The Vagrant Erudite |

Yeah, I really liked the feel of the World of Darkness setting in general. I really like the modern supernatural genre; I would love a Dresden Files game, for example, but FATE isn't very popular (despite it being probably the best system I've played - the cooperative nature of the character and city generation combined with the story elements being built into the mechanics just makes for a great storytelling experience).
D20 just doesn't capture horror as well. When you're exactly the same at 2hp as you are at 94hp, the "on the edge of death" feel is not quite the same as it is with your death spiral health systems, where combat is straight out deadly.

gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los mono wrote:Limeylongears wrote:...
As I am neither Welsh nor Australian, I'm not sure I can.
South African?
I know I'll figure out your accent eventually.
Keep going!!!
Great-Grandpa Longears was in South Africa, but only while the Boer War was on. Grandpa Longears was nearby in WWII, but by the time he'd learned to fly bombers, that particular conflict was over. And that is the end of Longears hearing drums echo in the night, so far as I know.
French Canadian?

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We'll try it again on Tuesday. He's given me permission to kick him sorry arse to keep pace with me(sure, that is NOT a fast pace), but at least I won't have problems keeping a steady pace throughout.
Also this week's timing was atrocious, though it may have been attributed to energy conservation(since I knew I was running 2.4 km later). My time was 34 min 13 seconds.

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You know, they say if you put your body through under 1200 calories a day over the course of time that it slows down your overall metabolism, right?
That's why you only do it 3 days of the week so your metabolism doesn't get screwed. Which are the days I conveniently don't eat at home(since I'll tell everyone I'm catching gym classes - which is true), so no one knows all I'm having for lunch is an apple and a pear, and I'm not bothering with dinner.

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Just a Mort wrote:I'm sort of fasting 3 days a week, but I never got to the point of living on 190 calories per day. Again, how do you do that,It's really quite simple: The local supermarket sells pre-packaged frozen meals that run 170-190 calories. So I have black coffee for breakfast, water for a mid-morning snack, water for an early afternoon snack, the frozen meal in the late afternoon, and then water for dinner.
No prepackaged meals like that here so I've been living on eggs, unsweetened soy milk and fresh milk and fruits down here.
Should I have to eat normally or indulge, I try to insert a Billy Blanks Tae Bo workout somewhere in the day. I figure that burning 500 calories or so should fix most indulgences.

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Whew I about lost my temper. I had a quest complaining about the people in the room next to them. I go up to check it out and sure enough I can hear them from the hall way carrying on. I knock on the door for a good 2 minutes for they finally answer. Hmm if they would of said one word to argue with me they would of been out of here. Who the heck is drinking and yelling in a hotel room at 6 in the morning.

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Whew I about lost my temper. I had a quest complaining about the people in the room next to them. I go up to check it out and sure enough I can hear them from the hall way carrying on. I knock on the door for a good 2 minutes for they finally answer. Hmm if they would of said one word to argue with me they would of been out of here. Who the heck is drinking and yelling in a hotel room at 6 in the morning.
I'm betting they're probably drunk out of their @sses. Too drunk to know what they're doing. I've ever caught myself singing under the influence of alcohol.

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Confessions, I didn't really run 2.4km after that. Well, I was prepared to, but my BF ran out of steam after 600m >< We pretty much walked the rest of the distance.
Though I sort of saw that coming that's why I went for my run this morning. I mean, be serious. He's been sitting around like a couch potato. Did he really think he'd be able to zip the full 2.4 km without prior training? To his credit, he tried and actually set a fair decent pace for the 600m(after I already ran 5km, I would be hard pressed to keep it up if it was for much more then that), then admitted he was out of condition and overestimated his stamina.

lisamarlene |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

I need to vent about Eve now. I'm going to spoiler it for those of you who don't want to deal with me ranting about family s**t over the holidays.
As a result, she's had trouble sustaining a job or a relationship for most of her life and has had difficulty with alcohol and a variety of pills. She's been in and out of rehab for addition.
So she and her daughter live with my mom rent-free, because every time she tries to live on her own and hold a job, she ends up back with Mom in less than a year and Mom ends up paying for the experiment.
But Mom is a depressed, lonely widow caring for her 96-year-old mother who needs daily attention. She *needs* Eve and the baby for emotional reasons.
So Eve makes all the rules and all the decisions in the house, and if she doesn't like anything, she starts talking about leaving and moving to Alaska, and Mom freaks out and bends over backwards.
And whenever we visit, we tread on eggshells to avoid pissing her off, and I spend half the visit hiding in my bedroom so I don't accidentally put a foot wrong.
But we can't afford to visit without staying with them, and my mom wants to be able to see Hermione and Val, and I want to see her, and Eve, and my niece, and my grandmother.
So it sucks.
At least with the baby, she's always sober now, so we don't have to deal with a very angry, unstable drunk.
And she's turned out to be an excellent mother.
But I am so damned tired of her s**t.
If you actually read all of this, or even skimmed it, THANK YOU.
It really matters to me that you took the time to listen.
Love you guys.

Limeylongears |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Limeylongears wrote:French Canadian?gran rey de los mono wrote:Limeylongears wrote:...
As I am neither Welsh nor Australian, I'm not sure I can.
South African?
I know I'll figure out your accent eventually.
Keep going!!!
Great-Grandpa Longears was in South Africa, but only while the Boer War was on. Grandpa Longears was nearby in WWII, but by the time he'd learned to fly bombers, that particular conflict was over. And that is the end of Longears hearing drums echo in the night, so far as I know.
I'll put you out of your misery.
My actual name is Lymatekatevan Longeshetamyrat, and I am a proud son of the most noble nation of Armenia.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:ORIGINAL WORLD OF DARKNESS FOREVER!!! HOPE TO GET HUNTER 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION IN 2019!Oh me too. I really hope so. I always said that if the hunter edges where better hunter would of been one of my favorites. That and the heroic mortal options that where in one of the books.
I liked the edges as they were, but some individual ones did need help. I truly fell in love with the fact that this was the story of people in the wod- people like you and me but knew less than you and me. The slow reveal of horrors, like what one of pentex' many subsidiaries- that employs more than half the town- are actually doing, what the life of that skinny, inbred looking family living on the literal wrong side of the tracks that is actually kinfolk of black spiral dancers is actually like, what that sweet old woman who lives on the 5th floor(and seems to have been there forever...) who is actually a ghoul and would like very much to keep living, not that it is any of your business what she does in her employer's private life...
Love that stuff.

The Vagrant Erudite |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I need to vent about Eve now. I'm going to spoiler it for those of you who don't want to deal with me ranting about family s**t over the holidays.
** spoiler omitted **
Oh wow, LM. That really sucks. The worst part about it is you want to get mad at her, in defense of your mom, but I also kind of understand the situation Eve's in, and...it doesn't excuse that attitude, but...it's just it would be much easier if it were black and white. Condolences.

Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism |

gran rey de los mono wrote:Limeylongears wrote:French Canadian?gran rey de los mono wrote:Limeylongears wrote:...
As I am neither Welsh nor Australian, I'm not sure I can.
South African?
I know I'll figure out your accent eventually.
Keep going!!!
Great-Grandpa Longears was in South Africa, but only while the Boer War was on. Grandpa Longears was nearby in WWII, but by the time he'd learned to fly bombers, that particular conflict was over. And that is the end of Longears hearing drums echo in the night, so far as I know.
I'll put you out of your misery.
My actual name is Lymatekatevan Longeshetamyrat, and I am a proud son of the most noble nation of Armenia.
So, you're from Saskatchewan then?

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I need to vent about Eve now. I'm going to spoiler it for those of you who don't want to deal with me ranting about family s**t over the holidays.
** spoiler omitted **
We all have f%*+ed up family, I personally can't stay overnight at any of my brother's places, so don't worry about it, vent away!