.
Bythos aeon wrote:The bythos are guardians of time and planar travel—indeed, to bythos, the act of aging is nothing more than a highly specialized method of travel. Although bythos themselves have no additional method of traveling through time, they scour the multiverse, hunting for creatures that do have the ability to time-travel and may have abused this ability.
*May have* abused this ability. Keep that in mind. "You *might* have eaten a chocolate bar. You are therefore guilty and must be executed."
Completely related in an unrelated, seasonal way:
"You *probably* bought something on the internet and *probably* didn't pay tax on it, therefore you owe the State of Illinois $44 use tax on your tax-free internet purchases that we have absolutely zero proof you even made."That's not relevant. Sure, you're completely right, but it's not relevant.
** spoiler omitted **...
Is this a good time to mention that I don't own a hat?
clicks spoiler
Yes, yes it is.
Jesus. Not just behind the times but proudly so- and making a mint while doing it.
It reminds me of old school cons where you were smart to buy at the booth because buying online saw dramatic "shipping" rate increases to cover tax costs...

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kjeldorn wrote:Hush. Its impolite to speak with your mouth full. Looks like I have to teach you some manners.
Woran wrote:Kjeldorn wrote:Sit down. I promise this wont hurt.Woran wrote:Used tie rips to tie my collegue to his chair.
Because he said I wouldnt do it.Huh...
So...*Digs through his stuff for 'bondage 101', some rope, a gag-ball and some lube*
"You clearly wouldn't dare…"
*Translated from gag-speak*
"Can I do you (bondage-wise) afterwards Mistress Woran?..."
*Gives Woran big wet puppy-eyes*
please God tell you had an accent when you said that last part.

Tacticslion |

Aren't the Hounds of Tindalos the ones that police time? I may be misremembering.
Sort of? But they are also stupid, weird about right angles, and, most importantly, chaotic evil. So they’re mostly in it because they fin you interesting and want to hunt.
Bythos are at least neutral, but that only means they aren’t actively malicious. Instead, they are part of an entirely inscrutable neutral (neither good nor evil) Overmind (who they serve with no real higher understanding than our nervous individual neurons in our nervous system have beyond the impulse that passes through them) that behaves for no discernible reason in exceedingly particular ways, and is entirely unable to be contacted to comment on said behavior. They don’t particularly want to tear this planet apart for no good reason, but it was told to do so, so it’s gotta be something wrong with all of them due to time travel! (The inhabitants are also unsure why.)
At least the insvitables will tell you crimes-apparent you committed.
(There are also other creatures that live in the demiplane of time - the ivrii, or something? (Or maybe I’m just confusing their name with my Judaism-equivalent Ivri in my home game... anyway, I just found them recently) - who also police time, but their criteria, while still odd, at least has more of a semblance of reason to it.)

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

That's not relevant. Sure, you're completely right, but it's not relevant.
** spoiler omitted **...
So, while we might be the most-taxed state in the union, at least we have powerful rabid anti-tax organizations for that kind of nonsense.
California tried essentially the same thing and the lawsuits were blindingly, obliteratingly fast.
So we still have the, "Please pay the sales tax on all your online purchases," approach, with a very strong, "And we will nail you to the wall if we ever audit you and find that you haven't been doing so," underlying message.
Fortunately, Amazon charges California sales tax, so if I stick with Amazon Prime items, I'm just fine.

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Just a Mort wrote:Freehold DM wrote:What is a century?Just a Mort wrote:Got my free train ticket for 20 squatsThat's it.
I am doing my centuries again.
when I was young and beautiful, I used to do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 trunk raises, and 100 squats a day, along with a large number of leg raises(I was working to 100 but that was VERY painful). This was on top of my martial arts exercises every day.
I don't think I can do EVERYTHING, but I think I can work my way into a semblance of shape.
Oh..I see. By the way guys, I can't do 100 Push-ups. Trying to do 5 guys style push ups is as far as I can go >< My upper body strength is meh.
I split 40 leg raises into 20 leg raises-20 squats-20 leg raises.
Squat challenge is only until 17th April, I actually decided to go slightly out of the way to see if I could do it or not.
Then of course, asked the booth owner to take a video of everything so I could post it in all the fitness groups I was in as an inspiration to others, to show its possible to complete it.
Otherwise bragging that you can do it(words are cheap) doesn't mean anything. I did prove it though. And after the first round I asked if I could do another 20 for another train ticket but answer was no =(

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Kjeldorn wrote:Hush. Its impolite to speak with your mouth full. Looks like I have to teach you some manners.
Woran wrote:Kjeldorn wrote:Sit down. I promise this wont hurt.Woran wrote:Used tie rips to tie my collegue to his chair.
Because he said I wouldnt do it.Huh...
So...*Digs through his stuff for 'bondage 101', some rope, a gag-ball and some lube*
"You clearly wouldn't dare…"
*Translated from gag-speak*
"Can I do you (bondage-wise) afterwards Mistress Woran?..."
*Gives Woran big wet puppy-eyes*
*Does not know to laugh or to cry*