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NobodysHome wrote:

It's amazing/depressing how one clueless kid can so utterly compromise your online identity.

GothBard was horrified when she Googled herself and found her name, birthday, age, and other personal information on the execrable site, which should really be named

Since she NEVER shares personal information like that, I checked for myself, and found the culprit: It had my parents' address (where I lived from 2008-2013), my real name, birthday, income, etc. But most importantly, among my "friends and associates" it listed my immediate family members... and my neighbor's then-teenage daughter.

So it's pretty obvious SHE put in all our information to one of her social media sites and a bot scooped it up and now all our personal information is available for all the world to see.

Thanks, dingbat!

It's SO bothersome that one clueless person can so compromise your identity. Just teaches us never to tell ANYONE any real information about ourselves. *SIGH*.

Hey, compromised McGee, you should totally yell at me for bad math in my thread I posted. XD

Drejk already did an awesome job of pointing out that my internal size-emometer is probably wrong! Thanks, Drejk, you're rockin', my dude!

EDIT: My size-emometer and I are totally clothed! *yoink*

E2: this is my probably-tone-deaf version of, "I'm sorry, my dude, that super-sucks; here's a maybe-fun distraction?"

E3: also, I have never Googled myself. Never wanted to. I don't want my name so heavily involved on it's search engine. That said, my name was looked for, once, like, several years ago, to pretty entertaining results.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone! Drowning my Convention disappointment for this year in a tub of ice cream.

Yum! What kind?

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This is why noone knows anything about me in my online lives save for when I decide to share phone numbers with them. That's it.

Grand Lodge

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My online life and my offline life stopped being different a long time ago. There is just my life now.

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Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone! Drowning my Convention disappointment for this year in a tub of ice cream.
Yum! What kind?

Breyer's Vanilla.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

It's amazing/depressing how one clueless kid can so utterly compromise your online identity.

GothBard was horrified when she Googled herself and found her name, birthday, age, and other personal information on the execrable site, which should really be named

Since she NEVER shares personal information like that, I checked for myself, and found the culprit: It had my parents' address (where I lived from 2008-2013), my real name, birthday, income, etc. But most importantly, among my "friends and associates" it listed my immediate family members... and my neighbor's then-teenage daughter.

Interesting. I can't enter the website. Could it be blocked in EU (where such activity might be borderline illegal). It doesn't show anything, it just keep showing loading circle...

EDIT: After a few minutes it gave up and noted it can't connect.

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Tacticslion wrote:
E3: also, I have never Googled myself. Never wanted to. I don't want my name so heavily involved on it's search engine. That said, my name was looked for, once, like, several years ago, to pretty entertaining results.

I have gooogled myself a few time. I found around twelve facebook accounts that share my name and my surname, seven of which in the same city.

One of them was some kind of poet so we both are published creators.

Another was a Catholic priest, though living in another city.

While my name might be popular here (and scarcely showing anywhere else except for Czech Republic and Slovakia), the surname I would not think of as popular.

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According to Google I'm either a diamond mine executive with Debeer's or a GI stationed in San Diego with a weakness for taking pictures of his tattoos and drinking beer.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone! Drowning my Convention disappointment for this year in a tub of ice cream.
Yum! What kind?
Breyer's Vanilla.

thats... kinda anticlimactic.

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I'm either a dancer/choreographer or a rap artist.

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But yeah, I'm not surprised is blocked in Europe; I've been putting in random names and it's terrifying how much information it's handing out with no authentication at all.

Considering both GothBard and I work in industries where age discrimination is a major thing, finding out that you can go there and get anyone's age is rather disturbing.

So yes, the address and phone number are wrong, but the birth date and real name are correct, and that's an issue.

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Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone! Drowning my Convention disappointment for this year in a tub of ice cream.
Yum! What kind?
Breyer's Vanilla.
thats... kinda anticlimactic.

Yeah, rocky road would be poetic.

Tho personally, not something I'd ever go for.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
This is why noone knows anything about me in my online lives save for when I decide to share phone numbers with them. That's it.

Er, that would be fine except that this was our physical neighbor. Quite literally the "girl next door" got all our information from her parents and added us as contacts to some social media site or another, and now all of us are there for all the world to see.

So it's more, "Never share your personal information with anyone who uses social media."

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You want to know everything about someone, shovel snow with them for 18 hours, they'll tell you EVERYTHING.

Edit: And it's not like I ask them, they just volunteer it, for no reason at all. The General thinks it's because I look like Jesus and I don't talk a lot (the same thing happens when I ride the bus a lot).

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Tacticslion wrote:

For those of you that lack the physical media, but want to look at stuff anyway...


** spoiler omitted **

Spoilers, naturally.

I took your maps and threw them into my picture editing tool: Drezen is approximately 9 Citadel Drezens wide and slightly under 5 Citadel Drezens high.

The Citadel Drezen map shows the citadel to be around 75 squares wide and 95 squares tall.

So city width = 9x5x75 = 3375 feet, or 0.64 miles.
City height = 5x5x95 = 2375 feet, or 0.45 miles.

That's roughly 1/4 the size of Albany, which in modern times houses 20,000 people. Since we're a city of almost exclusively single-family dwellings, seems like population density shouldn't be THAT much lower in Drezen, so I'd guess a "proper" population for a city with that area would be around 3,000.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone! Drowning my Convention disappointment for this year in a tub of ice cream.
Yum! What kind?
Breyer's Vanilla.
thats... kinda anticlimactic.

It was all the store had then.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aaaaand... of course.

Got a flyer posted on our door today: "Your street will be shut down the week of April 1 for sewer work."

Got a call from the roofer today: "We're ready to get started on Monday."

Telling my roofer that they can't start work because the city decided to shut down my street was... annoying to say the least...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Nope, Michonne isn't gonna like that.

It turns out she in fact did NOT like that.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone! Drowning my Convention disappointment for this year in a tub of ice cream.
Yum! What kind?
Breyer's Vanilla.
thats... kinda anticlimactic.

Yeah, rocky road would be poetic.

Tho personally, not something I'd ever go for.

*likes rocky Road ice cream*

Uh well, I eat anything.

The Exchange

8 people marked this as a favorite.

All dressed up!

John Napier 698 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone! Drowning my Convention disappointment for this year in a tub of ice cream.
Yum! What kind?
Breyer's Vanilla.
thats... kinda anticlimactic.
It was all the store had then.

Sounds fantastic to me!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm either Head Designer in H&M, or an Accounts Assistant.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

It's amazing/depressing how one clueless kid can so utterly compromise your online identity.

GothBard was horrified when she Googled herself and found her name, birthday, age, and other personal information on the execrable site, which should really be named

Since she NEVER shares personal information like that, I checked for myself, and found the culprit: It had my parents' address (where I lived from 2008-2013), my real name, birthday, income, etc. But most importantly, among my "friends and associates" it listed my immediate family members... and my neighbor's then-teenage daughter.

Interesting. I can't enter the website. Could it be blocked in EU (where such activity might be borderline illegal). It doesn't show anything, it just keep showing loading circle...

EDIT: After a few minutes it gave up and noted it can't connect.

It loaded just fine for me, but it can't find any results for my name. Considering you have to search by City, State, or Zip Code, I don't think it works outside the US.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The General and the kids are watching the newest Harry Potter (sans Potter) flick.

I can't stand the franchise so the dog and I are chilling in the bedroom.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


The new expansion for Grim Dawn!


Crap. I don't have enough money on my PayPal...

New month soon, though, together with some Patreon donations...

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Clocking out. Good night, everyone.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I dunno, on a random note I'm not sure how other people find marriage but for me it was a lot of work. Some part of me wants to keep my current life of just messing around and playing video games and D&D going instead of taking on the delicate balance of a marriage again.

I gave marriage that old college try before and it didn't take despite herculean efforts to keep it going.

Plus, as my GF pointed out when you live separately it keeps much of the excitement going of seeing the other person, instead of that causal malaise that sets in when you live together and share space for a long time.

I believe in love but I'm not sure, if I'm being honest, if romantic relationships are really meant to last a life time. Though friendship seems like a life time thing.

I dunno, what do you guys think?

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When I was talking to my GF earlier we talked about just riding the high of love until the heart pounding excitement of seeing the other person wears off and the sex starts to become routine then just being BFFs for the rest of our lives.

Maybe it's my religious back ground that makes me feel guilty about it but is that plan really such a bad thing?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I wouldn't feel guilty if I were you. Would it surprise you if I told you I don't believe in true love? Rather expect that the best you can get is someone you can spend a lifetime with...

Again people have ever commented that I appear to be quite cold and unfeeling.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I got robbed by five guys last night.

They charged me $8 for a f%~!ing hamburger.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

A truck full of Vapo-Rub crashed on the highway today. There was no congestion for 8 hours.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
A truck full of Vapo-Rub crashed on the highway today. There was no congestion for 8 hours.

Good one, Gran. Though I didn't think that many people were that afraid of vapo-rub.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I was on a plane the other day. Before take-off, the pilot came on the PA and said "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. AND THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SHOUTING!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I was offered a tempting position at a vegan restaurant, but turned it down when I noticed that they were offering an annual celery.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
All dressed up!

somehow I like this better than the other one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

The General and the kids are watching the newest Harry Potter (sans Potter) flick.

I can't stand the franchise so the dog and I are chilling in the bedroom.

I always knew I loved you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

I wouldn't feel guilty if I were you. Would it surprise you if I told you I don't believe in true love? Rather expect that the best you can get is someone you can spend a lifetime with...

Again people have ever commented that I appear to be quite cold and unfeeling.

People are saying that of cats all the time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

I wouldn't feel guilty if I were you. Would it surprise you if I told you I don't believe in true love? Rather expect that the best you can get is someone you can spend a lifetime with...

Again people have ever commented that I appear to be quite cold and unfeeling.

Nah, not cold and unfeeling. I believe in true love from the point of view of genuinely caring about someone, their well being, and enjoying their presence, in that sense I have true love with my ex-wife even, but from a romantic sense?

Honestly it seems like most of the married couples I know still together are bored and irritated with each other, always wishing their partner was better in some way, while only a tiny fraction really like each other and seem more like friends than anything.

I mean, if you straight up asked them I'm sure many would act like the romance is still fresh, cause, you know, saving face and all but that's not what it looks like from the outside.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

We've been married for almost 18 years, we're happier now then when we were first married. And the sex, my god, the sex is waaaay better now (thank god for European artsy porn, sexy grooming, and an eye for detail!).

The Exchange

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captain yesterday wrote:
We've been married for almost 18 years, we're happier now then when we were first married. And the sex, my god, the sex is waaaay better now (thank god for European artsy porn, sexy grooming, and an eye for detail!).

Then congratulations CY, I think you're the lucky few.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
We've been married for almost 18 years, we're happier now then when we were first married. And the sex, my god, the sex is waaaay better now (thank god for European artsy porn, sexy grooming, and an eye for detail!).

May I ask, what is your approach as a couple that led you to a happy marriage?

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We've been married for almost 18 years, we're happier now then when we were first married. And the sex, my god, the sex is waaaay better now (thank god for European artsy porn, sexy grooming, and an eye for detail!).
May I ask, what is your approach as a couple that led you to a happy marriage?

Relax, pick your battles, be open and honest, always say you love each other before you part, and always say you're sorry after a fight, it doesn't matter if you're right (spoiler alert, you both know you're right), and NEVER argue about the dishes.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We've been married for almost 18 years, we're happier now then when we were first married. And the sex, my god, the sex is waaaay better now (thank god for European artsy porn, sexy grooming, and an eye for detail!).
May I ask, what is your approach as a couple that led you to a happy marriage?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that whatever technique he (and I, in my own marriage) found for success are not going to guarantee that same sort of “success” for you. Tolstoy once said that happy families were all the same. He is wrong. Formula =/= “success.” What’s more, passionate “in love” romance is NOT the basis of a successful marriage. Love is. The passionate/romance is a nice bonus, it is not the marriage. Everyone goes through ups and downs, and it requires both people willing to make sacrifices and do things outside of their comfort zone, and a willingness to change, adapt, or transform their comfort zone - or maintain it - together to maintain, revive, or continue romantic interests.

Cap and his general (among other things) enjoyed porn together.
My wife and I enjoy romantic gaming, flirty texts, and as-frequent-as-possible physical engagements and pleasure (whether “explicit” encounters or simply things like massage or a scented bath). We find ways to build enjoyment, a sense of romance, and renew interests together. Baths aren’t a thing I cared about. Turns out she loves them. Now, I do to, because she loves them - and because I choose to.

These are the sorts of things that make marriages work, and they are the ways we have helped romance to do its thing; but it doesn’t work that way for everyone and that isn’t a bad thing.

The purpose of marriage is that loving care, that commitment, that sense of building a singular life out of two. Love, honor, cherish; sickness, health, poverty, wealth, etc. But, yeah, that takes work.

And it’s worth noting that the two too reasons couples split is sex and finances. These are not exhaustive, but they’re the two most major. That’s why it’s important to be honest with yourself and your future spouse about all sorts of things. Longer engagements are often rough, but it worked out well for us: we put our relationship through rather harsh fires prior to the wedding (and literally even then - my wife’s hair caught fire when I was feeding her cake... stupid candle in the AC), but with that experience we knew what we could get through together. It was a lot. We learned patience, endurance, and relationship maintenance.

We have a ton of little rituals we do to maintain and renew our vows and romance and whatnot. The rituals are immaterial. It is entirely built out of who we are and how we interface, not the specifics of our personal rituals.

You likely don’t feel the same way I do about various games, shows, films, and whatnot: why would you feel the same way I do about other things?

I am exceptionally conservative and would likely give you advice you’re already hearing in your head (albeit without trying to give you any sort of guilt; I might not be successful, though), and so I will refrain, here. Instead know that you are loved and you have to make your own life decisions. I can’t live your life - if I did, I wouldnt be me. You are prayed for.

captain yesterday wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We've been married for almost 18 years, we're happier now then when we were first married. And the sex, my god, the sex is waaaay better now (thank god for European artsy porn, sexy grooming, and an eye for detail!).
May I ask, what is your approach as a couple that led you to a happy marriage?
Relax, pick your battles, be open and honest, always say you love each other before you part, and always say you're sorry after a fight, it doesn't matter if you're right (spoiler alert, you both know you're right), and NEVER argue about the dishes.

Also this. :D

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captain yesterday wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We've been married for almost 18 years, we're happier now then when we were first married. And the sex, my god, the sex is waaaay better now (thank god for European artsy porn, sexy grooming, and an eye for detail!).
May I ask, what is your approach as a couple that led you to a happy marriage?
Relax, pick your battles, be open and honest, always say you love each other before you part, and always say you're sorry after a fight, it doesn't matter if you're right (spoiler alert, you both know you're right), and NEVER argue about the dishes.

Well that makes me feel a bit better, I did most of that right, except, you know, the whole dishes thing(please, I'll clean up after you, but can you not destroy the whole kitchen(and also the whole house) every day? I feel like all I do is clean!)

Also my ex-wife had a crippling addiction to spending money, and after we were married her parents stopped bailing her out, which is how she survived before. To be fair to her I knew about it when we got married but I thought we could work it out before she dug us a hole I'll never see an end of(well actually I did see the end of it after the divorce but still.)

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Thanks Tacticslion for the in depth explanation, I would actually like to hear the rest of your thoughts as well, if you are willing, even if they are religious based. I'm an atheist myself but I just go with what works, if God or whomever said something that clearly works I'm down for it.

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Also I agree passionate love is not the basis of a successful marriage but to me after that you are just friends so why marriage?

I understand the religious reasons but it doesn't seem to me that marriage adds all that much to the strength of a relationship when you can get the same things out of being lifelong buddies with the same strength of dedication to one another.

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Of course it occurs to me I may see friendship in a higher light than many people.

Scarab Sages

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MrT and I have been together for 8 years. We are not married. We do have a relationship contract.
Marriage here is a thing you do, if you want to. And for tax benefits. If you dont get married, no one is going to think less of you.
I find the idea that some cultures concider you a failure if you dont marry so weird.
I know people who have been together for 30 years, but never got married.

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Woran wrote:

MrT and I have been together for 8 years. We are not married. We do have a relationship contract.

Marriage here is a thing you do, if you want to. And for tax benefits. If you dont get married, no one is going to think less of you.
I find the idea that some cultures concider you a failure if you dont marry so weird.
I know people who have been together for 30 years, but never got married.

Round my parts marriage isn't super, super important but women tend to feel bad if they havn't gotten married by like 30.

So yeah, there is some societal pressure.

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